quick FormCollection question ASP.NET MVC2 - asp.net-mvc

I have a simple object
public class SomeObject
public Int32 id { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
In a strongly typed view I am letting the user edit SomeObject.name, when the form is posted the receiving method doesn't see SomeObject.id in FormCollection (it does see SomeObject.name). Do I need to actually place every object property in the form to be able to access them when form is posted?
What's the best practice, should I just insert hidden fields for each property I don't plan letting the user edit? maybe I should place the entire object in the ViewData?

FormCollection contains only properties that have been posted either through text fields or hidden fields. So if you need to use the Id property in your controller action you need to include it in your form. Depending on what you are doing in your controller action you might or might not include it. It is not necessary to include hidden fields for each property.
Usually the Id is sufficient because it allows you to later retrieve the object from your data store given this id.

What does your action method look like to which you are posting the form? If your method to handle the GET requests takes id, if your POST method also takes id and you are using the BeginForm helper method with none of the parameters overloaded, the form method will take the id as a parameter and you won't need to worry about including hidden fields for the id itself.


ModelState: Validate only the properties that are inside the form

I have a User class with multiple string properties, all of them required. The properties are used for different actions, like Create and Update.
In my form, on create action, i am using only a part of these properties, and, because of this, the ModelState is invalid.
Is there a way to specify to the ModelState that it should validate only the properties that are included in the POST data (inside the form) ? So the missing properties are ignored?
You can create different models for user creation and other actions with different sets of validation attributes.
Yea, you should create different view models for each specific action method ( if they have specific requirements ).
You can use the RequiredIf attribute from Foolproof to achieve this:
using Foolproof;
[RequiredIf("Tab", "Information")]
public bool UW_AgentCreditReportsAknowlegement { get; set; }
Just use one of the attributes and set the appropriate condition.

Adding a Parent's ID to hidden field

I'm struggling, a bit, with MVC / Razor / Entity Framework.
I need to create an object which references a parent object. I have a field in my model, called ParentID, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to populate it with the parent's ID.
I'm thinking I need a hidden-field in my view, and then maybe place the ParentID in the ViewBag, and point that ViewBag property to the hidden field, but I can't seem to get that to work.
Something like this, was my assumption:
#Html.Hidden("BladeID", ViewBag.ParentBlade)
I'm not sure I've explained myself very well, so please ask away, and I'll expand.
Also, I'm not sure I'm doing this the correct way. This is all very new to me, coming from webforms.
If the ParentID is already in the model, why not populate the hidden field directly from there?
#Html.Hidden("BladeID", Model.ParentID)
If you really want to populate it from the ViewBag you'll have tot cast it back to int (assuming that's the type of ParentID), because the ViewBag is of type dynamic:
#Html.Hidden("BladeID", (int)ViewBag.ParentBlade)
UPDATE based on comments
If your view depends on two (or more) separate model classes you can always opt for creating custom a view model for that view, something like:
public class ParentChildViewModel
public Blade Parent { get; set; }
public Blade Child { get; set; }
and then use that class as the model in your view:
#model ParentChildViewModel
// more view code here
#Html.Hidden("BladeID", Model.Child.ParentID)
That said, there is, in my opinion, nothing wrong in using the ViewBag in this case, particularly if all you need is one property.

Prevent user from editing related records

I have a Note domain object which belongs to a Document object. Only an owner of a Document can add Notes so in the Document class there is a canUserAccess() method. In my service layer I can call canUserAccess() to ensure a user only adds Notes to Documents they own.
This works well for create but I have hit a problem with my Note edit action. On post, the viewmodel is mapped to a Note object, providing it with a DocumentID. Problem is, a malicious user could send in a DocumentID on which they do have permission and thus edit a Note belonging to a Document they don't. In my service layer I cannot reliably use the supplied DocumentID yet I need to get the related DocumentID in order to verify that the user can edit the Note. This is an example:
public void editNote(Note note)
note.Document = documentRepository.Find(note.DocumentID);
How do I get around this? It seems I need to avoid passing the DocumentID with the edit viewmodel but how do I hydrate the related Document in the service layer? There is probably a really simple solution to this and I am just tying myself up in circles!
You do this with BindAtrribute for the model or for the action method by adding a white list with the properties you want to be bound :
for the model
public Model{}
for the action method
public ViewResult Edit([Bind(Include="NoteText,NoteTitle"]Note note)){}
or use a black list for the properties you don't want to bind :
public Model{}
I would personally use white list with the model class. You might find this article interesting. The last section for under-posting is your case.
Then you don't have the documentID passed, but in your action you can do this:
public ViewResult Edit(Note note)
Note updateNote = nodesRep.Get(note.noteID);
//replace the values of the updateNote
//you can place this line in your base Repository class
context.Entry<Note>(updateNote).CurrentValues.SetValues(note); //I assume EF 4.1

Postback values getting lost!

I have a controller with typical create methods (one for GET, one for POST). the POST takes a strongly-typed parameter:
[HttpPost] public ActionResult Create(Quiz entity)
however, when the callback is made, the properties of my entity are null... if I redefine it like this:
[HttpPost] public ActionResult Create(Quiz entity, FormCollection form)
I can see that the values are there e.g. form["Component"] contains "1". I've not had this problem in the past and I can't figure out why this class would be different.
thoughts anyone?
The easiest way to get the default model binder to instantiate Quiz for you on postback is to use the Html form helpers in you view. So, for example, if your Quiz class looked like this:
public class Quiz
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
The following code in your view would ensure the values are present on postback:
#Html.HiddenFor(mod => mod.Id)
#Html.TextBoxFor(mod => mod.Name)
Keep in mind that values which need to be posted back but not shown in the view (like identifiers) need to be added to the view with Html.HiddenFor.
Here's a more comprehensive list of Html form helper functions.
so, in my model (see comments on #ataddeini's thread below) you can see I have a Component... to represent components I used a couple of listboxes, the second (Components) dependent on the contents of the first (Products). In generating the second list I used
#Html.DropDownListFor(x => x.Component, ...)
which (as shown in one of the above links) generates a form field called "Component"... and therein lies the problem. What I needed to have done is bind it to the the Id of the component instead!
#Html.DropDowListFor(x => x.Component.Id, ...)

Storing state in asp.net MVC

I'm building an asp.net MVC 2 app.
I have a list view which lists items based on a parameter. In the database I have a parent and child table, so my list view lists all the child records for where the parent's id matches the value specified in the parameter.
This is my controller and model:
public ActionResult List(int ParentID)
return View(new Models.ChildListModel(ParentID));
public class ChildListModel
public int ParentID {get;set;}
public ManagementUserListModel(int iParentID)
this.ParentID = iParentID;
this.Children = DataAccessLayer.ListChildrenForParent(iParentID);
public List<Child> Children {get;set;}
I also have a details and create action for that controller. The details and create view have a "back to list" action, which I want to go back to the list view, and maintain the original ParentID. So far I've been doing this by creating a hidden field called ParentID in the list, edit, create and details views, so that the model's ParentID property will get populated correctly:
<%= Html.HiddenFor(model => model.ParentID) %>
Then in the "Back to List" action in each view I pass the ParentID:
<%=Html.ActionLink("Back to List", "List", new {ParentID = Model.ParentID}) %>
This all works, but I'm not a big fan of storing raw IDs in the html. Are there any better ways to do this? Is there some built in way to encrypt the data (kind of like the standard asp.net viewstate did?) I'm just trying to achieve some sort of tamper resistance, and trying to avoid using session state (TempData, etc) because I don't want to have to handle session timeouts.
You may take a look at this article. You could use the new Html.Serialize extension method in your view which allows you to serialize entire objects and encrypt it:
<%= Html.Serialize("person", Model, SerializationMode.Encrypted) %>
Which serializes the Model into a hidden field and encrypts the value. To get the model back you use the DeserializeAttribute in the controller action to which the form is submitted:
public ActionResult Edit([Deserialize]Person person) { }
Another way to do this that doesn't expose the id and also doesn't add to the weight of the subsequent form post (like Webform's ViewState does and Html.Serialize would) is to use the session as the backing store inside your Model class.
public class ChildListModel
public int ParentID {
return (int)HttpContext.Current.Session["ChildListModel.ParentID"];
HttpContext.Current.Session["ChildListModel.ParentID"] = value;
public ManagementUserListModel(int iParentID)
this.ParentID = iParentID;
this.Children = DataAccessLayer.ListChildrenForParent(iParentID);
public List<Child> Children {get;set;}
If you like, you could even store the entire Parent object in your model that way instead of just it's ID - that would add to the session size on the server which may or may not be desirable (depending on how long your session lasts and whether it is set to be stored in memory or in sql server, etc.)
The easiest way would be to keep the parentid in the URL. It will look a bit strange for the Create Action but I still think that this the less troublesome way.
If you keep state, you will alwas have the problem that you can not hit F5 and you can not bookmark the page.
The backlink is a simple ActionLink in this case.
Urls would be:
