NCover 1.5.8 / NCoverExplorer manual exclusions are very flaky - code-coverage

I haven't yet installed my license of NCover 3, and am still running 1.5.8 on my build server. I am trying to exclude full assemblies and specific classes that I don't want included in the report, because they are artificially lowering the coverage results.
In NCoverExplorer, I was playing around with the options because there is a coverage exclusions section in the Options tab where you can specify full namespaces. I've entered the fully qualified classes, and for some reason, only a handful of them get excluded, and I cannot figure out why. For example, when I add System.ComponentModel.Composition to the list, it never gets excluded!
Is this just a bug in 1.5.8 that I have to live with for now, since it is a beta and also no longer supported? Although I do have a new license for the server, I'd like to be able to do some coverage at home on my personal computer.
I found a really great article on using a CoverageExcludeAttribute to make NCover automatically skip those classes / methods that are marked with this attribute. Is this the best option?

Did you try using regular expressions to include/exclude the assemblies -
//ias AuctionSniper([.\w]*?)(?<!Tests)
includes all assemblies that begin with AuctionSniper but don't end with Tests e.g. AuctionSniper.Main.exe
You can specify multiple patterns separated by semicolons.
or //ias .*vendorsupplied.*;.*tests
This works with NCover 3 - you can give it a try if it works for the free/community edition.

One way to get part way there is to also use the "assemblies to include in coverage" option. This allowed me to ignore System.ComponentModel.Composition. However, exlcuding most of the other classes and namespaces still doesn't work. It's a little odd how when I exclude an entire class, it only excludes the methods, but not any of the contained classes.


Built-in code analysers vs NuGet packages

Having just switched to VS2019 I’m exploring whether to use code analysis. In the project properties, “code analysis” tab, there are numerous built-in Microsoft rule sets, and I can see the editor squiggles when my code violates one of these rules. I can customise these rule sets and “save as” to create my own.
I have also seen code analyser NuGet packages such as “Roslynator” and “StyleCop.Analyzers”. What’s the difference between these and the built-in MS rules? Is it really just down to more comprehensive sets of rules/more choice?
If I wanted to stick with the built-in MS rules, are there any limitations? E.g. will they still get run and be reported on during a TFS/Azure DevOps build?
What's the difference between legacy FxCop and FxCop analyzers?
Legacy FxCop runs post-build analysis on a compiled assembly. It runs as a separate executable called FxCopCmd.exe. FxCopCmd.exe loads the compiled assembly, runs code analysis, and then reports the results (or diagnostics).
FxCop analyzers are based on the .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn"). You install them as a NuGet package that's referenced by the project or solution. FxCop analyzers run source-code based analysis during compiler execution. FxCop analyzers are hosted within the compiler process, either csc.exe or vbc.exe, and run analysis when the project is built. Analyzer results are reported along with compiler results.
You can also install FxCop analyzers as a Visual Studio extension. In this case, the analyzers execute as you type in the code editor, but they don't execute at build time. If you want to run FxCop analyzers as part of continuous integration (CI), install them as a NuGet package instead.
So, the built-in legacy FxCop and NuGet analyzers only run at build time while the extension analyzers can run at the same time the JIT compiler does as you type. Also, you have to specifically say to run legacy code analysis on build, whereas the NuGet analyzers will run on build just because they are installed. And analyzers installed as NuGet or extensions won't run when you go to the menu option "Run Code Analysis".
At least, that's what I get out of that page.
There's a link near the bottom of that page that takes you to what code analysis rules have moved over to the new analyzers, including rules that are now deprecated.
The different analyzers attempt to cover different coding styles and things Microsoft didn't cover when they built FxCop. With the little research I just did on this, there's a whole rabbit hole to follow, Alice, that would take more time than I have right now to devote to it. And it seems to be filled with lots of arcane knowledge and OCD style code nitpicks that make Wonderland seem normal. But that's just my opinion.
There's lots of personal and professional opinion about various rules in these and basic Microsoft rules, so there's plenty of room to use what you want and disable what you don't. For a beginner, I'd suggest turning on only a few rules at a time. That way you aren't inundated with more warnings and errors than lines of code you might have. Ok, so that might be a bit of an exaggeration, but there's so many rules that really are nitpicks, especially on legacy code, that they aren't really worth it to have enabled, since you likely won't have time to fix it all. You will also want to do basic research and use "common sense" when you decide what to enable. ("Do I really need to worry about variable capitalization coding style consistency on an app that's been ported into 4 different languages over 15+ years and has 10k files?") This is both personal and professional opinion here, so follow it or not.
And don't forget the rules that contradict each other. Those are fun to deal with.......

How to identify what projects have been affected by a code change

I have a large application to manage consisting of of three or four executables and as many as fifty .dlls. Many of the source code files are shared across many of the projects.
The problem is a familiar one to many of us - if I change some source code I want to be able to identify which of the binaries will change and, therefore, what it is appropriate to retest.
A simple approach would be simply to compare file sizes. That is an 80% acceptable solution, but there is at least a theoretical possibility of missing something. Secondly, it gives me very little indication as to WHAT has changed; It would be ideal to get some form of report on this so I can then filter out irrelevant (e.g. dates/versions copyrights etc..)
On the plus side :
all my .dcus are in a row - I mean they are all built into a single folder
the build is controlled by a script (.bat)(easy, for example, to emit .obj files if that helps)
svn makes it easy to collect together any (two) revisions for comparison
On the minus side
There is no policy to include all used units in all projects; some units get included because they are on a search path.
Just knowing that a changed unit is used/compiled by a project is not sufficient proof that the binary is affected.
Before I begin writing some code to solve the problem I would like to ask the panel what suggestions they might have as to how to approach this.
The rules of StackOverflow forbid me to ask for recommended software, but if anyone has any positive experiences of continuous integration tools that would help - great
I am open to any suggestion or observation that is relevant in this context.
It seems to me that your question boils down to knowing which units are contained in your various executables. Since you are using search paths, it will be hard for you to work this out ahead of time. The most robust way to find out is to consult the .map file that the compiler emits. This contains a list of all units contained in your executable.
Once you know which units are contained in each executable, you need to know whether or not anything has changed in those units. That information is contained in your revision control system. Put this all together and you have the information that you need.
Of course, just because the source code for a unit has changed, you might argue that re-testing is not needed. Perhaps the only change made was the version, or the date in a copyright label or some such. But it is asking too much to be able to ask a computer to make such a judgement. At some point you need a human to step up and take responsibility.
What is odd about this though is that you are asking the question at all. It seems to me to be enormously risky to attempt partial testing. I cannot understand why you don't simply retest the entire product.
After using it for > 10 years for commercial in-house and freelancer work in large projects, I can recommend to try Apache Ant. It is a build tool which supports dependencies, and has many very helpful features.
Apache Ant also integrates nicely with CI tools such as Hudson/Jenkins, Bamboo etc.
Another suggestion - based on experience with Maven - is to design the general software architecture as modular as possible. If modules (single or multiple source or DCU files in one directory) use a version number in the directory name as a version number, it is possible to control exactly how application are composed from these modules.
If you want to program such a tool yourself the approach would be something like this:
First you need to detect wheter there were any changes made to seperate source files. As you already figured out comparing the file size is bad idea as the file size can stay the same despite lots of changes made to it (as long as there is same amount of text in pas file its size won't change). So instead you could check the last modification time for specific file or create some hash value like MD5 hash for comparison (can be quite slow).
Then you need to generate yourself a dependancy tree which will tell you which files are used for which project/subproject.
Finally based on changes detected in seperate files you check the dependancy tree to see which projects needs to be recompiled.
The problem of such approach is that you would probably have to update the dependancy tree manually each time when new unit is added to the project or an existing one is removed from the project.
But the best way would be to go and use some version controll software istead of reinventing the wheel. I myself like the way how GIT works and I belive that with proper implementation of GIT into the project mannager itself could be quite powerfull do to GIT support of branching/subbranching (each project is its own branch, each version of your software can be its own subbranch).
Now latest version of Delphi does have GIT integration done though SVN but this unfortunately limits some of best GIT functionality. So if you maybe decide to go and integrate GIT support directly into Delphi I'm first in line to use it.

How should I maintain JDK7 projects, so that they automatically could be downgraded for JDK6?

I have few own APIs with around 2000 classes overall. Some of them use the new Path API from JDK7. Most other classes, however, do not rely on any new JDK APIs or new language features. So most classes could be used in a JDK6 environment (which I plan to do). Let's assume, I've annotated all JDK7-only classes with #Java7Only.
What I need now, is a way to create a JDK6-only subset of all my projects more-or-less automatically, without introducing new version branching or product lines (would be too complicated to maintain).
All projects are created using Netbeans, thus using Ant. Many projects depend on others.
Please help me evaluate, which ideas according to my problem is most appropriate. Which problems could occur with each idea?
Common first step for all ideas
Let an annotation processor search for #Java7Only-annotated classes and store the list to a properties file.
Idea 1 (specific)
Write a tool which would use the properties file to recursively copy the whole project, except JDK7-only files.
Build the copied project using JDK6 by invoking ant, thus getting a JDK6-compliant jar.
Idea 2 (specific)
Write a second annotation processor which would use the properties file to pass everything except JDK7-only files to a JavaCompiler instance.
Either build a jar using Java APIs or use Ant API for that.
(This would be a Java-only idea, but probably too complicated)
Idea X (abstract)
Somehow influence the Ant build process (by overwriting some targets?) and for each JDK6-compliant class: let Ant compile two versions of it (one time with JDK6 compiler, another time with JDK7 compiler).
(JDK7-only classes would be compiled only once, using the JDK7 compiler, of course)
Package each bunch to a separate jar.
Possible common problems to the ideas
Some projects dependent on others, so some actions (such as packaging) should consider this.
Remember: the JDK7 compiler generates downward incompatible class files, that's why every possible idea has to happen on sources-level (before or during the build process, not afterwards).
My thoughts on Idea 2:
Essentially this is invoking a compiler within a compiler. Annotation processors are run as part of compilation. Can this be done safely? Is there any static state in Sun's javac that would cause problems. (I don't know the answer but from memory there might be some static state that could cause problems in this scenario).
Idea 1 seems simpler and better to me.
But taking a step back, is it possible to separate out all the JDK 7 specific stuff into a separate module and compile it separately, into a different JAR?
Have the 'main' project, compiled using JDK 6 (which JDK 7 would have no problems reading because it is backwards compatible)
The JDK 7 specific module(s), with source in a different directory, which includes the 'main' JAR on the compilation classpath, could be built separately, with a different build.xml if necessary.
This only partially applies but I'd thought I'd mention it anyway.
The problem with just using -source 1.6 -target 1.6 options for validation is that you can still use Java 7 API when compiled using JDK 7.
I've used the Animal Sniffer Maven Plugin for a few projects now and it has proved quite useful. This plugin scans byte-code of your classes for JDK API usage. That is, you can tell it to fail the build if you attempt to use JDK 7 API when you are targeting JDK 6. This wont help much for separating out classes as you need but it could be useful as a final validation step combined with -source 1.6 -target 1.6 compiler options.
There is also an animal sniffer Ant plugin, as mentioned from the Animal Sniffer main page.

Delphi & unit testing: Include tested source in project, or just use it?

I have a project group with the main project and a test project.
When writing unit tests for a class in the main project, do you include the source file in the test project, or do you put the path to it in the search path?
Why do you do one over the other?
Are there any best practices on this?
It looks like including is the preferred option, much because of the disadvantages of 'getting access' to all units in the search path vs only getting access to the units that you intend to use.
What bugs me, though, is the need to include a file in two projects all the time. I usually keep the test project as the active project, so when I need a new class, I create a new unit, that becomes a part of the test project, but store it under the main projects path. Now, I need to remember to also include it in the main project. There should be a 'create new unit, and add it to all open projects'-action....
You should probably include the units in the test project rather than rely on a search path. You will have a much better understanding of the dependencies between units, and should make any additional dependencies obvious should they occur (particularly if they are undesirable). It might also be desirable to have more than one test project if you want to make sure there is no cross dependencies between certain parts of you main application (for example if you have some shared code with another application)
I include the source as it seems to make the IDE happier WRT speed, Code Completion, etc.
If the source files have important initialization or finalization sections then it may be necessary to include them in the testing project, otherwise it is not.
In latter case do not extend the unit test project's search path too much though, rather use one output directory for dcus of the main project.

Organizing the search path

We create via "Tools | Options | Environment Variables" Variables like that:
$(Sources) = D:\Sources\Delphi
$(OurLib) = $(Sources)\OurLib\Src
$(OurApp1) = $(Sources)\Applications\App1\3.x
$(ThirdParty) = $(Sources)\ThirdPartyComponents
We use these Variables in the project search path like that:
But this is broken (meanwhile fixed) since Delphi 2009 as these variables are not evaluated completely anymore (see QC #73276). So the files in the directories are not found by the compiler. A workaround: Use only complete directories in the environment variables.
We use this approach because on all developer machines and the build servers the files can be found and we only have to point $(Sources) to the right place.
We don't have anything in our global library path (except the Delphi defaults), because that wouldn't be in the version control and isn't reflected on other developers or build machines.
One problem is: If one unit in $(OurLib) decides to include another new unit maybe in a new path, all projects break because they don't find this new unit. Then we have to go through all projects and add the search path. (BTW: I really hate the search path editor...wouldn't be a simple memo field much better to edit than this replace/add/delete logic?)
Another thing we do is not adding many units to our project. Especially everything from $(OurLib), but we often have units like plugins which add functionality only by including them. For different editions of our products, we want to include different units. As Delphi always messes up $IFDEFs in the uses clause in the .dpr we help us by including units named like "IncludePlugins" which then include the units depending on IFDEFs.
But not including units in the project makes navigating to a pain. The units don't appear in the project, they are not found by Ctrl+12 (Show Units), they are not shown in code completion etc.
Has anybody a better way to cope with these problems?
We use only relative paths, any libraries are always below the libs subdirectory while the project source code resides in the src subdir. So our search paths always look like:
All libraries are added as svn:external to each project, so checking out the project will automatically check out the libraries as well and the search path will always point to the correct version of the library for that project.
Not perfect, but it works most of the time.
I have to agree about the search path editor, it is even worse for relative paths because you must not use the "..." buttons otherwise Delphi will insert an absolute path.
We use standard drive mappings.
Our current project is always on W: regardless if it is a network drive or a substitute.
This works great.
When you need to work on a different project, swap the W: and you can continue.
You can copy the search path out to an editor, modify it and then copy it back.
Your search path is much too big. It should contain only the things you want Delphi to recompile with your project. You don't really want to recompile the Jedi VCL every day, do you?
I create a single directory where all compiled units go. Say, C:\dcu. Specify that as the "unit output directory" in all packages. My "search path," then, is always just this:
The compiler finds everything it needs, and it never finds any source code. The only source code it ever sees is in the files that directly belong to whatever project I'm compiling. The project's own source directories don't need to be on the search path because all of those files are already direct members of the project. The compiler knows exactly where they are.
For me, all a project's source files go in a single directory. If you want separate directories for different parts, like Core and GUI, then I would put those in separate packages so I could work on them and compile them separately. Even if the final program doesn't use the resultant BPLs, packages are still a good way of segmenting your project and defining dependencies.
When compiling units for one project doesn't automatically compile units for all the other projects, you're forced to change active projects. It takes a moment of your time, but it also serves as a mental reminder that you're "changing hats," too.
Although you're producing just one product, that doesn't mean you should have just one project in Delphi. You should have at least one project for each executable module (EXE, DLL, BPL) in your product. Use project groups to manage multiple projects in a single IDE session. No unit should be a member of more than one project.
I don't understand your part about plug-ins and different editions of your project. When you say "plug-in," I assume you're talking about separate executable modules, like DLLs or packages, that the customer can choose to include or not. Couldn't you turn your different editions' features into plug-in modules that simply don't include in the lesser editions? Then you don't have to worry about conditional compilation of your project; just have several different installer packagers that grab different sets of plug-ins.
I have always found it odd that this has never been addressed adequately. I suggested recently to David I that Delphi should allow the user to set up some sort of preferred development structure and that third party library publishers could be made aware of this so that they could automatically adjust their installers to install correctly in the preferred development framework. If the preferred development structure was stored in an XML file or similar, then, it could be copied from one computer to another on a development team.
As an alternative, it could make an interesting project to create a Delphi application that would allow a user to "refactor" their library installation in a high level way. You specify which folders on your system contain source or compiled components or whatever and where you want to keep source files or compiled units, hit Go and your system gets rearranged for you, while updating your Delphi environment so that when you start Delphi, it finds everything it should.
I've just recently discovered a way to have project specific environment variables in delphi builds using XE6, it's not quite as good as a full blown #define like in C but at least I can now have consistent search paths across multiple projects and create some shared option sets.
What I've done is setup environment variables in the same manner as the original poster and then override them in the dproj or optionset.
The BuildPaths.optset added to the project looks like
<Project xmlns="">
<SVN_ThirdParty>$(SVN_Library)\Third Party</SVN_ThirdParty>
