trouble constructiing url encoded link -

if i do this:
<a target="_blank" href="<%=Url.Encode(sitelink)%>"> LINK TO SITE</a>
I get the link encoded but prepended with the current local domain "http://localhost/http://...."
whats the proper way to do this

The Url.Encode method is used to escape special characters for usage in the query part of a url - it's not meant to be applied to the entire url, because that will escape things like the :// at the beginning (which is why you get the local domain prepended, because it's no longer a full URL, instead getting interpreted as a relative url).


Is there a way to escape all the special characters in a url string parameter?

I need users to be able to pass a file path as a parameter of a get url (the file would not be uploaded and only the local file path is used for some security reasons). Now it's difficult for them to go and change all the backslashes to "%5". I was wondering if there is a way to force encoding of a part of the url. For example something as simple as putting it in double quotes, which doesn't work..."c:\user\somone\somefile.txt"/dosomething
I ended up using pattern matching of rest routes at the server level. Something like this:
So it would match any path even with slashes/backslashes. At last I do a decoding of the url to get rid of the escaped characters passed by browser for chars like space., "UTF-8")

hash tags in urls and hyperlinks

I created a hyperlink to a file. the file name contains hashtags as a means to separate information.
<div style="height:100%;width:100%">.</div>
translated to...
Is this a "legal" name in a URL? Im getting a "file not found" error
The requested URL /dir/upload/1427853638 was not found on this server.
So, clearly the # has another meaning in the URL (I understand now, its a location hash property). Is there a way to get this to work, or do i need to use another character besides the # in the file names?
Since # is a special character in the URL semantic (it's used to provide an internal anchor in a HTML page), it should be URL-encoded into %23.
Your URL should be: http://localhost/dir/upload/1427853638%230%23file%23A101.pdf.
NB: you can find an online URL encoder here:

safe character to separate multiple urls

I am preparing a special string, in which keys are values are concatenated like below:
& is the separator for two key=value pairs
value is url encoded
I have a scenario where there are multiple home pages for a user.
I want to specify multiple urls for the homepage key
We have no control/idea over what url1, url2, .. may contain?
What is a good choice of some_safe_url_separator_char?
In other words I am not looking for a safe character to be used IN a url, but a safe character to be used to SEPARATE two urls in a string
well you can use URL re-writing for this .
It will make a URL that will be safe as it will hide the name of parameters
For refrence you can use URL rewriting
URL rewriting will make a url seprated by '/' and its tough to be decoded by an external person.
you can follow links i'm posting
URL rewriting for beginners

Changing "/" to "%2f" in URL doesn't work

I have an orchard site and have the following problem:
If I use the URL:, it's okay. But when I change url the / to %2f (like so:, it no longer works.
Why can / not be replaced by %2f?
Any url is a kind of complete address to some resource(file) in network. But according to the rules of how it must be actually (to work as you expect), its expected that a few characters must have some specific meaning; just like in this case: "/" means a separator that separates the individual elements of your address(url).
But in case you need such specific characters to be a part of any such element of address(url), we must encode it. List of codes
URL encoding converts characters into a format that can be transmitted
over the Internet.
- w3Schools
So, "/" is actually a seperator, but "%2f" becomes an ordinary character that simply represents "/" character in element of your url.

Jsoup parse link <a href="">

I want to extract links from html, using jsoup
Expected output: absolute link.
I use "abs:href" for that.
This works:
Jsoup.parse("<a \n\r\t href=\"\">\nhaha</a>", "");
This doesnt work:
Jsoup.parse("<a \n\r\t href=\"\">\nhaha</a>", "");
I know its kinda difficult to know whether "" is an absolute or relative link. It might be a top level domain, but also a foldername. Any proven solutions? Just this hack comes into my mind:
String domain = url.replace("http://", "");
url.replace(domain + domain, domain);
Your second example is unambiguously a relative URL. An absolute URL, by definition, starts with a protocol (e.g. http or https). All browsers will give the same output for your example.
Can you provide an example URL that you're working with? Why does it have these pseudo-absolute URLs?
