ASP.NET MVC 2: ViewData.Model.ExecuteResult not existing -

ViewData.Model.ExecuteResult does not exist in ASP.NET MVC2, but in MVC1.
What is the alternative in ASP.NET MVC2?
What I want to do, is to update a table after an ajax request. So I put the table in an extra View. How can I update this partial view without loading the whole page again?

ExecuteResult is a method on the System.Web.Mvc.ActionResult class. Are you sure you don't mean to be looking there?
The Model property is just an object type, and always has been, AFAIK.
As for updating the table, what I've done in the past, to update a portion of a page after a partial view is to use Ajax.BeginForm like so:
<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("Customers", new AjaxOptions { UpdateTargetId = "customerList"})) { %>
<!-- FORM HERE -->
<% } %>
<div id="customerList">
<% Html.RenderPartial("CustomerList"); %>
'UpdateTargetId' is the key here, and tells MVC to use the result of the "Customers" action to replace (by default, you can append by setting the InsertionMode AjaxOption to InsertBefore or InsertAfter) everything inside the element withthe Id you specify.
If you want to use the same action to service the full page request and the Ajax request, you can use the IsAjaxRequest extension method to determine what to return:
if (Request.IsAjaxRequest())
return PartialView("CustomerList");
// Not an Ajax request, return the full view
return View();
Hope that helps!


New window using asp mvc in html form

I am building an mvc app for reporting. I have a page that has a form on it which contains multiple dropdownlist to choose some criteria for a report. I then have an input button to create the report. This button call a new view from the same controller. The new view gets the values from the page where the criteria is chosen from parameters and uses that to populate it's own view model. This is all working fine.
I would like to open the reports in a new window. When I look at the controller, all of the parameters that are supposed to be coming from the selection page are null. I assume I will have to pass these in via the querystring to be picked up by the controller. Is there a way that I can get the values of the dropdownlists from within my viewpage to construct the querystring?
Is this a good way to accomplish what I am trying to do? Would I be better of using an ActionLink instead of an input button? does it make any difference?
I hope this all makes sense. Thanks for any thoughts.
Just set a target attribute on your form to _blank and it should open the request in a new page/tab depending on the browser being used.
<% using (Html.BeginForm(myAction, myController, FormMethod.Post, new { target = "_blank" })
{ %>
<%-- ... --%>
<% } %>
As NickLarsen says...
You could use the target="_blank" attribute of the form element to display the results in a new window.
<form action="/controller/action" method="post" target="_blank">
<% Html.BeginForm("action", "controller", FormMethod.Post, new { target="_blank" }); %>
<% Html.EndForm(); %>

passing the original controller and action name - mvc

I have an ascx control for fruits that contains following code:
<div id = "fruits">
Ajax stuff1 UpdateTargetId = "fruits"
Ajax stuff2 UpdateTargetId = "fruits"
<%Html.RenderPartial("PagerAjax", (Pager)ViewData["pager"]); %>
now this fruit control can appear on a number of webpages and the pager would need to know what page the user is on so that it can pull next set of fruits accordingly. For example, if I am on red-fruit page, then PagerAjax should know I am only pulling out red fruits. So, basically I would need to know ControllerName (assume it's home) and actionName (assume it's redFruits()). (Example may seem inefficient but it makes sense for the real purpose.) Now, I could do something like this:
<%Html.RenderAction("PagerAjax", (Pager)ViewData["pager"], ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"], controllerFilter = ViewContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] }); %>
However, as you noticed, the above RenderAction is inside the div that is being updated by Ajax callback, which means it will contain action and controller of the Ajax stuff rather than the original URL's.
What should be an efficient workaround?
You could pass the original ViewContext.RouteData.Values["action"] as parameter when calling your AJAX action. This way the action knows what was the original action and store it in the model (or ViewData as in your case I see that your views are not strongly typed). Now your markup could become:
<% Html.RenderPartial(
new ViewDataDictionary() { { "originalAction", ViewData["originalAction"] } }
); %>

ASP.NET MVC and strongly-typed partialview

I'm loading a partial view with an AJAX call:
public ActionResult LoadServerForm()
//data stuff
ViewData["ApplicationID"] = appID.ToString();
ViewData["Servers"] = ServersList(appServerRep.Session, null, appServers);
return PartialView("Application_AddServer");
This works great, but I'm trying to get away from magic ViewData strings. I tried making the partial view inherit from the same ViewModel as the "hosting" page, but the Model object is null when I try to this in the partial view:
<%= Html.HiddenFor(model=>model.Application_Key, Model.Application_Key) %>
Is there a way to pass the main page ViewModel down into the AJAX-loaded PartialView or should I be looking for a different approach altogether?
When you return PartialView("Application_AddServer");, you have to pass the model:
return PartialView("Application_AddServer", model);
Since this is an AJAX request, it's a separate controller action invocation, and the new PartialView doesn't know about the model of the requesting page. You'll have to reconstruct it, either from whatever your original data source is or from data passed with the AJAX request. MVC, after using jeditable (Edit in place)

Ok, i can use jeditable to edit-in-place some content on a page and the content will be saved to a database. But whats the best way to re get that text-content from db to show into a place holder?
p id="paraNo34" class="editable"
-->What i will write here so that it will get content from a
db's table: [Content], where id=="paraNo34".
The problem is if i will use some hard coded text like
p id="paraNo34" class="editable"
-->Some text here
I will able to edit-in-place using jeditable but when i will refresh page it will show the same "Some text here" as its not getting data from db.
Your pseudocode implies that you want the view to be responsible for fetching the required data, which is an anti-pattern in MVC. You need to retrieve the text in your controllers action and pass it to the view, either using ViewData or a custom view model, e.g.:
public ActionResult Index(string id)
// call some method to fetch data from db
ViewData["ID"] = id;
ViewData["Content"] = content;
return View();
And the view looks something like:
<p id='<%= ViewData["ID"] %>' class="editable">
<%= Html.Encode(ViewData["Content"]) %>
A better approach would be to create a strong-typed view model (Stephen Walther has a blog post about view models here), but the above example should illustrate how data can be passed from the controller to the view.

How can I use Html.ValidationSummary with Ajax.BeginForm?

I have an AJAX form that I am creating in my MVC project. If the form is submitted using normal browser function and a page refresh occurs I get validation information rendered in the form (the built in MVC validation based on ViewData.ModelState).
Is there a similiar validation mechanism for AJAX forms?
<% using (Ajax.BeginForm("Create", "GraphAdministration", new AjaxOptions()
OnSuccess = "newGraphSuccess",
OnFailure = "newGraphFailure",
HttpMethod = "POST"
{ %>
<!-- some form stuff in here !-->
<% } //end form %>
It really depends on where you are getting the content from to display once the form has been posted. The Validation summary is performed created on the server so that is where you have to do the work.
As an example I was using some partial content in an .ascx file to render a form. You get the form in the page the first time round by calling the action directly with Html.RenderAction
You would have your Ajax.BeginForm etc. in the .ascx file. Then call it directly in an action.
When the Ajax call is made from the browser you get it to post to the same action. That way you can do all of the server side validation that you would normally. You should set up the Ajax call to replace the original form with the new html that is returned by the action.
One thing that you have to be aware of is that the replace JavaScript will replace the content of an element not the element itself so remember to us the id of a surrounding element.
Apologies if that is a little convoluted, if you want more details just comment and I'll flesh out the relevant bits.
Extra Detail:
All of this assumes that you are doing all of the validation on the server.
You are going to have a View that has all of the page stuff in it and then some partial content in a .ascx file, this is where your ajax form lives, it needs to be set to replace content by id. Its easiest if it has the same name as the action your ajax is going to call.
You can use Html.RenderAction to get it into the View. You can also pass in data with other versions of the same method. Your essentially calling it in the same way your ajax code will.
You will need to wrap it all in a div with an id set. Use this id in the partial as the content to replace.
When you render the page the html for the form and all of the ajax stuff will get put in.
When the ajax action is called the partial content will be returned with any validation performed. It will replace the content of the div that you gave the id to.
You can have different versions of the action by using [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)] and [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] attributes
The main problem with this method is that its not self contained, the div with the id is external to the partial.
