gitorious install won't login - ruby-on-rails

I have installed a copy of Gitorious on my own server. Everything so far seems to be okay except the fact I can't login. Any attempt to login(with correct credentials), from multiple browsers, just throws me back to the main page. Logging in with wrong password will just clear password box. What could be causing this?

I found the issue resolution here:
I had to change my host in config from localhost to my domain name.


Logging In Issue - Umbraco 6 - I am sure I have the right password

Just took over an umbraco 6 project from another developer, the first thing I wanted to do was to get it running locally on my computer.
So I restored the DB back up file, created a local website in IIS, and then changed the connection string.
When I browse the website it works no problems, I can surf the site, click diffrent pages, etc etc. All good.
However when I try to log in with the password (which I'm pretty sure is correct) I can't.
Now when you log in with a user name and password that is not correct, you get red lines around the password and username field.
However when I type in the correct password, there is no red lines around the feilds, they just clear and I don't log in.
Never seen this before not sure what the problem could be, I could start trying to hack the dabase to reset the password, but I think that is pointless as I am sure I have the right password.
Any ideas, why I can't login?
OK fixed it........
I had to change this in the web config to false
<httpCookies requireSSL="true" />
I guess because I have copied the files from a live server that use SSL I have to have the same set up locally or change this value in the webconfig file.
Hope this helps someone else.

net_ssh on production returns 'Authentication Failed' using public keys

I am trying to execute couple of commands on remote server and as authentication method, I am using public keys.
Public keys are configured properly on server and I can connect to it without system prompting me for password like this:
So this is what I do in my code:
Net::SSH.start(host, user, :keys=>["~/.ssh/id_rsa","~/.ssh/"]) do |ssh|
ssh.exec "service nginx reload"
On local machine, everything works properly, when on production server, I get an error.
Net::SSH::AuthenticationFailed: Authentication failed for user
I did some Googling and I had already tried to fallback to net_ssh 2.7.0, yet no luck, same issue. I also tried to replace relative path to absolute, in my case /root/.ssh/...
I tried adding an option
:auth_methods => ['publickey']
yet still, no luck.
I am also certain that the keys reside in correct paths.
Worth noting that this works perfectly well when run in production rails console.
Symptoms here are similar with ones in this question: Net::SSH works from production rails console, AuthenticationFailed from production webapp
with exception that my app runs from root and there shouldn't be permission issues because of that.
I had temporary fallen back to password auth that works fine but I'd really like to use key auth instead.
Any help on this issue is much appreciated.

Pow doesn't work - unable to find [myapp].dev

Pow used to work for me a few months ago, but now it's not working for my new app, or for the ones that worked before.
I went into ~/.pow and created a symlink, but when I type in my browser, it redirects to a cox(my internet provider) page saying "Sorry, the website cannot be found"
I read through all the docs in the pow page, and tried installing powify as well, but nothings working.
Is there something I may have done in my console (such as changing PATH or things) that may cause this to not work?
I tried restarting my computer as well, but still nothing..
Edit: Actually I just came to my office and it started working. Is it possible that my internet provider at home could be blocking/interfering with pow? I would assume that it's irrelevant since I thought pow was essentially a local host.
DNS hijacking from your ISP. Try setting your DNS server to (google's DNS) and see if the problem persists.

ZfcUser registration complications

My problem is that ZfcUser module isnt working properly at OpenShift hosting. Locally on my PC everything is OK i can register and log in but uploaded its not possible. There is no even errors showing up. Everything it says is "Authentication failed. Please try again."
My configs seems to be ok i've tried so many different combinations but looks like scipts have access to database (when i change to something random it shows exceptions etc.).
What i've figured out is that when i submit the register form it passes but it is not adding the user to database it is empty. Other thing is that even the "login_after_reigster" option is "false" it still try to login after "passed" registration.
Everything is the same (expect database configuration) as local (where it works) but not working on remote host
Try exporting the local database and import it on the server! I had this problem too, and this seems to resolve it.
Or, if you can, run in the console
php /path/to/public/folder/index.php orm:schema-tool:create --force
Then it will work!

Grails/Spring Security: Unable to login with a newly created user

I have just started using grails and installed the spring-security and spring-security-ui plugins. I am following the tutorial given here. The application starts with one bootstrapped user me with ROLE_ADMIN permission.
With the UI override scripts I was able to get the register functionality up and running and it works all right. Now, I have installed the User Management scripts (grails s2ui-override user) to try adding, editing, removing users.
A new user gets created fine, I have checked this against the HSQLDB instance. However, if I now log-out from the application and try to login with the newly created user the application tells me that it is unable to find a user with the provided username and password.
I haven't modified the default logout handling so am using /j_spring_security_logout which as the documentation says invalidates the session.
Is this a know issue? If so how can I get around this or if not how can I debug this issue?
This issue is also persisting without the UI addition. Register as a new user. Once you finish e-mail verification you are auto-logged in to the site. Now logout and try to login in back again. It gives the same error.
The UI plugin comes with the RegisterController that still encodes the password. However, the newer domain classes that come with the core are also doing this and the recommended practice is that controllers shouldn't. I commented out a line that does the encoding and the login/logout works now at least for the basic scenario.
There is a warning on that tutorial
Earlier versions of the plugin didn't include password encryption logic in the domain class, but it makes the code a lot cleaner.
I am guessing security-ui plugin does not know about that change, and comparing unencrypted password with the encrypted one on the database.
l managed to fix my problem. The problem was double encryption. Under the spring security ui in the user controller on line 41 the password was being encrypted and then again by the domain class so on login it was comparing a double encrypted password and a single encrypted password. To solve the problem l just commented out line 41 in the user controller which was encrypting the password
EDIT: If you have trouble figuring out where one would go to edit the controller, you can find the source code of the downloaded plugins in your user home's
directory for editing (at least on Mac / Linux, dunno where you'd find it in windows).
