Why "do...while" does not exist in F# - f#

I cannot find "do...while..."
I have to code like this:
let bubbleSort a=
let n = Array.length a
let mutable swapped = true
let mutable i = 0
while swapped do
swapped <- false
for j = 0 to n-i-2 do
if a.[j] > a.[j+1] then
let t = a.[j]
a.[j] <- a.[j+1]
a.[j+1] <- t
swapped <- true
i <- i+1
The code is bad without "do...while".
Sadly, "break/continue" are also not available.

F# is very much suitable for non-functional programming. In fact, being able to fine-tune parts of an algorithm in an imperative style is one of the major strong points of the language for me.
For example, in tackling a project euler problem, I started out with a clean functional solution using immutable sets and folds. It took 150 seconds to complete. Now having the framework of my algorithm in place allowed me to pick apart the data structures and folds operations one at a time until I managed to get the run time down to 5 seconds. My final solution was very much an imperative one (and even slightly faster than an equivalent C# version).
As you can see I solved it by coding a solution in functional style first and then rewrite small parts to an imperative style. Not having to deal with indices and other loop conditions explicitly kept the code more understandable for me.
Once you learn how to think like a functional programmer you'll find that you'll rarely want breaks and continues. That's what I experienced. But if you do need them, knowing how to think in a functional way helps in coming up with work-arounds, usually involving a tail-recursive version of what used to be a loop.
By the time you start thinking more in an idiomatic F# way, you'll probably see more and more (tail-)recursive code replacing what you used to do with looping constructs. Heck, writing F# for 2 years now has warped my mind so far that I'm more likely to pick recursion and folds over loops.
Whenever I think I need break/continue, I usually don't because there's a cleaner version of the algorithm hidden and waiting to get out. The biggest challenge is learning how to find that cleaner version. I'm afraid that lots of practice and good examples are the only way to get better at thinking functionally, but I believe that it's an effort well spent.
Edit: ironically, bubble sort is an algorithm which is actually designed for arrays with mutable contents. Any recursive bubble sort is likely to be harder to understand than an imperative version. I think I just killed my own post here.

It turns out to be quite easy to write a good enough do-while in F# as a higher-order function:
let doWhile f c =
f ()
while c () do
f ()

break and continue would be a really useful feature additions; they're reserved words, and maybe we'll see them in a future version of the language. The lack of them is an occasional minor annoyance, but hardly makes the language 'unsuitable'. In the mean time, a mutable sentinel works, as you have in your example.
See also

do/while is not available because F# is a functional language and this kind of construct is specific to imperative languages.
break/continue is also not available for the same reasons.
However, you can still write do/while in F#. The following code blocks are equivalent :
in C#
System.Console.WriteLine("processing something...");
System.Console.WriteLine("doing something complicated");
} while (Console.ReadLine() == "y");
in F#
let doSomethingAndContinue() =
printfn "processing something..."
printfn "doing something complicated"
printf "continue?"
while doSomethingAndContinue() do ignore None

Although a bit more verbose, you can use recursive functions to avoid the "do while" as in :
let swap (a:int[]) i j =
let t = a.[i]
a.[i] <- a.[j]
a.[j] <- t
let rec bubbleSortAux a nMax j swapped =
if j >= 0 && j <= nMax then
if a.[j] > a.[j+1] then
swap a j (j+1)
bubbleSortAux a nMax (j+1) true
bubbleSortAux a nMax (j+1) false
let rec bubbleSortLoop a nMax =
if bubbleSortAux a nMax 0 false then
bubbleSortLoop a (nMax - 1)
let bubbleSort a =
bubbleSortLoop a (a.Length - 2)

let bubbleSort (a: _ []) =
let mutable fin = false
while not fin do
fin <- true
for i=0 to a.Length-2 do
if a.[i] > a.[i+1] then
let t = a.[i]
a.[i] <- a.[i+1]
a.[i+1] <- t
fin <- false

I do not know about F# very well, but F# is a functional language. Usually, there is no such thing as "for" or "while" loops in functional programming languages.
Functional languages define functions in a mathematical sense (like f(x) => ...). Writing a program comes down to defining and combining a set of mathematical functions. This means that the only way of coding loops is using recursion.
In Mathematics, there is no way of saying:
f(x) => "do 5 times this"
What you'd do is define f like:
count > 0 : f(x, count-1)
f(x, count) => {
count <= 0 : ...
And then use this function as in:
y = f(x, 5)
This would be exactly how you implement functions in functional languages.
At least, this is true for purely functional languages like Haskell...

You can do something like
let mutable ind = 0
while (
//Do your stuff here
//Now condition part return some boolean value
ind < 10
) do ind <- ind +1
I just recently found this way. It feels a bit hacky but what I like is that you can build something more complex what usually caused issues in C#, C++.
let mutable ind = 0
while (
(some condition) && (
//do something
let someValue = Eval ....
//Now more complex condition
ind + someValue < 10
) do ind <- ind +1


This expression was expected to have type bool but here has type unit error

getting an error when I try to run this line of code and I can't figure out why
let validCol column value : bool =
for i in 0..8 do
if sudokuBoard.[i,column] = value then
else true
As Tyler Hartwig says a for loop cannot return a value except unit.
On the other hand, inside a list comprehension or a seq Computation Expression you can use for to yield the values and then test if the one you are looking for exists:
let validCol column value : bool =
seq { for i in 0..8 do yield sudokuBoard.[i,column] }
|> Seq.exists value
|> not
In F#, the last call made is what is returned, you have explicitly declared you are returning a bool.
The for loop is unable to return or aggregate multiple values, bun instead, returns unit.
let validCol column value : bool =
for i in 0..8 do
if sudokuBoard.[i,column] = value then
Here, you'll need to figure out how to aggregate all the bool to get your final result. I'm not quite sure what this is supposed to return, or I'd give an example.
It looks like you are looking for a short-cut out of the loop like in C# you can use continue, break or return to exit a loop.
In F# the way to accomplish that with performance is to use tail-recursion. You could achieve it with while loops but that requires mutable variables which tail-recursion doesn't need (although we sometimes uses it).
A tail-recursive function is one that calls itself at the very end and doesn't look at the result:
So this is tail-recursive
let rec loop acc i = if i > 0 then loop (acc + i) (i - 1) else acc
Where this isn't
let rec loop fib i = if i < 1 then 1 else fib (i - 1) + fib (i - 2)
If F# compiler determines a function is tail-recursive the compiler applies tail-recursion optimization (TCO) on the function, basically it unrolls it into an efficient for loop that looks a lot like the loop would like in C#.
So here is one way to write validCol using tail-recursion:
let validCol column value : bool =
// loops is tail-recursive
let rec loop column value i =
if i < 9 then
if sudokuBoard.[i,column] = value then
false // The value already exists in the column, not valid
loop column value (i + 1) // Check next row.
true // Reach the end, the value is valid
loop column value 0
Unfortunately; F# compiler doesn't have an attribute to force TCO (like Scala or kotlin does) and therefore if you make a slight mistake you might end up with a function that isn't TCO. I think I saw GitHub issue about adding such an attribute.
PS. seq comprehensions are nice in many cases but for a sudoku solver I assume you are looking for something that is as fast as possible. seq comprehensions (and LINQ) I think adds too much overhead for a sudoku solver whereas tail-recursion is about as quick as you can get in F#.
PS. In .NET 2D arrays are slower than 1D arrays, just FYI. Unsure if it has improved with dotnet core.

Is there a language construct in F# for testing if a number is between two other numbers (in a range)?

I am looking for a more succinct F# equivalent of:
myNumber >= 2 && myNumber <= 4
I imagine something like
myNumber >=< (2, 4)
Is there some kind of operation like this?
There is no native operator, but you could define your own one.
let inline (>=<) a (b,c) = a >= b && a<= c
John's answer is exactly what you asked for, and the most practical solution. But this got me wondering if one could define operator(s) to enable a syntax closer to normal mathematical notation, i.e., a <= b <= c.
Here's one such solution:
let inline (<=.) left middle = (left <= middle, middle)
let inline (.<=) (leftResult, middle) right = leftResult && (middle <= right)
let inline (.<=.) middleLeft middleRight = (middleLeft .<= middleRight, middleRight)
1 <=. 3 .<=. 5 .<= 9 // true
1 <=. 10 .<= 5 // false
A few comments on this:
I used the . character to indicate the "middle" of the expression
. was a very deliberate choice, and is not easily changeable to some other character you like better (e.g. if you perhaps like the look of 1 <=# 3 #<= 5 better). The F# compiler changes the associativity and/or precedence of an operator based on the operator symbol's first character. We want standard left-to-right evaluation/short-circuiting, and . enables this.
A 3-number comparison is optimized away completely, but a 4+ number comparison results in CIL that allocates tuples and does various other business that isn't strictly necessary:
Is there some kind of operation like this?
Great question! The answer is "no", there isn't, but I wish there was.
Latkin's answer is nice, but it doesn't short-circuit evaluate. So if the first test fails the remaining subexpressions still get evaluated, even though their results are irrelevant.
FWIW, in Mathematica you can do 1<x<2 just like mathematics.

Writing F# code to parse "2 + 2" into code

Extremely just-started-yesterday new to F#.
What I want: To write code that parses the string "2 + 2" into (using as an example code from the tutorial project) Expr.Add(Expr.Num 2, Expr.Num 2) for evaluation. Some help to at least point me in the right direction or tell me it's too complex for my first F# project. (This is how I learn things: By bashing my head against stuff that's hard)
What I have: My best guess at code to extract the numbers. Probably horribly off base. Also, a lack of clue.
let script = "2 + 2";
let rec scriptParse xs =
match xs with
| [] -> (double)0
| y::ys -> (double)y
let split = (script.Split([|' '|]))
let f x = (split[x]) // "This code is not a function and cannot be applied."
let list = [ for x in 0..script.Length -> f x ]
let result = scriptParse
The immediate issue that you're running into is that split is an array of strings. To access an element of this array, the syntax is split.[x], not split[x] (which would apply split to the singleton list [x], assuming it were a function).
Here are a few other issues:
Your definition of list is probably wrong: x ranges up to the length of script, not the length of the array split. If you want to convert an array or other sequence to a list you can just use List.ofSeq or Seq.toList instead of an explicit list comprehension [...].
Your "casts" to double are a bit odd - that's not the right syntax for performing conversions in F#, although it will work in this case. double is a function, so the parentheses are unnecessary and what you are doing is really calling double 0 and double y. You should just use 0.0 for the first case, and in the second case, it's unclear what you are converting from.
In general, it would probably be better to do a bit more design up front to decide what your overall strategy will be, since it's not clear to me that you'll be able to piece together a working parser based on your current approach. There are several well known techniques for writing a parser - are you trying to use a particular approach?

Erlang Code Snippet that shows off its benefits?

I'm giving a small presentation to a group of C/C++ programmers who have very little experience with functional languages. Part of the presentation mentions Erlang, and I would like to give a specific small code example.
There is a ton of awesome information on StackOverflow about how/where Erlang is used and its advantages. One of the most common advantages I see is how it can do a lot with just a little terse code, especially compared to C/C++.
I am looking for a good code snippet of Erlang that simply illustrates these types of benefits. Especially something thats easily done in Erlang with few lines, that would be much more complicated in C/C++.
Anyone have any interesting suggestions?
Check out example 4 for an excellent example of Erlang's bit syntax. I'm sure there are a number of c/c++ developers that will appreciate the brevity of the syntax!
I would use an example which shows how easy it is to do concurrency.
So basically write map-reduce (but never ever use that word to describe it to a C programmer).
You could start with showing a program that plays Fizz Buzz, and then proceed to make it concurrent. Should easily fit a whiteboard, or two pages of powerpoint.
A Co-worker suggested using Merge-Sort as an example:
mergeSort(L) when length(L) == 1 -> L;
mergeSort(L) when length(L) > 1 ->
{L1, L2} = lists:split(length(L) div 2, L),
lists:merge(mergeSort(L1), mergeSort(L2)).
Multi-process version:
pMergeSort(L) when length(L) == 1 -> L;
pMergeSort(L) when length(L) > 1 ->
{L1, L2} = lists:split(length(L) div 2, L),
spawn(mergesort, pMergeSort2, [L1, self()]),
spawn(mergesort, pMergeSort2, [L2, self()]),
pMergeSort2(L, Parent) when length(L) == 1 -> Parent ! L;
pMergeSort2(L, Parent) when length(L) > 1 ->
{L1, L2} = lists:split(length(L) div 2, L),
spawn(mergesort, pMergeSort2, [L1, self()]),
spawn(mergesort, pMergeSort2, [L2, self()]),
Parent ! mergeResults([]).
Pythagorean Triples. Get all number combinations below 30 whereby the 3 numbers make a right angled triangle as it is according to Pythagoras.
[{X,Y,Z} || X <- lists:seq(1,30),
Y <- lists:seq(1,30),
Z <- lists:seq(1,30), ((X * X) + (Y * Y)) == (Z * Z)].
Try doing that in C/C++ , or Java and see if you will avoid a for loop if not more than one depending on your skill level :)
the factorial code snippet is the best i have always used to show how short erlang programs can be
calculate(0) -> 1;
calculate(N) -> N * calculate(N -1).
As simple as that. That short program illustrates not only how short Erlang programs can be, But also: Pattern Matching, Function Clauses and Last Call Optimization. I always had a C++ version of the same, below:
long factorial(unsigned int a);
void main() {
unsigned int a;
long fac;
return factorial(a);
long factorial(unsigned int x) {
long fac=1;
if(x == 0) {return 1;}
else {
while(x > 0) {
fac *= x;
x -= 1 ;
return fac; }
Well, this may not be the shortest C++ version, but i know you get the idea.

Is this a better (more functional way) to write the following fsharp code?

I have pieces of code like this in a project and I realize it's not
written in a functional way:
let data = Array.zeroCreate(3 + (int)firmwareVersions.Count * 27)
data.[0] <- 0x09uy //drcode
data.[1..2] <- firmwareVersionBytes //Number of firmware versions
let mutable index = 0
let loops = firmwareVersions.Count - 1
for i = 0 to loops do
let nameBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(firmwareVersions.[i].Name)
let timestampBytes = this.getTimeStampBytes firmwareVersions.[i].Timestamp
let sizeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(firmwareVersions.[i].Size) |> Array.rev
data.[index + 3 .. index + 10] <- nameBytes
data.[index + 11 .. index + 24] <- timestampBytes
data.[index + 25 .. index + 28] <- sizeBytes
data.[index + 29] <- firmwareVersions.[i].Status
index <- index + 27
firmwareVersions is a List which is part of a csharp library.
It has (and should not have) any knowledge of how it will be converted into
an array of bytes. I realize the code above is very non-functional, so I tried
changing it like this:
let headerData = Array.zeroCreate(3)
headerData.[0] <- 0x09uy
headerData.[1..2] <- firmwareVersionBytes
let getFirmwareVersionBytes (firmware : FirmwareVersion) =
let nameBytes = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(firmware.Name)
let timestampBytes = this.getTimeStampBytes firmware.Timestamp
let sizeBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(firmware.Size) |> Array.rev
Array.concat [nameBytes; timestampBytes; sizeBytes]
let data =
|> Array.map (fun f -> getFirmwareVersionBytes f)
|> Array.reduce (fun acc b -> Array.concat [acc; b])
let fullData = Array.concat [headerData;data]
So now I'm wondering if this is a better (more functional) way
to write the code. If so... why and what improvements should I make,
if not, why not and what should I do instead?
Suggestions, feedback, remarks?
Thank you
Just wanted to add some more information.
This is part of some library that handles the data for a binary communication
protocol. The only upside I see of the first version of the code is that
people implementing the protocol in a different language (which is the case
in our situation as well) might get a better idea of how many bytes every
part takes up and where exactly they are located in the byte stream... just a remark.
(As not everybody understand english, but all our partners can read code)
I'd be inclined to inline everything because the whole program becomes so much shorter:
let fullData =
[|yield! [0x09uy; firmwareVersionBytes; firmwareVersionBytes]
for firmware in firmwareVersions do
yield! ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(firmware.Name)
yield! this.getTimeStampBytes firmware.Timestamp
yield! BitConverter.GetBytes(firmware.Size) |> Array.rev|]
If you want to convey the positions of the bytes, I'd put them in comments at the end of each line.
I like your first version better because the indexing gives a better picture of the offsets, which are an important piece of the problem (I assume). The imperative code features the byte offsets prominently, which might be important if your partners can't/don't read the documentation. The functional code emphasises sticking together structures, which would be OK if the byte offsets are not important enough to be mentioned in the documentation either.
Indexing is normally accidental complexity, in which case it should be avoided. For example, your first version's loop could be for firmwareVersion in firmwareVersion instead of for i = 0 to loops.
Also, like Brian says, using constants for the offsets would make the imperative version even more readable.
How often does the code run?
The advantage of 'array concatenation' is that it does make it easier to 'see' the logical portions. The disadvantage is that it creates a lot of garbage (allocating temporary arrays) and may also be slower if used in a tight loop.
Also, I think perhaps your "Array.reduce(...)" can just be "Array.concat".
Overall I prefer the first way (just create one huge array), though I would factor it differently to make the logic more apparent (e.g. have a named constant HEADER_SIZE, etc.).
While we're at it, I'd probably add some asserts to ensure that e.g. nameBytes has the expected length.
