Tracking user changes in ASP.NET MVC -

I have a requirement to track what authenticated users change with regards to the data when logged in. I don't need to track what pages they look at although that could be very useful in future.
I have thought about saving the User Guid but that seems very clunky. I do need to do simple stuff like old value and new value. I am using the Entity Framework is there support for that in there with stored procedures in SQL Server?
Are there other methods/best practises?

This isn't really an ASP.NET MVC question. You can implement auditing in your EF layer. Here's a quick sample I just found.
I've found that the trick with auditing is understanding why you need to have the support. Often times a user will say they want auditing, but really they just want to know a last edit date/user. You should know if they need undo capability, security audits, etc. Is this for regulatory compliance or for a DBA to fix user errors? Often times it's simpler to dlete and reenter data than to manually edit a DB. Also, how would rolling back data affect other reporting concerns? If you've changed data and rerun a report it will not match the original. If this is an issue you need to store the original results or have an event sourcing model. Not fun.
The second difficult thing about auditing is figuring out how to display the data. Sometimes SQL queries are acceptable, other times users want a full history in the UI. My suggestion is to review the business needs of your case and research appropriate implementations.
Also, if you need to audit relationship changes in a database there is no simple solution. Good luck!


ASP MVC - I need to periodically check my database, how can i do that?

I got an online website written in ASP.MVC. Now, i need to periodically check one table, and if it changes, i need to take further actions related with modifying data in other tables. I could of course write a stand-alone application that would do that for me, but what other options do i have? I am asking, because maybe there is something better which i don't know about.
Assuming that you're using SQL Server, one option would be to add an item to the ASP.NET Cache, and then register a SqlCacheDependency on that item for the table or row that is to be monitored. There is a bit of configuration required to get this up and running, some instructions are here (with the code samples being in VB). When you add the item to the cache that has a SqlCacheDependency, you can specify a callback method that is fired when the data changes, which is how you would update related tables. If you are running SQL Server, want a pre-defined solution provided by Microsoft, and don't mind the setup process and additional database tables and configuration that this includes, this would be a great option.
I got an answer that is satysfying my requirements. There is something called that works just as i wanted it to. :)

Should I use ASP.NET Membership Provider

Okay, i know there have been some questions about this before, but I just want to know what the situation is now. If I am creating an ASP.NET MVC web app, should I use the built in Membership Provider or roll my own?
I feel that the existing one is perhaps overkill, but then again, it has been tested to death and works very well. I don't like the millions of table and sprocs it puts in the database, but should I just delete the stuff I don't need, or just not worry about it and use it anyway?
Whilst you say this is a possible duplicate, I think it's fair enough to seek clarification on the current situation and you do seem to have considered the possibilities.
I still tend to use the built-in membership provider for the reasons you've stated (it just works) and then add my own tables for things like OpenId, Facebook, etc, etc and tie them back to user ids in the aspnet_Users table.
Thus far I tend not to worry about the extraneous stuff it puts in the database. mvc - membership provider

For my ASP.NET MVC app, I just find dealing with unique-identifiers harder, so I have added my own field to ASPNET_USERS table - UserIdInt (which is actually a bigint!) So most of user operations use userIdInt as reference.
Anyway, I am debating between two approaches:
1)When a user logs in, look up from the database and store the userIdInt in a session variable and any-time session variable slips away, re-look it up and put it back in session variable. (It's okay to use sessions in MVC app, right?)
2)Any time an operation needs to be performed, simply pass userName to database and take care of UserIdInt at database side by doing joins and such on ASPNET_Users table any time an operation from user needs to be performed.
I am heavily leaning towards 1)... but I want to make sure I am on right track.
I asked this question on Serverfault first, but I was told to ask this question here.
you may be far better looking into the use of custom profile providers as this would allow you to leave the aspnet_* tables as is (which is a good idea in case a later version of sqlserver changes how they operate) plus offer the additional bebnefit of having a multitude of additonal profile related properties availabale to your application. i can't overstate enough the benefits in going down this track as i've found it very useful to have such an approach in both my standard apps as well as my mvc ones.
you can get a feel for what's involved in this by looking thro a couple of these links:
here's one on SO for starters:
Implementing Profile Provider in ASP.NET MVC
and one from my old mate, lee dumond:
hope this helps
An alternative approach is to alter the forms authentication ticket to add your unique id to the data stored in the cookie. Then, by implementing a custom IPrincipal you can have your unique id available anywhere that the User object is available.

Am I wrong in wanting to roll my own Authenticate / Authorize system given the following requirements?

In my pet project I want to have a user system with the following requirements:
It needs to work with Db4o as a persistance model
I want to use DI (by means of Turbine) to deliver the needed dependencies to my user model
It needs to be easy to plug in to
It needs to be testable without much hassle
It needs to support anonymous users much like SO does
I want Authentication and Authorization separated (the first can live without the second)
It needs to be safe
I'm aware I'm putting a few technologies before functionalities here, but as it is a pet project and I want to learn some new stuff I think it is reasonable to include them as requirements.
Halfway in rolling my own I realized I am probably suffering some NIH syndrome.
As I don't really like how needlessly complex the existing user framework in is, it is actually mostly only all the more complicated stuff regarding security that's now giving me some doubts.
Would it be defendable to go on and roll my own? If not how would you go about fulfilling all the above requirements with the existing IPrinciple based framework?
It sounds to me like what you want to do is roll your own Custom .NET Membership Provider.
It will allow you to use the built-in ASP.NET Authentication/Authorization attributes on your Controller Actions while giving you complete control over the implementation inside the provider (which will allow you to code it to meet the requirements stated above).
Direct from MSDN...
Implementing a Membership Provider
I think you recognize where the thin parts in your consideration are: namely in that you've included how to do what you're doing as motive in why you're doing it and the NIH (funny: I'd never seen that before) issue.
Putting those aside, your provider is something that you could potentially reuse and it may simplify some of your future efforts. It should also serve to familiarize you further with the issue. As long as you understand the ASP.NET framework so you can work with it too if you need to (and aren't specialized such that you don't know what you're doing if you're not using your tool) then I believe you've already crafted your defense.
As DOK mentioned, be cautious that you're not rolling your own here to avoid a larger task at hand in whatever your other functionality is. Don't let this be a distraction: it should be something your application really needs. If it's not, then I'd lean towards focusing on your software's core mission instead.
If you go ahead and create your own custom solution, you will have a better idea of how difficult it is and what features you want. This will help you to evaluate off-the-shelf solutions for future projects.
OTOH, spending time developing functionality that is already readily available means you won't be spending that time working on the major functionality of your project. Unless authentication and authorization are a major component of your project, you might consider investing your time, and expanding your knowledge, in another area.
I too am working on a pet Project using MVC and db4o and did the same thing, so you're at least not alone in going down that route :). One of the biggest reasons for me to start playing around with db4o as persistence layer is that especially authorization on field level (i.e I'm allowed to see Person A's first name but not Person B's first name) is though to achieve if you're forced into complex SQL statements and an anemic domain model.
Since I had complex authorization needs that needed to be persisted (and synchronized) in both db4o and Solr indexes I started working on rolling out my own, but only because I knew up front it was one of the key features of my pet project that I wanted 100% control over.
Now I might still use the .Net Membership provider for authentication but not (solely) for authorization of objects but only after i POC'd my authorization needs using my own.

Securing an ASP.Net MVC Site

As a relative newcomer to both web and MVC, I am looking for a good summary of security best practices that I should implement.
The site will be public facing with "moderately sensitive data" (meaning we can't get sued, but probably wouldn't make many friends if the data got out!) and will have the following security steps taken:
a: Forms/membership authentication and authorization
b: Parameterized queries to prevent sql injection.
c: Automatic timeout with x min of inactivity
c: SSL for client to server encryption
What else do you recommend?
*Securing IIS and the network don't fall under my domain, so I'm more interested in the things I need to do to the software.
If you are using cookies to recognize users, be sure to use an arbitrary token (such as a GUID) to store on the client for identification. I've seen too many websites that store my email address or username in my cookie... just have to change it to another!
Write your software so that it can run under medium trust.
If you are new to web development you should be aware of cross site scripting (XSS). You can use Http.Encode helper method to protect against this in ASP.NET MVC.
Make sure you prevent out of order requests. Ensure client is authenticated before allowing to see sensitive data, or in some cases, make sure the client has come through the correct channel, before allowing a data manipulation. For example, only allow adding an item to your cart if the request came from the product details page. If you don't check, any one can mess around with the action. The URL would be like http://server/cart/add/XYZ123 and anyone could just tweak the 'id' parameter.
Here's another biggie to watch out for: CSRF
Take a look at this post by Phil Haack- one of the MS dev’s involved in the development.
Additionally take a look at Microsoft Anti-Cross Site Scripting Library to filter out all incoming parameters
Maybe you should choose methods that can be invoke from outside or not. For example be careful make a method like delete any tables like
Make sure you design your class and methods well. And give attributes [NonAction] for preventing public method being invoke.
Make sure you display data (especially sensitive) as you need with minimum fancy design and use client script as long as needed.
Remove any unused trash files like unused files in your solution folder.
Check and double check and validate any input control like textbox. I just can give something in the textbox to hack your system.
If you use mix between MVC and regular ASP.NET, please remove any dependency between them.
Be sure you cover the basics thoroughly, independently of ASP.NET. Make sure your DBMS has a separate user with the minimal required privileges (e.g., CRUD and executing sprocs from specified databases) set up to access the database from the web application. Parameterizing queries is an excellent idea, but ALWAYS SCRUB YOUR INPUT ANYWAY: it is not a complete defense against sql injection.
Keep your design clean and easy to understand. Document whatever you do clearly, especially on the database side. It would be very bad if all your good work were destroyed by two programmers months or years later--one who didn't realize, say, that the database user for the web application (now accessing a database on a different server) shouldn't have root privileges, and another who added a control that didn't cleanse input properly. There's only so much that can be done about this sort of thing, but designing for the possibility that fools will be maintaining your code isn't so that coders will think you're sweet--it's so that fools won't put you out of business.
