Tracking impressions/visits per web page - ruby-on-rails

I have a site with several pages for each company and I want to show how their page is performing in terms of number of people coming to this profile.
We have already made sure that bots are excluded.
Currently, we are recording each hit in a DB with either insert (for the first request in a day to a profile) or update (for the following requests in a day to a profile). But, given that requests have gone from few thousands per days to tens of thousands per day, these inserts/updates are causing major performance issues.
Assuming no JS solution, what will be the best way to handle this?
I am using Ruby on Rails, MySQL, Memcache, Apache, HaProxy for running overall show.
Any help will be much appreciated.
you should start reading from slide 17.
i think the performance isnt a problem, if it's possible to build solution like this for website as big as scribd.

Here are 4 ways to address this, from easy estimates to complex and accurate:
Track only a percentage (10% or 1%) of users, then multiply to get an estimate of the count.
After the first 50 counts for a given page, start updating the count 1/13th of the time by a count of 13. This helps if it's a few page doing many counts while keeping small counts accurate. (use 13 as it's hard to notice that the incr isn't 1).
Save exact counts in a cache layer like memcache or local server memory and save them all to disk when they hit 10 counts or have been in the cache for a certain amount of time.
Build a separate counting layer that 1) always has the current count available in memory, 2) persists the count to it's own tables/database, 3) has calls that adjust both places


Quickest way to load total number of points within a set of iterations?

I am creating an app which graphs the total number of accepted points on an iteration by iteration basis, compared to all points accepted within that iteration (regardless of project). Currently, I am using a WsapiDataStore call with filters to only pull from the chosen iterations. However, this requires pulling all user stories within the iteration and then summing the Plan Estimate fields of each. It works, but it takes a pretty long time (about 20-30 seconds) to pull data which I would assume might be able to be queried in a single call. Am I correct in my thinking, or is this really the easiest way?
Rally's API does not support server side aggregations. Unfortunately pulling that data into local memory is the only way to do calculations like this.

Heroku database performance experience needed?

We are experiencing some serious scaling challenges for our intelligent search engine/aggregator. Our database holds around 200k objects. From profiling and newrelic it seems most of our troubles may come from the database. We are using the smallest dedicated database Heroku provide (Ronin).
We have been looking into indexing and caching. So far we managed to solve our problems by reducing database calls and caching content intelligently, but now even this seems to reach an end. We are constantly asking ourselves if our code/configuration is good enough or if we are simply not using enough "hardware".
We suspect that the database solution we buy from Heroku may be performing insufficiently. For example, just doing a simple count (no joins, no nothing) on the 200k items takes around 250ms. This seems like a long time, even though postgres is known for its bad performance on counts?
We have also started to use geolocation lookups based on latitude/longitude. Both columns are indexed floats. Doing a distance calculation involves pretty complicated math, but we are using the very well recommended geocoder gem that is suspected to run very optimized queries. Even geocoder still takes 4-10 seconds to perform a lookup on, say, 40.000 objects, returning only a limit of the first nearest 10. This again sounds like a long time, and all the experienced people we consult says that it sound very odd, again hinting at the database performance.
So basically we wonder: What can we expect from the database? Might there be a problem? And what can we expect if we decide to upgrade?
An additional question I have is: I read here that we can improve performance by loading the entire database into memory. Are we supposed to configure this ourselves and if so how?
I got this from the helpful people at Heroku support:
"What this means is having enough memory (a large enough dedicated
database) to store your hot data set in memory. This isn't something
you have to do manually, Postgres is configured automatically use all
available memory on our dedicated databases.
I took a look at your database and it looks like you're currently
using about 1.25 GB of RAM, so you haven't maxed your memory usage
Okay so now I've had time to look into the numbers and figures, and I'll try to answer the questions below as follows:
First of all, the db consists of around 29 tables with a lot of relations. But in reality most queries are done on a single table (some additional resources are joined in, to provide all needed information for the views).
The table has 130 columns.
Currently it holds around 200k records but only 70k are active - hence all indexes are made as partial-indexes on this "state".
All columns we search are indexed correctly and none is of text-type, and many are just booleans.
Answers to questions:
Hmm the baseline performance it's kind of hard to tell, we have sooo many different selects. The time it takes varies typically from 90ms to 250ms selecting a limit of 20 rows. We have a LOT of counts on the same table all varying from 250ms to 800ms.
Hmm well, that's hard to say cause they wont give it a shot.
We have around 8-10 users/clients running requests at the same time.
Our query load: In new relic's database reports it says this about the last 24 hours: throughput: 9.0 cpm, total time: 0.234 s, avg time: 25.9 ms
Yes we have examined the query plans of our long-running queries. The count queries are especially slow, often over 500ms for a pretty simple count on the 70k records done on indexed columns with a result around 300
I've tuned a few Rails apps hosted on Heroku, and also hosted on other platforms, and usually the problems fall into a few basic categories:
Doing too much in ruby that could be done at the db level (sorting, filtering, join data, etc)
Slow queries
Inefficient use of indexes (not enough, or too many)
Trying too hard to do it all in the db (this is not as common in rails, but does happen)
Not optimizing cacheable data
Not effectively using background processing
Right now its hard to help you because your question doesn't contain any specifics. I think you'll get a better response if you pinpoint the biggest issue you need help with and then ask.
Some info that will help us help you:
What is the average response time of your actions? (from new relic, request-log-analyzer, logs)
What is the slowest request that you want help with?
What are the queries and code in that request?
Is the site's performance different when you run it locally vs. heroku?
In the end I think you'll find that it is not an issue specific to Heroku, and if you had your app deployed on amazon, engineyard, etc you'd have the same performance. The good news is I think that your problems are common, and shouldn't be too hard to fix once you've done some benchmarking and profiling.
-John McCaffrey
We are constantly asking...
...this seems a lot...
...that is suspected...
...What can we expect...
Good news! You can put and end to seeming, suspecting wondering and expecting through the magic of measurement!!!
Seriously though, you've not mentioned any of the basic points you'd need to get a useful answer:
What's the baseline performance of the DB running a sequential scan and single-row index fetches? You say Heroku say your DB fits in RAM, so you shouldn't see disk I/O issues when you measure.
Does this performance match whatver Heroku say it should be?
How many concurrent clients?
What's your query load - what queries and how often?
Have you checked the query plans for any of your suspiciously long-running queries?
Once you've got this sort of information, maybe someone can say something useful. As it stands anything you read here is just guesswork.
First: you should check your postgres configuration. (show all from within psql or another client, or just look at postgres.conf in the data directory) The parameter with the largest impact on performance is effective_cache_size, which should be set to about (total_physical_ram - memory_in_use_by_kernel_and_all_processes). For a 4GB machine, this often is around 3GB (4-1). (this is very course tuning, but will give the best results for a first step)
Second: why do you want all the counts? Better use a typical query: just ask for what is needed, not what is available. (reason: there is no possible optimisation for a COUNT(*): eiither the whole table, or a whole index needs to be scanned)
Third: start gathering and analysing some queryplans (for typical queries that perform badly). You can get a query plan by putting EXPLAIN ANALYZE before the actual query. (another way is to increase the logging level, and obtain them from the logfile) A bad queryplan can point you at missing statistics or indexes, or even at bad data-modelling.
Newrelic monitoring can be included as an add-on for heroku ( At the very least this should give you a lot of insight into what is happening behind the scenes, and may help you pinpoint some issues.

What's the reasonable time for generating web page?

I'm working on web app (Rails 3 based). And I really don't like the time it takes to generate the page - depending on the displayed data it takes up to 2.5 and even 4 seconds.
So I just was wondering what is the average reasonable time for generating page in your apps. Saying you check the generation time, e.g. it's 750ms and think "Ok, that should be fine even without caching". Or when you see 1.5sec you think "Oh my God, the user won't wait so long and leave the site"
There's a huge amount of research data regarding the time from query to rendering and user's experience. I'd recommend reading this article. After all Google integrated page speed in its results for a reason ;)
The 3 response-time limits are the
same today as when I wrote about them
in 1993 (based on 40-year-old research
by human factors pioneers):
0.1 seconds gives the feeling of instantaneous response — that is, the
outcome feels like it was caused by
the user, not the computer. This level
of responsiveness is essential to
support the feeling of direct
manipulation (direct manipulation is
one of the key GUI techniques to
increase user engagement and control —
for more about it, see our Principles
of Interface Design seminar).
1 second keeps the user's flow of thought seamless. Users can sense a
delay, and thus know the computer is
generating the outcome, but they still
feel in control of the overall
experience and that they're moving
freely rather than waiting on the
computer. This degree of
responsiveness is needed for good
10 seconds keeps the user's attention. From 1–10 seconds, users
definitely feel at the mercy of the
computer and wish it was faster, but
they can handle it. After 10 seconds,
they start thinking about other
things, making it harder to get their
brains back on track once the computer
finally does respond.
A 10-second delay will often make
users leave a site immediately. And
even if they stay, it's harder for
them to understand what's going on,
making it less likely that they'll
succeed in any difficult tasks.
As a rule of thumb, think that you always should aim for a balance of optimization time vs time gained. Don't spend days optimizing the hell out of one routine when your images aren't compressed correctly, or your scripts/css not combined. Yes, faster is better, but a 90% gain in generating the page by setting up a smart cache beats a 10% gain after one week tweaking the algorithm.
Also don't look too much into the first-render-time when the framework has to load everything, but use stress-testing, cached or not, to simulate various situations.
Now, some data; some of the latest sites i worked on used DotNetNuke, a huge open-source CMS, and Asp.Net MVC where you nearer to the metal. Average page time with average db queries was 600-700 milliseconds for DotNetNuke. For MVC, it's 70-100 milliseconds... Users really like the second one :)
There's no 'right' answer to this - the faster the better. Personally I normally aim for < 200ms, although I know from experience that it can be quite difficult to achieve this in Rails on anything but simple apps. Try and figure out where your bottlenecks are and cache what you can.
Edit: There seems to be some confusion between page generation time and page render time. Obviously a quick page render is the goal, and on most sites doing things like reducing HTTP requests, gzipping CSS/JS are where you can get most of your quick wins. But if the page itself can take 4-5 seconds to generate, then you're probably right that your app is where you should start.
It depends on whether nothing is displayed for 2.5-4 seconds, or that the user already sees (a part of) the page from the start, and it finishes loading completely after 2.5-4 seconds. In that case the user doesn't experience a 2.5-4 second load. Take the website; I see most of it right away, but according to the Web Inspector it takes 1.94 seconds for it to be loaded completely.
And keep in mind that the speed will also depend on the browser, computer, internet connection. What's fast for you might be slower for others.
Measure your apdex score and see how it is performing. That will give you a rough indiciation. From there, you can decide how you want to increase performance.
It also depends on what your site is; an system application for a business or software as a service (SaaS)? If it's a system application, the users are forced to use it to performance can be negotiated. If it is a SaaS, then the higher your apdex score, the more chance you have of losing your user's interest.
There are a few gems out there that measure performance and report on what your apdex is.
Here's a little more info:
My personal rule - no page should take more than 0.05 seconds, or you are in troubles.
As long as you write proper code, you don't need to spend much time on optimization to stay under 0.05.
If you stick to giant frameworks, then you are out of luck.

View counter in ASP.NET MVC

I'm going to create a view counter for articles. I have some questions:
Should I ignore article's author
when he opens the article?
I don't want to update database each
time. I can store in a
Dictionary<int, int> (articleId, viewCount) how many times
each article was viewed. After 100
hits I can update the database.
I should only count the hit once per
hour for each user and article. (if
the user opens one article many
times during one hour the view count
should be incremented only once).
For each question I want to know your suggestions how to do it right.
I'm especially interested how to do #3. Should I store the time when the user opened the article in a cookie? Does it mean that I should create a new cookie for each page?
I think I know the answer - they are analyzing the IIS log as Ope suggested.
Hidden image src is set to[Random code]
[Random code] is needed because many people may share the same IP (in a network, for example) and the code is used to distinguish users.
Sure - I think that is a good idea
and 3. are related: The issue is where would you actually store this dictionary and logic.
An ASP.NET application or session scope are of course the easiest choice, but there you really need to understand the logic of application pools. ASP.NET applications are recycled from time to time: when there is no action on the site for a certain period or in special situations - e.g. if the process starts to take too much memory the application is shut down and a new one is started in the next request. There are events for session and application shut-down, but at least some years ago they were not really reliable: In many special cases they did not always fire. Perhaps they are better now, but it is painful to test. And 1 hour is really a long time: Usually sessions are kept alive only like 20 minutes after last request.
A reliable way would be to have a separate Windows service (a lot of work to program) or always storing to database with double-view analyses (quite a lot of overhead for such a small feature).
Do you have access to IIS logs? How about analyzing IIS logs e.g. every 30 minutes with some kind of timer process and taking the count from there? Or then just store all the hits to the database with user information and calculate the unique hits with a similar timed process.
One final question: Are you really sure none of the thousands of counter applications/services in the Internet wouldn't do the job close enough to your requirements?
Good luck!
This is the screenshot of this page in Firebug. You can see that there is a request which returns 204 status code (No Content).
This is stackoverflow's view counter. They are using a hidden image which point to a controller's action.
I have many articles. How to track which articles the user visited already?
P.S. BTW, why is this request made two times?

When is data erased from the OLAP DB?

I am new to OLAP.
I understand the table structure and ETL process.
I don't understand when data is supposed to be deleted from the fact table.
Say I'm creating a reporting application for events. each event has the duration it took to complete, the exit code and total bytes read. There are several dimensions, e.g. time and location.
Say I have 1 million new records ready for my fact table daily, A total of 1 GB.
If my ETL process only adds data to my fact table it grows indefinitely.
When should I delete data from my fact table? Should I divide the data into several fact tables (e.g. monthly tables)?
Is there any rule-of-thumb?
History should never be deleted.
However, some people get nervous that 1Gb per day may turn into 1Tb every 3 years. This rarely actually matters, but some people still like to worry about the price of storage.
Your time spent designing a data purge can be more expensive than the storage you're attempting to save.
[I found 3 DBA's and 2 programmers debating ways to save a few hundred MB's. I said that I would drive them all down to Best Buy and purchase a 500Mb disk drive with the spare change on the floor of my car. The price of 5 consultants merely walking into the room to discuss it had already exceeded the price of the storage they were attempting to "save".]
The question of "can we summarize?" is entirely up to the users. Sometimes you can't usefully summarize, so you can't easily delete anything either.
Some folks will say that the business cycle is 20 years or something like that, and want details for the first 20 years (on 7Tb) and then summaries for time periods before that.
Never. You can use partitioning to deal with old records and move partitions to different drives. If you partition fact tables by date (month quarter, year), then for all the practical purposes you mostly access few latest partitions most of the time.
Keep in mind that DW belongs to business users and not to IT. Do not limit (not try to assume) questions a business analyst may want to ask -- query the DW.
