Dynamically generating method names in rails - ruby-on-rails

I need to generate links in my views using the url helpers such as user_path(#user), the catch is, in some cases I don't know what model I am creating this link for i.e. whether it is a user or a store or someting else
I would like to be able to determine this on the fly and call the appropriate view helper, currently I am doing the following, but I am wondering if there is a drier way of doing it.
if object.class == "Store"
elsif object.class == "User"

Sure, use send to dynamically choose the method name
send("#{object.class.name.downcase}_path", object)

url_for(object) does what you need:
If you instead of a hash pass a record
(like an Active Record or Active
Resource) as the options parameter,
you‘ll trigger the named route for
that record. The lookup will happen on
the name of the class. So passing a
Workshop object will attempt to use
the workshop_path route.
If you are using link_to, then you can just pass the object as the URL:
<%= link_to 'Title', object %>


Rails Forms for custom actions

I'm trying to link the input of a form to a specific action in my rails app.
Currently if I go to www.myapp.com/check/:idNumber, I'll be able to trigger the action just fine (which means routes is setup properly?). This action is basically a function call to a ruby/rails script with the parameter "idNumber" being passed to it. If the function is successful, it would return a newly created "Person" object and nil otherwise. This is different than the standard new operation as it determines the the attributes based on some information that it obtained from a database somewhere else.
Rake routes does give me the following:
check /check/:idNumber(.:format) person#check {:id=>/\d+/}
What I'm having trouble implementing is the form itself.
<%= form_tag("/check", :method => "get") do %>
<%= text_field_tag(:idNumber) %>
<% end %>
Controller action:
def check
regCheck = RegCheck.new
#person = regCheck.check_id(params[:idNumber])
if #person.name == nil
redirect_to root_path
submitting the form above would bring me to myapp.com/check?utf8=✓&idNumber=1234 instead. Can someone tell me what am I doing wrong?
I believe that using the check_path helper that is generated from the routes file is your best bet.
The form should look like this then.
<%= form_tag(check_path) do %>
<%= text_field_tag(:idNumber) %>
<% end %>
Rails forms can be finicky, especially when trying to build really customized forms.
This line
= form_for [#object]
Determines where the form goes, as well as the object that is being implemented. If you want to route the form to a different place, you can user the :url option. This options determines the path of the form, however you must keep in mind that the method is determined by the #object. If it is a new object, the method will be POST, an existing object will use a PUT method.
Let's suppose you want to update an existing object, but you want to send in data for a new object belonging to the existing object. That would look like
= form_for [#object], :as => #child_object, :url => my_optional_custom_path do |f|
# etc...
This generates a form sending a PUT request to the custom url (or the update path for #object if no custom url is supplied. The PUT request is sent with the parameter params[:child_object].
Hopefully this helps!
I don't think it's possible the way you're trying.. The URL for the form is created before the user inputs any data.. So you need to remove the :idNumber from your routing..
If you do you get the following route:
check /check(.:format) person#check
Because the regex is removed now, you need to do this in you're controller:
def check
# Make sure ID is digits only
idNumber = params[:idNumber].gsub(/[^\d]/, '')
regCheck = RegCheck.new
#person = regCheck.check_id(idNumber)
if #person.name == nil
redirect_to root_path
You're form is allright, but you may want to use check_path like TheBinaryhood suggests..
If you really want it to be check/:idNumber you may also be able to submit the form to another action and redirect it to the right path from there..

URL helper method uses what default :id?

I'm new to Rails and had a doubt regarding the link_to method. The second argument should be the url of the link, which one can generate using the url helper methods. However, one may need to pass :id as an argument of the helper method, which can be done by passing an object (which has :id as one of its attributes).
Well, in one case I did not pass the object to the method (in one of the views). However, the url was still able to obtain the correct :id (presumably using an instance variable defined earlier).
How did Rails choose a value for :id when I didn't even pass in any object?
Thanks a lot!
Here's the relevant code:
link_to 'Find Movies With Same Director', same_dir_path
Here, I am on a "show" page with url /movies/1. The same_dir_path is the helper method for the URL /movies/same_dir/:id where :id would be that of the passed object and movie#same_dir is the controller#action. Note I did not pass any object to the helper method link_to and yet, it takes the :id from the previous url ('1' in this case). The URL isn't even relative to the previous one (the path is different).
This is the controller method (same_dir):
def same_dir
#movies = Movie.find(params[:id])
if (#movies.director.nil? || #movies.director == '')
redirect_to movies_path
flash[:warning]="'#{#movies.title}' has no director info"
#otherMovies = Movie.find_all_by_director(#movies.director)
This is the routes.rb code:
match 'movies/same_dir/:id'=> 'movies#same_dir', :as => :same_dir
resources :movies
After reading your updated question I can provide you with a better answer:
Rails controllers can have default url options via the url_options method. (Doesn't seem to be a very documented feature. (here and here))
By default this method returns the parameters from the current request and that is where the id is coming from.
You can override it, too:
def url_options
{ my_parameter: my_value }.merge(super)
Original answer (might still be useful):
What you are witnessing is most likely a browser feature. For example this code:
link_to "Show", ""
generates this HTML code:
If you click that link in a browser it navigates to the empty url relative to the current url, which is in fact equal to the current url.
Another example:
link_to "Publish", :publish
Now if your current url is http://localhost/articles/1/edit that link will take you to http://localhost/articles/1/publish. (Notice that the final url contains the model ID even though you are not having it in the HTML source)
In both cases your current model ID is preserved by the browser because you are using relative urls.
This behaviour might give you the illusion of some magical model ID detection, especially because browsers preview the final (=absolute) url when hovering over the link.
Have a look at the source, I'll bet your generated links do not contain any model IDs.

Calling a method defined in a different controller when submitted form in Rails

I have a form_for tag specified as = form_for [#driver,#driver_availability].This stores the entered data in the driver_availabilities model and calls the create method of the DriversController.
Is it possible to make it call some method i define in a different controller but continue saving data in the driver_availabilities model as usual ?
Thank You
[#driver, #driver_availability] will call driver_driver_availabilities(driver_id: #driver) for new objects and driver_driver_availability(driver_id: #driver, id: #driver_availability) for existing driver availablities. So either you create a named route routing to the other controller (notice that these named routes are used for index, show, update and destroy as well) or you provide the url option to the form tag:
= form_for [#driver,#driver_availability], url: … # named route or routing hash
I would go with the second option.

How Do I Pass A Parameter From link_to To A Controller?

Building a project with Rails 3.1
I would like to provide a link in a parent model's show page that passes the parent model's id to a child object controller's create method.
I'm guessing this will require a custom route, but have no idea how to build it.
Is this possible? Or would I be breaking a Rails convention? I don't want to use a multiple model form if I can avoid it.
You can just pass them in as arbitrary values:
link_to my_path(:extra_attribute => value, :foo => 'bar')

Submitting custom information to a controller

This is probably simple, but I've tried a few things and couldn't find a way to make it work.
I would like to update a model with custom information given in a form_for
To make it more concrete, I'm on the show page for a particular instance of MyClass and I would like to pass something like the string "yay" into the controller, and then do as I please with the input. Maybe pass it back to the page as a flash message, or maybe modify the contents and then store it as a field of the MyClass instance.
I can write form_for's that contain the attributes of MyClass without prbolems, but it seems that other fields throw an error.
How do I write the form_for so that I can accomplish one of the two above scenarios?
def update
#my_class = MyClass.find(params[:id])
flash[:notice] = "This works" # but what can I write in a form for for it to be a variable that's passed in?
#rest of the update
Form helpers that unitize a form builder instance (like f.text_field) expect a valid model attribute so it can generate the appropriate id and populate the field with data from the model. If you want to have form fields that do not correspond to model attributes, don't use the the standard f.text_field but instead use:
<%= text_field_tag 'my_custom_tag' %>
which should render something like:
<input type="text" id="my_custom_tag"></input>
When the form is submitted, the value of the input will show up in the params hash with a key of :my_custom_tag.
I hope this helps.
It seems that you would probably need a hidden_field in your form :
However, if you wish to save some kind of state, which seems like this is what you want, you would never use that. Instead, you would use a session. The reason is that a hidden field can be manipulated by the client and thus security can easily be overridden.
Like Spyros said, a hidden field will give you the place. Assuming you are ok with the fact that a user can modify the URL, just add attr_accessor :foo to your model.
In the controller you can access it with bar = params[:foo] and do as you please.
