if ClassName.exists?(["id = ?", self.id])
object = ClassName.find_by_name(self.name)
object.update_attributes!( :street_address => self.street_address,
:city_name => self.city_name,
:name => self.org_unit_name,
:state_prov_id => self.state_prov_id,
:zip_code => self.zip_code)
ClassName.create! :street_address => self.street_address,
:city_name => self.city_name,
:federalid => self.federalid,
:name => self.org_unit_name,
:state_prov_id => self.state_prov_id,
:zip_code => self.zip_code
I have code like this. I would like to improve it so that it uses a method, something like create_or_update.
ClassName.create_or_update_by_name(:name => self.name,
:street_address => self.street_address,
:city_name => self.city_name,
:federalid => self.federalid,
:name => self.org_unit_name,
:state_prov_id => self.state_prov_id,
:zip_code => self.zip_code)
If the name exists in the database then it should update that object otherwise it should create a new object.
Is there is any method that exists that I can do this with?
my_class = ClassName.find_or_initialize_by_name(name)
:street_address => self.street_address,
:city_name => self.city_name,
:federalid => self.federalid,
:state_prov_id => self.state_prov_id,
:zip_code => self.zip_code
As of Rails 6, update_attributes! and update_attributes is deprecated for update! and update, respectively:
:street_address => self.street_address,
:city_name => self.city_name,
:federalid => self.federalid,
:state_prov_id => self.state_prov_id,
:zip_code => self.zip_code
The checked answer above works well for Rails 3. That said the find_or_initialize_by_attribute methods were deprecated in Rails 4. This is the new way. See Rails4 Deprecation warning for find_or_initialize_by method
person = Person.find_or_initialize(name: 'name')
person = Person.find_by_name(name) || Person.new(:name => name)
person.update_attributes!(:street_address => street_address, :city_name => city_name) #etc etc
I have a mongoid criteria categories and I need to convert to an array. I'm using categories.to_a but this dont works and always that the mongoid criteria is iterate by .map it's doing a .find a new query.
How can I fix this?
def self.mapOffers (array, user)
array.map { |u|
:id => u.id.to_s,
:name => u.name,
:description => u.description,
:price => u.price,
:url => u.url,
:categories => Category.mapCategories(u.categories.to_a, user),
:picture => u.picture.url,
:accepts_cash => u.accepts_cash_transactions,
:location => {
:longitude => u.longitude,
:latitude => u.latitude,
:street => u.street,
:neighborhood => u.neighborhood,
:number => u.number,
:zip => u.zip,
:city => u.city,
:state => u.state,
:complement => u.complement,
:country => u.country,
:fixedMeetingPoint => u.fixedMeetingPoint,
:meetingPoint => {
:street => u.meetingPointStreet,
:neighborhood => u.meetingPointNeighborhood,
:number => u.meetingPointNumber,
:zip => u.meetingPointZip,
:city => u.meetingPointCity,
:state => u.meetingPointState,
:complement => u.meetingPointComplement,
:country => u.meetingPointCountry,
:latitude => u.meetingPointLatitude,
:longitude => u.meetingPointLongitude,
:notes => u.notes,
def self.mapCategories (array, user)
array.map { |u| {
:id => u.id.to_s,
:name => u.name,
:selected => !user.nil? && u.users.include?(user),
:picture => u.picture.url,
Starting from criteria:
scope = Band.where(name: 'foo')
... retrieve the complete result set from the database and store in an array:
bands = scope.to_a
... then iterate the array any number of times:
bands.each { |band| ... }
bands.each { |band| ... }
I've integrated Shippo with my Ruby on Rails Spree platform. Everything seems to be working great, except that when I go to create a transaction to print shipping labels, I get an error in the response.
Here's my response:
{"object_state"=>"VALID", "status"=>"ERROR", "object_created"=>"2017-06-27T23:11:54.567Z", "object_updated"=>"2017-06-27T23:11:55.330Z", "object_id"=>"xxxx", "object_owner"=>"----#gmail.com", "test"=>true, "rate"=>{"object_id"=>"xxxx", "amount"=>"6.52", "currency"=>"USD", "amount_local"=>"6.52", "currency_local"=>"USD", "provider"=>"USPS", "servicelevel_name"=>"Priority Mail", "servicelevel_token"=>"usps_priority", "carrier_account"=>"xxxx"}, "tracking_number"=>"", "tracking_status"=>nil, "tracking_history"=>[], "tracking_url_provider"=>"", "label_url"=>"", "commercial_invoice_url"=>nil, "messages"=>[#<Hashie::Mash code="" source="USPS" text="Request failed. Please try again or contact Shippo support at support#goshippo.com.">], "order"=>nil, "metadata"=>"", "parcel"=>"xxxx"}->#<Shippo::API::ApiObject created=2017-06-27 23:11:54 UTC id="1b419434531e4b43b438c54b93e2a9f5" owner="xxxx#xxxx.com" state=#<Shippo::API::Category::State:0x007fddbca5a2e8 #name=:state, #value=:valid> updated=2017-06-27 23:11:55 UTC>
Here's the code used to create the label:
def self.createLabel(order_info)
shipping_info = order_info.shipping_address
stock_location = order_info.store.stock_location
address_from = {
:name => stock_location.name,
:company => order_info.store.name,
:street1 => stock_location.address1,
:street2 => stock_location.address2,
:city => stock_location.city,
:state => "#{Spree::State.find(stock_location.state_id)}",
:zip => stock_location.zipcode,
:country => "#{Spree::Country.find(stock_location.country_id)}",
:phone => stock_location.phone,
address_to = {
:name => "#{shipping_info.firstname} #{shipping_info.lastname}",
:company => shipping_info.company,
:street1 => shipping_info.address1,
:street2 => shipping_info.address2,
:city => shipping_info.city,
:state => "#{Spree::State.find(shipping_info.state_id)}",
:zip => shipping_info.zipcode,
:country => "#{Spree::Country.find(shipping_info.country_id)}",
:phone => shipping_info.phone,
:email => order_info.email
parcel = {
:length => getLength(order_info),
:width => getWidth(order_info),
:height => getHeight(order_info),
:distance_unit => :m,
:weight => getWeight(order_info),
:mass_unit => :lb
shipment = {
:address_from => address_from,
:address_to => address_to,
:parcels => parcel
#Shippo Carrier ids
#ups = Rails.application.secrets.ups_shippo_id
#usps = Rails.application.secrets.usps_shippo_id
transaction = Shippo::Transaction.create(
:shipment => shipment,
:carrier_account => "#{#usps}",
:servicelevel_token => "usps_priority",
:label_file_type => "PDF",
:async => false
Has anyone run into this issue before? I've looked at their documentation and cannot find any reason for a "status"=>"ERROR" message, when the "object_state"=>"VALID".
I'm happy to post more code if needed. Thanks.
What I found with lots of trial and error, was that the products I was sending to Shippo actually exceeded the weight the shipping carrier would allow in a package. (This was because my database was a bunch of dummy data). Be sure to be setting your measurement units as well, here:
parcel = {
:length => getLength(order_info),
:width => getWidth(order_info),
:height => getHeight(order_info),
:distance_unit => :m,
:weight => getWeight(order_info),
:mass_unit => :lb
After changing the data in my database to have reasonable weights on the products, this error went away.
I want to update spree_products_taxons table, but it is showing the error above. What am I am doing wrong?
def import_update
require 'csv'
file = params[:file]
CSV.foreach(file.path, headers: true) do |row|
#prod = Spree::Product.find(row["id"])
#var = Spree::Variant.find_by(product_id: #prod.id)
Spree::Product.where(:id => row["id"]).update_all(:name => row["name"], :meta_description => row["meta_description"], :shipping_category_id => row["shipping_category_id"], :description => row["description"], :meta_keywords => row["meta_keywords"], :tax_category_id => row["tax_category_id"], :available_on => row["available_on"], :deleted_at => row["deleted_at"], :promotionable => row["promotionable"], :meta_title => row["meta_title"], :featured => row["featured"], :supplier_id => row["supplier_id"])
Spree::Variant.find_by(id: #var.id).update(:cost_price => row["cost_price"], :depth => row["depth"], :height => row["height"], :width => row["width"], :weight => row["weight"], :tax_category_id => row["tax_category_id"], :is_master => row["is_master"], :position => row["position"], :cost_currency => row["cost_currency"], :deleted_at => row["deleted_at"], :track_inventory => row["track_inventory"], :tax_category_id => row["tax_category_id"])
Spree::Price.find_by(variant_id: #var.id).update(:amount => row["master_price"], :currency => row["cost_currency"], :deleted_at => row["deleted_at"])
Spree::ProductTaxon.find_by(product_id: #prod.id).update(:taxon_id => row["taxon_id"])
#prop = Spree::ProductProperty.find_by(product_id: #prod.id)
Spree::Property.find_by(id: #prop.property_id).update(:name => row["name"], :presentation => row["presentation"])
Spree::ProductProperty.find_by(product_id: #prod.id).update(value => row["value"])
stock_loc = Spree::StockLocation.find_by(supplier_id: #prod.supplier_id)
Spree::StockItem.where(:variant_id => #variants.id, :stock_location_id => stock_loc.id).update_all(:count_on_hand => row["count_on_hand"], :backorderable => row["backorderable"])
redirect_to admin_products_path, notice: "Products Updated."
Although the table is called spree_products_taxons (see schema.rb) for some reason the model is Spree::Classification.
You table is spree_products_taxons so it's expecting Spree::ProductsTaxon (mind that its Products NOT Product) model class. Make sure your model should be named as Spree::ProductsTaxon
I can see you are using Spree::ProductTaxon in your code. Please update and try.
Hope it helps.
I tried ccavenue but I'am getting this error. paypal is working fine.
undefined methodpayment_service_for'`
This is my controller action
def create
#subscription = Subscription.new(subscription_params)
#programme = Programme.find(subscription_params[:programme_id])
rand_number = rand.to_s[2..11]
#programme.update_attributes(:invoice_id => rand_number)
#paypal = PaypalPayment.create(:material_type => 'Programmes',:invoice_id => rand_number,:currency => #programme.currency, :status => 'Processing', :created_at => DateTime.now, :user_id => current_user.specific.id, :email_id => current_user.specific.email, :programme_id => #programme.id,:amount => #programme.price_paisas)
logger.info #programme.inspect
if subscription_params[:payment_type] == 'paypal'
if #programme.currency == 'INR'
price = #programme.price.exchange_to('USD')
price = #programme.price
logger.info price.inspect
item_details << {:name => #programme.title, :quantity => '1', :amount => price.fractional}
response = EXPRESS_GATEWAY.setup_purchase(price.fractional,
:items => item_details,
:currency => "USD",
:order_id => #programme.invoice_id,
:return_url => students_success_url,
:cancel_return_url => students_root_url
logger.info response.inspect
return redirect_to EXPRESS_GATEWAY.redirect_url_for(response.token)
elsif subscription_params[:payment_type] == 'ccavenue'
payment_service_for #programme.invoice_id, CCAVENUE_ACCOUNT,
:amount => #programme.price.fractional,
:currency => 'INR',
:service => :ccavenue do |service|
service.customer :name => current_user.name,
:email => current_user.email,
:phone => current_user.mobile
service.redirect :return_url => students_success_url
submit_tag 'Proceed to payment'
I referred this link:
The payment_service_for is the view helper of the Active Merchant gem. You should use this method inside views or you should include view helpers inside your controller.
Using Rails 3 active relation, I have a scope:
scope :duplicate_contact, lambda {|contact| where(
:person_id => contact.person_id,
:salutation => contact.salutation,
:first_name => contact.first_name,
:last_name => contact.last_name,
:suffix => contact.suffix,
:birthday => contact.birthday,
:address => contact.address,
:city => contact.city,
:state => contact.state,
:zip => contact.zip,
:phone_1 => [contact.phone_1,contact.phone_2,contact.phone_3],
:phone_1_type => [contact.phone_1_type,contact.phone_2_type,contact.phone_3_type],
:phone_2 => [contact.phone_1,contact.phone_2,contact.phone_3],
:phone_2_type => [contact.phone_1_type,contact.phone_2_type,contact.phone_3_type],
:phone_3 => [contact.phone_1,contact.phone_2,contact.phone_3],
:phone_3_type => [contact.phone_1_type,contact.phone_2_type,contact.phone_3_type],
:email => [contact.email,contact.alternate_email],
:alternate_email => [contact.email,contact.alternate_email]
This has a problem when :email is NULL. It returns back zero rows, when in fact it should return at least 1 row, ie duplicate_contact(contact).size == 0 is true when it should be false.
I think this has to do with this staement from the mysql docs: "In SQL, the NULL value is never true in comparison to any other value, even NULL."
How can I get this to return the correct result?
One possible solution that I found:
scope :duplicate_contact, lambda {|contact|
q = where(
:person_id => contact.person_id,
:salutation => contact.salutation,
:first_name => contact.first_name,
:last_name => contact.last_name,
:suffix => contact.suffix,
:birthday => contact.birthday,
:address => contact.address,
:city => contact.city,
:state => contact.state,
:zip => contact.zip
[contact.phone_1,contact.phone_2,contact.phone_3].compact.each{|p| q=q.has_phone(p)}
[contact.phone_1_type,contact.phone_2_type,contact.phone_3_type].compact.each{|p| q=q.has_phone_type(p)}
[contact.email,contact.alternate_email].compact.each{|p| q=q.has_email(p)}
scope :has_phone, lambda {|phone|
where("'#{phone}' IN (phone_1,phone_2,phone_3)")
scope :has_phone_type, lambda {|phone|
where("'#{phone}' IN (phone_1_type,phone_2_type,phone_3_type)")
scope :has_email, lambda {|email|
where("'#{email}' IN (email,alternate_email)")