Configure Symfony for use with Memcached - symfony1

I have 2 Symfony applications (1 using 1.2.x, another using 1.4.x and both using Propel) that need to share some specific session information. Although I have no experience with memcached, my sense--after some reading--is that it may be able to serve as an external (FAST) repository that each app could read and write to. Unfortunately, I can't find much information about how to use it with Symfony in any capacity, much less in the quasi-cache, quasi-messaging server I'm envisioning.
My questions, I suppose, are:
Am I mistaken in believing that memcached be used in this manner and access by multiple systems?
How can I configure Symfony to access a memcached repository?

This explains one approach fairly well (you don't need the view cache stuff, just the second half about making a singleton available and configuring it):
edit: now 404, but still available here
You can then use:
(same as the methods here as sfMemcache subclasses Memcache).
As long as both apps point to the same memcache, you should be able to share data between them like this.


Allowing others to copy and tweak my Rails app online

I have developed a relatively simple Rails web application that others (non-programmers) may find useful. I would like to provide a web interface for anyone who wants to create their own copy of my app and change some minor settings, like the appearance, the name of the app and some of its resources, that type of thing. What kind of technology would allow me to do this? Thank you in advance!
GitHub is probably one of the most popular tools to support this, but there are many others such as SourceForge. I'd start from there and do some research to decide the best one for your purposes.
The best way to collaborate code online is through git. The most popular sites for git management include GitHub and BitBucket. Here's a good article suggesting nine alternatives.
However, you stated it would be used by "non-programmers". I can't tell if they will find it useful through the function of the application or the simplicity of the code, so it seems reasonable to also suggest non-git options.
You could use something like Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud to host the static files. See the AWS S3 docs regarding creating a bucket and adding an object.
If you would like to host the entire application online and allow users to easily edit and view the application in-browser, check out cloud9.

How to run multiple "Applications" under one compoundJS instance?

I've been using nodeJS + expressJS for several years now developing a custom Application Platform for our organization. Our central framework provides a common set of services (authentication, language, administration, etc...) for any installed Modules/Applications under it.
I would like to switch our framework out with compoundJS. However I'm not familiar with the design constraints imposed by it (and Rails apps in general) and can't seem to figure out how to accomplish what I'm after.
I would like to only have a single server instance running: all
requests first process through our common authentication checking.
Then are passed on to an application's controllers.
I would also like to have each application separated out: preferably
under a separate site/applications/ directory. Each of these
applications could be designed using compoundJS normally. And I would like to install them like:
cd site/applications
npm install site-hr
npm install site-finance
npm install site-payroll
this would then have all the routes from /hr, /finance, /payroll operational.
How do I accomplish this?
Is there a way to get compoundJS to search the nonstandard /applications/* folders for models/controllers/views and load them while keeping the central /site configurations?
Or is there a better way?
Sorry for the late answer, but I needed something similar: I needed to put together tool applications in a portal.
I found a way to include child applications in a parent's Compound application as node modules. I wrote a guide on how to do it and sent a pull request to add it in the advanced folder of CompoundJS' guides. It is also available here. It requires a bit of work, but it works fine with 4 applications for us.
Hope it can help.
It's simple. Just use app.use in config/environment.js to map your sub-apps:
var mod = require('your-compound-module');
app.use('/subroot', mod());
When you visit /subroot/any-path, then it will be handled by /anypath route of your sub-app. Note, that you don't need any additional work on path helpers, as they will start with '/subroot' automatically (handled on compound side).
This is a good point, but we haven't seen any implementation yet. May be years later there would be some.
Using a proxy layer in front of the instances would be a general method, usually with Nginx, Vanish Cache etc. For the bleeding edge techs, I've heard Phusion Passenger has implemented Node.js support, but I haven't successfully tested yet. If you are familiar with Ruby, it would be a good try.
If you really want to construct a big project with many modules, you can try out some industrialized frameworks for instance Architect for Cloud9 IDE project.
For authentication, I think it's necessary to use independent methods in each application, but they can share with one user database.

Share session between phpBB and a rails app

This might be a nonsensical question, but I have this task to create a rails app that shares session information, specifically login/authorization info, with an installation of a phpBB that some other person has customized to be more than just a BB.
Basically I need to rely on the user's phpBB login to authorize access to the rails app. I really don't want to have the user maintain two logins to use this conceptual single app.
I read a lot of documentation on phpBB and didn't find anything like exposed services or an API, but I'm hoping I just missed something obvious.
I've been considering adding a method to expose some hash or something to link the two applications rather than try to squeeze possibly different implementations of session.
Quick context, this work needs to be done fast and cleanly and I've never developed in php and rails is super fast so I am investigating the idea of integrating the two sides.
I might be off in the weeds, so don't be afraid to say so :)
Have you checked phpbb-auth?

What's the best way to integrate a Django and Rails app sharing the same MySQL datastore?

I'm going to be collaborating with a Python developer on a web
application. I'm going to be building a part of it in Ruby and he is
going to build another part of it using Django. I don't know much about
My plan for integrating the two parts is to simply map a certain URL
path prefix (say, any request that begins with /services) to the Python
code, while leaving Rails to process other requests.
The Python and Ruby parts of the app will share and make updates to the
same MySQL datastore.
My questions:
What do people think generally of this sort of integration strategy?
Is there a better alternative (short of writing it all in one language)?
What's the best way to share sensitive session data (i.e. a logged in
user's id) across the two parts of the app?
As I see it you can't use Django's auth, you can't use Django's ORM, you can't use Django's admin, you can't use Django's sessions - all you are left with is URL mapping to views and the template system. I'd not use Django, but a simpler Python framework. Time your Python programmer expanded his world...
One possible way that should be pretty clean is to decide which one of the apps is the "main" one and have the other one communicate with it over a well-defined API, rather than directly interacting with the underlying database.
If you're doing it right, you're already building your Rails application with a RESTful API. The Django app could act as a REST client to it.
I'm sure it could work the other way around too (with the rest-client gem, for instance).
That way, things like validations and other core business logic are enforced in one place, rather than two.
A project, product, whatever you call it, needs a leader.
This is the first proof that you don't have one. Someone should decide either you're doing ruby or python. I prefer ruby myself, but I understand those who prefer python.
I think starting a product asking yourself those kind of questions is a BAD start.
If your colleague only knows prototype, and you only know JQuery, are you going to mix the technologies too? Same for DB? And for testing frameworks?
This is a never ending arguing subject. One should decide, IMHO, if you want so;ething good to happen. I work with a lot of teams, as a consultant, Agile teams, very mature teams for some of them, and that's the kind of stuff they avoid at all cost.
Except if one of you is going to work on some specific part of the project, which REALLY needs one or other of the technologies, but still think the other one is best for the rest of the application.
I think, for example, at a batch computing. You have ALL your web app in ror or django, and you have a script, called by CRON or whatever, computing huge amounts of data outside the web app, filling a DB or whatever.

How to extend an existing Ruby on Rails CMS to host multiple sites?

I am trying to build a CMS I can use to host multiple sites. I know I'm going to end up reinventing the wheel a million times with this project, so I'm thinking about extending an existing open source Ruby on Rails CMS to meet my needs.
One of those needs is to be able to run multiple sites, while using only one code-base. That way, when there's an update I want to make, I can update it in one place, and the change is reflected on all of the sites. I think that this will be able to scale by running multiple instances of the application.
I think that I can use the domain/subdomain to determine which data to display. For example, someone goes to and the application looks in the database for the content for subdomain1.
The problem I see is with most pre-built CMS solutions, they are only designed to host one site, including the one I want to use. So the database is structured to work with one site. However, I had the idea that I could overcome this by "creating a new database" for each site, then specifying which database to connect to based on the domain/subdomain as I mentioned above.
I'm thinking of hosting this on Heroku, so I'm wondering what my options for this might be. I'm not very familiar with Amazon S3, or Amazon SimpleDB, but I feel like there's some sort of "cloud database" that would make this solution a lot more realistic, than creating a new MySQL database for each site.
What do you think? Am I thinking about this the wrong way? What advice do you have to offer in this area?
I've worked on a Rails app like this, and the way it was done there was named-based virtual hosts, with db entries for each site running. Each record was scoped to a site if necessary (blog posts, etc.) while users would have access to all sites running out of that db. Administrator permissions could be global or scoped to one or more sites.
You're absolutely correct when you say you'll reinvent the wheel a million times during the project. Plugins will likely require hacking on top of the CMS itself.
In my situation, it ended up being a waste of almost a million dollars of company money to build that codebase to run multiple sites while still being able to cater to the whims of each client site. It worked, but was not very maintainable due to the number of site-specific hacks that subsequently entered the codebase. You may be able to make it work if you don't have to worry about catering to specific client sites running on your platform.
In the end, you're going to need a layer of indirection to handle the different sites regardless of methodology. We ended up putting it in the database itself. If you go with the different-db-for-each-site method you mentioned, you'll put that layer in your code instead. I'm not sure which one is the better method.
I hope you're able to pull this off. I failed.
Also, as I learned today, Heroku offers postgres instead of mysql for rails apps.
There's James Stewart's Theme Support Plugin for Rails 2.3, and lucasefe's themes_for_rails gem for Rails 3+.
I just started using the 2.3 version and it's working well so far.
