SPListItem.Update and SPFile.Update fail - sharepoint-2007

We are running one MOSS application as below:-
1. user use InfoPath request form to trigger workflow attached to SharePoint document library
2. all sub-sequent tasks are performed by users by InfoPath task form within SharePoint site through "Workflow Task" list (open, checkout, approve or reject) till the task completed.
3. all request form submitted could be viewed as xml file in the document library through "Explorer View"
My quesiton is why I cannot update the item located in the document library, basically open the SPListItem:-
SPSite thisSite = new SPSite("http://server")
SPWeb thisWeb = thisSite.OpenWeb("/web")
thisSite.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
thisWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
SPDocumentLibrary library = (SPDocumentLibrary)thisWeb.Lists["DocLib"];
foreach (SPListItem item in library.Items)
SPFile file = item.File;
I tried almost all ways I could find:-
item["Customer Name"] = "123456";
// or item.SystemUpdate();
file.Item["Customer Name"] = "123456";
After each update, the value resumed when reopen or visit through the same code lines!
but when I view item properties, the "Last modified" is changed
Last modified at 6/8/2010 12:27 AM by Administrator
This do drive me cray, any help, please.
Thanks & best regards,

When you publish your form to a list, it asks you to choose the fields to be shown on that list. As you choose the item you want to update, click "Modify". Check the checkbox
at the bottom saying "Allow user to edit data in this field by using a datasheet or property page". This works for me.


Make cascading list mandatory on JIRA based on another cascading list

I think this can be achieved with behaviors but I am struggling with the code.
I am trying to make "Cascading list 2" mandatory when an option is picked from "Cascading list 1"
On "Cascading list 1" if a user picks option "A" then they have to also fill out "Cascading list 2"
If they pick option "B" on "Cascading list 1" then "Cascading list 2" is not required.
This is some of the code I was playing around with:
def fieldA = getFieldByName('BI Reporting & Analytics Request Categories') //this is cascading list 1
def fieldC = getFieldByName('Reporting') //this is the cascading list 2
def fieldAValuesThatTriggerFieldCRequired = ['Reporting'] //this is the option choosen in cascading list 1
def valueA = fieldA.value
def fieldCIsRequired = valueA in fieldAValuesThatTriggerFieldCRequired
Any assistance is appreciated.
Image on JIRA
If my understanding is correct, they are not cascading field.
The request here is that when field A has particular value saying 'aaa', then field B becomes required (mandatory).
This is a typical use case for Jira plugin Adaptavist ScriptRunner behaviours.
But Behaviours is only available for Jira server or data center version. It is not for Jira cloud.
If your Jira is server version, you can refer to below steps and scripts:
go to behaviours settings, if you don't have a behaviour item for
your workflow, please create it. If behaviour has been created,
click into action/edit.
choose the field A and add it.
click Add server-side script, you will see the black inline edit section.
add below code.
import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.user.FieldBehaviours
import com.onresolve.jira.groovy.user.FormField
import groovy.transform.BaseScript
#BaseScript FieldBehaviours fieldBehaviours
FormField field1 = getFieldById(getFieldChanged()) // we need to capture the change in field 1.
FormField pmAuthor = getFieldByName("field2")
if (field1.getValue()) { // to check if field1 has value as the action on field could be a deleting value operation.
if (field2.getValue()=="A") {
} else {
} else { // if the value was deleted, then remove the requirement.

Second Android Native Page focus Issue

While trying to automate android native application , Appium is not identify or focus on any single element on second page of native application after automating first page login functionality successfully .I have tried with all wait method and driver. context method but it is now working .I have tried to debug the code with so many wait time but it is not working .When i put a break point after automating first page and tried to debug the application then i observed that if i put any manual action on second page (open window and close same window )then appium is allowing to identify the second page also but i didn't understand why it is happening .By automation script, i am unable to do anything on second page .Could any team help me for the same? Page source code for second page :- "
i have tried with below method for identify the second page..
ICapabilities caps = driver.Capabilities;
String context = driver.Context;
Console.WriteLine("Current context", context);
driver.Context = ("NATIVE_APP");
String afterloginsource = driver.PageSource;
Console.WriteLine("After loginv page source :- ", afterloginsource);
TouchAction t = new TouchAction(driver);
t.Tap(100, 100).Perform();
String loginsource = driver.PageSource;
Console.WriteLine("Befor login page source :- ",loginsource);
//enter valid account
// driver.HideKeyboard();
/////driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//android.widget.EditText[#index='1']")).SendKeys("17765919"); ////upn02
///enter valid password
///click login button
ICapabilities caps = driver.Capabilities;
String context = driver.Context;
Console.WriteLine("Current context", context);
driver.Context = ("NATIVE_APP");
String afterloginsource = driver.PageSource;
Console.WriteLine("After loginv page source :- ", afterloginsource);
TouchAction t = new TouchAction(driver);
t.Tap(100, 100).Perform();
AndroidElement expandList = driver.FindElementById("com.Testing:id/btn_more_options");
expandList.Click(); Or //((IJavaScriptExecutor)driver).ExecuteScript("mobile: scroll", scrollObject);
//IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver;
//IWebElement hiddenButton = driver.FindElementById("com.Testing:id/enableNotify");
//String script = "arguments[0].click();";
//js.ExecuteScript(script, hiddenButton);
it is giving error as nosuchelement exception for any element on second page.
NoSuchElement states for inability to find the element. It strongly seems for me that xpath locators to webelements on the page are incorrect.
I do recommend to try out remote debugging just to ensure the locators are organized correctly. And using remote debugging tool - You may also check the locators on-the-fly there.
As an option B) - I could also recommend to take a quick glance towards SeeTest automation tool. The link above guide on how to set up project from scratch, and here is public documentation for SeeTest.

Error in XAF: Requires a single object selected

I'm using XAF to create some applications.
I have a problem with this scenario:
In some ViewController I'm creating a new object (not saving it) and opening it in
edit mode.
After object is created using
var newObject = ObjectSpace.CreateObject<MasterType>()
I fill its details using:
newObject.Details = new List<Details>() {new Detail(), new Detail, new Detail()};
When the form opens in te web everything seems greate, but when I click one of detail items on the grid to open for edit, this error appears:
Message: An error with number 1007 has occurred. Error message:
Unable to execute disabled or inactive action ListViewShowObject.
Disable reasons: Requires a single object selected.

Update task item programatically in Sharepoint with CSOM

I want to update a task item programatically in CSOM. Item is updating but workflow is not triggering. I need just to open the item in sharepoint and save it. Then workflow is triggering.
List requestTasksList = MyWeb.Lists.GetByTitle("TestRequest Tasks");
List<TestRequestModel> testRequestList = new List<TestRequestModel>();
ListItemCollection ColListItems = requestTasksList.GetItems(Spqur);
foreach (ListItem task in ColListItems)
task["Status"] = "Completed";
task["TaskOutcome"] = "Approved";
task["PercentComplete"] = 1.0;
task["Checkmark"] = 1;
This is the updated task item
As i said, When i click to save button, workflow is triggering and new task is creating.
I'm not sure if its typo but it should be
List requestTasksList = MyWeb.Lists.GetByTitle("TestRequest Tasks");
List<TestRequestModel> testRequestList = new List<TestRequestModel>();
ListItemCollection ColListItems = requestTasksList.GetItems(Spqur);
foreach (ListItem task in ColListItems)
task["Status"] = "Completed";
task["TaskOutcome"] = "Approved";
task["PercentComplete"] = 1.0;
task["Checkmark"] = 1;
We needed to do the same thing and have found that there are no event handlers on the workflow tasks list in SharePoint 2013. I know that there is a SPWorkflowAutostartEventReceiver on lists that have workflows auto start on add or update, so I assumed this same approach would be done for workflow tasks as well, but it is not. Since there are no event handlers on the workflow tasks list, I surmise that all workflow triggers are initiated from the server-side UI code on the task list (horrible design).
For us we need to work completely client side with no farm solution or sandboxed code. So our only solution has been to screen scrape URLs and then open pages or dialogs for the user to do things like cancel all tasks for an approval workflow. Granted, this approach still does requires user input. I suppose you could screen scrape the whole page and play back the action of hitting buttons on a task page or cancel task page if you needed to avoid user input. That would be a pain, though.

Unit Price Attribute Not Visible in Quickbooks Desktop API

I don't see the Unit Price attribute available in the Item Class when it comes to QBD. Its available in QBO. I am trying to download and fill a database using the items entered via Quickbooks desktop version. Can someone help please?
How can I get the Unit Price for an item in Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.Item?
Extra Information Added after comment by Shivan Raptor (7-Nov-2013)
I am having a Quickbooks Pro Trial 2014 UK version installed in my computer. I have created a company file and items for the company. When I create an item I can enter a Price to that item. Quickbooks must be saving it somewhere. I need to access it using the Quickbooks API from my .Net application.
I am interested on the stock items here. I am using Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.Item class to access it. Am I using the right class? If you go to the API documentation the Item class has a field called Unit Price but its not listed when you actually check from the .Net application.
Shivan Raptor wanted the code (8-Nov-2013)
Given below is the code snippet. If you understand the question properly you would realize it cannot give a run time error because you cannot compile a code if you write it with object attributes that are not exposed. And the compiler error is kind of obvious too:
In this case, ATTRIBUTE_NAME = UnitPrice and CLASS_NAME = Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.Item (this is already there in the first post itself)
The relevant code sample is given below. Its the code behind of an ASP.Net page.
Dim varItemBL As New BL.ItemManagement
'Preparing Query
Dim qbdItemQuery As New Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.ItemQuery
qbdItemQuery.ItemElementName = Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.ItemChoiceType4.StartPage
qbdItemQuery.Item = "1"
qbdItemQuery.ChunkSize = "10"
'Quering Quickbooks Desktop
Dim qbdItems = qbdItemQuery.ExecuteQuery(Of Intuit.Ipp.Data.Qbd.Item)(context).ToList
'Synchronising Items from Quickbooks to MyDigiRep
For i As Integer = 0 To qbdItems.Count - 1
Dim varUnitPrice As Decimal
'Checking whether Unit Price is entered
If qbdItems(i).UnitPrice Is Nothing Then
varUnitPrice = 0
varUnitPrice = qbdItems(i).UnitPrice.Amount
End If
'Synchronising Item with the MyDigiRep database
varItemBL.fnAddItemsAPI(qbdItems(i).Name, "NS", varUnitPrice, _
qbdItems(i).UOMAbbrv, HttpContext.Current.Session("companyID"), _
'Updating UI to display synchronisation results
lblItemSycnStatus.Text = qbdItems.Count & " Item Records Synchronised."
Catch ex As Exception
lblItemSycnStatus.Text = "Item Records Synchronisation Failed."
End Try
The version of the Intuit.Ipp.Data.dll is
