Sharepoint - Set site category through code - sharepoint-2007

Is it possible to change the site category of a site, or add it in the moment of creation through code?
David Esteves

AFAIK there is no "category" on a site. If you refer to the "site directory" (where you can list your various sites beneath some categories), that is actually implemented as yet another SharePoint site using lists, and you should be able to change the category of an entry simply by changing the corresponding list item in the directory.


How to add an external link under a page in Kentico?

We’re using Kentico 11.0.26 with MVC.
I need to add an external link under a page.
In content tree it should look something like this:
Page A
Page A1
Page A2
The problem is that when I click the + button in Pages application, I only see page types, and there is no option to add a link.
Why not use value of page field to store the link and load the value inside of MVC app? Content tree alone does not have capability for this. All nodes have to be pages in one way or the other and plain old link to external domain can not be placed instead of page. To be honest I do not see benefit of having a link inside of content tree even for menu since you have to create menu using document path and not only its name anyway so accessing additional property should not be that much of a problem.
You could create a new content type to represent an external link and put that into your content tree. This would then also give you options to set additional properties of the link such as target and title rather than just a URL.

Customize the TFS web dashboard

Like the title says, how can I customize the web dashboard in TFS 2012? I have created my own Work Item Type and would like a shortcut on the home page of Team Web Access. I am using the default Team Web Access page and I would just like to have a shortcut button immediately on the front page instead of in a dropdown, which is where it's contained now.
There is no supported way to do this. In TFS 2015 they have the concept of Web Extensions, but that is only for specific extension points which doesn't include changing the home page.
You can do it in an unsupported manner, but I wouldn't recommend it. You can find the ASPX/CSS/JS files on the server that TFS uses for the web site and hack away at them. I've known people that have done this before. But there are probably repercussions when it comes time to upgrade.
For posterity, I've found a dirty solution to do this without cloning the website and gutting it (as described here: Note that this solution is really dirty and may not fit your project needs.
The solution works by swapping the default work item options (based on the process template you are using).
Use WITADMIN to export your Categories into an XML. Find a work item currently on the front page that you're okay with swapping out for the work item you want to be on the front page. Change "DEFAULTWORKITEMTYPE" to "WORKITEMTYPE" in the tags. Add a new entry: and it should show up as one of the shortcut buttons on your home page.
I highly recommend doing your modifications with Microsoft TFS Power Tools 2012.

Article alias not show in browser url in Joomla 3.0

My doubt is about the urls:
In Joomla 3.0 I proceed steps for SEO, rename the .htaccess etc.
But example if I create one article with alias: article-url-teste.
I go the menu create one sub-menu item with the same alias for single article.
When I click in submenu item in fontend the article show me ok but the url site/article-url-teste not show, show me the alias the root menu.
I like show alias of the articles.
Joomla SEF urls are not magic bullets in that once enabled you can access any article using the alias. What you described is the correct behavior for how you configured the menu. If you want to be able to access the article directly using the alias you need to create a dedicated menu item.
I usually created a dedicated menutype called Placement or Hidden with articles and any other endpoint I need to be SEF alias accessible. The only major difference being you don't attach the menutype to a mod_menus module for display.

Sharepoint 2007 permissions needed to View webpart in page but not edit page?

I have the following scenario:
I have a list of custom items. Users with "Contribute" permission level can add and edit items on this list.
I created a blank webpart page, and added to the page a webpart to view the custom list.
The webpart page is stored on a "Pages" document library.
This works fine, except that I don't want contributors to mess with the webpart and modify the shared page. So in order to have "Modify shared webpart" link dissapear, I broke Inheritance on the Pages document library and set permissions of contributors to "Read only".
However, this does not work as expected and when users access the web part page, the whole webpart is not displayed.
I have troubleshooted the problem creating custom permission levels and the permission that is needed to the default "Read Only" level is the "edit items" permission on the Pages list.
However, this permission gives the user of editing the page and changing the webpart.
How can I achieve the correct permission set? I need to have the page as "read only" for most users, but still have them view the webpart (and add and edit items on the original custom list).
Has the page with the web part been checked in, published, and approved?
It might not be a permissions issue, it could be that Read Only users are seeing the old, published version of the page (a version that does not contain the web part).

Looking for a page designer

My site currently has some static pages. I'm looking for a rails wysiwyg webtool with which I can change those static pages (with images) dynamically. The number of pages is fixed and I don't have to be able to dynamically add new.
The site already has a design template assigned which I don't need to change. I only need to be able to change the content of some of the pages.
Someone can suggest me something?
Are you looking for a server site tool that facilitates editing static HTML files but uses a web browser interface?
If so I think that only solves part of the problem. You pages still have, presumably, some common "furniture" like a Banner pane, Left pane, Right pane, Footer. If you want to change these you will have to edit every file. What about if you have telephone number in the Banner - if that changed it would be better to just change that centrally.
These are problems that a Content Management System addresses, so if you are not familiar with that you may want to read up on CMS.
To compare CMS systems see:
You can enter "Rails" or maybe "Ruby" in the Language field of the Search form
Try Radiant CMS
