Custom validation :on => :create not working - ruby-on-rails

I have a custom validation method that I only want executed on create:
validate :post_count, :on => :create
def post_count
# validate stuff
However, it's getting fired on update (in addition to on create).
Does the :on => :create option not work with custom validation methods?

As far as I know, there's no :on option. Use
validate_on_create :post_count
instead. And there's validate_on_update also. You can read about this methods here.

This may be a Rails 2.x vs. Rails 3 issue but according to the Rails Guides on Validation the :on option is definitely valid (though I am fighting with why it's not firing for me in a similar way).


Validating password with validates_format_of

EDIT: I realized the comments about there not being a difference with :save already covered were correct, and was able to work through some errors. However, it still appears the regex validation is failing for :password.
I'm a little confused, and think the problem might be related to there being only :password_digest in the table itself, while we use password and password_confirmation as attributes in the model. But I'm also guessing Rails has this all worked out and takes care of everything with the has_secure_password function.
validates_format_of :password, :with => /\A[a-zA-Z]\z/, :on => :create, :update fails with the string password.
Obviously, this doesn't make sense and matches fine in the console (using =~ or .match(). Also notice if I set allow_nil: true for :password other tests involving the user start failing (which doesn't make sense, as the password should never be nil anyways).
I don't see any use case where you need on create and update together if on: :save is already there.
For more model callbacks please refer this.
According to rails docs
The default behavior for all the built-in validation helpers is to be run on save (both when you're creating a new record and when you're updating it). If you want to change it, you can use on: :create to run the validation only when a new record is created or on: :update to run the validation only when a record is updated.
So, you should not use :on option in your validation

rails validates_uniqueness_of not working as it should

I have an account model like so
class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
I had some duplicates records on it in production so I've added this line to it
validates_uniqueness_of :owner_id, :on => :create
so it will only verify this on new records and NOT on save!
it works on localhost and even on console on production.
but I have a job that runs every 10 minutes that uses rails runner and it fails for
Validation failed: Owner has already been taken (ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid)
The runner does some actions on accounts and then saves them.
am I doing something wrong on this syntax ?
Only time I've seen this happen was when a controller "create" action was being sent as a :get request (instead of :post as it should be in REST). The result was the validation didn't realize it was doing a :create. Doesn't sound like what you've got here... but maybe similar?
FYI my fix at the time was to use if: :new_record? instead of on: :create until the request type could be fixed. You could try this.
Also, you can put a debug statement into the validation to interrogate the state of the object during that validation with e.g. if: -> { binding.pry } or if: -> { debugger } (depending on what you use to debug with, of course). Hopefully that will help figure out what the runner is doing different. You can ask the object if it's a new_record? or what changes it has to save, etc.
I have found that this method has no
:on => :create
only :if
so I've did this:
validates_uniqueness_of :owner_id, :if => { |account| account.created_at > - 10.seconds }

Validation only in specific form

Is there any way to trigger validation only in specific forms(controller's action), not globally at every save or update?
Something like User.create(:validate=>true) flag.
Yes, you can supply conditionals to the validations, eg:
validates_presence_of :something, :if => :special?
def make_sepcial
#special = true
def special?
Now all you have to do to turn on these validations is:
s =
As you explained in the comments, you want to skip validation for new records. In that case, you can use thomasfedb's answer, but don't use the #special variable, but:
validates_presence_of :something, :if => :persisted?
This will validate only for saved Users, but not for new Users. See the API documentation on persisted?.
This is a bit old. But I found to be a good way of handling this sort of behaviour.

Specifying two conditions with :if

I have a model which validates presence of an attribute if a check box is checked in the view.
The code is something like this:
validates_presence_of :shipping_first_name, :if => :receive_by_email_is_unchecked
I am looking to have another condition of this validation.So how do I go about doing this ??
My assumption is that something like this would do:
validates_presence_of :shipping_first_name, :if => {:receive_by_email_is_unchecked,:form_first_step_validation}
I am not sure if this is the write way of doing it or not ??
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
You can pass method names in an array:
validates_presence_of :shipping_first_name, :if => [:receive_by_email_is_unchecked, :form_first_step_validation]
Alternatively you can use proc if you don't want to define separate methods just for conditioning validations:
validates_presence_of :shipping_first_name, :if => proc { !receive_by_email? && form_first_step_validation }
I don't think that will work, but have a look at the source code for validates_presence_of
You can build your own validator to do exactly that
Ryan Bates covered this in one of his first Rails casts
It's still valid although syntax may be slightly different for Rails v 3 +
I assume you are working on a Rails 2.x app as the syntax you use is not Rails 3 syntax
Rails 3.x syntax would be
validates :field_1, :field_2, :presence_of => true, :if => # Use a proc, or an array of conditions here. see the valid examples and comments that you have already received for this question from #jimworm and #Michał Szajbe

Executing custom validation before record created?

I want to execute a custom validation before the record is created?
It looks as if this is the right method: before_validation_on_create. For example:
before_validation_on_create :custom_validation
But am not sure. Any help would be appreciated.
In rails 3
before_validation_on_create :do_something
has been replaced with:
before_validation :do_something, :on => :create
before_validation_on_create hooks happen before validation on create… but they aren't validations themselves.
What you probably want to do is use validate and a private method which adds to the error array. like this:
class IceCreamCone
validate :ensure_ice_cream_is_not_melted, :before => :create
def ensure_ice_cream_is_not_melted
if ice_cream.melted?
errors.add(:ice_cream, 'is melted.')
The following worked for me in Rails 5:
validate :custom_validation_method, :on => :create
validate :custom_validation_method, :before => :create
gave me following error:
Unknown key: :before. Valid keys are: :on, :if, :unless, :prepend.
There's a great resource here for information on callbacks and the order they happen in:
