Rails - Devise and acts_as_audited - ruby-on-rails

Hey, I want to use Devise and acts_as_audited together but when I try and link them using -
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
audit Candidate
def current_user
#user = User.find(user_session)
I get this error.
stack level too deep
Do I need to do it differently ?

This is an old question, but still rears its ugly head. Here's a different, possibly more appropriate workaround which worked for me.
First, as others describe, the bug happens when using audited (formerly acts_as_audited) with devise (and potentially other authentication gems), and then when you are auditing any of the column Devise uses on your User model (last_sign_in_at, last_sign_in_ip, etc).
Devise tries to authenticate the user (using its authenticate_user! before_filter).
Devise tries to update/save the user's sign in info (last_sign_in_at, ip, etc) for posterity
As part of that save, Audited then tries to create an audit for that change.
Audited tries to set the User for that Audit, to indicate who made the change. How does it do that?
Audited calls current_user, a Devise method. Devise isn't yet done with its authenticate method from step 1 - Audited stepped in and is doing its thing. So,
The current_user method repeats step #1 (the authenticate_user! method), creating an infinite loop
Your application errors with Stack Level Too Deep
#DGM's workaround simply tells Audited to not audit this change, which might work for you. However, in my application, I need to audit that change.
Audited allows you to specify a different method to use for current_user.
In application controller, add your new method, referring to the current_user instance variable.
def my_cool_method
And then, in config/initializers/audited.rb, tell Audited to use your new method:
Audited.current_user_method = :my_cool_method
With this change, Audited will still audit the change, but it will not try to set the audit's user (the person who made the change) - that will be nil.
Another advantage of this change over the alternate solution by DGM is that we aren't overriding Devise's current_user method, which is similar to monkey patching in that it could cause unintended consequences later.

Just to close this off.
stack level too deep is caused because devise has built in auditing on the current_user variable.
So every time you access the variable it causes an infinite loop.

Further explaining - acts_as_audited calls current_user before checking what to ignore, and if current_user triggers a table change, calls an audit again, poof. Infinite loop.
My workaround with the same problem with authlogic is to disable auditing while setting up the session:
def current_user
return #current_user if defined?(#current_user)
User.without_auditing do
#current_user = current_user_session && current_user_session.user
However, I still hit some other callbacks that I'd rather not hit. This is authlogic's problem, not act_as_audited's.
Ultimately, I would prefer that the auditing done by devise or authlogic do so in a manner that bypassed validations, callbacks, and timestamps.

Same thing happens with Authlogic alone. Solution is to add the :except argument with the following fields(see below). Perhaps something similar will work with Devise as well.
# Define explicitly otherwise "Stack
Level Too Deep"
:except => [ :persistence_token,
:perishable_token, :login_count,
:last_request_at, :current_login_at,
:last_login_at, :current_login_ip,
:last_login_ip ]


How does cancancan set the model instance, and how can I inspect it?

I noticed users could access an action they shouldn't be able to access.
I debugged in the rails console with something like
user = User.first
physician = Physician.first
ability = Ability.new(user)
ability.can?(:send_message, physician)
# => false
The above says that user can't access the send_message action for that physician, which is the desired behaviour, yet I know they can in the app!
I think this narrows down the cause to a problem with cancancan loading the wrong model instance for some reason. And that's hinted to in the cancan docs too:
Note: this assumes that the model instance is being loaded properly.
But the problem is I'm not sure how to diagnose the problem from here, since the console says it should be working. I don't know how to view the model instance that cancancan has set, and I don't know what else to try.
Any ideas?
I did manage to work around this by using authorize! :send_message, physician in the controller, but since I only stumbled upon this behaviour by chance, I think it's much more important to figure out why the wrong model instance was being loaded (especially so I can see if that was happening elsewhere too).
I figured out why it was probably happening (but I still don't know how to disagnose it)
I think this was happening because I had many custom actions, and some had #physician = Physician.find(current_user.physician.id) (i.e they're the current user), whereas others were more like #physician = Physician.find_by_id(physician_params[:id]). I'm not sure how cancan sets the instance model, but I do know it's not psychic, so it wouldn't know whether to set it to the current user's physician instance, or the physician instance for the physician id passed in.
What remains?
How does cancancan set the model instance for custom methods (I presume it tries something, and if that doesn't work, tries something else, etc etc)?
Small notes that help:
load_and_authorize_resource does attempt to load the model instance for non RESTful actions
Some useful info in the docs
This may have something to do with what I experienced:
When I returned slug it breaks this behaviour and I can edit all pokemons.
Leaving my notes here in case they are helpful to anyone else.
TL;DR, there are a lot of nuanced assumptions cancancan makes, which you won't know about from the outset. I discovered many of them by thoroughly reading the comments in the cancancan readme, code, and defining abilities docs
So here goes..
How cancancan works
if you call authorize! in the controller action itself, cancancan will look for an instance variable in each controller action.
if you instead simply add load_and_authorize_resource at the start of your controller, that will do two things:
Load an instance variable that cancancan thinks should be loaded, and
Checks for authorization on that model instance
Note that for custom actions, load_and_authorize_resource will still try to load a model instance, but how does it know what to load? It doesn't, it guesses, which, for me, I do not like, so be aware of that.
For me, I prefer to do the work of load_and_authorize_resource myself in two separate steps, so I know exactly what's going on.
Ensure #article is generated via a before action for each controller action (or #articles for index action)
Simply have a line at the top of the controller saying load_and_authorize_resource after the before action that sets the model instance
Note that the only difference is now the developer is responsible for loading the right model instance, and cancancan is not trying to guess it. I prefer this approach because it only takes one mistake to accidentally allow access where it shouldn't be granted.
Also remember that load_and_authorize_resource should always go after any before actions that set the model instance variable
Random notes that may also help
The name of the instance variable depends on the action. If we have an articles controller, then:
For the index action, authorize looks for #articles
For all other actions, authorize looks for #article
It then checks to see if the user is allowed access to that resource.
load_and_authorize_resource checks to see if the model instance exists, and if not, creates one. So if you have a before action that creates #article/#articles, then load_and_authorize_resource won't do it for you (i.e. it won't overwrite it), but if you didn't set one, cancan will try to set one. See here for more on that.
An ability rule will override a previous one. (see here for an example)
Just one last thing, never use current_user in ability.rb, it will error silently (!!), so be sure to use user instead :)
Here's what is happening: https://github.com/CanCanCommunity/cancancan/blob/585e5ea54c900c6afd536f143cde962ccdf68607/lib/cancan/controller_additions.rb#L342-L355
# Creates and returns the current user's ability and caches it. If you
# want to override how the Ability is defined then this is the place.
# Just define the method in the controller to change behavior.
# def current_ability
# # instead of Ability.new(current_user)
# #current_ability ||= UserAbility.new(current_account)
# end
# Notice it is important to cache the ability object so it is not
# recreated every time.
def current_ability
#current_ability ||= ::Ability.new(current_user)

Locking a user using a per-user `maximum_attempts` value with Devise for Rails

As a de-facto standard, we all using Devise for login in our Rails application and will use the Lockable module to lock users after a particular number of failed attempts.
From Devise’s source code and the configuration option config.maximum_attempts = 20, I came to understand how Devise performs locking when the user tries to give wrong login credentials. Configuration is statically defined at Rails application boot time in initializers.
My expectation is to set the maximum_attempts dynamically – is this possible? If so, please guide me.
I have a superadmin and user below each admin. Based on the super admin I would like to set a different failed_attempt value for each user during runtime.
One possible way is to monkey-patch the Devise code that you linked to, where attempts_exceeded? is defined. Here’s a guess at what needs to be overridden:
module Devise::Models::Lockable
# assumes that the User model has a `superadmin` relation
# that has a `maximum_attempts` attribute
def attempts_exceeded?
self.failed_attempts >= self.superadmin.maximum_attempts
def last_attempt?
self.failed_attempts == self.superadmin.maximum_attempts - 1
This should work, but it would mean that whenever you update Devise, there is a risk of related code breaking, with unknown consequences. So you would have to review the changes to Devise before every update. And if you are discouraged from updating Devise because of this, that may eventually cause security problems if you are too slow to update to a version of Devise with a fixed security problem. So beware of those possible problems.
A safer way that requires more work up-front is to lock the user manually from your own code. The documentation for Devise::Models::Lockable mentions a public method lock_access! that locks the user when you call it. You can set the global config.maximum_attempts to some really high value such as 25. Then, in some callback on the model (I’m not sure which callback), call a method lock_access_based_on_superadmin_limit! that calls lock_access! if necessary according to your custom rules. The following definition is adapted from part of Devise’s valid_for_authentication?:
class User
# …
def lock_access_based_on_superadmin_limit!
if failed_attempts >= superadmin.maximum_attempts
lock_access! unless access_locked?

How can I allow Devise users to log in when they're outside my default scope?

I have a Rails 4 app which uses Devise 3.4 for authentication, which I've customized with the ability to ban users (using a simple boolean column users.banned, default false). The User model also has a default_scope which only returns non-banned users.
Here's the problem - I still want my banned users to be able to log in, even though they can't do anything after logging in. (They essentially just see a page saying "you've been banned"). But it seems that the default_scope is tripping up Devise. When you log in or call e.g. authenticate_user!, Devise tries to find the current user using one of the basic ActiveRecord methods like find or find_by, but can't because they lie outside the default scope. Thus Devise concludes that the user doesn't exist, and the login fails.
How can I make Devise ignore the default scope?
After a long time digging around in the Devise and Warden source code, I finally found a solution.
Short Answer:
Add this to the User class:
def self.serialize_from_session(key, salt)
record = to_adapter.klass.unscoped.find(key[0])
record if record && record.authenticatable_salt == salt
(Note that I've only tested this for ActiveRecord; if you're using a different ORM adapter you probably need to change the first line of the method... but then I'm not sure if other ORM adapters even have the concept of a "default so
Long Answer:
serialize_from_session is mixed into the User class from -Devise::Models::Authenticatable::ClassMethods. Honestly, I'm not sure what it's actually supposed to do, but it's a public method and documented (very sparsely) in the Devise API, so I don't think there's much chance of it being removed from Devise without warning.
Here's the original source code as of Devise 3.4.1:
def serialize_from_session(key, salt)
record = to_adapter.get(key)
record if record && record.authenticatable_salt == salt
The problem lies with to_adapter.get(key). to_adapter returns an instance of OrmAdapter::ActiveRecord wrapped around the User class, and to_adapter.get is essentially the same as calling User.find. (Devise uses the orm_adapter gem to keep it flexible; the above method will work without modification whether you're using ActiveRecord, Mongoid or any other OrmAdapter-compatible ORM.)
But, of course, User.find only searches within the default_scope, which is why it can't find my banned users. Calling to_adapter.klass returns the User class directly, and from then I can call unscoped.find to search all my users and make the banned ones visible to Devise. So the working line is:
record = to_adapter.klass.unscoped.find(key[0])
Note that I'm passing key[0] instead of key, because key is an Array (in this case with one element) and passing an Array to find will return an Array, which isn't what we want.
Also note that calling klass within the real Devise source code would be a bad idea, as it means you lose the advantages of OrmAdapter. But within your own app, where you know with certainty which ORM you're using (something Devise doesn't know), it's safe to be specific.

CanCan Permissions - Do they have to be explicit?

I'm new to RoR and am utilizing CanCan for authorization. I'm wondering if I have to be explicit with every single ability that a user may have.
I'm probably not being clear enough, so I'll post some code to help illustrate my question.
if user.is_admin?
can :manage, all
if user.is_director?
can :update, Camp
In this case, would the director only be able to update a camp? Or would I have to denote what he/she specifically cannot do as well?
Thanks in advance.
If you added check_authorization to your ApplicationController, then yes, it will default to be locked down for all controller actions, unless specifically overwritten by skip_authorization_check.
See this GitHub discussion around this issue.
If I remember correctly the moment you implement CanCan you have to explicit, as long as you call the authorize_resource (or load_and_authorize_resource) in the matching controller.
So yes (, if you call one of authorize methods in the CampController).
(Also the director role should not overlap with the admin role ;) If it does it just get all permissions. And isn't it :all?)

customizing Devise's authenticate and current_user methods to work with soft delete / acts as paranoid

I am using Devise as authentication for a rails 3.2 app. My user model is called User, and I've been trying to implement a soft delete. I am trying to do this by using acts_as_paranoid, which automatically does the work for you. Things work as expected (others can no longer see the "deleted" user), except that I want the deactivated user to still be able to log in and see a "deactivated" screen, and give them the chance to reactivate their account.
The problem is that Devise (Warden?) is no longer able to find the deleted user. Acts_as_paranoid lets you access the soft deleted records if you use the scope "with_deleted". So I am able to get part of the way there with:
def self.find_first_by_auth_conditions(warden_conditions)
conditions = warden_conditions.dup
I put this into my user model, and so now when I input the log in information, I'll get the flash message that I have successfully logged in, and it'll touch the "updated_at" column in the user model and increment the sign_in_count, etc. However, it doesn't really authenticate in the sense that the authenticated method returns false and the current_user helper method returns nil. So what is my best strategy to get these working? Can I override the current_user method somehow so that it queries the User model with the with_deleted scope? Do I have to do something with warden, such as added conditions like I did with the find_first_by_auth_conditions method? I cannot figure out how to do this. Any help is appreciated!
also, after I do get it working, I would like to automatically send all soft deleted users to a "deactivated" page where their only options are to permanently delete or reactivate. Is there some way to do this with routing via the "authenticated :user do {} end", or do i have to put a before_filter in the application_controller and check for the users at every request?
I can answer your last question, about routing to the "deactivated page". You can use a lambda to isolate different types of users, like this:
authenticated :user, lambda {|u| u.deactivated? } do
root :to => 'application#deactivated'
authenticated :user, lambda {|u| u.active? } do
root :to => 'application#active'
Thanks to a tip from the Devise group, it turns out I needed to override the serialize_from_session method, which is inside the authenticatable module and looks like this:
def serialize_from_session(key, salt)
record = to_adapter.get(key)
record if record && record.authenticatable_salt == salt
I'd been trying with no success to override modules using initializers (I was trying to override existing strategies, and also to try writing a new one for warden); but I kept getting weird name errors. I still haven't figured that out. However, with the tip, I went ahead and overrode the method inside my User model. Since I don't foresee using some other resource, I didn't mind just editing it like this. The code was just:
def self.serialize_from_session(key, salt)
record = with_deleted.find(key).first
record if record && record.authenticatable_salt == salt
This skips the to_adapter.get method altogether (which, to anyone interested, is in orm_adapter, not devise; this took me awhile to find as I was thinking I needed to override this). This probably isn't the cleanest way to do this, but it works well enough for me. And even if I do have a different resource, this should only override the User resource, so I think everything would work fine otherwise.
If problems crop up, I'll add them here. If not, hopefully this helps someone in some way. Certainly took me long enough to get to the bottom of!
