How do you playback live audio in an iPhone? - ios

Say you want to playback exactly what the iPhone mic is picking up in real-time. Which framework/class would be used?

You'll need to use the Core Audio framework for this. Specifically, look into audio graphs, audio units, and RemoteIO. Plenty of sample code for those to get you started.


Audio record and play simultaneously

I am trying to develop an iOS app which reads sound from the microphone, apply some effects and play it through the headset instantly, may be with some acceptable delay.
Is this possible? As a first step, i am trying to play the sound received from microphone in my headsets at the same time, but struggling to do so...
I was able to record the sound, save it and then play it easily. Relevant questions, articles couldn't be found easily. Any ideas, links are much appreciated
I did check Apple's aurioTouch. I couldn't find simultaneous record and play of same signal.
Request the shortest buffers possible using audio session APIs (less than 6 mS is possible on most iOS devices). Then feed the raw audio samples you get from RemoteIO recording callbacks to the buffers in the RemoteIO play callbacks, possibly using a lock free circular fifo in between.

Problems Recording and Playing Back Audio Simultaneously

I'm having some trouble working with the iOS Audio frameworks to create a simple app. I would like to record audio through the Microphone and play it back to the user while recording.
I have tried each of the audio framework layers(AVFoundation, Audio Queue API, and RemoteIO), but have only found old documentation and broken examples.It seems like a simple request that AVFoundation should handle, but I have explored the following other SO questions and still find myself circling for hours to get the hang of this. Here is what I have reviewed:
iOS: Sample code for simultaneous record and playback (Other SO Users also state the accepted answer is not concrete and difficult to implement even with a delay of ~70ms.)
Record and play audio Simultaneously (From 2010 and very high level, I have downloaded the sample code and can't find a working example that does simultaneous playback and recording).
Adjust the length of an AudioUnit Buffer (RemoteIO is so confusing to me right now, is this really required?)
I have also downloaded and reviewed both the SpeakHere and AurioTouch sample projects from Apple. I promise I wouldn't post up without hours of googling and struggling. You can see "record audio and playback iOS simultaneously" returns many dated and non-working examples.I know myself and the community could really benefit from some updated documentation and examples in the audio section. RemoteIO seems to be too advanced for such a simple task. Thanks again for your help and consideration.
The appropriate way to do this is via AudioUnit APIs, even though it seems like a common scenario which should be handled by higher level APIs.
I wrote a small demo app using AudioUnit. You're free to try it our and modify it for suiting your purpose. The demo app does record audio and play it simultaneously, but it's recommended to use a ear phone to see the effect.
The RemoteIO Audio Unit is the only way to play back what is being recorded with low latency. RemoteIO is low latency because it runs audio callbacks in a separate dedicated real-time thread which is why it is fast, but also why it is a bit more complex to code. All the other iOS audio APIs are built on top of RemoteIO and thus add latency.
You will also need to configure the app's Audio Session APIs to request low latency with the appropriate audio session type. The foreground app can request and get audio input and output latencies as low as 5.6 milliseconds on most iOS devices most of the time.

Intercept/modify audio stream on iOS

I am looking at the feasibility of getting the current raw audio stream playing and do stuff with it such as stream it over Bluetooth or equalize it, etc. Is there any way to do this in iOS 8?
For example: apps such as Pandora/Spotify are playing music and I want to access the audio they are playing.
To process audio from another app, that app needs to participate in Inter-App Audio.
I don't know if your example apps do that.

Audio Unit: Use sound output as input source

I want to process the stereo output from iOS devices, no matter what application causes them and visualize it in real-time.
Is it possible to use the generic output device (or anything else) to get at the audio data which are currently being played? Maybe as an input to a remoteIO unit?
In other words: I want to do what aurioTouch2 does (FFT only) but instead of using the microphone as input source, I want to process everything which is coming out of the speakers at a given time.
Kind regards
If your own app is playing using the RemoteIO Audio Unit, you can capture that content. You can not capture audio your app is playing using many of the other audio APIs. The iOS security sandbox will prevent your app from capturing audio that any other app is playing (unless that app explicitly exports audio via the Inter-App Audio API or equivalent).

How to record audio running out of iphone speakers?

Hey, I'm a new developer in Objective C. I'm trying to record the audio running out of iPhone speakers. I can capture the audio by mouth speaker and record it. But I cannot record the audio producing from my iPhone. Please help me.
Unfortunately, there is no way to directly capture from the "audio bus". You can either capture the audio via the internal microphone or headset microphone, but that's it. If you are rendering the audio, you could obviously also write that audio out to a file as well at the same time. That's pretty much your only option.
yes, you only get a handle on the audio generated by your process. There is no way to get the audio generated by the rest of the system.
