Does sIFR support Hebrew and other right-to-left (rtl) languages? - sifr

I'm doing a site in Hebrew which of course runs from right-to-left. Will this be supported by sIFR? The site is currently using sIFR v2. I'm guessing that doesn't have support but what about sIFR3?

sIFR does not and will not have RTL support.


Firemonkey does not show Hebrew text in iOS

When I fill in a FMX control (like TLabel, TText or TMemo) with a Hebrew text - it's not being shown in iOS (in Android and Win it works fine), only punctuation appears and non-Hebrew symbols. Even in a blank project with just one label on a clean form.
Is not it supported or did I forget to configure my project with some encoding/codepage etc.?
Delphi 10.3 Version 26.0.36039.7899;
iPhone 7 Plus, iOS 13.5.1;
Mac OS Catalina 10.15.4
These are mostly software bugs .Persian, Arabic and Hebrew languages in FireMonkey aren't well supported. I suggest using the following free components. According to the site's information, the Hebrew language problem has been solved.
Download Link:

Firemonkey Unicode support for XP

Am developing a Delphi firemonkey desktop application with XE5.
I use Unicode characters to localize the application (Asian language call Sinhala).
Everything is perfect with windows 7 (We haven't tested it with Vista). But when we test it with windows XP, it display every character as a box (except in title bar).
What is the problem? Is delphi firemonkey support unicode in XP?
Is there any way to get it display correctly on XP?
(This happens only with firemonkey, everything is OK with VCL. Since am going to make it support for MAC, I have to use firemonkey.)
AFAIK FireMonkey does not implement the so-called Font fall-back mechanism. It does not use the Uniscribe API.
I suspect the font you are using (e.g. Tahoma) does not contain the needed characters in XP - whereas the TTF file included with Seven/Vista does contain them. So FireMonkey is not able to display the text as expected in XP.
Change the font to one having all needed glyphs. You may have "Arial Unicode MS" available, even on XP, if you have MSOffice installed.
By default, the VCL renderer uses the ExtTextOut GDI API which does implement font fall-back, so it automagically searches the installed fonts for the missing glyphs.
To properly use/display Unicode the OS has to support unicode strings and you have to have fonts installed that can display the Unicode characters. Since their are 65000+ characters not all font manufacturers include every Unicode character.
I think the FireMonkey app uses a font that does not contain Sinhala characters. Play with the font used by the app.
If you need a Sinhala font, the wonderful Alan Wood’s Unicode Resources has a section Large, multi-script Unicode fonts for Windows computers. The South Asian font page names several fonts you can try.
Alternatively, Googing "sinhala unicode font" will also give you plenty of suggestions.
I have checked all these suggestions - but there is no useful turnout of my problem. I have found out the following facts.
Changing the font to Arial MS Unicode or replacing Tahoma with a TTF file from Windows 7 doesn’t work.
Changing the font to “Iskole Pota”, a font which support Sinhala Unicode symbols , solved the problem for TEdit component.
All the components which are descendents of TTextControl don’t work with “Iskole Potha” solution.
I have further noticed that changing the font to something like “Wingdings” for TTextControl descendants don’t show appropriate symbols either. They still show English.

Unicode is not supporting in vb6

we have a application written in vb6, we also have the multilingual support for this application, we provide all the user message along with the ID's in .LNG file but application is not supporting the Unicode language like Japanese, Chinese etc.,can anyone suggest how to proceed the minimum change in the code and make this work !!!
Standard VB6 controls doesn't support UNICODE. It is possible to use MS Forms controls (FM20.DLL). INFO: Usage and Redistribution of FM20.DLL.
The problem is that old version i buggy and is updated by MS-Office. New version of office id 64-bit and doesn't contain 32-bit FM20.DLL. I think it it only 'simple' way of implementing UNICODE but still it is massive change to the application.
Howerer VB6 supports different languages at least European, but the texts have to be properly encoded (Code Page Identifiers). I suppose that usual Windows font such as MS-San Serif, Arial supports most of languages.
If the windows default language is set properly other language characters should work. See e.g. HOW TO:Change language settings in Windows XP or try Japanese windows direclty.

does sifr 2 support r-t-l language fonts?

I want to work in sifr 2 with right to left language. But it seems that flash 8 doesnt support to unicode or r-t-l fonts.
Please help.....
Thanking in advance.
sIFR (any version) doesn't support this.

Can Delphi 2009 in English and in French coexist on the same machine?

Does anyone know (like in tried and succeeded) if I can have D2009 both in English and in French?
It's not so much to generate French or English applications but to have the IDE available in either language to take screen shots and make demos in French or in English.
What would be involved: complementary install plus some shortcut param switch?
Install one version in a virtual machine. I hear VMWare works really good.
Nope, won't work. If they were different versions (ie. one 2007, one 2009) then you should be fine, but if they are the same version you'll need to go the VM route as Jim suggested.
Why would you want that? If you need internationalized versions of your program, you should better use at tool for that purpose (e.g. dxGetText) rather than recompile it with a different Delphi version. In that case I definitely suggest using the English IDE, so you can translate the RTL errors from English to the target language.
