fmShareDenyWrite mode doesn't appear to work - delphi

I'm using a TFileSteam to open a log file. I would like to be able to read through this log file from other processes. I thought the fmShareDenyWrite mode would allow this.
However if I try to open the file from other processes, I get an error. For example, if I try and type the file from the command line, I get "the process can not access the file because it is being used by another process".
Here is the file initialization code:
if FileExists(AutoLogFileName) then
_ActivityLogStream := TFileStream.Create(AutoLogFileName,
fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite)
_ActivityLogStream := TFileStream.Create(AutoLogFileName,
fmCreate or fmShareDenyWrite);
I am using Delphi version 6.

Don't know whether this was already a bug in D6, but that is a distinct possibility. There is a QC report on this reported against D2007: QC 65767: This report is now closed, as it was resolved in D2010 (14.0.3467.22472 to be exact).
Update (prompted by Gabr's comment):
You can create your own TFileStream descendant that does honor the mode. Just override the Create(const AFileName: string; Mode: Word; Rights: Cardinal) constructor (there are two overloaded constructors) and handle the mode parameter yourself. Copy the code from the original constructor and change the
if Mode = fmCreate then
inherited Create(FileCreate(AFileName, Rights));
if (Mode and fmCreate = fmCreate) then
myMode := Mode and $FF;
if myMode = $FF then
myMode := fmShareExclusive;
inherited Create(FileCreate(AFileName, myMode, Rights));
where myMode is a local var of type Word.

mfCreate mode does not behave/work correctly with any share attribute. To work around, you must create file handle yourself and pass it to the constructor


Sharing an ADO Connection across a DLL boundary

We would like to share an ADOConnection across a DLL boundary (Delphi to Delphi at the moment, though could also be C# to Delphi in the near future).
As we would like the flexibility to call the DLL from c# in future, we were hoping to be able to define the DLL call using _Connection as a parameter. Something like:
procedure DoStuff (ADOConnection: _Connection)
InnerConnection: TADOConnection;
InnerConnection := TADOConnection.create(nil);
InnerConnection.ConnectionObject := ADOConnection;
Unfortunately, the TADOConnection destructor code closes the connection passed into it, which is an unwanted side-effect. Adding
InnerConnection.ConnectionObject := nil
prior to the free doesn't do anything, as it's caught by
if Assigned(Value) = nil
in TADOConnection.SetConnectionObject, which results in the call not doing anything.
Is there a better way of achieving this? Passing the connection string is an alternative, but would mean that we would have to deal with username/password issues and encryption across the boundary. Passing the TADOConnection is another option, but that prevents calling from other languages.
Edit: For clarity, the Username/Password of the original TADOConnection object is set using the .Open routine, so these details aren't in the connection string (in fact, the wrong username is usually stored, as it's the name used to 'test connection' in the MS UDL editor)
You can try this way:
type TInit_StFattDLL = procedure( var DataBase:TAdoConnection);
var Init_StFattDLL:TInit_StFattDll;
The caller is:
Function ConnectDll():Boolean;
handleDll := LoadLibrary('mydll.DLL');
#Init_StFattDLL := GetProcAddress(handleDll , 'myConnectFunction');
if #Init_StFattDLL <> nil then
into the the dll put the following:
in the project file put the exports:
Exports myConnectFunction;
global section:
var Database:TAdoConnection;
the exported procedure is the following:
procedure myConnectFunction( var MyDataBase:TAdoConnection);export;

Delphi: SetFileDate creates wrong LastWriteTime (Summer/Wintertime)

i am downloading a file from my server (i only get the bytes and a DateTime for the lastwritetime attribute) and after downloading the data i create a new file on my local machine and want to set the lastwritetime attribute.
For this i am using the following method:
procedure SetFileDate(const FileName: string; NewDate: TDateTime);
FileDate, FileHandle: Integer;
FileDate := DateTimeToFileDate(NewDate);
FileHandle := FileOpen(FileName, fmOpenReadWrite or fmShareDenyWrite);
if FileHandle > 0 then
FileSetDate(FileHandle, FileDate);
// ERROR Log
For the 'NewDate' parameter i use the DateTime which i get from my server.
I tried to convert the DateTime from the server like this to get the valid lastwritetime (i am requesting the data from a WCF this is why i am converting it to UTCDateTime, the untouched data from the WCF service is TXSDateTime):
TDateTime cloudFileDateTime := StrToDateTime(DateTimeToStr(cloudDownloadResult.FileCloudData.Lastwritetime.AsUTCDateTime));
But in the end my lastwritetime attribute from files which have a lastwritetime in the wintertime period are wrong with -1h.
I hope you understand my problem and can give me an idea how to solve it.
Best regards
The easiest way to do this is to call TFile.SetLastWriteTimeUtc from the System.IOUtils unit.
If this function is not available use the Win32 API function SetFileTime.
You'll also need DateTimeToSystemTime and then SystemTimeToFileTime in that scenario.
The answer provided by David (to use TFile.SetLastWriteTimeUtc) is correct. However, there was some discussion in the comments about bugs. As I am unable to comment (due to lack of rep), I'll add this here for anyone who comes across this problem in future.
While TFile.SetLastWriteTimeUtc works correctly, TFile.GetLastWriteTimeUtc does indeed have a bug relating to daylight saving time. There is a bug report filed with Embarcadero, and it looks like they've now fixed it in Delphi 10.3 Rio (though I haven't tried it yet).
If you are working with an older version of Delphi, you will have to work around the problem via use of the Windows API. e.g. GetFileAttributesEx:
function GetFileModTimeUtc(filePath: string): TDateTime;
var data: TWin32FindData;
var sysTime: TSystemTime;
if GetFileAttributesEx(PChar(filePath), GetFileExInfoStandard, #data) and
FileTimeToSystemTime(data.ftLastWriteTime, sysTime) then begin
Result := SystemTimeToDateTime(sysTime);
end else begin
raise Exception.Create('Unable to get last file write time for ' + filePath);

Real-time logging of a service application

I have a service application which I will be soon implementing a log file. Before I start writing how it saves the log file, I have another requirement that a small simple form application should be available to view the log in real-time. In other words, if the service writes something to the log, not only should it save it to the file, but the other application should immediately know and display what was logged.
A dirty solution would be for this app to constantly open this file and check for recent changes, and load anything new. But this is very sloppy and heavy. On the other hand, I could write a server/client socket pair and monitor it through there, but it's a bit of an overload I think to use TCP/IP for sending one string. I'm thinking of using the file method, but how would I make this in a way that wouldn't be so heavy? In other words, suppose the log file grows to 1 million lines. I don't want to load the entire file, I just need to check the end of the file for new data. I'm also OK with a delay of up to 5 seconds, but that would contradict the "Real-time".
The only methods of reading/writing a file which I am familiar with consist of keeping file open/locked and reading all contents of the file, and I have no clue how to only read portions from the end of a file, and to protect it from both applications attempting to access it.
What you are asking for is exactly what I do in one of my company's projects.
It has a service that hosts an out-of-process COM object so all of our apps can write messages to a central log file, and then a separate viewer app that uses that same COM object to receive notifications directly from the service whenever the log file changes. The COM object lets the viewer know where the log file is physically located so the viewer can open the file directly when needed.
For each notification that is received, the viewer checks the new file size and then reads only the new bytes that have been written since the last notification (the viewer keeps track of what the previous file size was). In an earlier version, I had the service actually push each individual log entry to the viewer directly, but under heavy load that is a lot of traffic to sift through, so I ended up taking that feature out and let the viewer handle reading the data instead, that way it can read multiple log entries at one time more efficiently.
Both the service and the viewer have the log file open at the same time. When the service creates/opens the log file, it sets the file to read/write access with read-only sharing. When the viewer opens the file, it sets the file to read-only access with read/write sharing (so the service can still write to it).
Needless to say, both service and viewer are run on the same machine so they can access the same local file (no remote files are used). Although the service does have a feature that forwards log entries via TCP/IP to a remote instance of the service running on another machine (then the viewer running on that machine can see them).
Our Open Source TSynLog class matches most of your needs - it's already stable and proven (used in real world applications, including services).
It features mainly fast logging (with a set of levels, not a hierarchy of level), exception interception with stack trace, and custom logging (including serialization of objects as JSON within the log).
You have even some additional features, like customer-side method profiler, and a log viewer.
Log files are locked during generation: you can read them, not modify them.
Works from Delphi 5 up to XE2, fully Open Source and with daily updates.
This may sound like a completely nutty answer but..
I use Gurock Softwares Smart Inspect..
its great because you can send pictures, variables whatever and it logs them all, so while you want text atm, its a great for watching your app real time even on remote machines.. it can send it to a local file..
It maybe a useful answer to your problem, or a red herring - its a little unconventional but the additional features it has you may feel worth incorporating later (such as its great for capturing info should something go horribly wrong)
Years ago I wrote a circular buffer binary-file trace logging system, that avoided the problem of an endlessly growing file, while giving me the capabilities that I wanted, such as being able to see a problem if I wanted to, but otherwise, being able to just ignore the trace buffer.
However, if you want a continuous online system, then I would not use files at all.
I used files because I really did want file-like persistence and no listener app to have to be running. I simply wanted the file solution because I wanted the logging to happen whether anybody was around to "listen" right now, or not, but didn't use an endlessly growing text log because I was worried about using up hundreds of megs on log files, and filling up my 250 megabyte hard drive. One hardly has concerns like that in the era of 1 tb hard disks.
As David says, the client server solution is best, and is not complex really.
But you might prefer files, as I did, in my case way back. I only launched my viewer app as a post-mortem tool that I ran AFTER a crash. This was before there was MadExcept or anything like it, so I had some apps that just died, and I wanted to know what had happened.
Before my circular buffer, I would use a debug view tool like sys-internals DebugView and OutputDebugString, but that didn't help me when the crash happened before I launched DebugView.
File-based logging (binary) is one of the few times I allowed myself to create binary files. I normally hate hate hate binary files. But you just try to make a circular buffer without using a fixed length binary record.
Here's a sample unit. If I was writing this now instead of in 1997, I would have not used a "File of record", but hey, there it is.
To extend this unit so it could be used to be the realtime viewer, I would suggest that you simply check the datetime stamp on the binary file and refresh every 1-5 seconds (your choice) but only when the datetime stamp on the binary trace file has changed. Not hard, and not exactly a heavy load on the system.
This unit is used for the logger and for the viewer, it is a class that can read from, and write to, a circular buffer binary file on disk.
unit trace;
uses Classes;
traceBinMsgLength = 255; // binary record message length
TTraceRec = record
index: Cardinal;
tickcount: Cardinal;
msg: array[0..traceBinMsgLength] of AnsiChar;
PTraceBinRecord = ^TTraceRec;
TTraceFileOfRecord = file of TTraceRec;
TTraceBinFile = class
FFilename: string;
FFileMode: Integer;
FTraceFileInfo: string;
FStorageSize: Integer;
FLastIndex: Integer;
FHeaderRec: TTraceRec;
FFileRec: TTraceRec;
FAutoIncrementValue: Cardinal;
FBinaryFileOpen: Boolean;
FBinaryFile: TTraceFileOfRecord;
FAddTraceMessageWhenClosing: Boolean;
procedure InitializeFile;
procedure CloseFile;
procedure Trace(msg: string);
procedure OpenFile;
procedure LoadTrace(traceStrs: TStrings);
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
property Filename: string read FFilename write FFilename;
property TraceFileInfo: string read FTraceFileInfo write FTraceFileInfo;
// Default 1000 rows.
// change storageSize to the size you want your circular file to be before
// you create and write it. Remember to set the value to the same number before
// trying to read it back, or you'll have trouble.
property StorageSize: Integer read FStorageSize write FStorageSize;
property AddTraceMessageWhenClosing: Boolean
read FAddTraceMessageWhenClosing write FAddTraceMessageWhenClosing;
uses SysUtils;
procedure SetMsg(pRec: PTraceBinRecord; msg: ansistring);
n: Integer;
n := length(msg);
if (n >= traceBinMsgLength) then
msg := Copy(msg, 1, traceBinMsgLength);
n := traceBinMsgLength;
StrCopy({Dest} pRec^.msg, {Source} PAnsiChar(msg));
pRec^.msg[n] := Chr(0); // ensure nul char termination
function IsBlank(var aRec: TTraceRec): Boolean;
Result := (aRec.msg[0] = Chr(0));
procedure TTraceBinFile.CloseFile;
if FBinaryFileOpen then
if FAddTraceMessageWhenClosing then
FBinaryFileOpen := False;
constructor TTraceBinFile.Create;
FLastIndex := 0; // lastIndex=0 means blank file.
FStorageSize := 1000; // default.
destructor TTraceBinFile.Destroy;
procedure TTraceBinFile.InitializeFile;
eofRec: TTraceRec;
t: Integer;
Assert(FStorageSize > 0);
Assert(Length(FFilename) > 0);
Assign(FBinaryFile, Filename);
FFileMode := fmOpenReadWrite;
FBinaryFileOpen := True;
FillChar(FHeaderRec, sizeof(TTraceRec), 0);
FillChar(FFileRec, sizeof(TTraceRec), 0);
FillChar(EofRec, sizeof(TTraceRec), 0);
FLastIndex := 0;
FHeaderRec.index := FLastIndex;
FHeaderRec.tickcount := storageSize;
SetMsg(#FHeaderRec, FTraceFileInfo);
Write(FBinaryFile, FHeaderRec);
for t := 1 to storageSize do
Write(FBinaryFile, FFileRec);
SetMsg(#eofRec, 'EOF');
eofRec.index := traceEOFMARKER;
Write(FBinaryFile, eofRec);
procedure TTraceBinFile.Trace(msg: string);
// Write a trace message in circular file.
if (not FBinaryFileOpen) then
if (FFileMode = fmOpenRead) then
exit; // not open for writing!
if (FLastIndex > FStorageSize) then
FLastIndex := 1; // wrap around to 1 not zero! Very important!
Seek(FBinaryFile, 0);
FHeaderRec.index := FLastIndex;
Write(FBinaryFile, FHeaderRec);
FillChar(FFileRec, sizeof(TTraceRec), 0);
Seek(FBinaryFile, FLastIndex);
if FAutoIncrementValue = 0 then
FAutoIncrementValue := 1;
FFileRec.index := FAutoIncrementValue;
SetMsg(#FFileRec, msg);
Write(FBinaryFile, FFileRec);
procedure TTraceBinFile.OpenFile;
if FBinaryFileOpen then
FBinaryFileOpen := False;
if FileExists(FFilename) then
// System.FileMode :=fmOpenRead;
FFileMode := fmOpenRead;
AssignFile(FBinaryFile, FFilename);
System.Reset(FBinaryFile); // open in current mode
System.Seek(FBinaryFile, 0);
Read(FBinaryFile, FHeaderRec);
FLastIndex := FHeaderRec.index;
FTraceFileInfo := string(FHeaderRec.Msg);
FBinaryFileOpen := True;
InitializeFile; // Creates the file.
procedure TTraceBinFile.LoadTrace(traceStrs: TStrings);
ReadAtIndex: Integer;
Safety: Integer;
procedure NextReadIndex;
if (ReadAtIndex > FStorageSize) then
ReadAtIndex := 1; // wrap around to 1 not zero! Very important!
if not FBinaryFileOpen then
ReadAtIndex := FLastIndex;
Safety := 0; // prevents endless looping.
while True do
if (ReadAtIndex = FLastIndex) or (Safety > FStorageSize) then
Seek(FBinaryFile, ReadAtIndex);
Read(FBinaryFIle, FFileRec);
if FFileRec.msg[0] <> chr(0) then
Look at this article.
TraceTool 12.4: The Swiss-Army Knife of Trace
My suggestion would be to implement your logging in such a way that the log file "rolls over" on a daily basis. E.g. at midnight, your logging code renames your log file (e.g. MyLogFile.log) to a dated/archive version (e.g. MyLogFile-30082012.log), and starts a new empty "live" log (e.g. again MyLogFile.log).
Then it's simply a question of using something like BareTail to monitor your "live"/daily log file.
I accept this may not be the most network-efficient approach, but it's reasonably simple and meets your "live" requirement.

Create and/or Write to a file

I feel like this should be easy, but google is totally failing me at the moment. I want to open a file, or create it if it doesn't exist, and write to it.
The following
AssignFile(logFile, 'Test.txt');
throws an error on the second line when the file doesn't exist yet, which I assume is expected. But I'm really failing at finding out how to a) test if the file exists and b) create it when needed.
FYI, working in Delphi XE.
You can use the FileExists function and then use Append if exist or Rewrite if not.
AssignFile(logFile, 'Test.txt');
if FileExists('test.txt') then
//do your stuff
Any solution that uses FileExists to choose how to open the file has a race condition. If the file's existence changes between the time you test it and the time you attempt to open the file, your program will fail. Delphi doesn't provide any way to solve that problem with its native file I/O routines.
If your Delphi version is new enough to offer it, you can use the TFile.Open with the fmOpenOrCreate open mode, which does exactly what you want; it returns a TFileStream.
Otherwise, you can use the Windows API function CreateFile to open your file instead. Set the dwCreationDisposition parameter to OPEN_ALWAYS, which tells it to create the file if it doesn't already exist.
You should be using TFileStream instead. Here's a sample that will create a file if it doesn't exist, or write to it if it does:
FS: TFileStream;
sOut: string;
i: Integer;
Flags: Word;
Flags := fmOpenReadWrite;
if not FileExists('D:\Temp\Junkfile.txt') then
Flags := Flags or fmCreate;
FS := TFileStream.Create('D:\Temp\Junkfile.txt', Flags);
FS.Position := FS.Size; // Will be 0 if file created, end of text if not
sOut := 'This is test line %d'#13#10;
for i := 1 to 10 do
sOut := Format(sOut, [i]);
FS.Write(sOut[1], Length(sOut) * SizeOf(Char));
If you are just doing something simple, the IOUtils Unit is a lot easier. It has a lot of utilities for writing to files.
procedure WriteAllText(const Path: string; const Contents: string);
overload; static;
Creates a new file, writes the specified string to the file, and then
closes the file. If the target file already exists, it is overwritten.
You can also use the load/save feature in a TStringList to solve your problem.
This might be a bad solution, because the whole file will be loaded into memory, modified in memory and then saved to back to disk. (As opposed to your solution where you just write directly to the file). It's obviously a bad solution for multiuser situations.
But this approach is OK for smaller files, and it is easy to work with and easy understand.
FileName = 'test.txt';
strList: TStringList;
strList := TStringList.Create;
if FileExists(FileName) then
strList.Add('My new line');

How can I get this File Writing code to work with Unicode (Delphi)

I had some code before I moved to Unicode and Delphi 2009 that appended some text to a log file a line at a time:
procedure AppendToLogFile(S: string);
// this function adds our log line to our shared log file
// Doing it this way allows Wordpad to open it at the same time.
var F, C1 : dword;
if LogFileName <> '' then begin
F := CreateFileA(Pchar(LogFileName), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, 0, nil, OPEN_ALWAYS, 0, 0);
if F <> 0 then begin
SetFilePointer(F, 0, nil, FILE_END);
S := S + #13#10;
WriteFile(F, Pchar(S)^, Length(S), C1, nil);
But CreateFileA and WriteFile are binary file handlers and are not appropriate for Unicode.
I need to get something to do the equivalent under Delphi 2009 and be able to handle Unicode.
The reason why I'm opening and writing and then closing the file for each line is simply so that other programs (such as WordPad) can open the file and read it while the log is being written.
I have been experimenting with TFileStream and TextWriter but there is very little documentation on them and few examples.
Specifically, I'm not sure if they're appropriate for this constant opening and closing of the file. Also I'm not sure if they can make the file available for reading while they have it opened for writing.
Does anyone know of a how I can do this in Delphi 2009 or later?
Ryan's answer was the simplest and the one that led me to my solution. With his solution, you also have to write the BOM and convert the string to UTF8 (as in my comment to his answer) and then that worked just fine.
But then I went one step further and investigated TStreamWriter. That is the equivalent of the .NET function of the same name. It understands Unicode and provides very clean code.
My final code is:
procedure AppendToLogFile(S: string);
// this function adds our log line to our shared log file
// Doing it this way allows Wordpad to open it at the same time.
var F: TStreamWriter;
if LogFileName <> '' then begin
F := TStreamWriter.Create(LogFileName, true, TEncoding.UTF8);
Finally, the other aspect I discovered is if you are appending a lot of lines (e.g. 1000 or more), then the appending to the file takes longer and longer and it becomes quite inefficient.
So I ended up not recreating and freeing the LogFile each time. Instead I keep it open and then it is very fast. The only thing I can't seem to do is allow viewing of the file with notepad while it is being created.
For logging purposes why use Streams at all?
Why not use TextFiles? Here is a very simple example of one of my logging routines.
procedure LogToFile(Data:string);
wLogFile: TextFile;
AssignFile(wLogFile, 'C:\MyTextFile.Log');
if FileExists('C:\MyTextFile.Log') then
WriteLn(wLogfile, S);
IOResult; //Used to clear any possible remaining I/O errors
I actually have a fairly extensive logging unit that uses critical sections for thread safety, can optionally be used for internal logging via the OutputDebugString command as well as logging specified sections of code through the use of sectional identifiers.
If anyone is interested I'll gladly share the code unit here.
Char and string are Wide since D2009. Thus you should use CreateFile instead of CreateFileA!
If you werite the string you shoudl use Length( s ) * sizeof( Char ) as the byte length and not only Length( s ). because of the widechar issue. If you want to write ansi chars, you should define s as AnsiString or UTF8String and use sizeof( AnsiChar ) as a multiplier.
Why are you using the Windows API function instead of TFileStream defined in classes.pas?
Try this little function I whipped up just for you.
procedure AppendToLog(filename,line:String);
if not FileExists(filename) then
amode := fmCreate
amode := fmOpenReadWrite;
fs := TFileStream.Create(filename,{mode}amode);
if (amode<>fmCreate) then
fs.Seek(fs.Size,0); {go to the end, append}
ansiline := AnsiString(line)+AnsiChar(#13)+AnsiChar(#10);
Also, try this UTF8 version:
procedure AppendToLogUTF8(filename, line: UnicodeString);
fs: TFileStream;
outpututf8: RawByteString;
amode: Integer;
if not FileExists(filename) then
amode := fmCreate
amode := fmOpenReadWrite;
fs := TFileStream.Create(filename, { mode } amode, fmShareDenyWrite);
{ sharing mode allows read during our writes }
{internal Char (UTF16) codepoint, to UTF8 encoding conversion:}
outpututf8 := Utf8Encode(line); // this converts UnicodeString to WideString, sadly.
if (amode = fmCreate) then
preamble := TEncoding.UTF8.GetPreamble;
fs.WriteBuffer( PAnsiChar(preamble)^, Length(preamble));
fs.Seek(fs.Size, 0); { go to the end, append }
outpututf8 := outpututf8 + AnsiChar(#13) + AnsiChar(#10);
fs.WriteBuffer(PAnsiChar(outpututf8)^, Length(outpututf8));
If you try to use text file or Object Pascal typed/untyped files in a multithreaded application you gonna have a bad time.
No kidding - the (Object) Pascal standard file I/O uses global variables to set file mode and sharing. If your application runs in more than one thread (or fiber if anyone still use them) using standard file operations could result in access violations and unpredictable behavior.
Since one of the main purposes of logging is debugging a multithreaded application, consider using other means of file I/O: Streams and Windows API.
(And yes, I know it is not really an answer to the original question, but I do not wish to log in - therefor I do not have the reputation score to comment on Ryan J. Mills's practically wrong answer.)
