RESTful WCF Data Service Authentication -

I'd like to implement a REST api to an existing ASP.NET MVC website. I've managed to set up WCF Data services so that I can browse my data, but now the question is how to handle authentication.
Right now the data service is secured via the site's built in forms authentication, and that's ok when accessing the service from AJAX forms. However, It's not ideal for a RESTful api.
What I would like as an alternative to forms authentication is for the users to simply embed the user name and password into the url to the web service or as request parameters.
For example, if my web service is usually accessible as
I'd like to be able to access it using the url
So, my questions are as follows:
Is this a sane approach?
If yes, how can I implement this?
It seems trivial redirecting GET requests so that the login and password are attached as GET parameters. I also know how to inspect the http context and use those parameters to filter the results. But I am not sure if / how the same approach could be applied to POST, PUT and DELETE requests. Can I use GET parameters in POST, PUT and DELETE requests?
Edit: The question for me how to embed login and password into the web service's URL so that I can perform POST, PUT and DELETE requests against the web service. I do know how to implement authentication once the web service is running and the login / password are contained somewhere in the HTTPContext. Also, I am not looking for ways to implement forms or basic authentication. I know how to do it, but it is not what I am looking for.

In the end I used a threefold approach, either of these authentication methods work fine on my data service:
Basic authentication with the API key as password
Authentication via an API key embedded as request header
URL-based authentication with the API key as path to the API. I implemented this with a proxy ASP.NET MVC controller.

I've not had to use restful via authentication but I do have to ensure that groups of users have the rights to access the rest service. This I do via an MD5 token that gets passed to the web service (this is a normal JSON service, not a WCF wrapper). Basically, I "know" which websites are allowed access to my service, so I give them their own API key (which for simplicity is an MD5 of the domain name. This gets checked incoming by a filter against the urlreferrer and if the MD5 of it matches, then it's a go.
I know this isn't the authentication answer but it's a mid-trust approach that works if you need only a very course level of "authentication".
I'd be interested to see how others do this, though, for other projects that I may need a less course grained approach to authentication.

See if below answers helps you:
your first question:
Is this a sane approach?
If your service is running over https, I dont see any probelm to use this method.
If yes, how can I implement this?
You can use GET parameters in your other methods eg. Here stream is passed in body.
[WebInvoke(Method="POST", UriTemplate = "UploadFile/{fileName}/{userToken}")]
string UploadFile(string fileName,string userToken,Stream fileContents);

OData - WCF Data Services Best Practices from TechEd - Meta-Me - Site Home - MSDN Blogs
<authenticationService enabled="true" />
How about this?


Separating Web Api and Web Site

i'm new to web api, owin, and everything related to it.
I'm trying to find the best way to do this scenario:
1 - Web api to have all the connections and rest service
2 - Web site to show data to user on a browser using the restful service
3 - An mobile app that have some functionalities like the web site and access the restful service to get all the information
My doubt is: what's the best practice related to the login? I'll use owin/oath2 with Identity to login, but since it's going to be implemented on the web api, the login/register/forgot password should be on the web api directly (like the project template does) or should i move most of the functionality to the web site? Of course its easier to leave in the web api, but if i do it, i must duplicate my razor templates just to call the login part. Can someone give me a path to follow?
the answer is not, your web api should not have any html or js or css file, only the services that your need, the web api exposes the functions to register the user, next when you have to do request, you must Send a token, you can obtain the token using the URL that you have configure in owin, the URL is like /token and Send the username and pass.

REST service authentication : where to store user credentials?

I am developing an ASP.NET MVC web application. The application is consuming a REST API, but authentication for REST-full application is quite unclear for me.
As REST is stateless, do I have to implement two different Authentications with two different databases, one for client, and one for the REST service?
Or, do I have to send the login/password each time, to authenticate on the server?
Please give me some advice or tutorial on this.
You can authenticate a Web API using individual user accounts that are stored in a database.
In this case client should obtain access token first. And then include it to each request, that requires authorization, header:
Authorization: Bearer boQtj0SCGz2GFGz[...]
Good tutorial can be found HERE
Also authentication methods could be extended in Startup.Auth.cs with Cookies or some external authentication methods (Google, Facebook etc)
The stateless isn't a main problem in your situation, problem is that browser can only send GET or POST request in tradition way in tag form, so to send PUT or DELETE request you should use Ajax, the easiest way is to use JQuery library and config it to send user credentials in http header(between requests it can be store in cookies) in every request and use basic-authentication if you plan use own auth logic. I recommned you to look some SPA frameworks like angularjs
or emberjs
or backbonejs
to simplify your life from hardcode JavaScript . Also in future you can easy extend your auth by OAUTH 2.0.

Authenticating basic-auth REST API calls from forms-authenticated web app

I'm developing a service that has two components - a web interface and a REST API. I use ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Web API, respectively. The two components are hosted on different subdomains of the same domain.
I want the REST API to be used by both external users and the web interface, and I want to simplify authentication as much as possible.
The REST API currently only supports basic authentication.
The web interface uses forms authentication and thus generates an ASPXAUTH cookie. The web interface interacts with the REST API using AJAX calls.
My question to the community is:
How do I authenticate the AJAX calls from the web interface to the
REST API, using the most elegant and secure method?
Some ideas:
Send the ASPXAUTH cookie in the ajax calls (by changing the cookie domain to "" to allow cross-subdomain read) and adding an authentication method in the API that reads the ASPXAUTH. Not sure if this is a great idea, or how to implement this.
Storing the user name and API key in separate cookies. Not really safe unless the values are encrypted/hashed.
Using OAuth in the web interface and rest api, instead of forms + basic authentication?
Ok, I've come up with the following solution:
I've added form authentication to the REST API and made sure not to use IsolateApps in the <machinekey>section of machine.config. This ensures that the REST API can use the same ASPXAUTH cookie. I'm making sure to fall back to basic authentication if no ASPXAUTH cookie is present.
Since there's no way to include the ASPXAUTH cookie in ajax requests to a different subdomain due to the Same-origin policy (even though the cookie's domain is ""), the solution I chose was to add an application (through IIS) to the web interface with the name "api".
The ajax calls now point to "/" instead of "", and the ASPXAUTH cookie is included and works.
Not sure if this is the best solution, but it's both clean and secure. Only tweak is the sharing of machine keys. If running in a web farm you would need to set the same machine key to all machines.

Secure a webapi2 project to be called from another project or website

I have 2 projects an mvc5 & webapi. I am wanting to call the api from a pure clientside manor even though im using mvc (I am slowing trying to migrate old code into a spa like application still being able to maintain the current codebase).
The url of the api sits under the main domain e.g. so I dont have to worry about jsonp or crossdomain stuff.
How do I secure the api. Am I right in thinking when a user logs into the mvc5 application there is there some kind of key or token I can access. I store it somewhere on the site and add it in the request header?
If I follow this approach how do I validate the token at the api end. An actionfilter that reads the header? or is there a cleaner method.
The only information I can really find on using the api is to use basic auth which is something I dont really want to have to do.
I think a nice simple(ish) way to do it is to use a token based method. So the client authenticates once, you give them a token, then subsequent requests pass the token and the server checks it.
It does require some custom code, but I have seen a few good examples. Here is one that I loosely followed:
It enforces HTTPS, then does the token generating and validation after that.

Will using a master login username and password when implementing web services considered secure

I am working on an mvc-4 web application and I have started implementing some web services which provides statistical information about my site. But to make sure that only authorized and authenticated consumers can call and consume the web services I am thinking of defining a master login username and password for each consumer, and when a consumer sends a web service request he should include these master login username and password (stored as a hash value ) in the web service calls.
For example the web service link to call specific web service from my web site will look as follow:-
So my question is whether the approach I am following will provide a secure solution to my web services and to the consumers? OR my approach have security holes I am unaware of ?
I am using the WebAPI controllers to implement the web services inside my mvc-4.**
Best Regards
There are a few ways to make sure things are secure. This article just came out today highlighting some API tools. I'm not sure how big you are or are planning to be, but if you're looking for scale, these tools seem to be pretty popular (note: I haven't had a large scale API project myself, so I haven't used these).
You can use something like ServiceStack to build your API layer. It has authorization and authentication built in with a boatload of authentication providers. It scales well and, after a call to authenticate, is session-based so you don't have to authenticate each call.
You can use "signed" requests. Signed requests often look something like: "take all the parameters for the request as a querystring, append a 'secret consumer key' to the end of the request', and then sign the request by appending the md5 hash of the results (without the secret key!!) to the request." This is a safe way of doing things because even if the request is made client-side (AJAX) it is generated server-side using a secret key. So you can ensure that things weren't tampered with.
You can go the oauth/token route (which often still uses method #3 above).
You can go with a simple API key that can be revoked (again, fotne used with method #3). uses this method I think.
Option #2 is my favorite. I like ServiceStack. But to be honest the learning curve for your first project can be a little steep.
A master username and hashed password feels weak to me, so I'd strongly consider at least looking around at how others are doing it.
I do not consider your way to be safe. If I could listen on the wire and cache the request I will have the login an the password to the service. There even does not matter if the password is hashed or not. I like the point 3. in Eli Gassert's answer. It sounds very useful and light weight and you are not exposing the password because it is hashed "somewhere" in the request.
