iPad Modal View Dismissal Changes Parent View Orientation - ipad

I have an iPad Split View Application that brings up a modal view to display certain content. When I bring up the modal (in PageSheet style) and then change from Portrait to Landscape (or vice-versa) and then dismiss the modal the orientation of the detailViewController (the parent of the modal) turns 90 degrees.
So if I am in landscape mode when I close the modal the right pane will turn as if it were in portrait mode but the device is still in Landscape and the rootViewController is still visible. After this happens no rotation will solve the problem until the view is removed.
Any idea what I've screwed up here? I've had a ton of trouble with iPad rotation handling in general but this one is really giving me problems.

If you are presenting the modal view from either of the two sub-views of the SplitViewController, then you will have the orientation problems. Just present the modal view from the SplitViewController.


Present one view in landscape mode in an otherwise portrait mode app

I have an application (iPhone only) that is portrait-only, but with one exception, a view that must be displayed in landscape mode.
I have implemented the technique described in the accepted answer in How to lock orientation of one view controller to portrait mode only in Swift, albeit in Objective-C.
Since I've overridden the -lockOrientation methods in -viewWillAppear and -viewWillDisappear of the landscape view controller, I don't undertand why I see rotation occur after the view appears; I would have thought that would occur before the view appears.
When my presented landscape view is overlaid by a presented portrait view, the portrait view starts out as landscape (because it's presented over a landscape view before rotation), but the rotated view has only the height it had in landscape mode.
When the portrait view is dismissed, the first, landscape view has now rotated to portrait mode, even though I've also implemented -supportedInterfaceOrientations and -preferredInterfaceOrientationForPresentation for landscape mode. This has been noted in UIViewController orientations, but there didn't appear to be any working solutions posted there.
Both view controllers, the landscape and the portrait that overlays it, are presented rather than pushed.
Also, the only flag set in the project's Info.plist is Portrait. The full-screen flag is not set.
In short, it's a hot mess just trying to make one exception to view orientation in my app.
Any clues to solving the behavior I've described would be greatly appreciated.

Orientation change in Presented View Controller not updating Parent View Controller

So I am working on porting my iPhone only app to support iPad as well (universal) but I am having trouble with orientation changes on iPad.
What is happening is when I present a modal view controller from a parent view controller that is in, say Portrait orientation, and then the orientation changes to landscape in the modal, and then the modal is dismissed, the parent view controller's views are incorrectly sized. The parent view's subviews are controlled by auto layout constraints, so I have tried to force them to update on dismissal of the modal view, but haven't had any luck.
The parent's views support both Portrait and Landscape properly (i.e. when the user rotates the device when in the parent view), this only occurs when a modal's orientation changes.
I've attached some screenshots that hopefully will help explain what I am trying to explain.
Thanks to all in advance.
After further investigation, I've found that this was because of the RZTransitions library. I've created an issue on that project here.

Layouts are not updated when navigated back with different device orientation

I have a custom tab bar controller with 4 tabs which manages 4 view controllers, and I support rotation of the device. When I tap one of the tab items and the corresponding view controller and associated view are loaded and shown, changes in the layout by rotating the device are ok. However if, for example, I'm showing a view with the device in portrait orientation, then I tap another tab item and its corresponding view is shown, I rotate this view to landscape, and then, still being in landscape, I go again to the first view by taping its tab item, then such view, that was in portrait when it disappeared, is now in landscape with the portrait sizes and appearance (right-half of the screen is empty and views go out in height)...
What is the way to update the layouts in such situations?

Rotating a VC presented as UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext

iOS 8. I am presenting a view controller with presentation style: UIModalPresentationOverCurrentContext. This works great until I rotate my device, at which time the presented view is not properly adjusted.
Example: I presented over a portrait context. Entire screen covered by my new view (which has semi-transparencies). I rotate to landscape. The presented view rotates, but is now centered and remains at portrait width.
Both the presenting VC and the presented view are created in a storyboard using autolayout. Since I can't add constraints to the topmost view in a VC (right?) I'm not sure how to keep my presented view entirely covering the view below it.
This can happen if Presentation in the Segue is set to Page Sheet. In the storyboard, change the presentation to Full Screen or Over Full Screen
Since you're not using a segue, use UIModalPresentationOverFullScreen.

Presenting transparent modal UIViewController on iPad iOS 7

I have an iPad app which supports all orientations and has a UITabBarController managing a set of view controllers. Rotation works as expected everywhere. Keep in mind my UITabBarController is the .rootViewController of my app's UIWindow.
I now go to present a UIViewController modally from my UITabBarController. It presents well, and the status bar moves in accordance with the device's orientation. However, my UIViewController's view frame never changes (it is always in portrait dimensions, regardless of how it was presented).
This isn't an issue on iOS 8, and I thought UITabBarController would handle a modal controller on its own. Is there something I'm missing?
Bonus: ultimately this UIViewController will be transparent and reveal the app beneath it. When I try this and rotate my device, none of the regular view controllers rotate.
However, my UIViewController's view frame never changes (it is always in portrait dimensions, regardless of how it was presented).
This is expected. In iOS 7, rotation was implemented by applying a transform to the top-level view controller's view. The application of this transform does not alter the frame, which remains in portrait dimensions. In iOS 8, rotation is implemented at the window level.
Bonus: ultimately this UIViewController will be transparent and reveal the app beneath it. When I try this and rotate my device, none of the regular view controllers rotate.
The UIModalPresentationStyleFullscreen presentation style removes the presenter's view from the window while it is covered by the presented view controller. If you modify the alpha of the presented view controller's view, you'll just see black underneath.
Since UIModalPresentationStyleOverFullscreen did not exist in iOS 7, you would need to use UIModalPresentationStyleCustom with your own transition animator. Unfortunately, custom transitions with view controllers that can rotate is extremely buggy in iOS 7.
