Add code before initialization of units in Delphi - delphi

Is there a place where I can add code that will be executed before unit initialization?
The reason I want to do this is I need to change the DecimalSeparator, this has to be done before the initialization of some units. I have put it in the project source, before Application.Initialize but it is too late by then.
As I see it the only choice I have is to put it in the initialization of the unit that needs the DecimalSeparator to be changed, is this the case?
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Initialization order in Delphi is deterministic: units get initialized in the same order as the compiler compiled them, and finalized in the reverse order. The compiler starts at the top of the DPR's uses clause and works its way down, and for each unit it finds, it does the same thing recursively: start at the start of the uses clause, try to compile each used unit that isn't already compiled, then compile the current unit. So if you can get your unit in before any of the other ones get compiled, then it will get initialized first.
If you want to make sure it gets executed first, make a new unit, put your changes in that unit's initialization block, and then make sure it ends up in the DPR before any of the units that will depend on the changes. You might even want to make it the first unit, unless you have other "must be first" units there already, such as replacement memory managers.

Put it into the initialization section of the first unit in your project uses list, that way it will be executed prior to any other initialization code.

A word of warning here.
I've got an application running on the desktop of a logged in user and IN THE MIDDLE of testing the app the DecimalSeparator changed for me, without me restarting the application.
I used to set the
DecimalSeparator := '.';
once in the FormCreate() code, but that seems not the be enough. So now I set it once every time before I use my FormatFloat() function (used only in one place in my application).
I do not know WHY this happens, but probably there are some system-wide parameter changes happening, that reset the char to ',' on my system.
The best way to avoid this is probably to set the decimal separator in windows configuration to '.' to avoid strange problems...


Referencing a type from a package library in Delphi

I have inherited a legacy Delphi project for which I have to do a code modification. But to start with, I have problem compiling the project into a "correct" application. As I am not familiar with Delphi, I am not sure what is missing.
So far, the only changes I have done are around PATH for references and packages wherever I could find an absolute path that was different on my PC. It is compiling and running. However, one of the variable remains "incorrectly" initialized at run-time (value is nil). I am a bit surprised because I have not changed anything in the code, that is from an application otherwise running.
The type of this variable is defined in a package library (for which I have the code as well, that compiles, and that is in the list of "Packages" checked in the Project Options.
Some code sample:
Unit Unit3
TFrmCCB = class(TForm)
vz: TVCLZ;
procedure TFrmCCB.FormCreate(Sender: TObject)
vz.SetPath := 'C:\'; //at this point vz is nil
Do I have to add some code to get vz to not be nil, or does it look like a configuration problem with the definition not found at run time or something like that? I would seem strange that something is missing in the code though, as I have not done any change there yet and the program is otherwise running.
It sounds like vz: TVCLZ is a component on a form.
When you first open the form if you don't have the component (package) installed in the IDE it asks you if you want to remove the component (because the IDE doesn't know how to render/instantiate it at design-time). If you choose to remove it the code associated with that component remains.
So you remain with something similar to what you have. The form doesn't create the component at run-time (because it doesn't have it anymore) the vz member remains uninitialized.
So, you have to get the sources of the project with the component on the form and be careful not to delete it.
Or, you care create the instance yourself. At FormCreate just create it: vz := TVCLZ.Create(Self); before you use it. But keep in mind that all the properties set in design will be lost and you have to set them manually in code.

Is it possible to find out position of a unit in project's uses clause?

I have two units (SuperPuper.pas and SuperPuper777.pas) in a project (.exe or .dll)
Is it possible to find out at runtime from my code in SuperPuper777.pas that
SuperPuper.pas is listed in project's uses clause;
SuperPuper.pas is first unit in project's uses clause.
The question was heavily edited. I guess that it's practical purpose is to find out if ShareMem.pas unit was declared in right position in project's uses clause.
If you want to enforce the correct declaration of a unit in a project's uses clause I would add a pre-build event to run a regex based Perl/Python/Ruby script. The script would do a simple regex based check of the .dpr file and return an error if it was not as intended. Not fool-proof, but probably the best balance of utility for a small amount of effort.
I realise that your question asks for runtime detection but this is a compile time property and so best attacked at compile time.
You can get a list of all units linked to the executable (i.e. at runtime) from the resources. There is a resource named PACKAGEINFO which contains a list of all units. You can find some reverse information from here. Perhaps you can get this information from enhanced RTTI (available since Delphi 2010).
About how to detect that an unit is first in the .dpr uses clause, I do not see any way of doing it at runtime easily. The list in PACKAGEINFO is not in this order. You can do that at compile time, by parsing the .dpr content and checking its uses clause.
The only way I see to guess which unit was first set is to use a global variable in a common unit:
var LatestUnitSet: (oneUnit, anotherUnit);
Then in the initialization section of each unit:
LatestUnitSet := OneUnit;
LatestUnitSet := anotherUnit;
Then check for LatestUnitSet to see which one was initialized the latest.

Why do conditional breakpoints slow my program down so much?

When I'm debugging something that goes wrong inside a loop, say on the 600th iteration, it can be a pain to have to break for every one. So I tried setting a conditional breakpoint, to only break if I = 600. That works, but now it takes almost a full minute to reach that point, where before it was almost instantaneous. What's going on, and is there any way to fix it?
When you hit a breakpoint, Windows stops the process and notifies the debugger. It has to switch contexts, evaluate the condition, decide that no, you don't want to be notified about it, restart the process and switch back. That can take a lot of processor cycles. If you're doing it in a tight loop, it'll take a couple orders of magnitude more processor cycles than one iteration of the loop takes.
If you're willing to mess with your code a little, there's a way to do conditional breakpoints without incurring all this overhead.
if <condition here> then
asm int 3 end;
This is a simple assembly instruction that manually sends a breakpoint notification to the OS. Now you can evaluate your condition inside the program, without switching contexts. Just make sure to take it out again when you're done with it. If an int 3 goes off inside a program that's not connected to a debugger, it'll raise an exception.
It slows it down because every time you reach that point, it has to check your condition.
What I tend to do is to temporarily create another variable like this (in C but should be doable in Delphi).
int xyzzynum = 600;
while (true) {
if (--xyzzynum == 0)
xyzzynum = xyzzynum;
then I put a non-conditional breakpoint on the "xyzzynum = xyzzynum;" line.
The program runs at full speed until it's been through the loop 600 times, because the debugger is just doing a normal breakpoint interrupt rather than checking conditions every time.
You can make the condition as complicated as you want.
Further to Mason's answer, you could make the int 3 assember only be compiled in if the program is built with the debug conditional defined:
{$ifdef debug}
{$message warn 'debug breakpoint present in code'}
if <condition here> then
asm int 3 end;
So, when you are debugging in the ide, you have the debug conditional in the project options. When you build the final product for your customers (with your build script?), you wouldn't include that symbol, so it wont get compiled in.
I also included the $message compiler directive, so you will see a warning when you compile letting you know that the code is still there. If you do that everywhere you use int 3, you will then have a nice list of places which you can double click on to take you straight to the offending code.
Mason's explanations are quite good.
His code could be made a bit more secure by testing that you run under the debugger:
if (DebugHook <> 0) and <your specific condition here> then
asm int 3 end;
This will not do anything when the application is running normally and will stop if it's running under the debugger (whether launched from the IDE or attached to the debugger).
And with boolean shortcut <your specific condition here> won't even be evaluated if you're not under the debugger.
Conditional breakpoints in any debugger (I'm just surmising here) require the process to flip back and forth every time between your program and the debugger every time the breakpoint is hit. This process is time consuming but I do not think there is anything you can do.
Normally condition breakpoints work by inserting the appropriate break instruction into the code and then checking for the conditions you have specified. It'll check at every iteration and it might well be that the way in which the check is implemented is responsible for the delay as it's unlikely that the debugger compiles and inserts the complete check and breakpoint code into the existing code.
A way that you might be able to accelerate this is if you put the condition followed by an op with no side effect into the code directly and break on that op. Just remember to remove the condition and the op when you're done.

In Delphi: How to skip sections of code while debugging?

I often accidently step into code that I'm not interested in while debugging in Delphi.
Let's start by saying that I know that you can step over with F8, and that you can run to a certain line with f4.
function TMyClass.DoStuff():Integer;
// do some stuff
procedure TMyClass.Foo()
if DoStuff()=0 then // press F7 when entering this line
Example: I want to step into method DoStuff() by pressing F7, but instead of going there, I first end up in FastMM4.FastGetMem(), which is a massive blob of assembly code that obviously I'm not interested in at the moment.
There are several ways to go about this, and I don't like any of them:
Add a breakpoint on "bla" (almost useless if you only want to step into DoStuff on special occasions, like iteration 23498938);
Instead of pressing F7, manually move the cursor to "bla", and press F4 (Works for this simple example. In practice, it doesn't);
In case of FastMM: temporarily disable fastmm;
Is there any way to hint the IDE that I'm never interested into stepping into a certain block of code, or do I always have to set extra breakpoints or use F4 to try to avoid this?
I'm hoping for some magic compiler directive like {$NODEBUG BEGIN/END} or something like that.
In most cases being able to exclude entire units would be fine-grained enough for me, but being able to avoid certain methods or even lines of code would be even better.
Update: Maybe codegear should introduce something like skip-points (as opposed to break-points) :-)
There is a "magic nodebug switch". {$D-} will disable the generation of debug code. Place that at the top of your FastMM unit and you won't end up tracing into it. And if you do end up in a function you don't want to be in, SHIFT-F8 will get you out very quickly. (WARNING: Don't use SHIFT-F8 from inside an assembly-code routine that plays around with the stack. Unpredictable behavior can result. F4 to the bottom of it instead.)
If you're jumping into FastMM code, then there are memory operations occurring. The code you've shown doesn't have any memory operations, so your question is incomplete. I'll try to guess at what you meant.
When a subroutine has local variables of compiler-managed types (such as strings, interfaces, or dynamic arrays), the function prologue has non-trivial work to do. The prologue is also where reference counts of input parameters are adjusted. The debugger represents the prologue in the begin line of the function. If the current execution point is that line, and you "step into" it, you'll be taken to the RTL code for managing the special types. (I wouldn't expect FastMM to be involved there, either, but maybe things have changed from what I'm used to.) One easy thing to do in that situation is to "step over" the begin line instead of into it; use F8.
If you're really pressing F7 when entering your highlighted line, then you're doing it wrong. That's stepping into the begin line, not the line where DoStuff is called. So whether you get taken to the FastMM code has nothing to do with the implementation of DoStuff. To debug the call to DoStuff, the current execution point should already be the line with the call on it.
If you only want to debug DoStuff on iteration 23498938, then you can set a conditional breakpoint in that function. Click in the gutter to make a normal breakpoint, and then right-click it to display its properties. There you can define a condition that will be evaluated every time execution reaches that point. The debugger will only stop there when the condition is true. Press F8 to "step over" the DoStuff call, and if the condition is true, the debugger will stop there as though you'd pressed F7 instead.
You can toggle the "use debug DCUs" option to avoid stepping into most RTL and VCL units. I don't know whether FastMM is included in that set. The key difference is whether the DCUs you've linked to were compiled with debug information. The setting alters the library path to include or exclude the subdirectory where the debug DCUs are. I think you can configure the set of included or excluded debug directories so that a custom set of directories is added or removed based on the "debug DCUs" setting.
Back to breakpoints. You can set up breakpoint groups by assigning names to your breakpoints. You can use an advanced breakpoint to enable or disable a named group of breakpoints when you pass it. (Breakpoint groups can have just one breakpoint, if you want.) So, for example, if you only want to break at location X if you've also passed some other location Y in your program, you could set a disabled breakpoint at X and a non-breaking breakpoint at Y. Set the "enable groups" setting at Y to enable group X.
You can also take advantage of disabled breakpoints without automatic enabling and disabling. Your breakpoints appear in the "breakpoints" debugger window. If you're stepping through DoStuff and you decide you want to inspect bla this time, go to the breakpoint window and enable the breakpoint at bla. No need to navigate to bla's implementation to set the breakpoint there.
For more about advanced breakpoints, see Using Non-Breaking Breakpoints in Delphi, and article by Cary Jensen from a few years ago.
I may have missed something with your post, but with FastMM4 you can edit the FastMM4Options.Inc include file and remove the '.' from the following define:
From ****
{Enable this option to suppress the generation of debug info for the
FastMM4.pas unit. This will prevent the integrated debugger from stepping into
the memory manager code.}
{$.define NoDebugInfo}
When recompiling (might need building) the debugger will (should) no longer debug the FastMM code.
Use a precompiled non-debug DCU of FasmMM
In the project dpr file, I use
... // other units
to exclude FastMM4 during debug mode. Requires no change in FastMM4 so I don't have to remember to add {$D-} in FastMM when I change to a different version.
AFAIK, the debugger is only aware of the files in Browsing Path that you can modify in Options. So if you exclude the paths of modules you're not interested in debugging that will give the effect of what you want to do.
One caveat: code completion also relies on Browsing Path so you might run into occasions that code completion falls short when needed.
Although it isn't a direct answer to your question, you could modify your first suggested solution by putting breakpoint at bla that is only enabled when a breakpoint at Foo is passed (or some other condition of your choose, such as iteration count). Then it will only break when you want it to.
As an aside, I am finding more and more that I am not halting execution at break points, but rather dumping variable values or stack dumps to the message log. This allows more careful analysis than on-the-fly inspection of variables, etc. FWIW.
No. I don't believe there is a way to tell the debugger to never stop in a certain section of code. There is no magic directive.
The best you can do when you get into a routine you don't want to be in is to use Shift+F8 which will Run until the Return. Then do a F7 or F8 to exit the procedure.
Hmmm. Now I see Mason's answer. Learned something. Thanks, Mason. +1

Replace function units

I am writing a unit test infrastructure for a large Delphi code base. I would like to link calls to pure functions in SysUtils.FileExists for example to a "MockSysUtils.FileExists" instead.
Creating a SysUtils unit with the same interface is not appreciated by the compiler.
What I am thinking of is to hook in my mock function at runtime. Is this possible nowadays?
Any other suggestions?
Replacing a function at runtime is difficult but usually technically possible. "All" you need to do is:
take the address of the function in question
disassemble the first 5 bytes or so (to check for a RET instruction - very small routines may abut another routine, preventing you from replacing it)
change its page protection (with VirtualProtect) to be writable
rewrite the first 5 bytes with a JMP rel32 instruction (i.e. E9 <offset-to-your-func>)
implement your version function as normal, making sure it has the same arguments and calling convention as the function you are mocking
An easier approach would be to link against a different version of SysUtils.pas. That will require you to also recompile all the units in the RTL and VCL that depend on SysUtils.pas, but it is likely quite a bit easier than the function intrumentation approach described above.
The easiest approach is the language-level one, where either you don't directly rely on SysUtils at all (and so can switch at a higher level), or you modify the uses declaration to conditionally refer to a different unit.
You can do it with MadCodeHook. Use the HookCode function, give it the address of the function you want to replace and the address of the function you want to be called instead. It will give you back a function pointer that you can use for calling the original and for unhooking afterward. In essence, it implements the middle three steps of Barry's description.
I think MadCodeHook is free for personal use. If you're looking for something freer than that, you can try to find an old version of the Tnt Unicode controls. It used the same hooking technique to inject Unicode support into some of the VCL's code. You'll need an old version because more recent releases aren't free anymore. Find the OverwriteProcedure function in TntSystem.pas, which is also where you'll find examples of how to use it.
Code-hooking is nice because it doesn't require you to recompile the RTL and VCL, and it doesn't involve conditional compilation to control which functions are in scope. You can hook the code from your unit-test setup procedure, and the original code will never know the difference. It will think it's calling the original FileExists function (because it is), but when it gets there, it will immediately jump to your mocked version instead.
You could also just add a unit that only contains the functions you want to mock to the test unit's uses clause. Delphi will always use the function from the unit that is listed last. Unfortunately this would require you to change the unit you want to test.
Your Mock-Sysutils unit:
unit MockSysutils;
function FileExists(...) ...
Your unit, you want to test:
unit UnitTotest;
if FileExists(...) then
FileExists will now call the version from MockSysutils rather than from Sysutils.
yes, it would be great to have TSysUtils class for example instead that I could inherit with my MockSysUtils. But, that is not the case and the code base huge. It will be replaced bit by bit, but I wondered if there was a quick-start solution.
The first approach is ok for one function perhaps, but not in this case I guess.
I will go for the second approach.
This is slightly way out there but here is another alternative.
When building your unit tests and your main codebase to go with it, you could grep all the functions you wish to replace and specify the unit to use
Instead of
you could grep fileexists and replace with
If you did this at build time (using automated build tools) it could easily be done and would provide you with the greatest flexibility. You could simply have a config file that listed all the functions to be replaced.
