Use WatiN for automation upload file on the website - upload

I need upload file on the website.
But Have a problem, i can't choose file automatic in code. Always browser show me choose file window.
What wrong in my code?
IE ie = new IE("");
FileUploadDialogHandler uploadHandler = new FileUploadDialogHandler(#"D:\065-6405_URGENT.xls");
// This code show choose file dialog

I had the same problem. I'm using a GMail-like upload process, so I wanted to test actual use-cases. Just setting the Text property on my hidden file input wasn't an option.
I ended up using SendKeys to type the path to my file, then sent "{ENTER}" to submit the dialog.
Thread.Sleep(500); // An unfortunate necessity, to give the dialog time to pop up.
I don't love this solution, especially not the sleep, but it was the best I could do in under 30 mins.
If anyone has a better option, let me know!

Why do you need to select from the Dialog? Try to just set the Text:
ie.FileUpload(Find.ById("profile_file")).Text = "C:/Desktop/image.jpg";
I guess you might talk to the fellow who asked this question:
WatiN File Upload


wxFileDialog filename textbox appears as clipped

I display an Open File dialog using the following code:
wxFileDialog fileDialog(
"TXT files (*.txt)|*.txt",
if (fileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
// do something with the file
Notice that I set the default filename to a long string (about 10 or more characters).
When the file dialog is displayed, the filename looks clipped.
But on inspection, it's not really clipped.
More like the starting point of the text is placed too much to the left.
When you place the cursor on the textbox, and scroll to the left, you get the complete filename.
Also, when you switch to a different window then return to the file dialog, it corrects itself and displays the complete filename.
This isn't really affecting the functionality of the file dialog.
This is more of an aesthetic issue.
But if there's a reason for this behavior or if there's a solution, I would like to know.
I'm using:
wxWidgets 3.1.0
Windows 10 Home 64-bit
UPDATE (2017/03/20):
I opened a ticket at wxTrac for this bug.
You can check it here:
This looks like a bug in wxWidgets, please try to reproduce it in the dialogs sample by making minimal changes to the wxFileDialog call which is already present there and open a ticket on wxTrac with the patch allowing to see the problem, so that someone could debug it.
As a temporary workaround (while an official resolution from wxWidgets is not yet available), calling CenterOnParent() after constructing the file dialog properly "scrolls" the filename so that it won't appear as "clipped".
wxFileDialog fileDialog(
"TXT files (*.txt)|*.txt",
// fixes the clipped filename
if (fileDialog.ShowModal() == wxID_OK)
// do something with the file

IOS Xamarin can't read XML File

So I've search everywhere. Xamarin Docs, goggle, here, W3.
All I need to do is store some small data in an XML file.
I created the XML, got the code lined up and when i go to build it.
IOS.....Can't find file.
I've googled the answer countless times, and they all say the same thing, Make sure it is set as Content or make sure it is "Embedded Resource" I've tried it both ways, It can't find the file to access it. Is IOS really that stupid? No issues in Android, took it 30 secs. Add it to the Assets and boom there it is.
But How to get IOS to Recognize xml file(find it)?
the code is this
XDocuent doc = new XDocument.Load("StoredLogs.xml") <that line is where it throws the error, through all the break points that it is.
After this it steps through a loop to bind the data in the xml to an object
Logs a.Id = x.Element("Id).Value...... and so
All i want is basic offline storage.
iOS really that stupid?
Yes :P
When you add the XML file as an EmbeddedResource, you need to read it from the assembly instead of the path
For example:
var readme = typeof(NameSpace.App).GetTypeInfo().Assembly
using (var sr = new StreamReader(readme)) {
//Read the stream

Delphi - How to Register File extension for auto-open? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to associate a program with a file type, but only for the current user?
(2 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
How can i auto-open a custom extension in my Delphi app ? I'm trying to make application
that loads text files but with a different extension.
Example : Text.DZ | all i want is when i click the file with .DZ Extension it opens my app automatically and loads the text inside into the memo1.lines.text.
I know that i have to register my new custom extension but i have no idea how to do it and
load the text into my app.
Also if you can include a source-code example that would be awesome.
Any help will be much appreciated ! and
Sorry for my newbiness and bad English explanation but i hope you guys understand me (^-^)/.
There's a way to do it programmatically, although I don't recall how off the cuff.
That said, if you're just wanting to do it for your own personal use, not for a piece of software you'll be distributing to others, then the easiest way is to use Windows Explorer: click the data file you want, then right-click and select Open With -> ... you'll probably need to select the Other... option at the bottom. That will bring up a dialog box that lets you choose your app. There should also be a checkbox somewhere that says something like "Make Default" or "Always Open With This" or something along those lines. Make sure that box is checked. Then click OK a couple of times and you're off to the races.
But you'll also need to set up your app to read the filename from the command line. You use ParamStr and ParamCount for this.
for i := 0 to ParamCount do
ShowMessage('Parameter '+IntToStr(i)+' = '+ParamStr(i));
When you double-click on the data file, it will open your app and pass this filename as ParamStr(1). So when you get it, simply do something like this:
memo1.lines.LoadFromFile( ParamStr(1) );
Use this as a STARTING POINT (it won't compile if you just copy-and-paste!):
procedure TMyForm234:FormCreate( blah blah )
if ParamCount > 0 then
theMemo.Lines.LoadFromFile( ParamStr(1) );

Developing a Firefox plugin/addon that invokes "Save As" from FF's own set of functions

I have a basic FF addon that polls for something in the DOM of the page in window.document. When it sees it, it is supposed to save the page. That's the hard part. I don't want to replicate the functionality of "save complete" I just want to call the pre-existing functionality from the plugin/addon at the right moment.
Is this an XPCom thing? Or is it pure JavaScript via the relevant APIs ?
iMacros for Firefox can invoke Save-as (without popping the associated dialog), but I can't see how.
Can anyone advise as to how to call deeper Firefox functions like this?
Thanks, - Paul
PS - I really love Mozilla Archive Format, with MHT and Faithful Save but I think it is replicating functionality again. My alternative is to invoke it's function, but that's as opaque to me as the firefox native one.
You can use nsIWebBrowserPersist.saveDocument() for this:
var persist = Cc[";1"].
var localPath = Cc[";1"].
var localFile = localPath.clone();
persist.saveDocument(document, localFile, localPath, null, 0, 0);
The key is the third parameter which specifies where the linked URIs should be stored. See for complete documentation.

Save current webpage in Watin

I'm trying to save the full content of the current static web page, using the code from Show IE "Save As" dialog using Watin
So here it is:
IE ie = new IE("http://localhost");
// more code
//I expect out.html is the output file
FileDownloadHandler fileDownloadHandler = new FileDownloadHandler("out.html");
//I expect this line to popup the save as dialog box, but nothing happens
//the program is blocked at this line, as it can't click anywhere
I also tried the code below, but it doesn't save all the page:
System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter("output.html");
Again, I need to save the webpage from Watin, and the result to be the same as saving it manually.
Here is how I do it:
(myIE.InternetExplorer as SHDocVw.InternetExplorer).Document.documentElement.outerHtml);
Assumes myIE is a WatiN IE element, of course.
If you're ever having difficulty finding how to do something with WatiN, I often find it helpful to google how to do it with an "Internet Explorer COM object". WatiN wraps the object, but it is exposed and able to be accessed!
Try to parse the html with html agility pack and save it, there are additional abilities that you can use...
using HtmlAgilityPack;
var htmldoc = new HtmlDocument();
Link to agility pack
