CMake module for gettext support? - localization

Is there a good, open-source, documented CMake module for gettext support?
I mean:
Extracting messages from sources
Merging messages to existing translations
Compilation of mo-files
Installation of mo-files.
Because plain macros that CMake provides are quite... useless for real l10n support.
Edit: I created my own cmake rules for my own project but I don't think that
it is long term solution especially when you have multiple projects.
So it would be really helpful if someone directed me to such module.

I needed to write a gettext module for another project. So I made it user friendly and uploaded it to git hub.

Wesnoth has their own solution.
See the code:
And for reference:
I’m not too sure this is really ”good” solution, but it works.

So late 2011 I started work on a CMake module:
It fulfils everything you require.


build research and use it as an external package for research project

I want to perform some research regarding quantization/sparsification, I would like to use script as a template, to do so in a clean matter as research is not part of the pip package I was wondering if it is possible to build it myself and then reuse it as a dependency (as in some functions from research are used). I am not sure however how to do it. I am not familiar with bazel. I was able to install it and run the script, that's all. Any guidance would be highly appreciated! Or if it's not possible it would be good to know as well! Thank you for any advice in this matter.
I built something using bazel and I have it in bazel-bin I don't know now however how to reuse it in my script, as if I just wanted to do it in a python manner
from research.compression import compression_process_adapter
or somehthing similar in my script
Using TFF for Federated Learning Research gives a rough introduction on suggestions for organizing the experiment conceptually.
From there, seeing how "run scripts" are setup in various sub-directories under tensorflow_federated/python/research/ might be good examples. If there is an sub directory that is close to what you want to accomplish, forking/copying it might be a good place to start.
For instance, tensorflow_federated/python/research/gans/experiments/emnist/ might be a useful example for how to setup an experiment grid. This iteratively runs tensorflow_federated/python/research/gans/experiments/emnist/, which has an example of how to import libraries under the research/ directory. Note that all of these uses bazel, and the depedencies for the imports are decalred in the tensorflow_federated/python/research/gans/experiments/emnist/BUILD file.
Finally, this script can be run with (from the git repo root directory):
bazel run -c opt tensorflow_federated/python/research/gans/experiments/emnist:run_experiments

FunScript: How to access TypeScript.Api<...>

I'm getting started with FunScript with a working example. Using Nuget to add the needed libraries, it works well.
In watching a 2013 video on channel9, they are making use of TypeScript.Api<...> to load types from typescript definition files.
I'm however unable to find this type provider anywhere.
Where is it located?
I realized that a good number of the type definitions have been compiled into libraries and available on nuget but I can't really use this since some of the code will be local typescript definition files.
The questions therefore are
Where is the TypeScript.Api<...> type provider?
If it is not available or the best way to use typescript definition, what other options exists.
As Thomas said, the type provider was removed mainly because it couldn't generate generic types, but the idea is to bring it back at some point.
For the moment, though not ideal, you can generate your own bindings following these steps.
Download or clone Funscript repository
git clone
Build the project
cd FunScript
This needs to be improved but for now you need to zip the .d.ts files you want to convert and then:
cd build\TypeScript
bin\FunScript.TypeScript.exe C:\Path\to\
cd Output
Please note the first time you build the definitions it may take several minutes. Once it's done in the output folder you'll find the compiled .dll libraries with the bindings.
Also, while you're at it. It's better if you use the FunScript version you just build into build\main\bin, as it will probably be more updated than the nuget package.
Good luck and have fun(script)!
There were a bunch of changes in FunScript, so the TypeScript.Api<...> type provider is no longer the recommended way of calling JavaScript libraries from FunScript.
Instead, the bindings for JavaScript libraries are pre-generated and you can find them as packages on NuGet, if you search for the FunScript tag (NuGet search is not very good, so you may need to go through a number of pages to find the one you need...).
If you want to use a local TypeScript definition, then you'll need to run the command line tool to generate the bindings. The F# Atom plugin does this in the build script, so looking there is a good place to start. It has a local copy of various TypeScript bindings in the typings folder (together with the FunScript binaries needed to process them).
I liked the type provider approach much better, but sadly, type providers are somewhat restricted in what kind of types they can provide, so it wasn't all that powerful...

Building Rascal from source

I'm thinking it might be easiest if I modify the Java syntax used in Rascal to better fit our Java-like language.
Is there a way I can build Rascal from the source? I've cloned the repo from Github and imported it as a project into Eclipse but there are some compilation errors regarding org.eclipse.imp. Before I head down the rabbit-hole of trying to get this all to work in Eclipse I thought I would post here to see if there is an easy way to handle this.
Sure you could build Rascal from scratch; following the developer instructions at
On the other hand, if you wish to simply adapt the Java syntax definition it would be better to clone it into your own files. Grammars may look modular, but in reality there are complex interactions between different parts of the grammar. Better to clone and manage the whole thing as your own than depend on two co-evolving definitions.
If you clone the Java grammar Rascal will generate new parsers for you on-the-fly. If this generation becomes cumbersome, a "cached parser" can help you to optimize the deployment of your tools. Please contact us if you need help with that.

Convert .xcodeproj to makefile

I have a Xcode project .xcodeproj and I would like to convert it to a Makefile. How can I do this? Thanks in advance. I'm using Xcode 5.0.2.
If you have a one-time conversion to do, this answer may not be worthwhile. However, if you have to support multiple platform, or have other considerations, consider using CMake.
In a nutshell, CMake is a "meta"-makefile system, and can generate Makefiles, XCode projects, Visual Studio projects, etc. If you really have the need, and can bear CMake's ... interesting ... syntax, it may work well for you.
Having said that, if you don't have special considerations like multiple platform support, CMake is probably more work than it's worth.

Clang dynamic memory analyzer not referencing back to source code Red Hat 6.3

We recently built the 3.3 release of clang/llvm using the Fedora 20 packaging process as a guide to unpacking, moving the different parts to the correct location and building the compiler tool chain. All seems to be working correctly except the dynamic memory analyzer is not referencing back to the source code. The same usage on the Fedora platform does reference back to the source code.
This is our first attempt to use the clang/llvm tool set. Also this is the first question asked in this forum which seems a bit different on its organization from all the others I have participated in so my appologies in advance if I have not figured out the nuances of posting a question here. Does seem odd that the main projects do not seem to have a way of asking questions.
We found a solution, do not know quite why we needed to add the extra
environment setup. Compiling as follows:
PATH=/net/fas4045/home3/jq031c/llvm_sandbox/bin:$PATH make -j 16
DEPFILES= CXX=clang++ CC=clang CXXFLAGS="-fsanitize=memory
-fsanitize-memory-track-origins -fno-omit-frame-pointer"
Runing as follows:
MSAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=/net/fas4045/home3/jq031c/llvm_sandbox/bin/llvm-symbolizer ./
We can understand that we need to add the analysis option to the link flags as we do a two step build of compile followed by link. The discovery after searching was the need to define the path to llvm-symbolizer with an environment variable which none of the other dynamic analysis options seems to need.
