Omit attribute name from validation error message (at start of it)? - ruby-on-rails

I write code in English but I'm currently doing a site which is fully translated to another language (validation error messages included). However, I have a problem because validation error messages always seem to include the name of the attribute the error is on at the start of the error, e.g.:
Title Prosimo izpolnite naziv fakultete.
I want to get rid of the Title at the start, like so:
Prosimo izpolnite naziv fakultete.
Any help is appreciated. I would rather see if this can be solved without installing any 3rd party plugins.
If it's possible to provide translations for attribute names, that would be a cool solution too, but I would still like to know how it can be done both ways (omit or translate).

There is no need to use the error_messages_for helper for errors, you can write your own helper using the record's errors attribute.
You can just iterate over the error objects and display their messages.


How to return custom error codes in a Rails API?

Given a RESTful API, implemented in Rails, I want to include in the responses not only the errors messages, generated by ActiveModel::Validations, but also custom error codes. First of all I would like to point out that I am not talking about HTTP Status codes. I am talking about having an error of any type (from general errors like record not found to small validation errors like username can't be blank) be mapped to a unique numeric code, that is custom application-specific error codes. Let me give an example - given a list of error codes, like:
1: record not found
... some other errors
# Validation errors for User model between 1000 to 2000
1001: first name can't be blank
1002: first name must contain at least 3 characters
1003: last name can't be blank
1004: last name must contain at least 3 characters
...some other errors
If I have a form for a user and submit it with empty fields for first and last name, I want to have in the response body something like:
{error_codes: [1001, 1002, 1003, 1004]}
or something similar (for example I could have an array of error objects, each with a code, message for developer, message for user etc.). Let me give an example with the Twilio API, taken from RESTful API Design: what about errors?:
Here, 20003 is some custom Twilio-specific code. The question is - how can this be implemented in Rails? I see several difficult aspects:
how do I get a list of all possible errors that can be encountered. It is hard to get such a list even only for the validation errors, let alone the other types of errors that can occur.
how should this list be organized - maybe in a YAML file?
how do I access the list - maybe something similar to the way translations are accessed via I18n.t?
I will really appreciate any advice on the topic. Thank you.
P.S. I think this is a similar question.
ActiveModel built-in validators can be found here. Sometimes one validator can check for more than one thing and output different messages. The easiest way to see them all is, as you've guessed, in its I18n yaml file, which can be found here.
One way of doing what you want is overwriting those messages with your custom codes. Another way is passing a custom message when explicitly attaching a validator to your models.
validates :name, message: 'code:001 - my custom message'
Those two options won't help you with structure, though. You won't have a different key code on your json out of the box.
One way you can accomplish that is to can create a helper to parse the error messages and extract the codes after they have been assigned to a model instance. Something along the lines of:
def extract_error_codes(error_messages){ |message| message.match('^code:(\d+)\s-')[1] }
That would give you an array of error codes for that instance if you'd used the format code:001 - my custom message.
Another, much more involved way, is to tap into ActiveModel's Validator class and store an error code when a validation fails. That would require going into each validator to assign the code.

Customizing All errors symfony 1.4

Sorry for my English and writing through a translator.
I'm new here and I'm a bit lost in what I want, maybe you can help me out if they wish, as explained here:
I want to customize all the errors that may be produced (any status code that is a mistake. 404, 500, 204, 301 .... etc.) And also show suggestions based on the "module" and/or "action" from where the error occurred.
I also wish I could tell by the file redirection "setting.yml" application, something like this:
error_404_module: common
error_404_action: errors
error_500_module: common
error_500_action: errors
error_204_module: common
error_204_action: errors
error_301_module: common
error_301_action: errors
Within the "app/frontend/modules/common" in the "action.class.php" define "executeErrors" in which I receive the status code that has occurred and the module where the error occurred or except for well, getting partial show "app/frontend/modules/common/templates/_errorXXXSuccess.php" and the partial of the suggestion that I seek and extract the module "referer" where the error occurred.
Well, that's the idea, dynamic content for different types of error in different circumstances and working perfectly with the type codes 404 but not with the rest ...
I read that could place me in the middle of the event by creating a file "config/error.html.php" and "config/exception.html.php". Indeed if I produce such a 500 error and manually these files are executed. The problem is that from there I can not access variables from symfony. Because if so I could invoke "common/errors" and bad send as parameters the error status code and the module where it occurred, but it is not. From there all I can do is play with $ _SERVER and routing.yml but can not get good results because the environment is mixed with Development Production (/frontend_dev.php) and is something I also want to avoid.
That is, I want to get as in "setting.yml" does "error_404_module" and "error_404_action" but with different error codes. Thus allowing me to show my custom pages in production based on "error or exception" and/or "module or action" where the error has been released from production, and in case of being in development mode (/frontend_dev.php/....), show the symfony Dispatch.
Surely life is complicandome and has a simpler way to do what I want but after thousands of combinations do not get the right result. Even if symfony may not allow other types of error redirect from "setting.yml" is because they are reserved for him or something. I do not understand.
Please please help me because no documentation to find and secure here at least we left public for others who want to do something.
Many Thanks and greetings!
First of all - you can't get symfony to intercept all errors. Some of the errors may be server errors and the request won't even get to your application. You can reproduce some of them explicitly setting responses in symfony though, but I may not be necessary to deal with all of them.
As for the exact response: you should use a listener to hook your errors to a class that handles them according to your need. See: for implementation details.

Modifying error messages for Command Objects embedded in controller

I am trying to modify the file for form input validated by a Command Object that is in specified in the controller. The output I get from the standard error message (that I modified slightly to assure I was hitting that specific one) is:
email cannot be empty test class com.dashboard.RegisterController$DashboardUserRegistrationCommand
but no variant of com.dashboard.RegisterController$DashboardUserRegistrationCommand.null.message
I am wondering what the correct specification should be.
Try to put DashboardUserRegistrationCommand outside (below) of RegisterController but still in the same file. Then com.dashboard.DashboardUserRegistrationCommand.. should work.
i.e. com.dashboard.DashboardUserRegistrationCommand.message.nullable
The typical layout of error messages is:
So for your example it would be:
In the Grails Reference on the right hand side there is a header titled 'Constraints'. On each page of the specific constraints listed under that header the ${errorCode} value is listed at the bottom of the page.
And sometimes you have to restart a run-app to get new messages to populate in a Grails project.
Just to help others in the future, I had the same issues and my problem was the way I was defining my key, I use now:
For default messages:
default.null.message=Write a value for {0}
For commmand error messages: tell us your name
It is strange that sometimes you use nullable and sometimes you use null. The best thing is going to the Grails Constraints directly and check how is it done for example:

How do i filter and validate form fields in symfony 1.4?

Im trying to integrate a content filtering API. My plan was to use pre/post validators but I've lost may way somehow.
What i need to do is send the values to the content filtering service. If the response comes back that the content has been filtered it will also return a modified value for the field (basic profanity filtering... matches are replace with asterisks). Thats all well and good i can throw validation errors no problem - simple stuff.
However i dont want just throw errors. What needs to happen is that validation errors are thrown as normal, but the values are modified in the form for re-display.
Basically if someone posts something naughty i want them to get a validation error saying their post has been modified, they can re-submit the now "clean" post, or they can go about editing it to make it clean without the word replacements.
But do clean on a validator either throws an error OR returns cleaned values, not both. How can i go about implementing both? This will be used on many different forms with many different field names, so modifying methods on the form or a form base class isnt really an option - it needs to happen in the validation sub-framework somehow.
You can adjust this plugin for your needs

Removing ModelErrors from ModelState once written to ValidationSummary()

I may be approaching this from the wrong angle entirely, but hopefully someone will know a way of acheiving what I'm after.
I reference a web service, which returns an ErrorInfo object. I add each returned error to the ModelState as a ModelError:
foreach(ErrorInfo error in serviceResponse)
ModelState.AddModelError(error.AssociatedField, error.Description);
For errors which relate to a particular input field (using strongly-typed Views here), I get a nice inline error returned to Html.ValidationMessageFor(x), which is great.
The problem is that in addition to these input-related errors, there may also be more generate results.
What I'd LIKE to do is have these output in a list similar to Html.ValidationSummary() - however if I do this at the moment, it will also include the errors which have already been displayed inline against each input.
Is there an elegant way of just displaying all the errors which DON'T relate to a particular form input?
This is a good enough solution for me, it doesn't print the individual error detail, but thats not important for the non-input related errors
Html.ValidationSummary(true, "Failed to login for some other reason")
