Hi i have this HTML code:
<tr class="odd events" style="">
<a title="Expand to see Actions" class="toggleEvent" name="actions_for_host_1" href="#"></a>
<td id="7" colspan="6">
<li>Low Alarm at 2010/06/25 07:09 ( <span title="2010/06/25 14:09 (UTC)" class="time_helper">Pacific</span> )</li>
How can I retrieve the <li> value using xpath and selenium ruby, so I get back "Low Alarm at 2010/06/25 07:09 Pacific"?
I don't know what the time and date will be but I know the <li> tag will always start with Low Alarm
sorry i couldn't phrase the question better.
You need to use the getText command to retrieve the text using a suitable locator. There are a few possible locators that you could use, some suggestions are listed below:
locate the li based on the child span with the class time_helper
locate the li based on the text starting with 'Low Alarm'
//li[starts-with(text(), 'Low Alarm')]
locate the li based on the text containing 'Low Alarm'
//li[contains(text(), 'Low Alarm')]
locate the li based on the text starting with 'Low Alarm'
css=li:contains(^Low Alarm)
locate the li based on the text containing 'Low Alarm'
css=li:contains(Low Alarm)
Is there a reason why you're specifically trying to use an xpath locator for this?
A CSS locator may do the job just as well, e.g.
css=li:contains('Low Alarm')
On photoswipe docs the markup is div/figure/img. But i want other markup.
How to "Creating an Array of Slide Objects" for this ul/li/figure/img markup. I know i need somehow to edit the "var initPhotoSwipeFromDOM = function(gallerySelector) {" function. But do not now what the changes i need to do?
This is my markup:
<ul class="my-gallery" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/ImageGallery">
<a href="large-image.jpg" data-size="600x400">
<img src="small-image.jpg" itemprop="thumbnail"/>
<figcaption itemprop="caption description">Image caption</figcaption>
Related Q i so on the internet:
You must correctly travers the DOM and pass proper elements, I am not able to explain it, it's just about understanding how and which nodes are selected - here's a gist: https://gist.github.com/TMMC/6ec51c46d9fa57e1fd6a480f0d5da86d - I had the same issue, exactly the same code. Look for comments starting with make it works with.
Try ".my-gallery > li > figure > a" as gallerySelector
I am creating custom grid editor and I would like to have more than one RTE inside of it. Currently, I am initializing RTE like this
<div unique-id="control.$uniqueId"
grid-rte configuration="control.config.rte">
This works fine for one instance of RTE. However, when I try to add 2nd or 3rd RTE in this manner, they are not initialized, instead I am getting multiline textbox.
So, how to add more than one RTE, and, is this best way to add RTE?
I had the same problem. I have solved the problem by adding $index. Like so:
<div unique-id="control.$uniqueId + $index"
grid-rte configuration="control.config.rte">
<div unique-id="control.$uniqueId + $index"
grid-rte configuration="control.config.rte"> </div>
The previous answer works when the control is inside the ng-repeat directive, ie
<tr ng-repeat="rowData in control.tabelsData">
unique-id="control.$uniqueId + $index"
grid-rte configuration="rteconfig" style="border:4px solid #EB4F1C;">
Otherwise yes, manually modifying the unique-id would be the answer for a known amount of multiple amount of Rich Text Editors in the editor
grid-rte configuration="rteconfig" style="border:4px solid #EB4F1C;">
grid-rte configuration="rteconfig" style="border:4px solid #EB4F1C;">
I want to implement the Demo shown at http://tablesorter.com/docs/example-pager.html in a mobile application. I want each row in the Demo to be collapsible/expandable. What is the best way to achieve it? To my knowledge tables don't work well in mobile applications. Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks.
== EDIT ==
This is almost all I want
I'm not sure how this will do in a mobile application, but check out this demo. No need to download that mod as it was added to tablesorter 2.0.5.
The demo shows how to use an undocumented option named cssChildRow which contains the class name expand-child. This class name is added to a table row tr to attach it to the row before it (example code from that demo):
<td rowspan="2" class="collapsible"></td>
<td rowspan="2" class="collapsible_alt">SO71774</td>
<td>Good Toys</td>
<td>Jul 20, 2007</td>
<tr class="expand-child">
<td colspan="4">
<div class="bold">Shipping Address</div>
99700 Bell Road<br /> Auburn, California 95603
The code needed to make the rows collapsible in in this file: jquery.tablesorter.collapsible.js
I hope anyone can help me with this.
I have an html code like this:
<div id="v4-95"><div id="v4-96" class="pview rs-pview"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" class="grid"><tr><td width="33%" class="gallery"><a name="item19c368bcd6"></a><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="10" class="gallery"><tr><td class="picture camera" width="100%" height="140"><div class="image" style="width: 140px;"><img alt="Item image" title="Item image" src="http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/m/mvOLm6Tv8Lid54uveSlY80A/140.jpg" border="0"></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class="mi"></div></td></tr><tr><td class="details"><div class="ttl g-std"><a id="src110652603606" _sp="p4634.c0.m14.l1262" r="1" href="http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/SAMSUNG-LTN156AT02-15-6-LAPTOP-SCREEN-NEW-/110652603606?pt=UK_Computing_LaptopAccess_RL&hash=item19c368bcd6" target="_parent" title="SAMSUNG LTN156AT02 15.6" LAPTOP SCREEN NEW">SAMSUNG LTN156AT02 15.6" LAPTOP SCREEN NEW</a><img src="http://q.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/s.gif" width="16" alt="This seller accepts PayPal" height="16" class="ii iippl"></div><div><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" class="fixed"><tr><td><img src="http://q.ebaystatic.com/aw/pics/bin_15x54.gif" alt="Buy It Now" title="Buy It Now"></td><td><span class="bin g-b">£41.50</span></td></tr>
I can retrive the title with this code:
$html = file_get_html('http://stores.ebay.co.uk/LCD-Kings/15-6-/_i.html?_fsub=886314010&_sid=73271570&_trksid=p4634.c0.m322');
foreach($html->find('a') as $element)
echo $element->title . '<br>';
But I don't understand how can I retrieve the £41,50 between the span and why it has a space in the class "bin gb"...
thanks for help...
It has a space in the class because that element has two classes. One is called bin, the other is called g-b. I'm guessing g-b refers to Great Britain so the price may be the span that has the class bin.
You haven't provided all the HTML but there may be an outer element that you can search for (such as: a div with id product and then, within that, find the price in the span with class bin).
You should lookup the documentation of your DOM parser and see what arguments it supports for find(). If it supports something like #product span.bin (or similar syntax) then you can select the span with that class.
I'd like to know the proper way to parse a block of contents with Nokogiri:
I have some documents to parse where they originally contained a format where each main container was a <p>. The main pieces of information within each one are divided up, oddly, with <font> tags.
Effectively a stock sample of <p> contents contains the following and is a typical example (some have a lot more content, some a lot less):
<font size="5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#00CCAA" class="">
<font color="#AAFF33" class="">
October 10, 1990 - Maybe a Title
<font size="4" class="">
Some long text here.
<font color="#66CC00" class="">
[Blah Blah, October 27, 1982 p. 2
More content.
<font color="#00FF33" class="">[Another Source, 1971, issue 01/4]
<font size="5" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif" color="#00CCAA" class="">
<font color="#AAFF33" class=""><font size="4" color="#00CCAA" class="">
Another fantastic article.
[Some Source, October 4, p.6]
Essentially the "font size" attribute is what sets each component apart in the article. The main points to extract are the FIRST <font size ="5"... (that is the article date and main title, if a title is given) tags, then the actual content.
Presently I have all paragraph chunks coming out with: doc.xpath('//p').each do |node|
However I am not sure if I should pass it through Nokogiri again to parse out it's contents or if I should just run it all through a regex. Was hoping for a small example of doing this "properly" with, I'm assuming, using an embedded xpath discovery within the initial block that pulls the elements out. I assume that there is a way to pull out the sub components based on the font size demarcation, but I've simply not seen a specific example of this yet.
Does that help you get started?
>> doc.xpath('//p').each do |node|
.. puts node.xpath("font[#size='5']/font").first.content.strip
.. end #=> 0
October 10, 1990 - Maybe a Title
Build similar expressions for the other parts you need and you are done :-)