mvc cms -

I am little bit confused by the concept of cms in mvc application. The question is the following: How can I add controllers and some processing in the view page in the cms?
For instance in cms I create a page called "Account Details". For this logically I need a controller that would receive and process the request. The processing includes validation, db retrieval, etc. In the view part, I need a set of text boxes, etc. As I know, in cms I cannot create something like this. How to proceed in this way?

Best to look at some existing MVC CMS projects and see how they do it. Here is a thread on SO that covers some of the open source MVC CMS's.
Building a CMS in ASP.NET MVC

Check out the answers in this thread: Simple CMS for building a small company presentation-website.


What pattern to use with aspnet mvc?

I always used webforms with the MVP pattern, it works great for what I need, I basically create a project where all my business rules reside, validation etc... and I then implement my views in the webforms project.
Now we're starting to use MVC and using the MVP patter doesn't make much sense, right? So what could be a good approach to create a scalable and testable project using MVC that won't make me create my data objects and do validation on the controllers. I don' want to have the same code in different places...
If a web user wants to update his/her profile on the site, there would be some validation rules for when a submit button is pushed, like email address cannot be empty, must be valid and must not exist in the database.
These same rules should be applied if I try to update his profile using the internal admin section without having to duplicate the code there...
If you can point me to a good sample project that deals with this would be great!
Thanks in advance!
You should use the MVC pattern with ASP.Net MVC.
The NerdDinner tutorial is a pretty detailed example for MVC, you can also get a book that includes the tutorial (you might want to wait for the version that covers ASP.Net MVC 3). There are plenty of resources on Microsoft's ASP.Net site.
You can always consult Google.
ASP .NET MVC was built with the Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern in mind. That would be the pattern you'd want to use.
In addition to the resources magnifico provided, I know others have recommended the some other tutorials. I don't know if these have been updated to the latest version of the framework, but they should still serve as decent beginners.
MVC Storefront series
MVC Music Store
Also the Microsoft Patterns & Practices group recently released Project Silk which gets into more advanced techniques involving a lot of AJAX management of the UI. There's interesting stuff there.

Flatpages equivalent for ASP.Net MVC

Django has the Flatpages app, which lets site admins change content on specific pages without changing code. Flatpage content i stored in the database, sort of like in a CMS. Flatpages are typically used for about-pages and such.
Are there any good equivalents for ASP.Net MVC? I.e., a convenient way to manage page-content persisted to a database.
Django seems closer to a CMS then "ASP.NET MVC" which is both a framework and just a general design pattern.
Have a look at http://, it allows you to create pages, and manage content on the page.
The solution is still in early stages, but it could help you out.

Is it possible to run an ASP.NET project and an ASP.NET MVC project side-by-site on the same website?

I have an existing ASP.NET website with some custom routing, within a Solution that also contains Business Logic projects.
I want to create a new project within the Solution, which is an ASP.NET MVC website.
This website will also call the Business logic, and the ultimate aim is to port most of the code from ASP.NET to ASP.NET MVC.
But I want them to both work side-by-side for now, to ensure minimal down-time, as it's a high-traffic website.
Is it possible to accomplish this somehow using either ASP.NET routing or some kind of IIS setting?
Yep, you just need to add some routing to your current application. Try
Please have a look at this post by Scott HanselMan.
It provides detailed discussion about this along with a nice walk through.
I just wrote a blog post on this. It is possible. You might find it easier to simply relocate your web forms from your existing web forms project to your new MVC project. You may not have to change any code.

Asp.NET MVC and security

I am planning a new portal solution in ASP.NET MVC. I need to be able to have some parts of the site visible for everyone (public part) and a part where only registered users are allowed to visit. In traditional Web Forms the security was made on folder level, but how about ASP.NET MVC? Could someone please explain me how to do this - or if its more beneficial to go the web forms way.
Security is mostly done on the Controller or Action level via attributes. More information on the Authorize attribute can be found here:
You can easily see how it works by going File-> New MVC project and checking out the AccountController.cs file inside the /Controllers/ directory.
Be aware the answers by Vitaly and Agent_9191 are not current and reference mostly preview MVC builds. Those articles may reference code and or functionality that does not exist or has been depreciated.
Take a look at this post talking about the AuthorizeAttribute. It can be applied to specific actions or an entire controller.

Building a CMS in ASP.NET MVC

I'm curious to know if any basic CMS code has been written for ASP.NET MVC.
The reason I ask is, I'm making a data-driven website for a client, and I've already spent a significant amount of time building it from the ground-up in MVC, but now the client wants content management facilities.
Basically they want to be able to add/edit/remove articles and have revision control.
It would be great if I could somehow 'bolt on' the content management without having to start again from scratch, developing it under an existing CMS.
Should I build the article management and revision control myself, or should I re-use some existing package?
N2 does what you describe - "bolts on" to existing ASP.NET solutions (including MVC).
Also, kooboo is interesting
(I know this question is old, but it still comes high up for the relevant search terms.)
Today I discovered Meek,, and it was very simple and unobtrusive to add to my MVC project, which I believe is what the original poster would have wanted - bolting on CMS as a feature rather than having it take over your entire site.
Piranha CMS is well suited to bolting on to an existing application. The author of it describes why and how here. To quote straight from that source:
"Our focus is content management and to have a transparent and lightweight API for developers. Piranha CMS has almost no components or helpers that render any HTML at all, it simply provides a database, a manager interface and a routing mechanism for retrieving the correct data for the current request.
In the case of you having an existing website you could actually bypass the routing completely, add one page at a time in the manager interface and then manually load the Page model in you existing page. This would allow you to keep your original application exactly the same but manage the content form the manager interface."
If you are still looking, I've published my new open source CMS here:
I'm actively working on it so I will push more updates soon.
Here is also a quick summary as to how Telerik Sitefinity does it:
in brief - allows you to plug in standard system.web.mvc.controller classes as widgets, lets you use the API for anything including model binding, standard Razor for a view engine etc.
There is also Oxite which I believe is more of a blog engine.
Heve a look at AtomicCms it's a free open source content management system based on ASP.NET MVC 1.0
Check for Orchard ;-)
It is based on mvc.
