Read only drop down -

Is there a good way to make an HTML dropdown read only. Using disabled attribute of select seems to work, but the value is not posted.
<select disabled="disabled">
I have a complex page with lots of javascript and ajax. Some actions in the form cause to drop down to be read only some actions let user decide the value.
Edit: Is there a better way other than using a hidden input?

If you do not want user to pick an option, how is this different from read-only input type="text"?

<select name="selectbox" disabled="disabled">
<option>option 1</option>
<option selected="selected">option 2</option>
<option>option 3</option>
Correct me if I am wrong, but if an option is selected, the value is sent


Dojo Select - first option getting selected by default

I have a select box on my form which is getting displayed using addOption. Below the code for the same
storeData = response.myData;
var select = dijit.byId('mySelect');
HTML declaration of Select box
<select id="mySelect" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Select" data-dojo-attach-point="mySelect" data-dojo-props="name:'mySelect', placeHolder: 'Select a value', value:''"></select>
In the storeData, I am returning list of JSON objects including a blank option. (label="" and value=" ");
I want the place holder text to get displayed when no option is selected. But by default first option (i.e. blank value option) is getting selected and because of that place holder text is not getting displayed. If I remove the blank value option from list of options, then the option after that is getting selected by default.
Is there any way where I can set the selection to none. Any pointer for this issue?
dijit/form/Select acts as a normal selection box element (simply said it's an enhanced form of <select>). It's the default behavior of such a select box to select the first option by default.
Either way, the dijit/form/Select widget does not support placeholders I think, neither is it documented in the API docs.
As an alternative you could use the dijit/form/ComboBox or dijit/form/FilteringSelect widget, which both support the placeHolder property.
Another common practice (at least with <select>) is that you add a default selected and disabled item, which acts as your placeholder, for example:
<select name="select1" data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Select">
<option disabled="disabled" selected="selected" value="">- Select a state -</option>
<option value="TN">Tennessee</option>
<option value="VA">Virginia</option>
<option value="WA">Washington</option>
<option value="FL">Florida</option>
<option value="CA">California</option>
Demo: JSFiddle

Mark prepopulated select options as selected in razor

I am trying to do select an option in a select element. I tried the following code. But it does not work.
<option value="1" #(ViewBag.dt.Rows[0][1].ToString())=="1"? selected>A</option>
<option value="2" #(ViewBag.dt.Rows[0][1].ToString())=="2"? selected>B</option>
<option value="3" #(ViewBag.dt.Rows[0][1].ToString())=="3"? selected>C</option>
Any help?
Thank you.
Your conditional operators appear incomplete (invalid code).
Did you mean:
<option value="1" #(ViewBag.dt.Rows[0][1].ToString() == "1" ? "selected" : "")>A</option>
I would normally suggest switching to #Html.RadioButtonFor but that will not handle a two-dimensional array references. Are you display multiple items in a loop? You may be able to simplify the whole thing (please show the rest of your page/code).

Using custom data attribute in Struts 2 s:select

I'm trying to use custom data attributes of HTML in Struts2 tags
here is my sample code
<s:select list="myList" listKey="myListVal" listValue="myListDesc" data-inputs="myListInput" ></s:select>
i was expecting something like this for example
<select >
<option value="myListVal1" data-inputs="myListInput1">myListDesc1</option>
<option value="myListVal2" data-inputs="myListInput2">myListDesc2</option>
<option value="myListVal3" data-inputs="myListInput3">myListDesc3</option>
instead I'm getting this
<select data-inputs="myListInput" >
<option value="myListVal1" >myListDesc1</option>
<option value="myListVal2" >myListDesc2</option>
<option value="myListVal3" >myListDesc3</option>
Is it possible to describe data-attribute in struts select tags for Options inside it.
Override the <s:select> tag template. Or just use HTML tags with <s:iterator>
<select name="list">
<s:iterator value="myList" status="stat">
<option value="<s:property value="myListVal"/>" data-inputs="myListInput<s:property value="#stat.index"/>"><s:property value="myListDesc"/></option>
You can't inject custom attributes into a Struts2 UI Tag directly.
According to Dave Newton's comment, you can with Struts2 >= 2.1.x
But still it's not possible to apply them to the option elements instead of the select, so I'll leave the answer in case you need to extend the original select tag to define a custom behaviour (like apply certain attributes to the options).
You can extend the <s:select> Struts2 tag to allow it to manage new kind of attributes...:
or create your own tag directly, but in your case would be overkill:
Last but not least, you could even add your custom attributes once the page is rendered, using something like jQuery (demo: ); they will be accessible, but not visible in source.

How to convert multi select form field with GET tto have propper URL?

<select name="channel[]" multiple="multiple">
<option value="pants">Pants</option>
<option value="tshirts">T-Shirts</option>
<option value="sweats">Sweats</option>
So, form is GET, and if I select multiple, and when I click on submit URL is like:
I need it to be like:
This cannot be achieved with an HTML only form. You'll have to incorporate javascript to manipulate the value of channel.

ASP.NET MVC combo dropdown box

Is it possible to create a dropdown box in ASP.NET MVC, that has a checkbox alongside each item in the dropdown list?
I know it sounds simple, in webforms or using telerik this would be pretty simple, but I can't figure how I can implement the same thing in basic HTML.
You can use a jQuery plugin called DropDownCheckList to get the wanted effect of a dropdownlist with multiselect options.
Its pretty easy, all you need to do is to create a html listbox and call the jQuery plugion to extend the listbox.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
<select id="listbox" multiple="multiple">
<option>Option 1</option>
<option>Option 2</option>
<option>Option 3</option>
a dropdown with each element of the dropdown having a checkbox? that's not a standard element of HTML, why would you even need that? a multiple option is what you need: (first one)
