Clean checkout from TFS 2008 - tfs

I want to pass a project to a colleague without SCC bindings to avoid accidental changes in my repository.
Is it possible to do a clean checkout from a TFS 2008 repo? I'm going crazy finding such an option in VS2008.
Thanks in advance.

I don't think this is possible. As far as I know TFS does not contain an export like functionality as SVN does.
You can do a hard "unbind" However as:
File -> Source Control -> Change Source Control and then unbind and/or disconnect all projects and the solution.
But watch out this will remove the bindings from the solution and project files.

Rody has a good answer, but here is another hack way to do it.
If you delete all the .vspscc files and then reload the solution it should prompt you saying that it cannot find all the source control information, and one of the options from that is to work disconnected.


How to easily versioning my solutions (and keep database)?

I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC website. Each time I do important modifications, I copy/paste the entire folder of my solution and rename it something like MySolution v1.1, next time MySolution v1.2, ... In that way, I can always step back easily and keep versions. But I always have problems with the database.
I work on MySolution v1.1 with the database in the App_Data named MyDB1.mdf
I copy/paste previous version in MySolution v1.2 folder
I cannot run successfully this newly created solution because Visual Studio will try to recreate the database named MyDB1.mdf but this one already exist (in the previous folder).
I had to change database name in the connectionstring of the web.config file and clean the App_Data folder.
This is not a good way of doing things. Furthermore, I lost my data in my DB because I delete it each time.
Does someone can give me advices for versioning my different solutions?
I hope I was clear.
Thanks in advance.
I'd suggest using a revision control system, such as Subversion or Mercurial (using TortoiseHG). This way, you can just revert to a previous version of your code if you don't like the changes you made.
I encourage you to get familar with source control. This is really important and every developer should know about it.
Here some source control systems:
There are other version control systems as well. Personally I prefer Mercurial.
Hope this helps!
Use version control.
If you are working in VS you can use TFS. It has good integration into it and easy to learn (free TFS for open source projects can be found on
Also you can use GIT (, TortoiseSVN, etc.
Also you can do versioning for Database. In this case you can store database schema in Database project or create change scripts for database.

Tips and tricks to increase productivity / efficiency with Team Foundation Server

I have to use Team Foundation Server 2010 at my company and I'm not very happy with it.
There are so many features or just default behavior I'd expect from a CVS that TFS seems to lack (compared to svn, git or perforce, which I have experience with), so my question is: which tricks do you know, which hidden features are out there to make TFS easier to use / more convenient?
Perhaps I should elaborate a bit and list what I think could be better:
The default check-in action when associated with a task is "resolve", though in 99% of all check-ins, I only want to "associate" my commit with the task. There's only 1 commit (the last) that "resolves" the task, so why is that the default? Can I change that?
In the check-in dialog, when double-clicking a file, Notepad is launched and shows the contents of the file. Notepad. Seriously? What about the Visual Studio editor? Anyway, I'd like to see the differences to review the changes I've made, not the contents of the file. The diff tool is hidden in a submenu. This might seem trivial, but when I have to check 10+ files it's just annoying to always right-click, open submenu, click to diff.
The diff tool. Merging with it isn't really straightforward, also the conflict detection mechanism is somewhat lacking. The (Tortoise-)SVN / Git merge tools or that of Perforce are way better here.
Speed. Creating a new file, opening a file for the first time, comparing a file with a previous version etc takes forever (that is, 3-10+ seconds). Our TFS server is in-house and has absolutely no load - also why does Visual Studio have to contact the TFS server when I just create a new file (which I might not even check in)? Is there perhaps an option to turn that off?
Readonly files. All files are read-only when checked-in and become writeable when edited for the first time. This is really annyoing when the application crashes because of that. Windows Azure for example modifies a web.config file and fails whenever I check out because the file is read-only then.
These are just the most prominent things that I think are really annoying and unnecessary.
I didn't have the pleasure to branch and merge yet, but from what I've heard so far it won't be very enjoyable as well...
So again: If you know some tricks, settings, featuers that make working with TFS less inconvenient, please share them.
1) is customizable if you reconfigure the work items. (You can also change any combination of fields/states/available values/etc.)
2) is a pain, but if you use the dockable "Pending Changes" window instead then it'll open the file in the editor. I suspect this is a drawback of the Checkin dialogue being modal.
3) you can customize - the option's a little tucked away, but it's on Tools/Options dialogue under Source Control/Visual Studio Team Foundation Server/Configure User Tools. Some third party tools (like BeyondCompare) have pages on their website with details of how to configure them with VS.
4) I've not seen the speed problems, although I do agree about the overhead on creating a file. Not sure if that's configurable.
For the #1
The solution in TFS 2010 is not the greatest one but it works. You need to modify the registry key on your machine as follows:
Change ResolveAsDefaultCheckinAction to False
TFS Power Tools might be a useful extension for you.
For #2, are you using the "pending changes" window in Visual Studio to keep track of files that are modified? Double clicking on a file there keeps you in the Visual Studio editor.
For #5, make sure Tools->Options->Environment->Documents "Allow Editing of read-only files; warn when attempt to save" is checked.
TFS is hella frustrating. Good luck!
For #2 there is a registry edit you can make so double clicking launches a diff, vote for the answer here - Compare files on double click in Pending Changes view
1, Bash head against wall
2, Say outloud - it's better than SourceSafe
3, Repeat
4, Install git, or mercurial, or just about anything else.

TFS out of sync between local and remote - how to "re-sync"?

I have a Project on CodePlex which is using TFS and I am using the TFS Plugin for Visual Studio. Now I have copied this project and worked on another PC without TFS and done some refactoring. Foolishly, I have then just used copy/paste and manual text editing to merge my changes, expecting that TFS just picks up the changes.
Apparantly, that is not the case.
Here is a screenshot of my local directory:
My Local TFS
Notice how some files are missing the lock symbol - those are missing. If you look at the current TFS Tree on Codeplex, there are some files which do not exist locally anymore, i.e. WikiPlexExtensions.cs in the main folder.
Is there any way to easily tell TFS to compare my local to the remote repository and pick up the changes? I could re-add the local files using "Exclude from local project" and re-adding them, and I could create the "deleted" files as empty files just to delete them, but if I can avoid the manual messing around that would be good as well :)
The easiest way is to exploit VS 2008's "online" feature. Basically you want to set your solution offline, then bring it online while connected to the proper Codeplex server. TFS should figure out the rest.
Feature overview:
Tweaking the settings by hand:
To compare local and server folders, you can check out TFS Power Tool. After installing it, you can bring up the source control explorer, right click on the server folder and then select 'Compare'. Folder difference window will display the differences. You can also right click on the differences to see available commands such as 'Get Latest' to update your local folder for example. Check out Bryan Harry's blog post on the power tool
I don't think there is an easy fix... What I've done in the past is back up those files that I have edited, then do a "Get Latest Version..." for the files I edited. This should change the files back to being read-only etc... Now, check out the files the regular way and paste the backups you had into the checked out files. Obviously this really only works when there are a couple of files you have edited.
TFS (in Visual Studio) has a "Reconcile" command for this, see Microsoft documentation, or this answer with steps.
BTW: This command may not haven been existing at time of original question, but this question came first when I was searching.

TFS 2008 checks out code automatically on edit

I am working on a Visual Studio 2008 project that is already added to TFS server.
I am not sure which settings and policies have been configured for the TFS (this is done by a separate dept, not developers)
Every time I make an edit to a code file , the file is checked out automatically (without explicitly checking out the code file myself)
Please help me locate this setting or policy because it is not very useful at the moment. Sometime you want to make a local change to try out something, and not necessarily check out the code....
It is in Options\SourceControl\Environment
Checked out Items: Check out automatically
change it to
Checked out Items: Prompt for exclusive checkouts
or your preferred action.
Unfortunately, with TFS it puts read-only locks on your files to PREVENT you from editing the file without checking it out first.
I cannot stand this decision. What you'll have to do is allow TFS to check out the file, then "Undo checkout" on it later if you don't want to check it out.
Make sure you have shared checkout enabled, exclusively locking files is the path to madness. ;)
I think this is a feature not a problem. If you change a module and it's under source control, you are now "out of sync" with the repository. If you exit (and the default behavior is to save) - and come back later - the file is not what everyone else is seeing. This can be dangerous.
For example: back in the days of VSS - on a Friday afternoon I had to "put out a fire" and debug a problem in, Prod Environment, so I changed the connection string in the appropriate config file. Another developer had the file checked out - so I did the usual workaround to mark the file read-only so I could save it. I figured out the problem and informed the user. This was in fire-fighting mode - so I didn't consider the fact that I now have production connection string in my dev configuration.
Monday mornign I come in and open up the solution. Is there any feedback telling me the config file is pointing to production? No I have to remember.
If the file is checked-out however - that icon is indicator to me that "flags" the fact that the files have been modified. I don't quite understand the "big deal" in having to right-click the solution and say "un-do pending changes"
Or if you want to save them, as the down-voted suggestion by aleichtle.wordpress (I don't understand the down votes - I think it is an excellent suggestion) explains, you can shelve the changes. This will remove the check-out and also save the changes on the server.
Version Control systems are a critical and important component of the software development life cycle. It is important to consider your "process". You may need to make adjustments as you use a different tool ("When in Rome"....)
It may be difficult to make the adjustment - but there are often good reasons the tool works the way it does.
You can make a shelveset of the code allowing you to make a change to the code without affecting the rest of the development.
You can do this by right clicking on the file and selecting shelve pending changes.
I'm running Windows 7 and VS 2010.
From Windows Explorer, you can
- right-click on your project's main folder
- Choose Team Foundation Server
- Choose Workspace
- Remove the active Working Folder (bottom of the screen).
I belive this removes the bindings to TFS, and you're free to wreak havoc on your code at will.
Close your solution.
Unplug your network cable.
Open your solution.
Visual Studio will tell you that TFS is not available and will open the solution "Offline".
Plug your network cable back in. VS should not take the solution "Online" until you explicitly ask it to.
You can then make any changes you like. When you attempt to save files it will tell you they are readonly - just overwrite them.
If you decide you want to check them in, take the solution Online by right-clicking it in the Solution Explorer.
Otherwise, just delete the local copy of the source when you're through with it.
You can remove binding to source control from file menu.

How can I completely remove TFS Bindings

I have a solution that contains a good deal of projects,
I would like to remove the source control bindings completely, how can I do this?
What I really want to do is move one solution and its projects from TFS 2005 -> 2008. Thats why I am removing the bindings, is there a better way to do this?
File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Change Source Control and then unbind and/or disconnect all projects and the solution.
This should remove all bindings from the solution and project files. (After this you can switch the SCC provider in Tools -> Options -> Source Control -> Plug-in Selection).
The SCC specification prescribes that all SCC providers should implement this behavior. (I only tested it for VSS, TFS and AnkhSVN)
I have no File -> Source Control menu in Visual Studio because I've never used TFS with this installation of Visual Studio.
My problem was I was opening a solution from the internet and the original author had forgotten to remove the TFS bindings, so every time I open the solution I'd get an annoying popup saying
"Go Offline
The Team Foundation Server http://some-other-guys-tfs-server/
is currently unavailable.
The solution will be opened offline."
To get rid of this, I deleted the .suo next to the .sln file, and then opened the .sln file in Notepad and deleted this entire section:
GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution
SccNumberOfProjects = 2
SccEnterpriseProvider = {xxxxx}
SccTeamFoundationServer = http://some-other-guys-tfs-server/
SccLocalPath0 = .
SccProjectUniqueName1 = xxDemo\\xxDemo.csproj
SccProjectName1 = xxDemo
SccLocalPath1 = xxDemo
Save the .sln in Notepad and then open in Visual Studio, problem solved.
Update: Saveen Reddy has created a tool to do this. I haven't tried it though.
The simplest solution would be to open Visual Studio, deactivate the TFS Plugin in Tools > Options > Source control and reopen the solution you want to clean. Visual Studio will ask to remove source controls bindings
If anyone needs to do this outside the context of the Visual Studio application - via command-line for example, I wrote a small tool which will strip the source control bindings from Solution And Project files. The source is available here:
Next works for me:
Delete all .vssscc (solution binding) and .vspscc (project binding) files
Remove block GlobalSection(TeamFoundationVersionControl) = preSolution from solution file
There could be also information regarding source control in the proj file in tags
SAK states for "Should Already Know", so it can be kept.
Old post, so just adding to the answers of #Matt Frear and #Johan Buret. Both work.
But in Matt's case, you also need to set these (VS 2012) in Notepad/text editor:
SccProjectName = ""
SccAuxPath = ""
SccLocalPath = ""
SccProvider = ""
To each project in the solution file (.sln).
#Johan's answer effectively does this....
Sometime, the binding info is cached
To clear Team Explorer's cache:
Go to C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\2.0
Delete or rename the Cache folder.
This come from a website I could not find now. Thanks for that guy for the tip.
You could try using this tool which automatically removes the Team Foundation Bindings from a project.
I found this tool that helped me get rid of a tfs binding complitly its found here
it creates a zip with the removed source binding without modifying the orginal project.
In visual studio 2015,
Unbind the solution and project by File->Source Control->Advanced->Change Source Control
Remove the cache in C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Team Foundation\6.0
In VS2017
go to Home in Team Explorer
Click on Settings in project section
Click on Repository Settings in Git section
From next window see Remotes section. you will see option for remove
NB: I check that for git repository
The other option is
Delete the workspace
re-map when needed
Make sure to check, rollback (Undo Pending changes)
before you remove workspace
This is quickest and surest one
Good Luck
Go to File -> Source Control -> Advanced -> Change Source Control (if change source control doesn't appear, click on solution in the solution explorer then try again)
Unbind solution and all projects
Now right click on solution and you will see "Add Project To Source Control". if you want to add project to source control again you might be get some errors that ask you to change the solution folder on TFS. it happens because your solution has some mapping in a workspace yet. remove mapping or delete workspace. now your solution is completely unbind and unmapped from TFS or workspaces.
Here you can find another tool (including source code) to remove both SCC footprint from the solution and project files and the .vssscc and .vspscc files. In addition, it removes the output and other configurable directories.
