Ruby on Rails integrable CMS - ruby-on-rails

I need to integrate a blog in my web app, but it would be pretty cool if I could use an existing CMS.
It doesn't have to be a CMS developed in RoR. Actually, if you know about a CMS with an good API it would be just great.

Mephisto is pretty good. It's in Rails, and has a bunch of neat drop-in functions. You can migrate your data over with a simple yaml export/import or something.


What is the role of Angular.js in Rubyonrails development any alternative?

I started learning rubyonrails but I heard about Angular.js.
Any alternative or it is compulsory to learn with rubyonrails.
or I can develop webapps without angular.js
Ruby on Rails and Angular.js are two different things. Ruby on Rails is a framework for the server side of a web application written in Ruby, Angular.js is a javascript framework for the client side of a web application. They can be used independently, or together.
This is a fairly broad question, however I'll give some general information on Angular's role within a Rails context, as well as brief info on what else is out there.
AngularJS is not required to develop web apps with Ruby on Rails. Rails is its own framework, one that handles both front end and back end functionality. In fact, to use Angular with Rails, you'd have to prevent Rails from handling the front-end aspect, and have it act as an API provider which Angular would then use to provide an interface.
Angular is a front-end framework - it is generally used to hook up to a backend like Rails, and the two can work in conjunction, though it's certainly not required. You're able to build out full applications in Rails entirely, and can build Angular applications without ever touching Rails. This being said, Angular is not the only framework of its kind, there are several great ones out there:
Backbone.js - a library which provides a ton of flexibility for the developer in how to structure their app; it's fairly non opinionated and depending on your style that can be either great or not so great.
Ember.js - a "framework for creating ambitious apps", as put in Ember's own words. It's an opinionated framework, and if you're experienced in Rails you'd definitely see similarities between the two frameworks in terms of conventions.
React.js - a JS library for building user interfaces - it's basically like the V in the MVC framework, handling only the views.
There's no need to learn any of these to be able to use Rails to build fully functional apps. If you want to build snappy single page applications, then learning to use/integrate one of the front-end frameworks/libraries with Rails would be a good idea.
Hope it helps!

Blog backend for non developers Rails

I need a very simple, backend visual representation of creating a blog post. Since the blog writers are not developers, I need something that can make blog posting easy. I know RedCloth is available but I'm looking for something more simple, but not a CMS since it infects my app and mutates it like no other.
I would recommend the ActiveAdmin gem.
Here is a free (very helpful) RailsCast that goes through the configuration and features of the gem.
ActiveAdmin should have no problem suiting your needs.
Check out the Comfy Blog project.
ComfyBlog is an simple blog management engine for Rails 3.1 apps. It also integrates with ComfortableMexicanSofa CMS Engine. The nice thing about this project is that it doesn't interfere with your existing controllers, and "it's just Rails".

What exactly is Ruby on Rails?

I've looked up plenty of information on Rails, but I still can't say I'm quite sure of what it is. If I'm developing a web app, what functionality would I get that I couldn't from html/js/php? Would every project benefit from rails, or do you need a certain goal in mind?
Ruby on Rails is a web application framework. Technically there isn't anything that Rails can do that HTML/JS/PHP can do. The point of Rails it to make developing websites easier, faster, and hopefully more maintainable. If you are familiar with PHP, then Rails is somewhat equivalent to Symfony, Kohana or Yii.
I'd recommend trying out some of these tutorials if you haven't already.
Rails for Zombies - you won't even have to setup rails on your machine
Ruby on Rails tutorial book
Railscasts - for once you get more into it
Ruby on Rails is a web framework built for programmer productivity and happiness. It's built on top of the Ruby language which means you get access to all the cool libraries ("gems") other people have written such as file upload libraries and ones that interact with web services such as AWS.
You use HTML and JavaScript with it just like you would in every other web framework out there. The difference? It's not built on top of a hack of a language such as PHP. Good Ruby code is elegant and very readable, and you will find this out in your usage of the framework.
The Getting Started guide explains it very well:
What it is is a framework. It's a set of APIs, a toolkit if you may, to build web applications.
Ruby is a programming language like Python, Perl, C, C++, Java, C#, PHP etc. It's closer to Perl and Python than to other due to its interpretive nature (a scripting language if you may).
RubyOnRails is a framework built on top of Ruby to build web apps. Arguably like Servlets is used to build web apps on Java or .Net is used on C#, or Django on Python or CakePHP on PHP etc. It's an amalgamation of APIs, code generation tools, testing code etc put together.
It's popular because of it's elegance, it's choice of following conventions over configuration (you write less config code or glue code). Once you get the hang of it, there is less ceremony involved before you get from idea in your head to working production application with RubyOnRails (popularly referred to as Rails).

wordpress and Ruby on rails

I am new to both Wordpress and Ruby on rails.Are these (WP and ruby on rails) two are power full tool for creating any good website .
I have seen from wordpress and ruby on rails official website that some of the popular web sites(twitter,WSJ etc.) are using these two.
Please give me are brief idea these.
It really depends on what you want, what you have and how you want it. Wordpress is 'supposed' to be a blogging CMS, but its so flexible, you can even use it for web apps. (Of course you will need to write your plugins in php). If you're looking to just have a simple website and you're not too technically inclined, I'd say Wordpress is the Go-to platform. If you have some time on your hands, seriously considering web apps, Rails is a pretty advanced web-app framework which is definitely worth a go. So really, it depends.
Well using both seems rather impractical. They both are geared toward a different use case. Rails is for web apps whereas WP is better for normal web sites.

Building User ID/Password Functionality with Ruby on Rails? Overkill?

I am new to this community, but I am working on a site that requires implementation of a user/password/register check upon entry, which would check against a database, or write to the database, in the case of registration. I have experience with XHTML and CSS, and just discovered RoR. I honestly have very little insight into how to achieve my goal using just XHTML, so I decided to learn Ruby, taking a shot in the dark. I'm wondering if there's an easier language, or more direct fix that I should be implementing instead. Any thoughts?
I would recommend looking at Restful Authentication.
Also, for good code examples in general, have a look at Altered Beast. It's a forum built in Ruby on Rails and it uses Restful Authentication.
Are you looking for information on how to implement user authentication in Rails? You could try acts_as_authenticated.
Check out the book called Agile Web Development with rails. It has two parts, a step-by-step walkthrough of creating an application, and a reference section on rails. I recently started a contract job where I chose RoR as my framework without any experience in it. This book has been an immense resource to teach me Ruby on Rails. It also specifically teaches how to implement the authorization you are talking about.
