Actionscript 2.0 Functions problem and somewhat "global" variable - actionscript

I have two problems.
The first problem is with the following functions; when I call the function in (enterFrame), it doesn't work:
onClipEvent (load) {
function failwhale(levelNum) {
failFrom = levelNum;
function guardSightCollision(guardName, guardSightName) {
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x, _y+radius, true)) {
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x, _y-radius, true)) {
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x-radius, _y, true)) {
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x+radius, _y, true)) {
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
guardSightCollision(guard1, guard1Sight);
Why doesn't it work?...
The second problem lies in the failFrom variable:
function failwhale(levelNum) {
failFrom = levelNum;
How do I make failFrom a "global" variable in that it can be accessed anywhere (from actionscript in frames and even movieclips)...Right now, when I try to trace failFrom in a different frame, it is "undefined".

The reason failFrom will be "undefined" from anywhere else you trace it is because you're only declaring it locally in all the functions you've added in your answer. If you wanted to access it like a global variable, you have to assign it to an object that can be accessed anywhere. Like _root.
function failwhale(levelNum)
_root.failFrom = levelNum;
function anotherFunc()
trace( "failed on: " + _root.failFrom );
If anotherFunc is called from anywhere else in your script, it should correctly print out failFrom if it has been assigned anything before anotherFunc gets called.
As for your function issue. It looks like you're trying to define functions inside of an event handler. It looks, by your use of onClipEvent, that you're adding this in the timeline. If that's the case, your load event is defining local functions that are no longer available for the on enter frame event. It should just be necessary to have your helper functions always defined:
function failwhale(levelNum)
function guardSightCollision(guardName, guardSightName)
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
guardSightCollision(guard1, guard1Sight);
Since the functions you've added are all in the same scope as the clip event, they should be accessible from enterFrame.

Instead of putting the value on _root, you can also put it on _global. When you don't specify scope explicitly, it /appears/ that a local value (in function/on object) will override _root, and then _root overrides _global. I see various things use _global instead of _root, but I am unsure as to any real benefit.
If you want your function definitions on an instance try this:
onClipEvent (load)
this.failwhale = function (levelNum)
failFrom = levelNum;
this.guardSightCollision = function(guardName, guardSightName)
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x, _y+radius, true))
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x, _y-radius, true))
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x-radius, _y, true))
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x+radius, _y, true))
onClipEvent (enterFrame)
this.guardSightCollision(guard1, guard1Sight);
Otherwise, you should put them out on the timeline of the parent object (or the root timeline) and reference the object direction like:
myobject.failwhale = function (levelNum)
failFrom = levelNum;
myobject.guardSightCollision = function(guardName, guardSightName)
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x, _y+radius, true))
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x, _y-radius, true))
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x-radius, _y, true))
if (_root.guardName.guardSightName.hitTest(_x+radius, _y, true))
myobject.onEnterFrame = function()
this.guardSightCollision(guard1, guard1Sight);
Also, I would recommend strongly typing your variables/arguments for both compile error checking and some speed increase.


Kotlin coroutines delay do not work on IOS queue dispatcher

I have a KMM app, and there is code:
fun getWeather(callback: (WeatherInfo) -> Unit) {
println("Start loading")
GlobalScope.launch(ApplicationDispatcher) {
while (true) {
val response = httpClient.get<String>(API_URL) {
url.parameters.apply {
set("q", "Moscow")
set("units", "metric")
set("appid", weatherApiKey())
val result = Json {
ignoreUnknownKeys = true
// because ApplicationDispatcher on IOS do not support delay
withContext(Dispatchers.Default) { delay(DELAY_TIME) }
And if I replace withContext(Dispatchers.Default) { delay(DELAY_TIME) } with delay(DELAY_TIME) execution is never returned to while cycle and it will have only one iteration.
And ApplicationDispatcher for IOS looks like:
internal actual val ApplicationDispatcher: CoroutineDispatcher = NsQueueDispatcher(dispatch_get_main_queue())
internal class NsQueueDispatcher(
private val dispatchQueue: dispatch_queue_t
) : CoroutineDispatcher() {
override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) {
dispatch_async(dispatchQueue) {
And from delay source code I can guess, that DefaultDelay should be returned and there is should be similar behaviour with/without withContext(Dispatchers.Default)
/** Returns [Delay] implementation of the given context */
internal val CoroutineContext.delay: Delay get() = get(ContinuationInterceptor) as? Delay ?: DefaultDelay
P.S. I got ApplicationDispatcher from ktor-samples.
Probably ApplicationDispatcher is some old stuff, you don't need to use it anymore:
CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default).launch {
MainScope().launch {
And don't forget to use -native-mt version of coroutines, more info in this issue

return List of Strings from Future / Stream

My Problem is very similar to the one mentioned here and here, but for some reason these are not working for me.
Basically, I want to do some simple I/O operations (on a mobile), returning of list of strings (folder path) that contain a certain file format (let's assume for the sake of argument that I want to find all mp3 files).
This is the code I have
Future<List<String>> getFolders() async {
List<String> _dirs = new List();
await SimplePermissions.requestPermission(Permission.ReadExternalStorage);
_dirs = await findAllFolders();
return _dirs;
Future<List<String>> findAllFolders() async {
Directory _root = Directory("/sdcard");
bool _notInList = true;
List<String> _dirs = new List();
_root.list(recursive: true, followLinks: false)
.listen((FileSystemEntity entity) {
if(entity.toString().contains("mp3")) {
if(_dirs.length==0) {
} else {
_notInList = true;
for (var i = 0; i < _dirs.length; ++i) {
if(_dirs[i] == entity.parent.path.toString()) {
_notInList = false;
if(_notInList) {
return _dirs;
where I want to use _dirs outside of getFolders().
I know that findAllFolders() returns _dirs immediately, before my listen() event has finished (and so its length is always 0, although the actual method works fine, i.e. if I put print statements where I have _dirs.add() I can see that the correct directories are added, _dirs contains what I want but I have no idea how to return the finished _dirs list). I tried to do something in a similar way to the above mentioned post, where a Completer is used (to which I am getting an error message "Bad State: Future already completed"). The respective code would be
Future<List<String>> findAllFolders() async {
Directory _root = Directory("/sdcard");
bool _notInList = true;
List<String> _dirs = new List();
Completer<List<String>> _completer = new Completer<List<String>>();
_root.list(recursive: true, followLinks: false)
.listen((FileSystemEntity entity) {
if(entity.toString().contains("mp3")) {
if(_dirs.length==0) {
} else {
_notInList = true;
for (var i = 0; i < _dirs.length; ++i) {
if(_dirs[i] == entity.parent.path.toString()) {
_notInList = false;
if(_notInList) {
return _completer.future;
The getFolders() function remains the same in this case. Could anyone point out where my logic is going wrong?
You're setting a listener, then immediately returning before any results are received - that's why your return is always empty. The body of findAllFolders() needs to wait for a response before returning. Try the below to replace _root.list().listen():
List<FileSystemEntity> files = await _root.list(recursive: true, followLinks: false).toList();
for (FileSystemEntity entity in files) {
// Do your filename logic and populate _dirs

breeze observableArray binding - are properties observable?

I have a viewmodel which consists of a list(foreach loop) of DoctorPrices and when clicking on an item in the list it open up a CRUD form on the side. However when i update the values on the CRUD the observableArray that is bound to the foreach is not refreshing? (although the values are updates in the DB correctly)
From my data access module i call the following query.
function getDoctorServices(doctorId) {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery
.where('DoctorID', 'eq', doctorId).orderBy('ListOrder');
return manager.executeQueryLocally(query);
In my viewmodel i have the following code: = ko.computed(function() {
return doctorServices.getDoctorServices(doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID());
services is bound using a foreach loop (not posting here as the code is simple and works)
When i click on a one of the DoctorPrices it gets the data as follows and places it in an observable:
this.selectedPrice = function (data, event) {
I then bind selectPrice to a simple form that has the properties on it to be modified by the user. I then call manager.SaveChanges().
This results in the following problem: the value is being updated correctly but the GUI / Original List that is bound in the foreach is not being updated? Are the properties in breeze not observables? What is the best way to work with something like this.
I thought of a workaround and changing the code with something like this:
doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID.subscribe(function() {[]);;
But i feel that clearing the array in that way is sloppy and not the right way of doing things specially with long lists.
Can someone please point me in the right direction on how to bind observableArray properties properly so they are updated?
Additional code my VM Component:
function services() {
var self = this;
this.showForm = ko.observable(false);
this.currentService = ko.observable(); = ko.observableArray(doctorServices.getDoctorServices(doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID()));
this.title = ko.observable();
doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID.subscribe(function() {[]);;
}); = function (value) {
this.showDetails = ko.observable(false);
this.addNewService = function() {
this.showDelete = ko.computed(function() {
if (self.currentService() == null)
return false;
else if (self.currentService().entityAspect.entityState.isDetached()) {
self.title('Add new service');
return false;
} else {
self.title('Edit service');
return true;
this.deleteService = function() {
this.closeDetails = function () {
this.selectService = function (data, event) {
this.saveChanges = function () {
if (self.currentService().entityAspect.entityState.isDetached()) {
return {
viewModel: {
instance: new services()
template: servicesTemplate,
Below is my Breeze Data Class:
define('data/doctorServices', ['jquery', 'data/dataManager', 'knockout','mod/medappBase', 'breeze', 'breeze.savequeuing'], function ($, manager, ko,base, breeze, savequeuing) {
var services = ko.observableArray([]);
return {
getServices: getServices,
services: services,
getDoctorServices: getDoctorServices,
getServiceById: getServiceById,
hasChanges: hasChanges,
saveChanges: saveChanges
function getServices() {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery.from("DoctorPrices");
return manager.executeQuery(query).then(function (data) {
}).fail(function (data) {
console.log('fetch failed...');
function getDoctorServices(doctorId) {
var query = breeze.EntityQuery
.where('DoctorID', 'eq', doctorId).orderBy('ListOrder');
var set = manager.executeQueryLocally(query);
return set;
function getServiceById(serviceId) {
return manager.createEntity('DoctorPrice', serviceId);
//return manager.getEntityByKey('DoctorPrice', serviceId);
function handleSaveValidationError(error) {
var message = "Not saved due to validation error";
try { // fish out the first error
var firstErr = error.innerError.entityErrors[0];
message += ": " + firstErr.errorMessage;
base.addNotify('error', 'Could not save.', message);
} catch (e) { /* eat it for now */ }
return message;
function hasChanges() {
return manager.hasChanges();
function attachEntity(entity) {
function createService(doctorId) {
return manager.createEntity('DoctorPrice', { DoctorPricingID: breeze.core.getUuid(), DoctorID:doctorId }, breeze.EntityState.Detached);
function saveChanges() {
return manager.saveChanges()
function saveSucceeded(saveResult) {
base.addNotify('success', 'Saved.', 'Your updates have been saved.');
function saveFailed(error) {
var reason = error.message;
var detail = error.detail;
if (error.innerError.entityErrors) {
reason = handleSaveValidationError(error);
} else if (detail && detail.ExceptionType &&
detail.ExceptionType.indexOf('OptimisticConcurrencyException') !== -1) {
// Concurrency error
reason =
"Another user, perhaps the server, " +
"may have deleted one or all of the settings." +
" You may have to restart the app.";
} else {
reason = "Failed to save changes: " + reason +
" You may have to restart the app.";
Please note this is my frist attempt at both a data class and VM. At the moment i am relying heavily on clearing the array ([]) and using notifySubscribers to make the array refresh :(
I bet you're missing an observable somewhere. I can't tell because you keep hopping from property to property whose definition is not shown.
For example, I don't know how you defined this.currentService.
I'm confused by this: = ko.computed(function() {
return doctorServices.getDoctorServices(doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID());
Why is it a ko.computed? Why not just make it an observable array.
self.service = ko.observableArray();
// ... later replace the inner array in one step ...
I urge you to follow the observability trail, confident that your Breeze entity properties are indeed observable.
vm.selectedPrice = ko.dependentObservable(function () {
return doctorServices.getDoctorServices(doctorList.viewModel.instance.currentDoctorID());
}, vm);
vm is ur model on which u applied bindings , try this it will work.

How to check which subclass is the event fired?

I know event.type in DOM. I can parse for example mouseup, keydown, touchstart and so on. But how can I check for the event subclass? Like MouseEvent, AnimationEvent or ClipboardEvent? Can I use the event.type property?
You can check the class like
void myHandler(Event e) {
if(e is MouseEvent) {
} else if(e is AnimationEvent) {
} else if(e is KeyboardEvent) {
Since JavaScript is a prototype-based language you can to do it a bit strangely using and then cleaning up the result a little, like this:
var button = document.getElementById("testEvent");
button.onclick = function(e) {
console.log(^\[object ([^\]]*)\]/, "$1")
This fiddle shows it in action - working for me in FireFox. It should output "MouseEvent" in the fiddle, but if you hook it up to some of the other events, you will see different results.
Another method would be to call EventType.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e) for each of the types:
if (MouseEvent.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)) { console.log("MouseEvent"); }
if (AnimationEvent.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)) { console.log("AnimationEvent"); }
if (KeyboardEvent.prototype.isPrototypeOf(e)) { console.log("KeyboardEvent"); }
But that would look pretty nasty IMHO.

Common way to execute a stored proc from both ColdFusion and Railo

I think I've gotten the most simplest scenario built. I just want to pass it by everyone for a sanity check. Here's the idea:
GetErrorCodes.cfm does the following:
response = new ErrorCodes().WhereXXX(); // ACF or Railo, doesn't matter
function WhereXXX() {
return new sproc().exec('app.GetErrorCodes'); // All my functions will do this instead of executing the sproc themselves.
component {
function exec(procedure) {
local.result = {};
if (server.ColdFusion.productname == 'Railo') {
return new Railo().exec(arguments.procedure); // Has to be outside of sproc.cfc because ColdFusion throws a syntax error otherwise.
local.svc = new storedProc();
try {
local.obj = local.svc.execute();
local.result.Prefix = local.obj.getPrefix();
local.result.qry = local.obj.getProcResultSets().qry;
} catch(any Exception) {
request.msg = Exception.Detail;
return local.result;
component {
function exec(procedure) {
local.result = {};
try {
storedproc procedure=arguments.procedure result="local.result.Prefix" returncode="yes" {
procresult name="local.result.qry";
} catch(any Exception) {
request.msg = Exception.Message;
return local.result;
So I've been working on this all day, but tell me, is this a sane way to keep the source code the same if it's to be run on either a ColdFusion server or a Railo server?
Um... just use <cfstoredproc> instead of trying to use two different CFScript approaches that are mutually exclusive to each other of the CFML platforms.
