ASP.NET MVC & JQuery UI Drag Drop - Does anyone know how to store/retrive the panel state? - jquery-ui

I have used the Telerik RadDock in the past, and although it's pretty good, it is a little bit clunky and bloated. One nice feature is the ability to save the state of a page (all dock locations, etc) in the database and recover them at a later date.
I'm wondering if there is a way in MVC and jQuery to save the state of the jQuery UI Drag Drop panels. Basically each user would be able to edit their own "dashboard" and place items wherever they want, and the state gets saved to SQL Server under their profile for later re-use.
Thanks in advance

I think Peol is generally correct. The only way to simulate the behavior of the Telerik RadControls in this case is to manually track and persist changes to your Panel layout. Specifically, for panels you'll probably want to:
Handle the dragStop event
In that event, get the current position/size/offset information for the current panel
Persist the new location - either locally in a Hidden Input or via a Web Service
If you persist locally in a hidden field, you can then persist long term on the next page POST or via single service call when (for example) the user clicks a "Save" button.
The Telerik RadDock simplifies the process by serializing its state to XML, which makes it easy to save and load, but I don't think the jQuery panels provide the same functionality. Maybe this will be added to the Telerik Extensions for MVC in the future...

We recently solved a similar issue (in a non-MVC project though) by simply adding a HTML5 data attribute with the widget id, looping through all the li's, and retrieve their id and push them to an array. E.g.:
HTML structure:
<li data-id="1"></li>
<li data-id="2"></li>
<li data-id="3"></li>
<li data-id="4"></li>
<li data-id="5"></li>
<li data-id="6"></li>
jQuery (inside the stop callback):
var widgets = [];
$('li')​​​​.each(function() {
widgets.push( this.getAttribute("data-id") );
We did this on the stop callback on a sortable, but should be applicable here as well.
The WebService then receives a int[], which you know will contain the id's in their new positions using the int[] index they're in.


Change CSS style using drop down menu in MVC

I'm trying to make a drop down menu that has a bunch of items (Amelia, Cerulean, Cosmo, Cyborg, Flatly, Journal). Each of these items represent a css file.
When one of them is selected I want my website to take this selected css file and apply it to the website.
I would like the drop down menu to interact with jquery, meaning when a item is selected jquery takes over and makes a asyn/ajax call to some mvc actionresult.
By the way I'm using MVC 5.
I hope someone can help me sketch the initial groundwork.
I've implemented this in my application.
I'm not sure what to tell you though. It's easier when we have an attempted solution to fix.
Here's an overview of how mine works:
I have created a controller called SharedController. The purpose of it is to contain various actions that render common actions. All of the actions are considered ChildActionOnly.
My _Layout uses RenderAction to render the action NavbarPartial which is in my SharedController.
More importantly the Navbar partial then uses RenderAction to render the action ThemeListPartial. This action is responsible for getting a list of available themes. The list of available themes is determined at applications startup. I've created a ThemeFinder class and ThemeRepository class that are responsible for finding and storing themes. The ThemeFinder finds themes by expressions that you give it. In a new class called App_Start/ThemeConfig I've given it only one expression - "~/Content/themes/{name}.bootstrap.css". This will find all themes with that naming convention in that location.
My razor code will take the ViewModel and display a dropdown menu in the navbar.
To get the themes to change my dropdown menu contains an AJAX link to an action called SaveTheme in ThemeController. This action takes a theme name as a string and tries to save it in a cookie for the user.
If the theme is found and saved successfully, the action responds with a success message.
jQuery then changes the theme by finding the associated link attribute and changing the HREF contents to the new theme. It knows the new theme relative URL because I have it stored in data attributes.
I completed this before I made the switch to AngularJs. The one thing I plan to go back and change is to cut out as much (maybe all) jQuery as possible and replace it with better code.

Dynamically filling selectbox + jQuery UI sortable reset

I have a selectbox which takes its option values from a <ul> list. The list is changeable via jQuery UI sortable functionality, and the selectbox dynamically updates as you sort items differently.
I have made that functionality, the code is dirty but it does the job:
What I need is a "reset" function, which brings the list (and thus, the selectbox) back to their original values. I am not sure how to approach this, even a nudge in the right direction would be much appreciated.
On page load I would store off the initial state of the list in a JavaScript variable. Then, when the reset link is clicked I would restore the state of the <ul> to what it was on page load. From there you can use the same method you already have to update the selectmenu to match.
I forked your jsFiddle to show this -

In a Rails app, how can I make a link load in a div as opposed to refreshing the whole page?

I'm still a beginner at web development. It's not my profession. So go easy.
I started building a rails app today, and realized it would make my application so much better if I could get certain links to display in a separate div instead of a new page, or refreshing the entire page. I'm not quite sure how to search for this, and I keep chasing red herrings with google.
Basically, I have a list in a div on the left side of the page, and when one item from that list is clicked, it should appear in the right div. (Nothing else on the page need be changed)
That's really as simple as it is. Do I need to use Javascript for this? Can I get away with the rails js defaults, or should I be using JQuery?
Is there a way to do this without javascript? I really just need a push in the right direction here, I'm tired of not even knowing how to search for this, or what documentation I should be reading.
Like I said, go easy, and you should just go ahead and err to the side of caution, and assume I know nothing. Seriously. :)
Thanks in advance,
(By the way, I'm developing with Rails 3)
Create your views (along with controllers) to be shown inside the div for each item on the left menu. Lets say we have the following structure now:
Item1 (Clicking on it will fetch:
Item2 (Clicking on it will fetch:
and so on...
make sure you only render the html to be put inside your content div. Should not include <head> <body> etc. tags
In your main page you may have your markup like this >
<div id="leftMenu">
Item 1
Item 2
<div id="content">
Please click on an item on the left menu to load content here
Finally, add the following Javascript (you'll need jQuery; trust me it's a good decision).
$("#leftMenu a").click(function () {
$("#content").load($(this).attr("href")); //load html from the url and put it in the #content element
return false; //prevent the default href action
You will need JavaScript if you want to avoid reloading the page. You can use link_to for links in your lists, and you'll need to use :remote => true to make it send AJAX requests to the server. The server will need to respond appropriately and supply HTML for your div.
link_to documentation is here: (and admittedly it isn't very useful for AJAX functionality).
The last post in this thread shows one possible solution you could use.

Structuring complex web forms in ASP.NET MVC

What is a good approach in ASP.NET MVC for implementing a complex form where sections of the form are shown and hidden based on a user's inputs?
My background is in Webforms. I am frequently asked to build forms where a user selects an option from a dropdown list, triggering a handful of new fields to appear. A different selection might cause a different set of fields to appear.
In the past, I would handle this scenario via an UpdatePanel and a wrapper Panel around the fields that I want to show or hide. Validation is automatically disabled when the fields are hidden.
Going forward, I'd like to make use of MVC's attribute-based model validation, but is it possible to make the validation conditional on the values of other properties?
Also, how can I handle the toggling of blocks of form fields? I know how to do it manually in jQuery, but I'm hoping there's an approach that ties in with validation and server-side code.
I am liking MVC much better overall, but I haven't figured out how to handle this type of scenario very well. Likely I just need to shift my thinking to fit better with the MVC approach.
The first thing I's suggest is to make sure you use ViewModels for the pages that are mode complicated. A ViewModel is basically a Model you create for a specific View; for example, a ViewModel could be a composition of other classes.
As for dynamically changing the fields on your View, the best way is to use jQuery (or any other javascript library) to do it.
I also migrated from a web form environment and I know is difficult to change gears at the begining, but trust me, doing a simple jQuery even handler is much simpler than having to put in place a control panel and then the event handlers.
Not to mention that is much more efficient; update panels are after all making partial posts to the page, sometimes, with jQuery you don't even need to do that.
After a few projects with MVC, I actually now find it time consuming to go and do the Update Panels on web forms ;)
Hope this helps,
I know this might not be the answer you're looking for, but I personally don't think complex forms are very user friendly in the first place and I always try to split them up into simpler forms where possible, or to simplify the form. I've come across many forms in websites where there are a raft of "fields" where there should really be a few questions for the user to answer. Simple stuff which gets to the point of what they want to achieve rather than the field values, along with a lot of application specific knowledge needed to set those fields to the right values.
If you still want to go ahead with a complex form, then as the other answers have already stated there are facilities provided by MVC to do that, but there isn't any set way. So, it's down to you to figure out what will work best for your users.
Traditional webforms did alot of "magic" for you whereas you have to be aware of the work that goes into creating the "magic" in MVC. The benefit is that with MVC you have more control over what is happening which can also enhance performance.
In webforms an UpdatePanel is used for ajax calls. If you need to got to the server asynchronously(without doing a full post back) then use ajax via JQuery. See below for example:
type: "get",
url: "/YourController/YourAction",
success: function (obj) {
//any logic you want to do upon success
The above example will do an ajax HTTP GET call to /YourController/YourAction.
In order to handle "toggling of blocks", if you don't need to go to the server for data and you simply want to do it on the client, then use simple jquery. JQuery has a function for toggling items.
Because of the way MVC works in contrast to Webforms you're stuck with the responsibility of really thinking about what happens on the client and what happens on the server separately as not a lot of meta-data is being passed back to give us that happy Webforms feeling.
However, there is a notion when using the built-in AJAX libraries when you render a form that you can have it auto do an update once it is posted. In a sense, it's saving you the JavaScript/JQuery because it "auto-wires" it up similar-ish to a Panel. In this way you could potentially look at progressively rendering your complex forms from the server as each section is edited, etc.
The relevant code example to give you an idea (unfortunately, it's not in the more readable Razor syntax):
The relevant line is the Ajax.BeginForm where the form tag is rendered. Once the form is posted, the MS AJAX library will auto update the element specified in "UpdateTargetId" specified in the form's AjaxOptions. In this case, the response will be placed into the SPAN element "textEntered" upon reply from the server. Here, you could progressively render more content to the user to fill out, perhaps another form, etc.
<h2><%= Html.Encode(ViewData["Message"]) %></h2>
Page Rendered: <%= DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() %>
<span id="status">No Status</span>
<br />
<%= Ajax.ActionLink("Update Status", "GetStatus", new AjaxOptions{UpdateTargetId="status" }) %>
<br /><br />
<% using(Ajax.BeginForm("UpdateForm", new AjaxOptions{UpdateTargetId="textEntered"})) { %>
<%= Html.TextBox("textBox1","Enter text")%>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/><br />
<span id="textEntered">Nothing Entered</span>
<% } %>

ASP.NET MVC: add to querystring on form submit

I'm building a grid in ASP.NET MVC and I have the following issue:
Above the grid i have a column selector which lets people customize the columns being shown. This is a form with a submit button so that people can add/remove multiple columns at once without going trough multiple postbacks.
Below the grid I have paging. This is paging trough actionlinks (a href's).
alt text
What happens when a user add/removes columns is that the form gets submitted to http://localhost:56156/?columnsToDisplay=EmployeeId and ofcourse the grid jumps back to page 1. I'd like to keep the grid on the page the user was currently on. So I need a way to include the current querystring parameters into the form's action attribute.
The other way around too: I need a way to do the same with actionlinks. But this is less necessary as I could always replace the a href's with buttons and put them in a form. But I'd rather not do that.
I'm looking for a solution without javascript! I can do it myself in javascript, but I'd like my grid to work perfectly on javascript-disabled browsers.
Any help is appreciated.
Oh yeah, to make it a bit harder, I'm also looking for a solution without cookies/session variables. :-)
You need to add the line below into your column selector form
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="<%=Request.QueryString["page"]%>" />
