Apple Itunes app limitations - ios

I have a iPhone game that I am creating and wanted to know a couple limitations
once the person downloads the game and they sign in with a user name I want them to be able to download new content maps packs etc. What is the limit in size these downloads can be?
where can this content be stored?

I believe the max size of your app is 2GB.
As for storing content:
For security purposes, an application has only a few locations in which it can write its data and preferences. When an application is installed on a device, a home directory is created for the application. Table 6-1 lists some of the important subdirectories inside the home directory that you might need to access. This table describes the intended usage and access restrictions for each directory and whether the directory’s contents are backed up by iTunes. For more information about the backup and restore process, see “Backup and Restore.” For more information about the application home directory itself, see “The Application Sandbox.”
Source and Table 6-1:

The download limits are based on the network they are attached to and may be different in different markets. Over 3G the limit is now 20MB it used to be 20MB IIRC. There is no cap over wifi or directly syncing via iTunes.


What is the maximum amount of data an iOS app can handle?

Right now we are designing an app in Swift that fetches HTML applications from a server in form of zip files and then run it in the iOS app as an web view. Each zip files is of approx 4-5 mb in size. We have 30+ HTML applications in our app as of now. But we may reach to 150-200 apps soon enough. I would like to know the maximum amount of data that an iOS app can handle. If excess amount of data gets deleted, where will it go? Will it be stored in iCloud before the data gets deleted? Please help me. P.S. The HTML applications will be downloaded from the servers in form of zip files , it'll be extracted and then will be stored as a folder. When the user first installs the app in his system , he won't have any html applications installed. He'll have to fetch the apps one by one according to his requirements.
Since you're saving the content to disk, the limitation is the disk size of the user's device. It also depends on where you're saving the data: If you save to the tmp directories, the data may get deleted, but if you're saving to the application's normal directory it will also be backed up to iCloud (assuming the user backs up).
I would advise against filling up the user's phone with hundreds of MB of data automatically, they will get very annoyed at you. So you will want to offer them a UI to actually select which content they want to keep and which should be removed.
No limit as far as I know.
But be aware that all files you download and store in the app have to be marked as "do not backup in iCloud" - otherwise Apple will reject your binary when you submit it to the store.
Apple Documentation and
Excluding files from iCloud Backup
My advice,
Don't download all the applications at once, instead provide user a UI from which he can able to select any application (only one at a time, because at any point he'll be able to run single app only, I guess), then download that particular application (also removed if any previous installed app found).
But wait, there's one more option, you can keep 3 apps at a time, and I believe they wouldn't cost you more than 20Mbs (as you said, 4-5Mbs / app). If so user may have feel of switching between (last used) three apps. If he want any other application then he can select any app, here you need to delete (a app from last three) and add newly downloaded app, this means at any point you'll have 3 apps in your directory.
Now the problem of preserving user information (for individual apps), here you can use any local db (or your server or any third party servers) to store (preserve) user information for particular app. At any point he'll delete the app (you should keep backup of it before deletion will be made).
Later, when he changed his mind, and download the app (previously deleted), then you can restore the information (which was preserved before).
Good luck! Don't wash your hands :)

Can my app let users save some files to iCloud and rest on device

In Apple's Document Based App Development Guide, it emphasizes that our app should let users choose either to save all their files to iCloud or save all on local device. Is there reason for this? Can we actually allow users to pick some files to be saved on iCloud and some to be saved locally, like the TextEdit app on mac OS X? Will App Store disapprove iOS apps configured in this way if it is programmatically possible?
Here is a link
Setting the Preferred Storage Location for Document Files
All documents of an application are stored either in the local sandbox or in an iCloud container directory. A user should not be able to select individual documents for storage in iCloud.
When an application launches for the first time on a device, it should do the following:
If iCloud is not configured, ask users if they want to configure it (and, preferably, transfer them to Launch Settings if they want to configure iCloud).
If iCloud is configured but not enabled for the application, ask users if they want to enable iCloud—in other words, ask if they want all of their documents saved to iCloud. Store the response as a user preference.
Based on this preference, an application writes document files either to the local application sandbox or the iCloud container directory. (For details, see “Moving Documents to and from iCloud Storage.”) An application should expose a switch in the Settings application that enables users to move documents between local storage and iCloud storage.
If it makes sense for your app, there is no reason Apple would care if you save some files locally and some in iCloud. It's not a hard fast rule to be all one way or the other.

Best place for saving user data for Windows Store App

Disclaimer: I am new to Windows Store App development.
My app is a Windows Store App (for desktop). The app has to create some content using user's input and the data can be considered as documents. Also, the document'd be in a proprietary format. The user should be able to see all those documents listed inside the app every time he launches it.
My question is where to save these document files. I have no issue it is directly accessible to users without using app (it is their data).
The document suggest roaming (limited storage) and local storage. But both are deleted once the app is deleted (bad for the user).
Document also states that accessing right for My Document folder is granted only if the developer is a company (bad for me).
Any other popular pattern from developers (apart from Azure, SkyDrive and any online storage)?
On app's first launch, you can allow the user to choose his/her folder as per choice, and then add that folder in future access list. So you can access that folder anytime. Please check below given links.
How can I save a StorageFile to use later?
Exploring WinRT: Storage.AccessCache
Windows.Storage.AccessCache Classes

iOS App Memory Limit

I wrote an iphone app that as a first function allows the user to download files. The user then manipulates these files in a particular way that wants them to be in memory.
It's not necessary that all of the files the user gets are in memory, just a few at a time that are well within memory constraints. However, the option to download the rest later is not available because of location assumptions (mainly that there is no assumption the user will be within wifi or data reception).
Is there a way around this? One example would be to have some sort of permanent write that I could access. Is that how the file storage apps solve this?
Could you use a server to do the manipulation instead of the app? iphone app sends the link to the server, server does the manipulation, and the the iphone downloads the manipulated link.

Reading Files belonging to other Apps iOS

I am currently coding a backup app for iOS, and I want to have options to let the user back up things like Application Data (other app's documents, etc,) Contacts, Safari Bookmarks, and all that fun stuff.
I'd like to know if that's possible, how I'd do it, and where those files are stored, and most importantly, if this is actually allowed by Apple. I read through their docs, and I haven't seen anything that speaks against it.
It's not possible. Your app isn't even capable of reading the documents from other apps. This is accomplished via sandboxing. Every read/write your application tries to do to the filesystem is checked by the kernel to ensure you're staying within your sandbox. The documents belonging to other apps are outside of your sandbox, so you cannot see them.
They aren't allowed. All iOS apps are sandboxed, and can't access other apps' data.
Your app, naturally is in a sandbox, which does not allow you to read outside of the app. If you jailbreak your device, then yes, it is possible.
