I‘d like to ask I question that here that I think would be easy to some people.
Ok I have query that return records of two related tables. (One to many)
In this query I have about 3 to 4 calculated fields that are based on the fields from the 2 tables.
Now I want to have a group by clause for names and sum clause to sum the calculated fields but it ends up in error message saying:
“You tried to execute a query that is not part of aggregate function”
So I decided to just run the query without the totals *(ie no group by , sum etc,,,)
And then I created another query that totals my previous query. ( i.e. using group by clause for names and sum for calculated fields… no calculation here) This is fine ( I use to do this) but I don’t like having two queries just to get summary total. Is their any other way of doing this in the design view and create only one query?.
I would very much appreciate.
Sounds like the query is thinking the calculated fields need to be part of the grouping or something. You might need to look into sub-querying.
Can you post the sql (before and after). It would help in getting an understanding of what the issue is.
I am trying to perform the following query in one pass but I conclude that it is impossible and would furthermore lead to some form of "nested" structure which is never good news in terms of performance.
I may however be missing something here, so I thought I might ask.
The underlying data structure is a many-to-many relationship between two entities A<---0:*--->B
The end goal is to obtain how many times are objects of entity B assigned to objects of entity A within a specific time interval as a percentage of total assignments.
It is exactly this latter part of the question that causes the headache.
Entity A contains an item_date field
Entity B contains an item_category field.
The presentation of the results can be expanded to a table whose columns are the distinct item_date and rows are the different item_category normalised counts. I am just mentioning this for clarity, the query does not have to return the results in that exact form.
My Attempt:
with 12*30*24*3600 as window_length, "1980-1-1" as start_date,
"1985-12-31" as end_date
unwind range(apoc.date.parse(start_date,"s","yyyy-MM-dd"),apoc.date.parse(end_date,"s","yyyy-MM-dd"),window_length) as date_step
match (a:A)<-[r:RELATOB]-(b:B)
where apoc.date.parse(a.item_date,"s","yyyy-MM-dd")>=date_step and apoc.date.parse(a.item_date,"s","yyyy-MM-dd")<(date_step+window_length)
with window_length, date_step, count(r) as total_count unwind ["code_A", "code_B", "code_C"] as the_code [MATCH THE PATTERN AGAIN TO COUNT SPECIFIC `item_code` this time.
I am finding it difficult to express this in one pass because it requires the equivalent of two independent GROUP BY-like clauses right after the definition of the graph pattern. You can't express these two in parallel, so you have to unwind them. My worry is that this leads to two evaluations: One for the total count and one for the partial count. The bit I am trying to optimise is some way of re-writing the query so that it does not have to count nodes it has "captured" before but this is very difficult with the implied way the aggregate functions are being applied to a set.
Basically, any attribute that is not an aggregate function becomes the stratification variable. I have to say here that a plain simple double stratification ("Grab everything, produce one level of count by item_date produce another level of count by item_code) does not work for me because there is NO WAY to control the width of the window_length. This means that I cannot compare between two time periods with different rates of assignments of item_codes because the time periods are not equal :(
Please note that retrieving the counts of item_code and then normalising for the sum of those particular codes within a period of time (externally to cypher) would not lead to accurate percentages because the normalisation there would be with respect to that particular subset of item_code rather than the total.
Is there a way to perform a simultaneous count of r within a time period but then (somehow) re-use the already matched a,b subsets of nodes to now evaluate a partial count of those specific b's that (b:{item_code:the_code})-[r2:RELATOB]-(a) where a.item_date...?
If not, then I am going to move to the next fastest thing which is to perform two independent queries (one for the total count, one for the partials) and then do the division externally :/ .
The solution proposed by Tomaz Bratanic in the comment is (I think) along these lines:
with 1*30*24*3600 as window_length,
"1980-01-01" as start_date,
"1985-12-31" as end_date
unwind range(apoc.date.parse(start_date,"s","yyyy-MM-dd"),apoc.date.parse(end_date,"s","yyyy-MM-dd"),window_length) as date_step
unwind ["code_A","code_B","code_c"] as the_code
match (a:A)<-[r:RELATOB]-(b:B)
where apoc.date.parse(a.item_date,"s","yyyy-MM-dd")>=date_step and apoc.date.parse(a.item_category,"s","yyyy-MM-dd")<(date_step+window_length)
return the_code, date_step, tofloat(sum(case when b.item_category=code then 1 else 0 end)/count(r)) as perc_count order by date_step asc
Is working
It does exactly what I was after (after some minor modifications)
It even adds filling in the missing values with zero because of that ELSE 0 which is effectively forcing a zero even when no count data exists.
But in realistic conditions it is at least 30 seconds slower (no it is not, please see edit) than what I am currently using which re-matches. (And no, it is not because of the extra data that is now returned as the missing data are filled in, this is raw query time).
I thought that it might be worth attaching the query plans here:
This is the plan of the applying the same pattern twice but fast way of doing it:
This is the plan of the performing the count in one pass but slow way of doing it:
I might see how does time scales with data in the input later on, maybe the two are scaling at different rates but at this point, the "one-pass" seems to be already slower than the "two-pass" and frankly, I cannot see how it could get any faster with more data. This is already a simple count of 12 months over 3 categories distributed amongst 18k items (approximately).
Hope this might help others too.
While I had done this originally, there was another modification that I did not include where the second unwind goes AFTER the match. This slashes the time by 20 seconds below the "double match" as the unwind affects the return rather than multiple executions of the same query which now becomes:
with 1*30*24*3600 as window_length,
"1980-01-01" as start_date,
"1985-12-31" as end_date
unwind range(apoc.date.parse(start_date,"s","yyyy-MM-dd"),apoc.date.parse(end_date,"s","yyyy-MM-dd"),window_length) as date_step
match (a:A)<-[r:RELATOB]-(b:B)
where apoc.date.parse(a.item_date,"s","yyyy-MM-dd")>=date_step and apoc.date.parse(a.item_category,"s","yyyy-MM-dd")<(date_step+window_length)
unwind ["code_A","code_B","code_c"] as the_code
return the_code, date_step, tofloat(sum(case when b.item_category=code then 1 else 0 end)/count(r)) as perc_count order by date_step asc
And here is the execution plan for it too:
Original double match approximately 55790ms, Doing it in one pass (both unwinds BEFORE the match) 82306ms, Doing it in one pass (second unwind after the match) 23461ms.
I am using a SQL query for a specified and faster search in my Rails app, currently I have the following query that works wonderfully for gathering the data from the initial search:
SELECT * FROM selected_tables
WHERE field1 LIKE '%#{present_param}'
AND field2 LIKE '%#{present_param2}'
And so on like that, with each LIKE line only appearing if the relevant parameter is present from the form.
So I am now able to get back a large amount of results from this query, but they're not ordered in any helpful way. I need some way of ordering the results based on their relevance to the original user input from the form, but I can't seem to find anything on google about it. Is there a way in SQL (specifically postgresql) that I can order the results based on this?
To be clear, when I say relevance I mean that a given search keyword should be in the title or company name for the result, not just present somewhere in the content.
For example: if you search "Sony" you get Sony Electronics first, not another listing containing Sony somewhere in the middle of its name.
I ended up using a series of Case/When statements that were weighted with various integer scores to apply priority to my results. They work wonderfully and turned out something like this:
SELECT title, company, user, CASE
WHEN upper(company_name) LIKE '%#{word[0].upcase}%' THEN 3
WHEN upper(company_name) LIKE '%#{company_name.upcase}%' THEN 2
ELSE 0 END as score
FROM selected_tables
WHERE company_name LIKE '%#{company_name}%'
Trying to join 6 tables which are having 5 million rows approximately in each table. Trying to join on account number which is sorted in ascending order on all tables. Map tasks are successfully finished and reducers stopped working at 66.68%. Tried options like increasing number of reducers and also tried other options set hive.auto.convert.join = true; and set hive.hashtable.max.memory.usage = 0.9; and set hive.smalltable.filesize = 25000000L; but the result is same. Tried with small number of records (like 5000 rows) and the query works really well.
Please suggest what can be done here to make it work.
Reducers at 66% start doing the actual reduce (0-33% is shuffle, 33-66% is sort). In a join with hive, the reducer is performing a Cartesian product between the two data sets.
I'm going to guess that there is at least one foreign key that is appearing frequently in all of the data sets. Watch for NULL and default values.
For example, in a join, imagine the key "abc" appears ten times in each of the six tables (10^6). That's a million output records for that one key. If "abc" appears 1000 times in one table, 1000 in another, 1000 in another, then twice in the other three tables, you get 8 billion records (1000^3 * 2^3). You can see how this gets out of hand. I'm guessing there is at least one key that is resulting in a massive number of output records.
This is general good practice to avoid in RDBMS outside of Hive as well. Doing multiple inner joins between many-to-many relationships can get you in a lot of trouble.
For debugging this now, and in the future, you could use the JobTracker to find and examine the logs for the Reducer(s) in question. You can then instrument the reduce operation to get a better handle as to what's going on. be careful you don't blow it up with logging of course!
Try looking at the number of records input to the reduce operation for example.
I'm trying to find the best way to summarize the data in a table
I have a table Info with fields
region_number integer (NOT associated with another table)
member_name string
member_active T/F
Members belong to a region, have a name, and are either active or not.
I'm wondering if there is a single query that will create a table with 3 columns, and as many rows as there are unique region_numbers:
For each unique region_number:
COUNT of members in that region
COUNT of members in that region with active=TRUE
Suppose I have 50 regions, I see how to do it with 2x50 queries but that surely is not the right approach!
You can always group on several things if you're prepared to do a tiny bit of post-processing:
SELECT region_number, COUNT(*) AS instances, member_active
GROUP BY region_number, member_active
WHERE region_number IN ?
This allows you do to one query for all region numbers at the same time. There will be one row for the T values, one for the F, but only if those are present.
If you see a case where you're doing a lot of queries that differ only in identifiers, that's something you can usually execute in one shot like this.
I'm creating a page where I want to make a history page. So I was wondering if there is any way to fetch all rows from multiple tables and then sort by their time? Every table has a field called "created_at".
So is there any way to fetch from all tables and sort without having Rails sorting them form me?
You may get a better answer, but I would presume you would need to
Create a History table with a Created date column, an autogenerated Id column, and any other contents you would like to expose [eg Name, Description]
Modify all tables that generate a "history" item to consume this new table via Foreign Key relationship on History.Id
"Mashing up" tables [ie merging different result sets into a single result set] is a very difficult problem, but you would effectively be doing the above anyway - just in the application layer, so why not do it correctly and more efficiently in the data layer.
Hope this helps :)
You would need to perform the sql like:
Select * from table order by created_at incr
: Store this into an array. Do this for each of the data sources, and then perform a merge sort on all the arrays in Ruby. Of course this will work well for small data sets, but once you get a data set that is large (ie: greater than will fit into memory) then you will have to use a different collect/merge algorithm.
So I guess the answer is that you do need to perform some sort of Ruby, unless you resort to the Union method described in another answer.
Depending on whether these databases are all on the same machine or not:
On same machine: Use OrderBy and UNION statements in your sql to return your result set
On different machines: You'll want to test this for performance, but you could use Linked Servers and UNION, ORDER BY. Alternatively, you could have ruby get the results from each db, and then combine them and sort
EDIT: From your last comment about different tables and not DB's; use something like this:
SELECT Created FROM table1
SELECT Created FROM table2
ORDER BY created