SmartGWT throws JavaScriptException: (null): null - smartgwt

When using GWT 2.0.x and SmartGWT 2.2
Code as simple as:
public class SmartGwtTest implements EntryPoint {
public void onModuleLoad() {
IButton button = new IButton("say hello");
will generate the exception. (null):
This only happens in hosted (devmode)
ant hosted
I also suspect that maybe the GWT Development Plugin might have something to do with it.
Have you found a similar problem? How did you solve it?

Not an answer but a workaround was to use compile the app.
And use it that way.
ant build
Although compilation takes a long time because it generates several permutations of the code. ie different versions for different browser to make compilation faster you can set your target browser while testing.
to do that in your ModuleName.gwt.xml file add the following line:
<set-property name="user.agent" value="gecko"/>
<!-- to test with firefox -->
That will make compilation faster.
Hope this helps someone.

OK, so I was getting this in Firefox in hosted mode and it turned out that a widget was set to have width100 but there was not enough room on the screen to render the widget (my browser was not maximized).
I think this resulted in a negative width being set and this ambiguous Javascript exception was thrown as a result. Maximizing the browser alleviated the issue, you might want to try setting a width to begin with and using resize handlers to render your widget properly.


What are the actual differences between the print() vs debugPrint() and log() in Flutter?

I am trying to create a util for logging.
I need to know the actual differences between print() vs debugPrint() and log().
Many answers I have seen are outdated or confusing. Also, some upvoted answers are contradict.
I am trying to print error messages in red color. I am using ANSI code to achieve it.
debugPrint("\x1B[31m HelloDebug \x1B[0m");
The above one print in red color.
But when i do the same using log(), its not printing in red color. Its escaping the ANSI code.
One thing I found out was log() has error parameter.
If i pass something as error , it handles red color by default.
Here in the first one using log, red is not coming because ANSI code is ignored. But in debugPrint using it's working fine. In third one it takes error red by default. But extra line is added even for empty string message.
Is it possible use ANSI code for making color text using log?
Because I have other ANSI code to make different color text.
I dont want use debugPrint because if I print some thing too frequently , the system ignore the logs.
After digging some time I found out that log function is implemented in c++ in the dart runtime.As the log function is external function in dart sdk.
external void log(
String message, {
DateTime? time,
int? sequenceNumber,
int level = 0,
String name = '',
Zone? zone,
Object? error,
StackTrace? stackTrace,
Also I see some different answers while digging.
The below answer says debugPrint only available inside widget class. Is it still true?
While using debugPrint and when I launch app from Android studio terminal, the ANSI color is working in android but when I run it same in iOS its escaping the characters in same Android Studio terminal.
If ANSI code support is based on terminal support, I couldn't figure out why its having issue in same terminal in iOS.
It is well explained in this page Debugging Flutter apps programmatically
debugPrint() is similar to print() but with a throttles applied to prevents being dropped by Android’s kernel.
If you have linter setup on VSCode or other IDE, you will see this warning whenever you use print in your code. For more information, you can refer to Avoid print calls in production code.
To avoid the lint error, you can use kDebugMode with print or debugPrint instead.
if (kDebugMode) {
print('test print');
// OR
debugPrint('test debugPrint');
As for log(), it actually allows you to include more information on the logging output. For example, you can add the runtimeType and the relevant object in the log that can help you in debugging the code.
'test log',
name: runtimeType.toString(),
error: myObj,
** btw I tried log with ANSI code log("\x1B[31m HelloDebug \x1B[0m");, it is working as expected.

Options page not showing

I'm writing a new add-on as a Web Extension. In my package.manifest, I have the options_ui set:
"options_ui": {
"page": "options.html"
But in about:addons, the options button is not present.
So I tried to call the page directly from my background script:
But I get this error:
Message: ReferenceError: runtime is not defined
Same error type with:
Message: ReferenceError: chrome is not defined
I'm probably missing something very obvious there. I tested with Firefox ESR 45.0.4 and the latest Firefox Dev edition (51.0a2). How can I get the options page to show in about:addons and how can I call it from my background script?
It's browser.runtime.blah or chrome.runtime.blah.
I'm not sure if ESR 45 supports it.
This code should go in you background script right?
Please post more of your code so i can update my answer.
It turns out that I was mixing Web extensions with Add-on SDK

Ctypes mozilla unknown error

In a mozille extension I run:"ctypes test");
this.lib ="");"2");
var a = new Uint8Array(1<<10);"3");
var ptr = new ctypes.uint8_t.ptr(a.buffer);"4");
Why this ugly logging after each step you might ask? Well this code fails without showing me an error. (or at least I can't find the error message)
This is printed:
ctypes test
So the 5th log message is never printed which means the following statement never completes:
var ptr = new ctypes.uint8_t.ptr(a.buffer);
This is a simplified version of some old code I have to work with and which I also found online as being valid. However it doesn't work. This add-on wasn't developped using the new SDK with jpm. Quite frankly I don't know how and when it was developped but I need to run some tests on it. It comes with a few source files ordered in a components and a modules directory and a chrome.manifest and install.rdf in the root. I copied these files to the extension directory of Mozilla in order for it to work. The extension executes but there seems to be a problem with ctypes. Aren't ctypes fully supported anymore or are these old style add-on no longer valid for the modern Firefox?
I think they landed a a patch to disallow making a pointer from buffers. I'll double check.
Ah per this:, you don't have to wrap it with a ctypes.uint8_t.ptr just pass it like a.buffer to wherever you need it. :)

jquery-1.5.1.min.js and IE8

IE8 gives an error from jquery 1.5.1 minimized: Invalid argument, but firefox doesn't.
The error comes from this line:w[a.prop]!=null?[a.prop]=(a.prop==="width"||a.prop==="height"?Math.max(0,[a.prop]}}}),d.expr&&d.expr.filters&&(d.expr.filters.animated=function(a){return d.grep(d.timers,function(b){return a===b.elem}).length});var ce=/^t(?:able|d|h)$/i,cf=/^(?:body|html)$/i;"getBoundingClientRect"in c.documentElement?d.fn.offset=function(a){var b=this[0],c;if(a)return this.each(function(b){d.offset.setOffset(this,a,b)});if(!b||!b.ownerDocument)return null;if(b===b.ownerDocument.body)return d.offset.bodyOffset(b);try{c=b.getBoundingClientRect()}catch(e){}var f=b.ownerDocument,g=f.documentElement;if(!c||!d.contains(g,b))return c?{,left:c.left}:{top:0,left:0};var h=f.body,i=cg(f),j=g.clientTop||h.clientTop||0,k=g.clientLeft||h.clientLeft||0,l=i.pageYOffset||||h.scrollTop,m=i.pageXOffset||||h.scrollLeft,,o=c.left+m-k;return{top:n,left:o}}:d.fn.offset=function(a){var b=this[0];if(a)return this.each(function(b){d.offset.setOffset(this,a,b)});if(!b||!b.ownerDocument)return null;if(b===b.ownerDocument.body)return d.offset.bodyOffset(b);d.offset.initialize();var c,e=b.offsetParent,f=b,g=b.ownerDocument,h=g.documentElement,i=g.body,j=g.defaultView,k=j?j.getComputedStyle(b,null):b.currentStyle,l=b.offsetTop,m=b.offsetLeft;while((b=b.parentNode)&&b!==i&&b!==h){if(d.offset.supportsFixedPosition&&k.position==="fixed")break;c=j?j.getComputedStyle(b,null):b.currentStyle,l-=b.scrollTop,m-=b.scrollLeft,b===e&&(l+=b.offsetTop,m+=b.offsetLeft,d.offset.doesNotAddBorder&&(!d.offset.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells||!ce.test(b.nodeName))&&(l+=parseFloat(c.borderTopWidth)||0,m+=parseFloat(c.borderLeftWidth)||0),f=e,e=b.offsetParent),d.offset.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible&&c.overflow!=="visible"&&(l+=parseFloat(c.borderTopWidth)||0,m+=parseFloat(c.borderLeftWidth)||0),k=c}if(k.position==="relative"||k.position==="static")l+=i.offsetTop,m+=i.offsetLeft;d.offset.supportsFixedPosition&&k.position==="fixed"&&(l+=Math.max(h.scrollTop,i.scrollTop),m+=Math.max(h.scrollLeft,i.scrollLeft));return{top:l,left:m}},d.offset={initialize:function(){var a=c.body,b=c.createElement("div"),e,f,g,h,i=parseFloat(d.css(a,"marginTop"))||0,j="<div style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;'><div></div></div><table style='position:absolute;top:0;left:0;margin:0;border:5px solid #000;padding:0;width:1px;height:1px;' cellpadding='0' cellspacing='0'><tr><td></td></tr></table>";d.extend(,{position:"absolute",top:0,left:0,margin:0,border:0,width:"1px",height:"1px",visibility:"hidden"}),b.innerHTML=j,a.insertBefore(b,a.firstChild),e=b.firstChild,f=e.firstChild,h=e.nextSibling.firstChild.firstChild,this.doesNotAddBorder=f.offsetTop!==5,this.doesAddBorderForTableAndCells=h.offsetTop===5,"fixed","20px",this.supportsFixedPosition=f.offsetTop===20||f.offsetTop===15,"","hidden","relative",this.subtractsBorderForOverflowNotVisible=f.offsetTop===-5,this.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset=a.offsetTop!==i,a.removeChild(b),a=b=e=f=g=h=null,d.offset.initialize=d.noop},bodyOffset:function(a){var b=a.offsetTop,c=a.offsetLeft;d.offset.initialize(),d.offset.doesNotIncludeMarginInBodyOffset&&(b+=parseFloat(d.css(a,"marginTop"))||0,c+=parseFloat(d.css(a,"marginLeft"))||0);return{top:b,left:c}},setOffset:function(a,b,c){var e=d.css(a,"position");e==="static"&&("relative");var f=d(a),g=f.offset(),h=d.css(a,"top"),i=d.css(a,"left"),j=e==="absolute"&&d.inArray("auto",[h,i])>-1,k={},l={},m,n;j&&(l=f.position()),m=j?,10)||0,n=j?l.left:parseInt(i,10)||0,d.isFunction(b)&&(,c,g)),!=null&&(,b.left!=null&&(k.left=b.left-g.left+n),"using"in b?,k):f.css(k)}},d.fn.extend({position:function(){if(!this[0])return null;var a=this[0],b=this.offsetParent(),c=this.offset(),e=cf.test(b[0].nodeName)?{top:0,left:0}:b.offset();,"marginTop"))||0,c.left-=parseFloat(d.css(a,"marginLeft"))||0,[0],"borderTopWidth"))||0,e.left+=parseFloat(d.css(b[0],"borderLeftWidth"))||0;return{,left:c.left-e.left}},offsetParent:function(){return{var a=this.offsetParent||c.body;while(a&&(!cf.test(a.nodeName)&&d.css(a,"position")==="static"))a=a.offsetParent;return a})}}),d.each(["Left","Top"],function(a,c){var e="scroll"+c;d.fn[e]=function(c){var f=this[0],g;if(!f)return null;if(c!==b)return this.each(function(){g=cg(this),g?g.scrollTo(a?d(g).scrollLeft():c,a?c:d(g).scrollTop()):this[e]=c});g=cg(f);return g?"pageXOffset"in g?g[a?"pageYOffset":"pageXOffset"][e]||g.document.body[e]:f[e]}}),d.each(["Height","Width"],function(a,c){var e=c.toLowerCase();d.fn["inner"+c]=function(){return this[0]?parseFloat(d.css(this[0],e,"padding")):null},d.fn["outer"+c]=function(a){return this[0]?parseFloat(d.css(this[0],e,a?"margin":"border")):null},d.fn[e]=function(a){var f=this[0];if(!f)return a==null?null:this;if(d.isFunction(a))return this.each(function(b){var c=d(this);c[e](,b,c[e]()))});if(d.isWindow(f)){var g=f.document.documentElement["client"+c];return f.document.compatMode==="CSS1Compat"&&g||f.document.body["client"+c]||g}if(f.nodeType===9)return Math.max(f.documentElement["client"+c],f.body["scroll"+c],f.documentElement["scroll"+c],f.body["offset"+c],f.documentElement["offset"+c]);if(a===b){var h=d.css(f,e),i=parseFloat(h);return d.isNaN(i)?h:i}return this.css(e,typeof a==="string"?a:a+"px")}}),a.jQuery=a.$=d})(window)
My code doesn't have an error...
I suggest that you debug your code, as the min version of jquery works just fine. You have a problem with your code that is indirectly causing an error in internet explorer and you have to do a work around.
My favorite thing (and what I did for a similar problem that I just figured out) is to
cut out all your javascript and run it to make sure that it works
paste it back in, a chunk at a time, testing each time
once you find the offending chunk of javascript code, cut that out and put everything else back in to make sure that is the only problem
narrow it down in that chunk to see where internet explorer is being retarded. If you are using PHP, you might need to do something like this to have internet explorer skip the code that is causing it to fail
style: {
name: 'dark',
background: $('.ui-widget-header:first').css('background-color')
//internet explorer is retarded
echo ", tip: true";
position: {
target: 'mouse',
corner: {
target: 'topLeft',
tooltip: 'bottomLeft'
I hope that helps! (If it did, please mark as answer)
I used the "slideToggle" from jquery version "jquery-1.6.4.min.js" on one big DIV element.
The "DIV" element has inside more html elements.
In internet explorer 8 (maybe on FF too) when I try to load the slideToggle function on this big DIV I received an error. Not sure what was the real cause of error but during my investigation I found a bug into the jquery:
There are situations when "a" variable is "NAN". Because of this I got some errors.
So I placed this check routine inside:
And all my problems gone.
For me, this comes up when setting the padding or margins to a negative number. This has been discussed in a number of places online re: "IE negative padding". The following are the watch values from my IE console that prove this.
a.prop >> 'paddingTop'
a.prop==="width"||a.prop==="height" >> false
Math.max(0, >> 0 >> -1.8277004484618357
(a.prop==="width"||a.prop==="height"?Math.max(0, >> "-1.8277004484618357px"[a.prop]=(a.prop==="width"||a.prop==="height"?Math.max(0, >> Invalid Argument
-[a.prop] = '1px' >> '1px'
-[a.prop] = '-1px' >> Invalid Argument
The thread over at: StackOverflow: jQuery, IE & Animate proposes the following:[a.prop]=(a.prop==="width"||a.prop==="height"?Math.max(0,||0);
... which did nothing for me.
I don't really think this is a jQuery bug, and I haven't found it in their bug tracking system (I'll admit I haven't looked too hard), but rather an issue with IE not being able to handle negative padding/margins. It's a tough call whether jQuery should handle this or not ...
EDIT: This was opened as jQuery bug 4571, where they decided that the behavior was correct and that developers should be more careful in setting margins/padding values since a negative margin/pad really isn't valid. They went on to say that they wish FF would throw an error like IE. Wow! don't hear that often!

having problem in blackberry

I am doing coding from beggining blackberry by Anthony Rizk.
I am stuck with this code as it is showing error again and again...
private void getURL() {
HttpRequestDispatcher dispatcher = new HttpRequestDispatcher(urlField.getText(),
"GET", this);
Can anyone explain me why we are passing this as parameter and why actually this code is doing...
"this" refers to the main screen you passed to the class so you can alert the requestFailed string. Check the run method on page 170. You'll see screen.requestFailed("Unexpected...").
As for your error - I suggest adding this line:
System.out.println(" ----------------- HTTPREQUESTDISPATCHER ---------- " + urlField.getText());
right before your dispatcher.start(); line and then compile in debug mode to see what your console says. Just to make sure your URL to request is a valid web URL.
Additionally, make sure your simulator has MDS enabled. You need that to make web calls.
In eclipse it is under Run->run configurations-> simulator tab -> general -> checkbox for Mobile Data System.
I don't know where it is in the RIM package. If you're not using eclipse, you might want to switch over to it. It will highlight errors and try to help you resolve them.
