Safest way to idle delphi application to wait for timer? - delphi

I am doing a delphi application that will run on my pc 24/7 in the background and will check if it has to do some actions or not, wait 30 minutes and check again, and so on.
How can I make sure the application will not overload cpu or memory because of being running all the time.

Create a timer to run every 30 minutes, and call your checks/actions from there. Then your application can just sit idle when there is nothing to do.
Alternatively you could create a Scheduled Task that just runs periodically to do this.

The answers about timers are good solutions, and I add this:
Make sure that the timer event, or subsequent procedure called, checks for busy. i.e. if you wake up, make sure that the last batch is done before starting a new batch. This is easy to miss when things are flowing well, and then you have a situation where things are backed up and the whole system logjams at 8 in the morning because something bad happened at midnight and now there are now 16 calls stacked up (or threads, processes, etc..).
So write your timer event like this:
MyTimer.Enabled := false;
DoSomethingForALongTime; // Usually runs in 45 seconds, but sometimes takes 45 minutes!
MyTimer.Enabled := true; // and (SomeAbortRequest = False) and (SomeHorribleErrorCount = 0);

The answers about timers are pretty much exactly what you're looking for. As for your question about not overloading the CPU or memory, take a look at your program in the Task Manager. When it's not doing anything, it should sit at a "steady state" of memory, not allocating any more, and using 1% or less of CPU time.
It's safe to let most programs idle for long periods. The VCL knows how to handle the idling without hogging CPU resources for you, and you just need to use a timer to make sure it wakes up and activates its event at the right time.

Most programming languages have a "sleep" function that you can call to make the program stop doing stuff.
You are in control of the memory usage; you can deallocate your memory before going to sleep and reallocate it when coming awake, but...
It might be better to just set up some recurring job. I don't know how to do this, but I suspect there's a way with Windows Scripting Host to just launch your application on whatever schedule you want.

If you want to enforce an absolute state of inactivity, I guess you could use the "sleep" function. Though I'm not sure how it would behave on a reboot. (I guess Windows would report the application as being unresponsive.)
If the application has no main form and just sitting in the tray (Or being totally invisible), it won't do much. The main message loop will handle all message it receive from the OS, but it shouldn't receive many. And the few message it will receive, it should process them (Shutdown messages, System parameters change notification, etc)
So, I think you could just set up a timer and forget about setting code to force your program to stay idle.
If you really want to limit that process activity to a maximum, you could set the thread priority when you enter/leave the timer's event. So you would set the priority to "normal" when you enter the event, and set it to "Low" when getting out of it.

You didn't tell, but if your application uses more than one thread, this could add to the amount of CPU the OS spends on your process (read up on time slices and thread-switches for example).
The OS may also swap out some of your memory pages, thus using less memory and/or reducing memory-accesses in the "wait-time" helps too.
So, if you use only one thread and have no additional message-loops either, just calling Sleep() could be a good way, as that will signal the OS that you don't need a time slice at all for a long while to come.
Avoid YieldThread()/SwitchToThread() and your own time-keeping (using Now() for example) as that would mean lots of thread-switching is taking place, to do .... nothing!
Another method could be to use WaitForMultipleObjects with a large timeout, so your application can still respond to messages.

I would suggest creating a service application (set startup type as automatic) and use CreateTimerQueueTimer as your timer.
Memory leaks can be mitigated by reserving memory requirements/pooling classes.


TIdHTTPServer and 100% CPU usage

I use TIdHTTPServer in Delphi 11 to run a simple web server on a VPS.
It works great, except from time to time my app will start to use 100% of the CPU and keep this way forever, and I can't identify what is causing this.
When this happens, the server is still active and replying to requests, but very slowly. The only way to fix this is to force close the application and open it again.
I don't have any code to show, as my code is just generic responses using the OnCommandGet event of the TIdHTTPServer. This event will handle GET parameters on the URL and return something in the AResponseInfo.ContentText.
I know this is difficult, but any ideas about what I should hunt for to fix this?
We use TIdHttpServer quite a lot and have no problems with it. We use it in Delphi 10.3-10.4.2, but it’s not the reason for the problem. Programs work a few months without restarting.
From our experience we can say that problem of such unexpected behavior can be (in order of probability):
Code is not threadsafe. Event OnCommandGet run not in a main thread, so all access to global object/resources/etc must be done thru some kind of synchronization mechanism (locks, TEvent, synchronize, mutex, semaphore or other). If code does not use synchronization – it can broke logic, throw exceptions or do some other unexpected actions (like high CPU usage).
Connections count go over the limit. TIdHttpServer has properties like ListenQueue and MaxConnections. Can be that you make more requests that the server can handle. In this case your new requests wait until they can be handled by your code and it can make some additional CPU usage. To diagnose this – try to increment some internal variable at the start of your event and decrement it at the end. Make some service request to return this variable and you will know if all work correctly. Other similar situation – connection does not close after using the inside event and stay in memory, then you can go over limits too. Try to workaround properties TIdHttpServer.KeepAlive := false and TIdHttpServer.ReuseSocket := rsFalse.
Memory leaks. Try to set variable ReportMemoryLeaksOnShutdown := true and start the application, make a few requests and close it. If you’ll see a message with leaks – then you do something wrong, try to handle these objects in the right way. In production these small leaks can take a lot of RAM and Windows will dump part of memory into a swap-file, so your new requests will take more time to be processed.
Without an example, we can't say more.

How to get the CPU time of Delphi program?

Problem I'm trying to solve: My program uses System.Win.ScktComp.TServerSocket to communicate with another local process via Ethernet. Between receiving a packet from the local process and sending a response is 100ms--which shouldn't take this long. I'm trying to step through my program with the debugger to see where that 100ms is being spent.
The problem is that if I get the current time while I'm in the debugger it will obviously count the time it spent in the paused state of the debugger. Another problem is that the relevant part of my app is TTimer and event-driven so that when a routine returns you're not sure what routine will be called next.
My attempt: I can forgo using the debugger and print the current time everywhere like in all the OnTimer procedures and other events.
Much better solution: Step through with the debugger, getting the CPU time (which isn't affected by the time spent paused in the debugger) here and there to pinpoint where that 100ms is being lost.
I don't believe that you are tackling your problem the correct way, and have made that point in comments. Leaving that aside, the function that you are asking for is GetProcessTimes.
I'm trying to ... see where that 100ms is being spent.
A debugger will not be able to tell you that very easily. You need to use a profiler instead, like AQTime or similar, and let it clock your code in real-time and report the results, such as how much time was spent in specific functions and class methods.

Sleep performance

I am developing a program in c++ and I have to implement a cron. This cron should be executed every hour and every 24 hours for different reasons. My first idea was to make an independent pthread and sleep it during 1h every time. Is this correct? I mean, is really efficient to have a thread asleep more than awake? What are the inconvenients of having a thread slept?
I would tend to prefer to have such a task running via cron/scheduler since it is to run at pre-determined intervals, as opposed to in response to some environmental event. So the program should just 'do' what ever it needs to do, and then be executed by the operating system as needed. This also makes it easy to change the frequency of execution - just change the scheduling, rather than needing to rebuild the app or expose extra configurability.
That said, if you really, really wanted to do it that way, you probably would not sleep for the whole hour; You would sleep in multiple of some smaller time frame (perhaps five minutes, or what ever seems appropriate) and have a variable keeping the 'last run' time so you know when to run again.
Sleep() calls typically won't be exceptionally accurate as far as the time the thread ends up sleeping; it depends on what other threads have tasks waiting, etc.
There is no performance impact of having a thread sleeping for a long time, aside of the fact that it will occupy some memory without doing anything useful. Maybe if you'd do it for thousands of threads there would be some slow down in the OS's management of threads, but it doesn't look like you are planning to do that.
A practical disadvantage of having a thread sleep for long is, that you can't do anything with it. If you, for example, want to tell the thread that it should stop because the application wants to shut down, the thread could only get this message after the sleep. So your application either needs a very long time to shut down, or the thread will need to be stopped forcefully.
My first idea was to make an independent pthread and sleep it during 1h every time.
I see no problem.
Is this correct? I mean, is really efficient to have a thread asleep more than awake?
As long as a thread sleeps and doesn't wake up, OS wouldn't even bother with its existence.
Though otherwise, if thread sleeps most of its life, why to have a dedicated thread? Why other thread (e.g. main thread) can't check the time, and start a thread to do the cron job?
What are the inconvenients of having a thread slept?
None. But the fact that the sleeping thread cannot be easily unblocked. That is a concern if one needs proper shutdown of an application. That is why it is a better idea to have another (busy) thread to check the time and start the cron job when needed.
When designing your solution keep these scenarios in mind:
At 07:03 the system time is reset to 06:59. What happens one minute later?
At 07:03 the system time is moved forward to 07:59. What happens one minute later?
At 07:59 the system time is moved forward to 08:01. Is the 08:00-job ever executed?
The answers to those questions will tell you a lot about how you should implement your solution.
The performance of the solution should not be an issue. A single sleeping thread will use minimal resources.

Multithreaded (TThread) Delphi application will not terminate

I have written an application (using Delphi 2009) that allows a user to select a series of queries which can be run across a number of different systems. In order to allow queries to be run concurrently, each query is run in its own thread, using a TADOQuery object. This all works fine.
The problem that I have is when I try to close the application when a query is still running (and therefore a separate thread is active). When I create each thread, I record the thread's THandle in an array. When I try to close the application, if any threads are still running, I retrieve the thread's handle and pass it to TerminateThread, which should theoretically terminate the thread and allow the application to close. However, this doesn't happen. The main form's onClose event is triggered and it looks like the application is closing, but the process remains active and my Delphi interface appears as though the application is still running (i.e. "Run" button greyed out, debug view active etc.). I don't get control back to Delphi until I manually end the process (either Ctrl-F2 in Delphi or via Task Manager).
I am using TerminateThread because the query can take a long time to run (a few minutes in cases where we're dealing with a million or so records, which in the end user environment is perfectly possible) and while it is running, unless I'm mistaken, the thread won't be able to check the Terminated property and therefore won't be able to end itself if this were set to True until the query had returned, so I can't terminate the thread in the usual way (i.e. by checking the Terminated property). It may be the case that the user wants to exit the application while a large query is running, and in that case, I need the application to immediately end (i.e. all running threads immediately terminate) rather than forcing them to wait until all queries have finished running, so TerminateThread would be ideal but it isn't actually terminating the thread!
Can anyone help out here? Does anyone know why TerminateThread doesn't work properly? Can anyone suggest anything to get the threads running large ADO queries to immediately terminate?
You should be able to cancel an ADO Query by hooking the OnFetchProgress event, and setting the Eventstatus variable to esCancel. This should cause your query to terminate and allow the thread to close gracefully without having to resort to using TerminateThread.
Instead of using threads with TADOQuery, maybe you should consider using the async options of ADO.
ADOQuery1.ExecuteOptions := [eoAsyncExecute, eoAsyncFetch, eoAsyncFetch];
Then when your application close, you can call :
As you can read in the msdn using TerminateThread is dangerous.
TerminateThread is a dangerous
function that should only be used in
the most extreme cases. You should
call TerminateThread only if you know
exactly what the target thread is
doing, and you control all of the code
that the target thread could possibly
be running at the time of the
But it also is very effective in killing threads. Are you sure you are right in your conclusions? Maybe the thread is killed, but another thread is still running? Maybe your handles are not thread handles? Could you show us some code? Or even better: A small working example we could try for ourselves?

Delaying event handling in Flash

I'd like to delay the handling for some captured events in ActionScript until a certain time. Right now, I stick them in an Array when captured and go through it when needed, but this seems inefficient. Is there a better way to do this?
Well, to me this seems a clean and efficient way of doing that.
What do you mean by delaying? you mean simply processing them later, or processing them after a given time?
You can always set a timout to the actual processing function in your event handler (using flash.utils.setTimeout), to process the event at a precise moment in time. But that can become inefficient, since you may have many timeouts dangeling about, that need to be handled by the runtime.
Maybe you could specify your needs a little more.
Ok, basically, flash player is single threaded - that is bytecode execution is single threaded. And any event, that is dispatched, is processed immediatly, i.e. dispatchEvent(someEvent) will directly call all registered handlers (thus AS bytecode).
Now there are events, which actually are generated in the background. These come either from I/O (network, userinput) or timers (TimerEvents). It may happen, that some of these events actually occur, while bytecode is executed. This usually happens in a background thread, which passes the event (in the abstract sense of the term) to the main thread through a (de)queue.
If the main thread is busy executing bytecode, then it will ignore these messages until it is done (notice: nearly any bytecode execution is always the implicit consequence of an event (be it enter frame, or input, or timer or load operation or whatever)). When it is idle, it will look in all queues, until it finds an available message, wraps the information into an ActionScript Event object, and dispatches it as previously described.
Thus this queueing is a very low level mechanism, that comes from thread-to-thread communication (and appears in many multi-threading scenarios), and is inaccessible to you.
But as I said before, your approach both is valid and makes sense.
Store them into Vector instead of Array :p
I think it's all about how you structure your program, maybe you can assign the captured event under the related instance? So that it's all natural to process the captured event with it instead of querying from a global vector
