Delphi Path Variables - delphi

In the Delphi IDE, the path to the Delphi installation is specified as $(DELPHI). I am wondering if there is a way to create my own path indicators, such as $(MY_LIBRARY) or something similar. I thought $(DELPHI) was specified as an environment variable, but apparently not. Any ideas? (I'm using Delphi 7)

In Delphi 2010:
select Tools -> Options
select "Environment Variables"
specify either System, either User variable

For Delphi 5 you can add them from windows Environment variables
right click on My computer > properties > advanced > Environment variables

In Delphi 2010:
I know many of the XML tags in the Project.dproj can be used like this. (For exemple, $(DCC_DcuOutput), $(DCC_ExeOutput)...).
Maybe it is possible to add your own XML tags in the file and use them afterward. Though I'm not sure if they'll be preserved by the IDE.

Also of note is when your using the command line compiler, the file RSVARS.BAT located in the BIN directory of the current Delphi installation is what creates some of the environment variables for child processes. (for example BDS and BDSCOMMONDIR).

In Windows 7 (and Vista is similar) click the 'start' button, right-click 'computer', 'properties' and then 'advanced system settings'. Click 'Environment variables' and you're now able to create new ones as global (system), or just for the current user (you). For example 'MyVar'.
Now in a delphi path, refer to MyVar as $(MyVar).
MyVar will now be visible in batch files too as %MyVar%.

There is an alternative workaround -- use SUBST to assign a virtual drive letter to the root of the folder you would be using $(MyFiles) if you could and then just use that.
For Example if you have files in deep directory, you'd go to the command prompt and type:
SUBST M: "C:\users\Me\Delphi Files\My Components"
and then you could refer to it by M:


Project level environment variable in source path

I'd like to specify an environment variable for use in the source path (library path) at a project level.
We often have a couple of versions checked out of our SVN repository at the same time in different directories, and I'd like to specify the repository root for a project in relative terms at a project level. I could then use that path in a project's source path and I wouldn't have to include indecipherable dot dot slashes (..\) in paths.
For example, say I have checked out trunk to c:\projects\trunk. Then underneath there I have a project in <repositoryroot>\Foo\Bar\ under trunk which uses the Delphi Spring framework under <repositoryroot>\components\external\Spring4d. I end up with a whole bunch of directories in the search path with ..\..\External\Spring4D\Source at the beginning. For example ..\..\External\Spring4D\Source\Base\Collections. I would like to be able to be able to use ${Spring4D} instead, producing ${Spring4D}\Base\Collections\, which is much less wordy and it means that if you move a project or component you can change one value and it updates all paths.
I know that you can do this on a Delphi level by specifying paths in Delphi's environment variables, but I would like to achieve the same thing on a project level or repository level.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to achieve this? Are there any settings or even add-ins that would allow this sort of functionality?
You can manually edit your project file (.dproj) and add a variable there:
Later on, you can refer to the content of that variable:
You can also define a new environment variable (SystemPropertiesAdvanced.exe -> Environment variables -> Add) and then refer to that variable using the same syntax, e.g.:
(Note that it is a very bad idea to use PATH here, it's only an example of a variable which will exist in your environment.)
You could also employ some cmd script magic to to create environment variables that point to those subdirectories and at the end call the IDE, so these environment variables are available in the IDE in the same way as global environment variables would be (see pepak's answer for that).
%0 is the name of the current cmd file
use tilde for file name parts

Windows 7 - Add Path

I need to add a new path (sumatraPDF) on my PATH variable.
I don't know why it does not work...
I think everything is right but when I try to execute sumatrapdf.exe from CMD it cannot find the program.
This is what I did:
The path is correct, I checked it 1000 times.
The idea is use LaTeX with sublimetext and when I save a .text file sumatra has to open and show to me the result. If I want that I have to add the path of SumatraPDF... but it does not work.
I think you are editing something in the windows registry but that has no effect on the path.
Try this:
How to Add, Remove or Edit Environment variables in Windows 7
the variable of interest is the PATH
also you can type on the command line:
Set PATH=%PATH%;(your new path);
Another method that worked for me on Windows 7 that did not require administrative privileges:
Click on the Start menu, search for "environment," click "Edit environment variables for your account."
In the window that opens, select "PATH" under "User variables for username" and click the "Edit..." button. Add your new path to the end of the existing Path, separated by a semi-colon (%PATH%;C:\Python27;...;C:\NewPath). Click OK on all the windows, open a new CMD window, and test the new variable.
I founded the problem:
Just insert the folder without the executable file.
so Instead of:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\SumatraPDF.exe
you have to write this:
C:\Program Files (x86)\SumatraPDF\
In answer to the OP:
The PATH environment variable specifies which folders Windows will search in, in order to find such files as executable programs or DLLs. To make your Windows installation find your program, you specify the folder that the program resides in, NOT the program file itself!
So, if you want Windows to look for executables (or other desired files) in the folder:
because, for example, you want to install PHP manually, and choose that folder into which to install PHP, then you add the entry:
to your PATH environment variable, NOT an entry such as "C:\PHP\php.exe".
Once you've added the folder entry to your PATH environment variable, Windows will search that folder, and will execute ANY named executable file you specify, if that file happens to reside in that folder, just the same as with all the other existing PATH entries.
Before editing your PATH variable, though, protect yourself against foul ups in advance. Copy the existing value of the PATH variable to a Notepad file, and save it as a backup. If you make a mistake editing PATH, you can simply revert to the previous version with ease if you take this step.
Once you've done that, append your desired path entries to the text (again, I suggest you do this in Notepad so you can see what you're doing - the Windows 7 text box is a pain to read if you have even slight vision impairment), then paste that text into the Windows text box, and click OK.
Your PATH environment variable is a text string, consisting of a list of folder paths, each entry separated by semicolons. An example has already been given by someone else above, such as:
C:\Program Files; C:\Winnt; C:\Winnt\System32
Your exact version may vary depending upon your system.
So, to add "C:\PHP" to the above, you change it to read as follows:
C:\Program Files; C:\Winnt; C:\Winnt\System32; C:\PHP
Then you copy & paste that text into the windows dialogue box, click OK, and you should now have a new PATH variable, ready to roll. If your changes don't take effect immediately, you can always restart the computer.
The path is a list of directories where the command prompt will look for executable files, if it can't find it in the current directory. The OP seems to be trying to add the actual executable, when it just needs to specify the path where the executable is.
Try this in cmd:
cd address_of_sumatrapdf.exe_file && sumatrapdf.exe
Where you should put the address of your .exe file instead of adress_of_sumatrapdf.exe_file.

How to inform Free Pascal Compiler to set Locale ID for the compiled application

In Delphi there is an option VersionInfo->Language->Locale ID when viewing project properties.
I was wandering how to set such property for a program being compiled under Free Pascal.
Any solution is welcome: command line argument or preprocessor directive such as {$key value}; equivalent to Delphi.
If you can build your projects using *.lpi files then I would try to add the following into your project's Project.lpi file. In the following snippet is shown how to set the project's locale ID (for Windows platform) to 0405 (Czech).
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<UseVersionInfo Value="True"/>
<Language Value="0405"/>
<StringTable ProductVersion=""/>
Or if you are using Lazarus IDE then you might use to Delphi very similar settings tab which you can open from Project / Project Options ... and as in Delphi go to Version Info where is the Language selection combo box available if you include the version info into the project.
Not 100% sure this will work, feel free to vote me down if this doesn't work.
Lazarus will inherit the locale settings it starts with.
You can set the locale info prior to starting Lazarus in Linux/OS X using the command line:
export LC_CTYPE="pt_BR"
export LANG="pt_BR"
export LANGUAGE="pt_BR"
Your compiled application should inherit these settings.
The answer is inspired by this workaround to an error has since been fixed.
I recommend you have a look at the fpc forum as well and ask the question there.
Don't forget it include details like the platform (Linux/Windows/OS X) and the exact version of FPC and Lazarus you are using as well as the actual Locale that you want.
Better answer
Finally, I managed to find a simple and effective way to make my application localizeable. It uses just one unit and no code.
1. Add unit "defaulttranslator" to your uses list.
2. Enable "i18n" in "Project Options" and set "PO output directory" to "locale" or "languages". You can put translation files right into application folder, but that would just make a mess. Don't forget to create an appropriate folder.
3. Add components to the form. If you already have all components on your form, you'll have to move it a little bit, so it's modified.
4. Save your project.
5. Now there should be .po files in your "locale" or "languages" folder. For different languages files should be copied and renamed like so "project1.XX.po", where XX is language code (e.g. "en", "de", etc.).
6. Translate .po files with translation software, and generate .mo files. I suggest to use POEdit.
7. Run your application, and the translation to be used will be chosen by your regional locale settings. If you need to test other language - just start your application with following command line parameters - "-l XX" or "-lang XX", where XX is a language code.
This method is not very versatile, but it translates resource strings and LCL component properties.

How can I force the SConscript builder to change directory?

currently I'm trying to port a million-sloc legacy project from dull .cmd scripts to SCons. Parts of it are VC++, others are Delphi. Creating SConscripts for the C++ pieces was a breeze.
To build the delphi part I've written a very simple builder which detects whether it is a program or library project. Calling the builder after chaining via SConscript makes scons to call dcc32 $subdir/project.dpr what misleads dcc32 to look for units in the current directory instead of the $subdir.
Is there a way to tell scons to enter the $subdir before executing commands residing in the sconscript or should I fix it within the builder?
Thank you in advance
SCons already changes to the directory of sub-directory SConscripts when reading them, so it looks like the problem is going to have to be fixed in the actual builder.
Once the scripts are parsed, and SCons is running the build commands, it stays in the top-level directory. Commands are then issued using path names relative to that top-level directory. The way to change this behavior is to use the chdir keyword in your Builder.
The example from the scons man page is as follows:
b = Builder(action='build < ${SOURCE.file} > ${TARGET.file}',
env = Environment(BUILDERS = {'MyBuild' : b})
env.MyBuild('sub/dir/foo.out', 'sub/dir/')
You need to specify the .file component as the use of chdir does not change the names passed to the builder, i.e. they are still relative to the top-level directory.

How to specify MSbuild output folder?

When I execute delphi 2009 project using MSBuild command line, output always goes to C: drive
C:\MyProjects>MSbuild "C:\MyTestProject\Test.dproj" /t:Build /p:OutDir="C:\Output\bin\"
Why is this happening?
I know the docs say otherwise, but try OutputPath instead of OutDir.
For Delphi projects you need to use DCC_ExeOutput to specify where the EXE should go.
C:\MyProjects>MSbuild "C:\MyTestProject\Test.dproj" /t:Build /p:DCC_ExeOutput="C:\Output\bin\"
Take a look inside Test.dproj for any other options you might want to specify.
