Rails, REST Architecture and HTML 5: Cross domain requests with pre-flight requests - ruby-on-rails

While working on a project to make our site HTML 5 friendly, we were eager to embrace the new method for Cross Domain requests (no more posting through hidden iframes!!!). Using the Access Control specification we begin setting up some tests to verify the behaviour of various browsers.
The current Rails RESTful architecture relies on the four HTTP verbs: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE. However in the Access Control spec, it dictates that non-simple methods (PUT, DELETE) require a pre-flight request using the HTTP verb OPTIONS. In addition during testing we discovered that Firefox 3.5.8 pre-flight POST requests as well.
My question is this. Is anyone aware of any project for the Rails framework working to address the issue? If not, any opinions about the best strategy to support the OPTIONS method, since it has to support the routes for all the POST, PUT, DELETE methods?

I released a Gem a couple of days ago that implements CORS support via a Rack Middleware:
Regarding preflight CORS requests, I couldn't get preflight requests working in Chrome (through simple CORS requests work fine). Searching around the Internets suggests that it might not be supported. I've asked questions in the Chrome forum about this, but haven't heard a response yet.

This is from Spine js documentation
CORs Rails integration
Let's create a cor method, which will add some of the request access control headers to the request's response.
Add the following to app/application_controller.rb:
before_filter :cor
def cor
headers["Access-Control-Allow-Origin"] = "js-app-origin.com"
headers["Access-Control-Allow-Methods"] = %w{GET POST PUT DELETE}.join(",")
headers["Access-Control-Allow-Headers"] = %w{Origin Accept Content-Type X-Requested-With X-CSRF-Token}.join(",")
head(:ok) if request.request_method == "OPTIONS"
Although Access-Control-Allow-Origin takes a wildcard, I highly recommend not using it as it opens up your app to all sorts of CSRF attacks. Using a whitelist is much better and more secure.
The Access-Control-Allow-Headers section is important, especially the X-Requested-With header. Rails doesn't like it if you send Ajax requests to it without this header, and ignores the request's Accept header, returning HTML when it should in fact return JSON.
It's worth noting that jQuery doesn't add this header to cross domain requests by default. This is an issue that Spine solves internally, but if you're using plain jQuery for CORs, you'll need to specify the header manually.
headers: {"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"}
Some browsers send an options request to the server first, to make sure the correct access headers are set. You'll need to catch this in Rails, returning a 200 status with the correct headers. To do this, add the following to your application's config/routes.rb file:
match '*all' => 'application#cor', :constraints => {:method => 'OPTIONS'}
That's it, you're all set up for Cross Origin Requests with Spine!

I hacked rails to support the options method. I posted this on the rails list, but it never made it past the list.
GitHub Gist: Rails XHR2 / CORS / OPTIONS support
ctrl+f to find the lines that have #Options - those are the only ones I changed.
And here's an example implementation | and another


Setting a cookie on all subdomains in Rails 4 and Ember

We have a Rails application that is the API component running on api.domain.com and a front-end application in Ember.js running on www.domain.com.
When Ember.js sends a POST request to a route in the API, /events, we want the API to set a cookie to remember a unique user identifier.
Hence this method in the Events controller:
def set_tracking_cookie
cookies[:our_company_distinct] = {
value: create_identifier,
expires: 1.year.from_now,
domain: :all
As you see, the cookie is set on the entire domain, and is set to expire in a year.
The point is that the next time Ember queries the API, it will be able to read this cookie. However, this is not the case.
Each time the front-end queries the API, the API is unable to find the cookie, nor does it show in the cookies in my developer tools.
The Ember requests set the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header to true, and I can confirm that the cookie is indeed sent in the response from the API with the correct values for domain, name, path, expiry, etc.
Am I missing something?
For anyone else going through a problem sending/receiving cookies in this way, here are some things I found helpful when I was debugging and ultimately fixed the problem:
When you use the Chrome's (or any other browser's) devtools, examine each request and check it to see if the cookie is being sent from the API on the request where you expect it to be sent, and if all subsequent requests from Ember (or whatever other JS framework for that matter) send this request. In Chrome, go to "Network > [request] > Cookies". Ensure that the front end is sending the cookie properly and that it indeed receives it properly.
We found that this was the best way of adding support for the CORS cookies to Ember was to be done like so: http://discuss.emberjs.com/t/ember-data-and-cors/3690

AngularJS and rails cors headers not working

Im trying to build an angular spa but have trouble with cors. My api runs on rails.
GET requests works without problem but POST, PUT, DELETE does not work. The message is:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load http://localhost:3001/api/resources. No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'http://localhost:8888' is therefore not allowed access.
In rails I have a before_filter with this code:
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Origin'] = '*'
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Methods'] = 'POST, PUT, DELETE, GET, OPTIONS'
headers['Access-Control-Request-Method'] = '*'
headers['Access-Control-Allow-Headers'] = 'Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization'
And in routes:
match '/*path' => 'sessions#home', :via => :options
In angular config I set this:
$httpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true;
delete $httpProvider.defaults.headers.common['X-Requested-With'];
Any ideas on this? Im on mac, localhost btw
This message is shown in headers in chromes network tab:
CAUTION: provisional headers are shown
The problem seems to be related with the rails configuration.
Here it is stated:
...We may want to disable CSRF protection for APIs since they are typically designed to be state-less. That is, the request API client will handle the session for you instead of Rails....
Though not with Angular (which I think the problem is irrelevant), this repo (that I recently prepared) may help for anyone that runs to this issue. It has a step by step guide to prepare a skeleton for a Rails SPA that uses CORS.
There are options to disable web security in Chrome to allow cross domain requests, but that is never the best way to go about it.
On a mac:
open -a Google\ Chrome --args --disable-web-security
Or try with dataType: 'JSONP' in your ajax call.

Do Ruby on Rails 3 Jquery AJAX POST requests need the authenticity_token?

According to the Rails security guide, if you use protect_from_forgery, all non-GET requests include an authenticity token. When I have Jquery AJAX POST requests, however, I don't see the authenticity_token param as one of the params in the request. Is this how it's supposed to work?
Also, it seems that POST requests from outside a session (curl in a script) don't require an authencity_token, either.
Rails will send this parameter in the headers rather than in the post data. You need to include the built in rails UJS library to get this to work. Take a look at the headers in your request and you should see one called X-CSRF-Token.

Security for cross-origin resource sharing

I have 2 ruby on rails app sitting on 2 different domains (say www.exampleA.com and www.exampleB.com. I want to share resources between the 2 apps and I'm using CORS:
exampleA.com sends http POST request to exampleB.com.
At exampleB.com I'm checking request.env['HTTP_ORIGIN'] to make sure that the request comes from exampleA.com. If true I respond by setting the response headers to allow the http post request.
My question is can I use request.env['HTTP_ORIGIN'] as the only check to verify the identity of requester?
Is it possible for someone from www.exampleC.com to fake their HTTP_ORIGIN to look like www.exampleA.com and post malicious data? If so what's the best way to verify requester identity?
Origin is one of several header fields that cannot be set for a XHR request by page authors. So you’re safe to trust the Origin information of XHR requests.
But it is still possible for an attacker to send forged requests with malicious data directly. So you’re still required to validate incoming requests.
Sorry, but it is trivially easy to fake most client-provided data, origin included, and hence it should not be used for any type of security.

Rails POST doesnt extract any path, query or request parameters

I want to grant users access to my API (hosted on heroku.com) from their sites.
But a strange problem occurs, when i want them to allow to post to the api:
Data sent from an correct form with the correct action-url (e.g. "http://myapp.com/projects/123/tasks/321/todos") - the params get serialized and send via jQuery - i encounter an "ActionController::MethodNotAllowed" with the additional info: "Only get and post requests are allowed", that re-routes to ApplicationController#index with :method => :options.
Rails doesnt extract the params for project_id (123) and task_id (321) from the url, neither are any further request_parameters, path_parameters or query_parameters available.
This behaviour occurs, when I POST from external sites, but doesn't occur, when posting from an html-page on my local machine. My first thought was about wrong encoding, but how to fix that problem.
I am using authlogic (not devise :-D) and for the :create action the protect_from_forgery is already skipped.
Any suggestions appreciated
i guess that happens because rails tries to protect your form CSRF attacks.
you can comment out the protect_from_forgery line in your ApplicationController to test it.
but im not sure if thats the right way of dealing with this issue in the production environment.
Okay. I'll try and answer the right question this time (see other comment).
So I've thought about this, and I'm wondering, is this a case of the jQuery call attempting a PUT request? When you use the local form Rails will POST the data, but add the extra _method field to emulate a PUT.
Don't know if you are using jquery-rails, but this takes care of setting the _method parameter, and the PUT/POST verb translation for you in your AJAX calls.
The problem occured due to the cross domain policy - the request was made from another domain - and because I was using a recent browser that supports CORS, it was sending an OPTIONS-request first to get known from the server, which actions are allowed for this domain.
