Needed help with deleting rails cache - ruby-on-rails

I have been given a project of editing a website which is coded in RoR.
However, the changes which i make in the view file is not visible immediately after a hard refresh but after 15-20 mins, the changes reflect. I am guessing this has something to do with the RoR caching system.
Can someone please help me out ? The changes i made are purely HTML based like changing HTML attributes, filenames etc...

When the app is running in production environment, it caches everything in memory. You need to restart the application to reread all those files.
If you're running passenger you can restart the app by updating/touching/creating the tmp/restart.txt file. It's enough if you just update the modification timestamp:
touch tmp/restart.txt


How to clean RoR database yml cache?

I've just set out to creating my first RoR project, using MySQL. Obviously after the first visit to browser the site informed me about not being able to connect to the DB with the current settings. I've quickly updated them in the config/database.yml, however it still complained about the old settings.
Eventually, it updated and was working fine, but I'm sure there's a cache somewhere that could have been cleared to make this less of a nuisance.
I have commented it earlier, Now adding it to my answer ;)
It seems like you have not restarted the server after done the changes in database.yml. Because, database.yml is being loaded once at the time of server start-up. So please try with restarting your rails server.

How do I acess/open/edit a .sqlite33 file?

I'm completely new to Ruby on Rails, have never worked on it, but I am supposed to take over somebody else's old project. He designed a webapp that logs into a website/server online, extracts data from it daily and performs calculations. However, the application has not been running for quite some time, so now when it tries to display statistics, the page crashes. It uses data from a 5 week period and currently only has data for 2 days.
I need to manually insert data for the missing weeks in order to get it up and running again, but the problem is I don't know how to find/access its database, nor how exactly to use Ruby on Rails. I found several files in the db directory of his project, however they were mostly .sqlite33 files or just 'files'. I downloaded sqlite precompiled binary for Windows and tried to use it, but not sure what to do. I also downloaded and tried using SQTView to open the files to change the tables, but I have had no luck.
How can I tell which file is the main database and how do I edit it? And what are .sqlite33 files? Thanks.
The application produces a
TypeError in HomeController#index
"nil can't be coerced into Float"
It links the error to a line in the code, but the only reason the error happens is because there is no data in the table for the time period that the variable in this line of code tries to use. That is why I want to manually update it with values.
I think that Sqliteman might do the trick and thank-you for explaining all of this to me. I just have to confirm it works after editing.
Okay, so I had a small revelation while experimenting on his app. It turned out that the page crashed because of empty values for full weeks. If I used the app to gather data for at least one day per week up until this week, then the app worked.
Is there a way I can populate all the missing days without having to manually click the days in its calendar because it takes a good 20-30 seconds for it to load?
Thank you very much for your help.
A Rails application's database is defined in config/database.yml - though the database itself and the scheme are in the db folder. In database.yml you'll find three database configurations - development, test and production - so make sure to choose the right file.
I've never heard of .sqlite33 files, but to edit SQLite files manually I recommend SQLiteMan. But I don't recommend editing it manually.
What I do recommend is to check if you are running the app in development or production mode, as the two mods use different databases. Try to run it in the other mode.
If that doesn't work, try saving a copy of the database files, and running the commands:
bundle install
bundle exec rake assets:precompile
rake db:migrate
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"
(if you're using Linux, you might want to also run the first command with sudo)
Those commands make sure all the required gems are installed, that the precompiled assets are up to date, and that the database fits the schema. If you are running that application on the same machine and with the same database as the ones the other guy was using, than those commands shouldn't be necessary, but if you have moved the application to your own machine, or used an used an outdated db file, than those commands might fix the crash.
At any rate, if you tell us what error the application is producing we might be able to provide more assistance.

Saving editable data in Rails 3 on Heroku

My rails app allows users to edit a certain json file through the browser. This data file is saved in app/assets/data/thefile.json (the site is only used internally)
I tested the front-end locally and it worked fine, the data gets updated and saved. Then I pushed the code to Heroku and tested it there as well. It worked. However after about 1 day when I go back to the site, I realized that the data has reverted to its original state before it was edited.
This happened numerous times and I'm not so sure why it happened. Maybe because Heroku does not allow files in the app folder to be edited?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
Probably has something to do with the fact that Heroku has a read only file system.
There's also a note here on the ephemeral file system
Each dyno gets its own ephemeral filesystem, with a fresh copy of the
most recently deployed code. During the dyno’s lifetime its running
processes can use the filesystem as a temporary scratchpad, but no
files that are written are visible to processes in any other dyno and
any files written will be discarded the moment the dyno is stopped or restarted.

How did this Ruby on Rails app get deployed?

I have a Ruby on Rails app running on my server, and I can't figure out how it was deployed (someone else set it up).
The app is located in /var/www/myapp. Before it was deployed, I had been able to go in there and make minor edits to the app. The person helping me out with RoR then "deployed" it. It was unclear what deploying actually did, since it points to the same database and is on the same server. However, I can no longer edit it (or at least, the files I am editing are not being pointed to by the server).
Any way to figure out how this thing was deployed so I can take it down to edit it? Or should I basically just start over?
Was it maybe running in development mode before, and now it's in production? When it's in development mode, all of the files are loaded on each request, so your changes show up immediately. In production mode, you have to restart the server to see your changes.

Why don't my views update?

I'm new to Ruby on Rails and am creating a test application. So far, it's working, but when I make some minor changes to my views, the page doesn't change.
My problem may be related to this question, but I'm not sure what is meant by setting the date and time in the VM. My code is on a remotely hosted server, so I assume it would use the system time of that machine.
Is there a caching issue here? What can I do about it?
If you don't have control over the server environment yourself (no shell access, etc.), you can set the following at the top of config/environment.rb:
ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = 'development'
Development doesn't cache much, so while it's slower it's much nicer to develop in.
You'll still need to restart your app after making changes to anything outside the app/ folder though (configs, plugins, etc.).
You need to restart your Rails app (or Apache if you are using Passenger) if you are in production mode!
