style mvc contrib grid -

Did someone create a nice stylesheet for this:

I have made a start - no css expert though:
font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif,"MS sans serif";
background-color: #e8eef4;
.gridrow td
max-width: 300px; /*or whatever*/
word-wrap: break-word;
.gridrow_alternate td
font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif,"MS sans serif";


Anchor links not working with scroll snapping

I am using the following script to enable scroll snapping:
.scroll-snap-wrapper {
overflow: scroll;
scroll-snap-type: y mandatory;
scroll-behavior: smooth;
height: 100vh; /* Fallback for browsers that do not support Custom Properties */
height: calc(var(--vh, 1vh) * 100);
.section-waitlist-lp {
height: 100vh;
scroll-snap-align: start;
.section-waitlist-lp-last {
scroll-snap-align: end;
.scroll-snap-wrapper {
-ms-overflow-style: none;
scrollbar-width: none;
.scroll-snap-wrapper::-webkit-scrollbar {
display: none;
Now an anchor link that I set on one of the buttons …
<a id="lp-button-2" href="#buttontarget" class="button-waitlist-lp-secondary w-button" style="display: block;">Find out more</a>
… doesn't work anymore, targeting the second section on the page
<div id="buttontarget" class="section-waitlist-lp wf-section">
I had a look at this question + answer on here based on this solution, but it didn't work for me. The staging site can be found here.
Any ideas? Thank you!

How to change jQuery Mobile flipswitch size

I need a jQuery Mobile flipswitch with custom width & height. I managed to change the size of it by wrapping the flipswitch in a div and applying the following CSS:
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch {
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch-active {
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch .ui-flipswitch-on,
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch.ui-flipswitch-active .ui-flipswitch-on{
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch.ui-flipswitch-active .ui-flipswitch-on {
However the text is not positioned correctly. Check the jsfiddle here:
I think I might not be doing the correct thing. Can you advise if that is possible in jQuery Mobile?
As exemplified here you might need to introduce in CSS
custom indentations
custom widths
because the length of custom labels differs from the length of the
standard labels
You can position the text by correcting the indentation in the CSS
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch .ui-flipswitch-on,
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch.ui-flipswitch-active .ui-flipswitch-on{
text-indent: -20em;
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch.ui-flipswitch-active .ui-flipswitch-on {
text-indent: -18em;
Position the text in the middle (see comment below):
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch {
line-height: 100px;
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch-active {
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch .ui-flipswitch-on, #flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch.ui-flipswitch-active .ui-flipswitch-on {
text-indent: -20em;
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch.ui-flipswitch-active .ui-flipswitch-on {
text-indent: -18em;
line-height: inherit;
#flipswitchWrapper .ui-flipswitch-off {
line-height: inherit;
With vertical alignment of labels:

Add css when #media print using less mixin and guard expressions

I want to avoid duplication in my code. Is it possible to write something like this in LESS?
.print when (#media print = true) {
background: #heading-background-color !important;
-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;
.header-month {
background: #heading-background-color;
font-weight: bold;
Instead of:
#media print {
.header-month {
background: #heading-background-color !important;
-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;
.header-month {
background: #heading-background-color;
font-weight: bold;
It doesn't look like an improvement here. But I'm working with multiple classes and need to do this for all of them.. So maybe an alternative if this is not possible?
Less #media can be nested in a rule so you can define such .print mixin as:
.print() {
#media print {
background: #heading-background-color !important;
-webkit-print-color-adjust: exact;
// usage:
.header-month {
background: #heading-background-color;
font-weight: bold;
Also see "Passing Rulesets to Mixins" for a more complex stuff.

Printing page with bootstrap 3

I've been looking through a lot of answers here on stackoverflow that semi-cover what I'm wondering about, but haven't found anything that worked for me.
I understand that the printing page is about 550 px for A4 and therefor bootstrap will use the styles and layout usually used for mobile devices.
When I use Ctrl+P for my web page, the printable page looks just like the mobile version of my page. But how do I make it look like the desktop version? (media > 1024 px) Is there a way to do this?
I know I can change the css specifically for print. But how to solve this thing with the bootstrap 3 grid system? The width on my divs gets based on what I have added for col-xs, but I want print to use the layout (width) for col-md
Edit: After I have been struggeling with this for some more hours I realize that it might be more complex than I first expected. Just changing the width doesn't solve it for me. Many of my divs has the syntax of
<div class="md-right sm-right xs-down col-md-1 col-sm-2 box"></div>
<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"></div>
The page looks good in XS for small devices, but printing in XS makes many elements look gigantic. So the question remains. Is there a way to make the printing page look the same as the layout for medium or large devices? Or do I have to make the printing css without using bootstrap grid system and add static widths in pt for all elements to accomplish this?
Thanks in advance
It would be helpful to provide a JSBin. Anyway, since I had this layout in JSBin with col-sm-(asterisk), you can just change all the -sm- to -xs- in between the print media query. All percentages are the same at every breakpoint, so changing sm to xs will print that and ignore the other col-(asterisk) classes. Ahh, I read the post now, you'll need to change all the col-sm to col-md in this and then use !important, that should do it. The xs col are outside media queries, so that's why this is happening.
#media print {
.col-sm-1, .col-sm-2, .col-sm-3, .col-sm-4, .col-sm-5, .col-sm-6, .col-sm-7, .col-sm-8, .col-sm-9, .col-sm-10, .col-sm-11, .col-sm-12 {
float: left;
.col-sm-12 {
width: 100%;
.col-sm-11 {
width: 91.66666666666666%;
.col-sm-10 {
width: 83.33333333333334%;
.col-sm-9 {
width: 75%;
.col-sm-8 {
width: 66.66666666666666%;
.col-sm-7 {
width: 58.333333333333336%;
.col-sm-6 {
width: 50%;
.col-sm-5 {
width: 41.66666666666667%;
.col-sm-4 {
width: 33.33333333333333%;
.col-sm-3 {
width: 25%;
.col-sm-2 {
width: 16.666666666666664%;
.col-sm-1 {
width: 8.333333333333332%;
Actually, all you need to add (to user.css) is this:
#media print {
#page {
size: A4;
margin: 0mm;
html, body {
width: 1024px;
body {
margin: 0 auto;
While you're at it, consider using all these settings for bootstrap 3
#media print {
#page {
size: A4;
margin: 0mm;
html, body {
width: 1024px;
body {
margin: 0 auto;
line-height: 1em;
font: 14px "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
width: 100%;
float: none;
/* avoid page-breaks inside a listingContainer*/
page-break-inside: avoid;
h1 {
font: 28px "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
h2 {
font: 24px "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
h3 {
font: 20px "Times New Roman", Times, serif;
/* Improve colour contrast of links */
a:link, a:visited {
color: #781351
/* URL */
a:link, a:visited {
background: transparent;
a[href]:after {
content: "" !important;
a[href^="http://"] {
#header {
font-size: 24pt;
I ended up solving the problem using an own print.css file without all the responsive bootstrap stuff included. Only included some of the necessary bootstrap things with show and hide.
For those who use bootstrap mixins to create columns like this (sass version):
#include make-sm-column(3, 0);
it won't be enough to overwrite the styles for columns classes like Christina suggests. The only simple solution I've found was to change $screen-sm in _variables.scss to 595px and recompile bootstrap.css
So, find this code in _variables.scss:
$screen-sm: 768px !default;
$screen-sm-min: $screen-sm !default;
and change it to this:
// decrease min-width to fix print layout issue
$screen-sm: 595px !default;
$screen-sm-min: $screen-sm !default;
then in your _print.scss
#page {
size: A4;
margin: 0;
#media print {
html, body {
width: 768px;
body {
margin: 0 auto;
// .. your custom styles for print layout
Add This css style in your print.css file
#page {
size: A4;
margin: 40px;
#media print {
body {
width: 210mm;
height: 297mm;
#-moz-document url-prefix() {}
.col-smdm-12 {
float: left;
.col-md-12 {
width: 100%;
.col-md-11 {
width: 91.66666667%;
.col-md-10 {
width: 83.33333333%;
.col-md-9 {
width: 75%;
.col-md-8 {
width: 66.66666667%;
.col-md-7 {
width: 58.33333333%;
.col-md-6 {
width: 50%;
.col-md-5 {
width: 41.66666667%;
.col-md-4 {
width: 33.33333333%;
.col-md-3 {
width: 25%;
.col-md-2 {
width: 16.66666667%;
.col-md-1 {
width: 8.33333333%;
.col-sm-pull-12 {
right: 100%;
.col-sm-pull-11 {
right: 91.66666667%;
.col-sm-pull-10 {
right: 83.33333333%;
.col-sm-pull-9 {
right: 75%;
.col-sm-pull-8 {
right: 66.66666667%;
.col-sm-pull-7 {
right: 58.33333333%;
.col-sm-pull-6 {
right: 50%;
.col-sm-pull-5 {
right: 41.66666667%;
.col-sm-pull-4 {
right: 33.33333333%;
.col-sm-pull-3 {
right: 25%;
.col-sm-pull-2 {
right: 16.66666667%;
.col-sm-pull-1 {
right: 8.33333333%;
.col-sm-pull-0 {
right: auto;
.col-sm-push-12 {
left: 100%;
.col-sm-push-11 {
left: 91.66666667%;
.col-sm-push-10 {
left: 83.33333333%;
.col-sm-push-9 {
left: 75%;
.col-sm-push-8 {
left: 66.66666667%;
.col-sm-push-7 {
left: 58.33333333%;
.col-sm-push-6 {
left: 50%;
.col-sm-push-5 {
left: 41.66666667%;
.col-sm-push-4 {
left: 33.33333333%;
.col-sm-push-3 {
left: 25%;
.col-sm-push-2 {
left: 16.66666667%;
.col-sm-push-1 {
left: 8.33333333%;
.col-sm-push-0 {
left: auto;
.col-sm-offset-12 {
margin-left: 100%;
.col-sm-offset-11 {
margin-left: 91.66666667%;
.col-sm-offset-10 {
margin-left: 83.33333333%;
.col-sm-offset-9 {
margin-left: 75%;
.col-sm-offset-8 {
margin-left: 66.66666667%;
.col-sm-offset-7 {
margin-left: 58.33333333%;
.col-sm-offset-6 {
margin-left: 50%;
.col-sm-offset-5 {
margin-left: 41.66666667%;
.col-sm-offset-4 {
margin-left: 33.33333333%;
.col-sm-offset-3 {
margin-left: 25%;
.col-sm-offset-2 {
margin-left: 16.66666667%;
.col-sm-offset-1 {
margin-left: 8.33333333%;
.col-sm-offset-0 {
margin-left: 0%;
.visible-xs {
display: none !important;
.hidden-xs {
display: block !important;
table.hidden-xs {
display: table;
tr.hidden-xs {
display: table-row !important;
td.hidden-xs {
display: table-cell !important;
.hidden-xs.hidden-print {
display: none !important;
.hidden-sm {
display: none !important;
.visible-sm {
display: block !important;
table.visible-sm {
display: table;
tr.visible-sm {
display: table-row !important;
td.visible-sm {
display: table-cell !important;
I had the similar problem. I ended up replacing all col-md-* with col-xs-* and it worked like a charm. Here is the exmaple code
<div class="container make-border" id="obaidrehman07">
<div class="row make-border">
<div class="col-md-9 text-center main-title col-md-offset-1">
<h4 class="heading-white"><strong>CONTRACT ACTION REPORT</strong></h4>
<div class="col-md-0 pull-right"> <img class="img-responsive" src="<?=$base_url;?>assets/office_home/target/dd46a999e4f329f98e5b8df60e21e9ab.png" alt="" style="max-width: 110px;" /> </div>
converted to
<div class="container make-border" id="obaidrehman07">
<div class="row make-border">
<div class="col-xs-9 text-center main-title col-xs-offset-1">
<h4 class="heading-white"><strong>CONTRACT ACTION REPORT</strong></h4>
<div class="col-xs-0 pull-right"> <img class="img-responsive" src="<?=$base_url;?>assets/office_home/target/dd46a999e4f329f98e5b8df60e21e9ab.png" alt="" style="max-width: 110px;" /> </div>

Extending several button classes in Foundation does not inherit their hover state

(This is really hard to explain) I am trying to create a new button class in Foundation like this:
.btn {
#extend .button;
#extend .small;
#extend .radius;
#extend .secondary;
It works fine and gets all the parent styles, except the hover state ones.
For example consider these:
A button
<!-- hover color is gray -->
A button
<!-- hover color is white, but it should be gray -->
I tried this, but it didn't worked:
.btn {
#extend .button;
#extend .small;
#extend .radius;
#extend .secondary;
.disabled {
#extend .disabled;
I am using the zurb-foundation gem with Rails 3.2.9.
Any idea how to fix it?
Here is the generated CSS:
.button.disabled, .disabled.btn, .btn .btn.disabled, .btn .button.disabled, .button[disabled], [disabled].btn {
opacity: 0.6;
cursor: default;
background: #2ba6cb;
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
-moz-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
.button.disabled :hover, .disabled.btn :hover, .button[disabled] :hover, [disabled].btn :hover {
background: #2ba6cb;
.button.disabled.success, .disabled.success.btn, .button[disabled].success, [disabled].success.btn {
background-color: #5da423;
.button.disabled.success:hover, .disabled.success.btn:hover, .button.disabled.success:focus, .disabled.success.btn:focus, .button[disabled].success:hover, [disabled].success.btn:hover, .button[disabled].success:focus, [disabled].success.btn:focus {
background-color: #5da423;
outline: none;
.button.disabled.alert, .disabled.alert.btn, .button[disabled].alert, [disabled].alert.btn {
background-color: #c60f13;
.button.disabled.alert:hover, .disabled.alert.btn:hover, .button.disabled.alert:focus, .disabled.alert.btn:focus, .button[disabled].alert:hover, [disabled].alert.btn:hover, .button[disabled].alert:focus, [disabled].alert.btn:focus {
background-color: #c60f13;
outline: none;
.button.disabled.secondary, .disabled.btn, .btn .btn.disabled, .button[disabled].secondary, [disabled].btn {
background-color: #e9e9e9;
.button.disabled.secondary:hover, .disabled.btn:hover, .button.disabled.secondary:focus, .disabled.btn:focus, .button[disabled].secondary:hover, [disabled].btn:hover, .button[disabled].secondary:focus, [disabled].btn:focus {
background-color: #e9e9e9;
outline: none;
If what you are going for is a short cut for button small secondary radius then why don't you extend just that? It should produce a cleaner output.
#extend .button.small.secondary.radius;
Also make sure your custom CSS is referenced after foundation.css something could be overriding you.
After struggling for a while, I managed to solve it this way:
.btn {
#extend .button;
#extend .secondary;
#extend .radius;
#extend .small;
&.disabled {
#extend .button;
#extend .disabled;
Now it gives me the right ouput!
