Deploy tracking with Ruby on Rails and Capistrano - ruby-on-rails

Like every commit has a reason and purpose, I think each deploy has a purpose and reason. Source code commits have a comment. But deploying doesn't have any.
How do I record a reason and purpose for each deploy automatically?
I need to keep a record of:
Who deployed to where and what time.
Why deployed? Bug fixes? Feature update? Emergency fix not on iteration plan?
Which git or svn ref was used?
Have anybody felt the need for this kind of system? How do you feel about my approach?
How can I achieve my goal? I'm currently using Capistrano for deployment.
A bounty added. I'd like to hear more stories from different developers who are doing "continuous deployment".
I found two services that do deploy tracking:

Webistrano - - is a web interface to capistrano, that also tracks who's deployed what and when, so that could be worth investigating.

My current project uses a modified version of the apinsein's git-deployment recipe, which (when you tell cap to do a deploy) will tag current HEAD with a Git tag (which gives you all the benefits of normal Git commits).

I've built a web service for this exact problem,, it hooks into capistrano and records the time, user, branch, ref, environment and repo that was involved in the deployment.

Strano - The Github backed Capistrano deployment management UI.
Regarding continuous deployment, I also submitted pull request there, which Introduce automatic deployments for GitHub projects, for now it simply triggers deploy task when somebody push to the master branch.

I don't know if it is still relevant but I would like to come up with a different solution. I am building a new deployment tool that does just what you are looking for.
I do not intend to spam my stuff here but since I am building something that could help you...
Anyway, have a look here I'm gathering feedback so if you have any please let me know.
As suggested, I'm giving an explanation :)
I have also felt this need. I work in a digital startup and we're constantly deploying stuff 5 days a week on different Ruby on Rails application with Capistrano.
What we noticed was that for every single deployment, we should have done several things:
Keep track of which pull requests and commits went online that exact moment
Give some sort of a name to the deploy so we could recognize it
Alert our team members so that everyone could have been on the same page (without asking us of deployment's news)
Keep track of every deployments for future bugs and errors we might find at some point in time (which happened often)
So for this reason we started developing this custom solution that would integrate with Capistrano and our SCM (bitbucket) and keep track of every change we made to our master branch. This is what it does right now.
We are currently tracking deployment environment, repo source, deployment branch and revision. Mainly we manage pull requests, because we found that pull requests, better than commits, did solve an organizational issue in our team (it was difficult to approve other team member's code without a rigid system like PRs)
I would like to explain more about Captain and about our personal dev management strategy with you guys if you want.
Thanks #thirumalaimurugan for asking for clarification!
Update 2
We tried git tagging too. It was good and fun at the beginning but we couldn't manage them very well.
A tag is basically a bookmark to a specific revision. So we're talking about commits. A tag keeps no track of pull requests. It was quite a mess for us.
I don't think they're bad at what you're trying to achieve, but I think there must be some other solutions that could fit exactly your (and our too) problem.


I have multiple servers deployed for the same web app. How can I automate deployments so that one server might be updated but not the others?

I am deploying a web app onto multiple servers. I would like to push code to one of these servers so that it can be updated but not affect the other deployed servers. The web app and server is unique to each client so if I add a feature for one client I would not like to add it to all the other servers that are deployed. There will be occasions where an update might be required for all the active servers.
I am hoping to automate this functionality so that I can push code for one server without it affecting the other servers. I have been looking into using Docker, Ansible, and Kubernetes for this job but am fairly new to deployment in general and would like to get an idea of the best practices for something like this.
Thank you.
It is now deployed as a stand alone web server where a push to the master branch causes an automatic deployment for that one server. The only solution I've come up with is deploying multiple servers individually.
Your question is not strictly related to Docker/Kubernetes but I will try to answer anyway. There are two ways this could be done
1) Maintain a repo for each customer - which has the customer's customization and pulls the common code from somewhere else. Maybe a Git submodule or some other way. This way each customer can have their own lifecycle. I don't like this approach because the drift between customer tends to get bigger. Also, it is like maintaining as many codebases as there are customers - which is not scalable
2) The only way I can think of this can be done in a way which is uniform for all customers is to do feature flags. This has to be during development and is not a purely operational exercise. This is difficult to get started but in longer-term is the only way I think this can be scaled. Specific features for the one customer then can be turned off by configuration. There are also some companies like LaunchDarkly which enable this

Database issue (orphaned migrations) when using git flow branches

Have a git flow question if anyone can help. I'm not really comfortable with using the git flow approach to things so this may be a very stupid question, but here goes:
The way my company handles things is by naming each feature after a specific issue code that relates to the GitHub "issues" page. So, for example, I finished feature/issue-3118 a short time ago. In that branch, I had to remove 2 columns from the user table and clear out (or change) anything that was trying to access it. This was completed, all tests passed etc so I pushed the branch. I then did a git checkout develop and started a new feature branch for the next task assigned to me (called feature/issue-3201).
The problem I have now is that the current branch is failing a bunch of tests that were fixed in the last branch. Running rake db:migrate:status shows my 2 previous migrations as now being orphaned so methods etc. trying to access them are failing tests.
The issue-3118 branch is still in review so I can not just update my master and be on my way. Rather than going through all the database changes again manually (or waiting for the master to be updated), is there an easy way to get over this issue? If I merge the branches, won't this cause conflict issues when I push the current branch?
(If this does indeed sound like a really stupid question, I am about as junior as junior devs get - started my first web development job on August 1st!)
One option, which is likely the way that I would do it, is to start the new feature branch from your feature/issue-3118 branch, rather than from the head of develop. This is not the standard approach, but it sounds as though your new feature is dependent on the completion of feature/issue-3118.
That way, the new feature, will already have those changes in it, and you can continue work there.
Then, once feature/issue-3118 is merged into develop, you can rebase your new feature branch on develop, and continue work.
This maintains the segregation of the work that needs to happen, but allows you to continue while issue-3118 is being reviewed.
Likely, you should get sign off from other people in your team prior to going down this route.

How should a team push their changes to git master?

In the past we (a coworker and I) would push our changes directly to master. And then inform each other that changes need to be pulled.
A new coworker suggests forking the git repo and when he makes changes. He does a pull request. I would still be on the master repo and accept the request for the pull.
Which is the traditional / common approach when working together as a team? Or is there a better approach?
It depends on if you want to have one central repository or not. Many organizations have been using and continue using a central repository when they switch to git. It also depends on access, trust and how many developers you are. If you are only a few devs and you all trust each other, I'd go with a central bare repository that everyone pushes to and pulls from. Keep it simple.
If you are 100 developers and perhaps also external developers that you don't trust using your central repo and want to restrict access for some other reasons then pull requests might be the solution.
The important thing is to look at what kind of workflow YOU want and keep in mind that git will not get in your way and will let you decide that for yourself.
The traditional way is to fork-pull, i.e. the Linus-fork of the Linux kernel is the official line. The difference to your current approach is the amount of control you are having over the changes. If you don't need this control or if you can't check the changes anyway because you don't have the time to do so, theres no advantage in pulling manually. Git does handle resets/deletes very good and you can always go back in history.
Forking a git repo is a much better approach when working in a team as it makes sure your repo and code never hit an inconsistent stage. However this practice is not very common in the world. Most teams have made it a tradition where everybody is working on the same branch at the same time, this is a bit dangerous but can be made efficient by adding an email alert sending functionality in the post-receive hook of the repo so that the other team-mates can pull the changes as soon as they get an email alert.
I hope this helps.
I would say there are two main workflows:
As Magnus said everybody is pushing to the "blessed" bare repo, while working on the local clones of it.
More restricted work flow may suggest limited number of people having push access to the blessed repo and all other contributors are either sending pull requests or if the pull is technically difficult they provide patches. But they are pulling from blessed repo to keep their repos in sync. This workflow implies code review by "lieutenants" before the change goes to the blessed repo

Should I deploy my Ruby on Rails application on Heroku [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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A little about myself. I am 24 years old, I graduated from NC State with a Master's in Analytics last year. Statistics, mathematics, that kind of thing. I don't have a strong programming background, which is pretty important for my question. If I say anything that doesn't make any sense, that is why. Ever since graduation, I have been working full time on a Rails app with a few other people. My programming experience is mainly Ruby on Rails (1.2 years.) I know R, SAS (statistical languages, not helpful for this question.)
Obviously, that means it has been over a year in development, and we aren't done yet. The main developer is an excellent programmer, just that he has a full time job already, and does this app in his spare time. Due to him not having enough time recently, I have been given practically full responsibility for the app.
We have it deployed on Slicehost right now. The app is at a point where we don't need to program anything else (unless we think of more features.) The reason I am asking if we should migrate to Heroku is that it seems to me that Heroku is a simple platform to which to deploy. Slicehost seems too complicated for me. The other developer dealt with it, and not me. I looked at how to deploy the app on Heroku, and it looks like I would be able to do it. We need our app to scale if it needs to, which Heroku offers. As far as money, I would start it at the minimum (free) and see how it goes. I can pay for additional features if I need to.
We are using Redmine for project management and repository (not git, which I think we need to use on Heroku.) Is git similar to Redmine? Is it easy to use?
Right now, on Slicehost, we have 4 daemons (constantly running processes.) We have 8 delayed_job workers. I know the command line to start the daemons and delayed_job workers. Would these work on Heroku?
I am wondering if I can still use RAILS_ENV=production script/console with Heroku.
The user interface is a javascript file. In development mode, if I do script/server in a terminal, and go to http://localhost:3000 in a browser, I can see it. Would Heroku load this page the way I want?
We have a working website for the app, with our own domain name. I don't really know what DNS is, so I probably wouldn't be able to link the Heroku app to it, unless there is an easy way. I think Heroku links it to as a default.
Based on my programming experience, would Heroku be easy enough for me to use, should I find another job, or should I commit seppuku?
Yes, you should definitely deploy your application in heroku. To do this, this is what you will need to do:
Make sure you have git installed in your computer
Create a heroku account here
Install the heroku gem and do the rest as mentioned in this page
Track your application with git, and create your heroku application as shown here
After you do this, heroku will provide you with a URL for your application, such as Now, the next step would be to associate your domain to this heroku URL.
Configure your domain DNS Server as shown in this page. Mind you, after you change your DNS, it might take upto 48 hours for it to work. You can change your domain DNS by logging into the site where you bought your domain, for e.g.,, etc.
Add this code to your ApplicationController. You can follow this from this page as well
class ApplicationController
before_filter :ensure_domain
def ensure_domain
if request.env['HTTP_HOST'] != APP_DOMAIN
# HTTP 301 is a "permanent" redirect
redirect_to "http://#{APP_DOMAIN}", :status => 301
Make sure you migrate all your database in heroku, by doing heroku rake db:migrate
After you have completed all these steps, you should be good. Check out your domain URL, everything should work pretty :).
If you see any errors in your page, you can view the log by heroku logs
You can access console as heroku console
With features as these, heroku is very convenient to work with.
Please let me know if you need more help.
It seems to me like you should seriously consider Heroku. I have used it for weekend projects and we use it at work as well, quite successfully. Deployment is a breeze, you don't have to worry about setup (for the most part) and system administration. It's super easy to add modules and "pay as you grow".
As for your needs, you could (I believe) run your redmine on Heroku itself, being a rails app. The only thing is that you mention you use Redmine as "repository" and I'm not sure I understand what you mean, since Redmine is not a version control system. Redmine has integration points for various VCS (SVN, git, Mercurial, CVS, and others). Yes, Heroku uses git and that is what you would need to use in order to push code to the server. If you're familiar with Mercurial, it's pretty similar.
For delayed jobs, Heroku offers free cron jobs that run once a day and hourly ones for a fee (see cron add-on). There is also a delayed job plugin (see this) but I don't have any experience with it.
You should be able to access the Rails console (see heroku docs). Just run 'heroku console' and voila, you're there.
If your app works by running script/server, it should work out of the box in heroku too.
As for the DNS, getting it to work with your custom domain is not hard. Out of the box, you can access your app with, to set up your custom domain check heroku docs here, but basically you have to add the custom domain add-on (free unless you want subdomains), configure heroku to respond to your domain's requests (couple of simple commands) and set your DNS provider to point to Heroku (there's even a short video in the docs on how to do this with GoDaddy).
The only drawback I've seen with Heroku, and it's not a huge one, is that if your app does not receive any traffic for an extended period of time, the instances kind of "go to sleep", making the next request to arrive somewhat slow (sometimes even timing out), but once the instance is awake, everything is good to go.
All in all, I think Heroku is a great way to take a ton of the burden off of you as a dev and making a lot of things really easy to implement without having to go into the nitty gritty of setting up a server. The downside: once you start growing, it can become somewhat expensive, but hey, if you're growing it probably means you have the cash now to hire someone that can take care of the nitty-gritty.
You might also want to take a look at this blog post which compares Slicehost and Heroku
Best of lucks
YES, go for it.
If you've managed thus far on the strength of your 'programming experience' then you'll be fine. Have some confidence and ship something! To quote Paul Graham:
The reason to launch fast is not so much that it's critical to get your product to market early, but that you haven't really started working on it till you've launched. Launching teaches you what you should have been building. Till you know that you're wasting your time. So the main value of whatever you launch with is as a pretext for engaging users.
The functionality you outline is easily replicated and well documented and it's free to start with. What else could you ask for?
If you have the free time, you might as well sign up for a free account and give it a shot.
HOWEVER, this is going to come with some pretty severe headaches.
Version control will be one, since heroku uses git, but another one that no one's mentioned yet is that your 12 processes ("dynos" in heroku speak) would cost you $35 * 11 = $385 per month! You can set up an hourly cron for $3/month that will flush your delayed_job queue (instead of having workers running at all times), but is that going to be adequate? (If you're running 8 workers, I'm guessing not). This may or may not require some code changes.
Once you get it set up, deployment and admin is really easy (nonexistent), but it'll cost you if you start needing new features.
YES, go for it.
Its good deployment environment any its fast and easy scale out and scale in feature.
even you can use for your testing or demo usage its provide you free account usage of 1 dynos per app.
List of add-on tools available you can add as per your requirement.

Tools to assist managing the application promotion process in an enterprise environment

I am curious on how others manage code promotion from DEV to TEST to PROD within an enterprise.
What tools or processes do you use to manage the "red tape", entry/exit criteria side of things?
My current organisation is half stuck between some custom online forms type functionality and paper based dependencies to submit documents, gather approvals and reviews.
All this is left in the project managers hands to track what has been submitted, passed review, approved and advise management if there are any roadblocks that may need approval to be "overlooked" before an application can be promoted to the next environment.
A browser based application would be ideal... so whats out there? please show me that you googlefu is better than mine.
It's hard to find one that's good via google. There is a vast array of tools out there for issue management so I'll mention what we use and what we woudl like to use.
We currently use serena products. They have worked well for us in the past. Team Track is our issue management and handles the life cycle of any issue we work on. Version Manager is our source control and has the feature of implementing promotional groups like DEV TEST And PROD. We use DEV, TSTAGE, TEST, PSTAGE and PROD to signify the movement from one to the other, but it's much the same. The two products integrate nicely so that the source associated with the issues is linked, but we have no build process setup in this environment. It's expensive, but it works well.
We are looking ot move to a more common system using Jira for issue management, Subversion for source control, Fisheye to link the two together and Cruise Control for build management. This is less expensive, totaling a few thousand for an enterprise lisence and provides all the same features but with the added bonus of SVN which is a very nice code version mangager.
I hope that helps.
There are a few different scenarios that I've experienced over the years:
Dev -> Test : There is usually a code freeze date that stops work on new features and gets a test environment the code that has been tagged/labelled/archived that gets built. This then gets copied onto the machines and the tests go fine. This is also usually the least detailed of any push.
Test->Prod : This requires the minor change that production has to go down which can mean that a "gone fishing" page goes up or IIS doesn'thave any sites running and the code is copied over again. There are special cases to this where a load balancer can act as a switch so that the promotion happens and none of the customers experience any down time as the ones on the older server will move once their session ends.
To elaborate on that switch idea, the set up is to have 2 potentially live servers with just one server taking requests that the load balancer just sends all the traffic to one machine that can be switched when the other server has the updated code to go live.
There can also be a staging environment which is between test and production where the process is similar in terms of there is a set date when the promotion happens.
Where I used to work there would be merge days where a developer spent most of a day in Perforce merging code so that it could be promoted from one environment to another.
Now there are a couple of cases where this isn't used:
"Hotfixes" or "Hot patches" would occur where I used to work and in this case the specific files were copied up into the staging and production environments on its own since the code change had to get into Production ASAP since something broke in production or some new thing that had to get done that takes 2 minutes gets done. In this case, the code change getting pushed in had to be reviewed and approved before going out.
Those are the different approaches I've seen used where generally there are schedules and timelines potentially have to be changed or additional resources brought in to make a hard date like if a conference is on a particular weekend that such and such is ready for that.
Of course in a few places there has been the, "Oh, was that broken? Let me see..." and a few minutes later, "No, see it isn't broken for me," where someone changed things without asking permission or anything where a company still has what they call "cowboy programming."
Another point is the scale of the release:
1) Tiny - This is the case where one web page goes up so that user X can do Y.
2) Small - A handful or so of files that isn't really complicated but isn't exactly trivial.
3) Medium - Where going from one environment to another requires changing a bunch of files and usually has scripts to move.
4) Big - Where there are scheduled promotions and various developers are asked for who is taking which shifts when the live push is done. I had this in a case where there was a data migration to do in addition to a release of some new e-commerce sites.
5) Mammoth - Where everything is brand new including how this would be used. I don't think I've ever seen one of this size but I'd imagine Microsoft or Google would have releases of this size.
Somewhere in that spectrum most releases fall and so how much planning and preparation can vary quite a bit and let's not forget that regulatory compliance can be its own pain in getting some things done.
