I have a Project model which accepts nested attributes for Task.
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tasks
accepts_nested_attributes_for :tasks, :allow_destroy => :true
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :name
Uniqueness validation in Task model gives problem while updating Project.
In edit of project i delete a task T1 and then add a new task with same name T1, uniqueness validation restricts the saving of Project.
params hash look something like
task_attributes => { {"id" =>
"1","name" => "T1", "_destroy" =>
"1"},{"name" => "T1"}}
Validation on task is done before destroying the old task. Hence validation fails.Any idea how to validate such that it doesn't consider task to be destroyed?
Andrew France created a patch in this thread, where the validation is done in memory.
class Author
has_many :books
# Could easily be made a validation-style class method of course
validate :validate_unique_books
def validate_unique_books
books, [:title, :isbn], 'Duplicate book.')
module ActiveRecord
class Base
# Validate that the the objects in +collection+ are unique
# when compared against all their non-blank +attrs+. If not
# add +message+ to the base errors.
def validate_uniqueness_of_in_memory(collection, attrs, message)
hashes = collection.inject({}) do |hash, record|
key = attrs.map {|a| record.send(a).to_s }.join
if key.blank? || record.marked_for_destruction?
key = record.object_id
hash[key] = record unless hash[key]
if collection.length > hashes.length
As I understand it, Reiner's approach about validating in memory would not be practical in my case, as I have a lot of "books", 500K and growing. That would be a big hit if you want to bring all into memory.
The solution I came up with is to:
Place the uniqueness condition in the database (which I've found is always a good idea, as in my experience Rails does not always do a good job here) by adding the following to your migration file in db/migrate/:
add_index :tasks [ :project_id, :name ], :unique => true
In the controller, place the save or update_attributes inside a transaction, and rescue the Database exception. E.g.,
def update
#project = Project.find(params[:id])
transaction do
if #project.update_attributes(params[:project])
render(:action => :edit)
... we have an exception; make sure is a DB uniqueness violation
... go down params[:project] to see which item is the problem
... and add error to base
render( :action => :edit )
For Rails 4.0.1, this issue is marked as being fixed by this pull request, https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/10417
If you have a table with a unique field index, and you mark a record
for destruction, and you build a new record with the same value as the
unique field, then when you call save, a database level unique index
error will be thrown.
Personally this still doesn't work for me, so I don't think it's completely fixed yet.
Rainer Blessing's answer is good.
But it's better when we can mark which tasks are duplicated.
class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :tasks, inverse_of: :project
accepts_nested_attributes_for :tasks, :allow_destroy => :true
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :project
validates_each :name do |record, attr, value|
record.errors.add attr, :taken if record.project.tasks.map(&:name).count(value) > 1
Ref this
Why don't you use :scope
class Task < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_uniqueness_of :name, :scope=>'project_id'
this will create unique Task for each project.
I think I'm either missing something really simple or something really obscure. Hoping someone can spot it for me or explain my muppetry.
Ok, So there are two models, Basket and BasketItem.
I've set Basket to accept_nested_attributes :basket_items with the intention of using fields_for in an edit view of Basket.
However when run up it still screams that
Error: Can't mass-assign protected attributes: basket_items_attributes
For the sake of this question I've boiled down to the same issue if I do a manual basket.update_attributes in the console with just one or two basket_item attributes. So I know it's a model issue, not a view or controller issue.
basket.update_attributes("basket_items_attributes"=>[{"qty"=>"1", "id"=>"29"}, {"qty"=>"7", "id"=>"30"}])
or similarly with a hash more like fields_for makes
basket.update_attributes( "basket_items_attributes"=>{
"0"=>{"qty"=>"1", "id"=>"29"},
"1"=>{"qty"=>"7", "id"=>"30"}
I've ensured that the associates in defined before the accepts_nested_attibutes_for, that the child model has the appropriate attributes accesable too, tried removing additional attributes for the nested data, lots of fiddling to no avail.
class Basket < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :basket_items
attr_accessible :user_id
accepts_nested_attributes_for :basket_items
belongs_to :user
def total
total = 0
basket_items.each do |line_item|
total += line_item.total
return total
# Add new Variant or increment existing Item with new Quantity
def add_variant(variant_id = nil, qty = 0)
variant = Variant.find(variant_id)
# Find if already listed
basket_item = basket_items.find(:first, :conditions => {:variant_id => variant.id})
if (basket_item.nil?) then
basket_item = basket_items.new(:variant => variant, :qty => qty)
basket_item.qty += qty
class BasketItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :basket
belongs_to :variant
attr_accessible :id, :qty, :variant, :basket_id
def price
def sku
return variant.sku
def description
def total
price * qty
As the error says, you just need to add basket_items_attributes to your list of accepted attributes.
So you'd have
attr_accessible :user_id, :basket_items_attributes
at the top of your basket.rb file
I have a models like Routine and RoutineContent for localization
in Routine.rb
Class Routine < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :routine_contents, dependent: :destroy
accepts_nested_attributes_for :routine_contents, reject_if: proc {|attributes| attributes['title'].empty?}
and in RoutinesContent
class RoutineContent < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :routine
validates_presence_of :title
In the new Routine action I puts on RoutineConten fields for languages. If title in one object is emty then this object will rejected.
When I go to edit action, I do this
def set_routine_contents
contents = #routine.routine_contents.group_by {|content| content.lang}
if contents['ru'].nil?
#routine.routine_contents << RoutineContent.new(lang: 'ru')
if contents['en'].nil?
#routine.routine_contents << RoutineContent.new(lang: 'en')
end after this Rails INSERT INTO emty object in table, why? How I can disable it?
def set_routine_contents
contents = #routine.routine_contents.group_by {|content| content.lang}
if contents['ru'].nil?
#routine.routine_contents.build(lang: 'ru')
if contents['en'].nil?
#routine.routine_contents.build(lang: 'en')
Use the build method. Add to Array via << it was bad idea
has_many association implemented with foreign key in routine_id in routine_contents table.
So adding new RoutineContent to your Routine requires determined primary key in Routine to write to routine_id, and causes Routine to save if not saved yet.
Here are the model relationships:
class Tool < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :loss_ratios, :dependent => :destroy, :order => "loss_ratios.starts_at DESC"
validates_associated :loss_ratios
accepts_nested_attributes_for :loss_ratios, :allow_destroy => true
attr_accessible :name, :text, :service_id, :supplier_id, :loss_ratios_attributes
class LossRatio < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :tool
validates :rate, :starts_at, :tool, :presence => true
validates_uniqueness_of :starts_at, :scope => :tool_id
validates_numericality_of :rate
validates_inclusion_of :rate, :in => (0..1)
I'm managing LossRatio associations in the create/update ToolsController actions. I want to test those by POSTing sets of attributes for a Tool (including a couple of nested LossRatios as though they were submitted in a form). I'm using FactoryGirl, but it doesn't seem to have a way of constructing a params-like hash of attributes (attributes_for ignores associations, and looks like this behavior is not gonna change).
Is there a way to do this?
(I know the title is a mess, but I couldn't think of anything better and shorter...)
OK here's what I've come up with after pulling my hair out for half a day:
def params_for(factory_name)
exclude_params = [ "id", "created_at", "updated_at" ]
f = FactoryGirl.build(factory_name)
params = f.attributes.except(*exclude_params).dup
f.reflections.select { |k,v|
v.macro == :has_many && !v.instance_of?(ActiveRecord::Reflection::ThroughReflection)
}.each_key do |k|
assoc_collection = f.send(k)
unless assoc_collection.empty?
params["#{k.to_s}_attributes"] = {}
assoc_collection.each_with_index do |assoc_obj,idx|
params["#{k.to_s}_attributes"][idx.to_s] = assoc_obj.attributes.except(*exclude_params << "#{f.class.name.underscore}_id")
This is a helper method used for building a params hash consumable by a controller's CRUD actions. I'm using it in my controller specs like so:
subject { post :create, :tool => params_for(:tool_with_lr_history) }
it "creates a new tool" do
expect { subject }.to change(Tool, :count).by(1)
As seen from the snippet, the method only populates attributes for has-many associations (and ignores has-many-through associations). I guess it might be extended for any kind of relationships, but that works for me so far (unless there's a better way of doing what I want)...
Given the following models:
class Company
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :workers, autosave: true
accepts_nested_attributes_for :workers
attr_accessible :workers_attributes
class Worker
include Mongoid::Document
field :hours
attr_accessible :hours
belongs_to :company
class Manager < Worker
field :order
has_many :contributors, :class_name => "Worker"
attr_accessible :order, :contributors
class Contributor < Worker
field :task
belongs_to :manager, :class_name => "Worker"
attr_accessible :task
How does one create a manager in a company in the controller and view using nested attributes?
Here's my guess:
def new
#company = Company.new
#company.workers = [Manager.new]
def create
#company = Company.new params[:user]
if #company.save
redirect_to root_url, :notice => "Company with manager created."
render :new
= semantic_form_for #company do |f|
= f.semantic_fields_for :workers do |worker_fields|
= worker_fields.inputs do
= worker_fields.input :hours
= worker_fields.input :order
problem is the order field which specifically belongs to the manager is not persisting after the create. Also when the data is improperly filled there is an error:
undefined method `order' for #<Worker:0x0000000646f018> (ActionView::Template::Error)
So is there a way for nested attributes to handle inheritance in the models from mongoid?
The question is related to Can nested attributes be used in combination with inheritance? except instead of active record using mongoid.
Honestly, this is a paraphrasing of my code... the real code is more complex situation although i believe these are all of the relevant parts. If you have more questions ask.
I changed the view to the following:
= semantic_form_for #company do |f|
- #company.workers.each do |worker|
- if worker._type == "Manager"
= f.semantic_fields_for :workers, worker do |worker_fields|
= worker_fields.inputs do
= worker_fields.input :hours
= worker_fields.input :order
I do not get the error anymore, however the nested attributes do not update the company object properly. The params are the following:
{"company"=> {"workers_attributes"=>{"0"=>{"hours"=>"30", "order" => "fish", "id"=>"4e8aa6851d41c87a63000060"}}}}
Again edited for brevity. So the key part is that there is a hash between "0" => {data for manager}. The workers data seems to be held in a hash. I would expect the data to look more like the following:
params = { company => {
workers_attributes => [
{ hours => "30", "order" => "fish" }
This is different because the workers data is held in an array instead of a hash. Is there another step to get the nested attributes to save properly?
what version of Mongoid are you using? Because I don't think the use of refereneces_many is encouraged -- Not that that's related to your problem here, just wanted to probe what version you're using. In the doc on the gorgeous Mongoid.org, get this, I had to learn it the hard way, they say for Updating your records, you need to the autossave set to true. That's NOT accurate. You need it for even creating
class Company
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :workers, :autossave => true # your money shot
accepts_nested_attributes_for :workers
attr_accessible :workers_attributes
I was re-reading your code, I spotted the following that might be the problem: Your Company model is set to has_many :workers and is set to accept nested attribbutes for Worker when changes come in, correct? And there is a field named Order in your Manager model which is subclassed from Worker. Yet you're having a form whose nested fields part is pointed at Worker not at Manager, the model that actually has the Order field. And that's obviously not enough, because Company isn't having_many :managers yet, you may need to set it to has_many :managers in the Company model as well.
Rails 3 includes the validates_associated which is automatically called when saving a nested model. The problem with the method is the message is terrible - "Model(s) is invalid"
There have been a few posts attacking this issue for Rails 2:
and there are probably more. It would be great to have a better version as described in these posts that is Rails 3 compatible. The main improvement would be to include why the associated model fails.
On the relationship, you can use :autosave => true instead which will try to save children models when you save the parent. This will automatically run the validations of the children and they will report with proper error messages.
Moreover, if you add a presence validation on the child that the parent must be set, and you construct the child objects through the association, you don't even need the autosave flag, and you get a beautiful error message. For example:
class Trip < ActiveRecord::Base
validates :name, :presence => true
attr_accessible :name
has_many :places, dependent: :destroy, :inverse_of => :trip
class Place < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :trip
validates :name, :trip, presence: true
attr_accessible :name
Then you can get an nice error message with the following usage scenario:
> trip = Trip.new(name: "California")
=> #<Trip id: nil, name: "California">
> trip.places.build
=> #<Place id: nil, name: nil, trip_id: nil>
> trip.valid?
=> false
> trip.errors
=> #<ActiveModel::Errors:0x00000004d36518 #base=#<Trip id: nil, name: "California">, #messages={:places=>["is invalid"]}>
> trip.errors[:places]
=> ["is invalid"]
I think validates_associated is a relic of the era before autosaving of children and isn't the best way to do things any more. Of course that's not necessarily documented well. I'm not 100% sure that this also applies to Rails 2.3, but I have a feeling it does. These changes came when the nested attributes feature was added (which was sometime in 2.x).
This is a simplified snippet of code from a training project I posted on github.
I was having this problem, and in the end I used the solution given here by Ben Lee:
validates associated with model's error message
Ben says:
You can write your own custom validator, based on the code for the built-in validator.
Looking up the source code for validates_associated, we see that it uses the "AssociatedValidator". The source code for that is:
module ActiveRecord
module Validations
class AssociatedValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
return if (value.is_a?(Array) ? value : [value]).collect{ |r| r.nil? || r.valid? }.all?
record.errors.add(attribute, :invalid, options.merge(:value => value))
module ClassMethods
def validates_associated(*attr_names)
validates_with AssociatedValidator, _merge_attributes(attr_names)
So you can use this as an example to create a custom validator that bubbles error messages like this:
module ActiveRecord
module Validations
class AssociatedBubblingValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(record, attribute, value)
(value.is_a?(Array) ? value : [value]).each do |v|
unless v.valid?
v.errors.full_messages.each do |msg|
record.errors.add(attribute, msg, options.merge(:value => value))
module ClassMethods
def validates_associated_bubbling(*attr_names)
validates_with AssociatedBubblingValidator, _merge_attributes(attr_names)
You can put this code in an initializer, something like /initializers/associated_bubbling_validator.rb.
Finally, you'd validate like so:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_associated_bubbling :account
NOTE: the above code is completely untested, but if it doesn't work outright, it is hopefully enough to put you on the right track
validates_associated runs the validations specified in the associated object's class. Errors at the parent class level simply say 'my child is invalid'. If you want the details, expose the errors on the child object (at the level of the child's form in the view).
Most of the time validates_existence_of is all I need.