TFS Continuous Developement major project update - tfs

We are using TFS Continuous Development model
Main Trunk
-> Various Development branches
-> Various Release branches
All merging back to main trunk
Now we need some major changes to our folder structure and solutions
How do you handle folder restructure in above model of TFS usage?
do i need to draw line and create new structure from latest Main trunk and lock all branches and do updates then creates branches with restructured new trunk.
Or am i underestimating TFS, would be able to handle major folder structure updates and propagate over to branches. As long as i know if we move around folders in branch or trunk it don't like it.

TFS can handle this, and does it by "renaming" each file by changing it's TFS location path.
I've been able to do this in a child branch, merging it up into the trunk, and then back into another branch.
It does get a little tricky, and you are sometimes presented with confusing dialog boxes because it can't automatically resolve renaming changes.
When I got this box, I resolved any actual content changes in files. I was then able to cancel out of manually resolving every renaming change without any problems, and everything worked perfectly.


Copy new directory from one TFS branch to another

Another developer has some test files in a new directory in their branch. They're useful to me as well but I'm working in a totally independent, newer branch and he's not likely to merge his branch anytime soon.
I am able to branch his "test-data" directory into my branch but I really want to break the branch association so they're treated as new files in my branch, i.e. so TFS thinks our branches independently added the same new files and we resolve conflicts later since our test data is likely to diverge.
Is there a way to "orphan" the branched files somehow?
You can just get files in TFS using the web access component. Just browse to the folder through the code portion of web access and right click > get as zip.
You can do it from the command line as well but I am not familiar with that. SO has a lot of resources on how to do that from what I have seen.
It is possible to break the branching relationship in TFS and there are many questions on SO on how to do that. But your branch wouldn't initially treat them as 'added' and the history will be in TFS. I would recommend branching just the folder his useful code into your branch and leaving that relationship for posterities sake.
That being said, depending on your situation it may not make sense. If you want to remove the branching relationship immediately, then I don't think you need to use TFS.

TFS reverse integration back to main

I have the Development branch forked from the Main branch.
Could I merge the Development branch back to the Main so that Main branch code would be equal the Development branch?
What is the most safe and reliable solution for this?
The easiest way I've found to do this is to do a merge using Visual Studio and the Source Control Explorer.
In the Source Control Explorer, right-click on your development branch and select Branching and Merging > Merge
In the Target Branch drop-down select your trunk ("Main") as the destination. This is likely the default selection if you've branched from Main originally.
There are two options:
All changes up to a specific versions: You choose based on a revision and merge it all up to that revision in one fell swoop. If you have a lot of changes, this can save you some time, but also is riskier in terms of resolving conflicts if there have been a lot of changes in Main.
Selected changesets: You select single or groups of changesets to merge back and then repeat this process until you've merged back what you need. Less risky option, but much more time consuming. I personally prefer this approach so that I can see the changes going back into the trunk and know what to expect as changes.
TFS will instruct you if there are merge conflicts while you are merging. This occurs when you change something in the trunk after you've branched to your development. If one of the changes you've made in development conflict with the changes you've made in the trunk, you will have the chance to resolve this in Visual Studio.
If you do not have any conflicts, your development changes will move into the Trunk and simply merge with the changes you already have there.
I admit one work place they merged the Trunk to the Branches, but its not supposed to work that way.
The generally accepted method is merge the Branch back into the Trunk.
It sounds like you are working in the Trunk ("I can create some additional folder or additional files in the trunk") and wanting to merge into the Branch.
I recommend doing it the standard way: only work in Branches merging back to the Trunk, never coding directly in the Trunk.

TFS / Merging a missed check in

Yes this is one of the Doh! Damn! I shot myself in the foot. I don't have a lot of experience with TFS in large teams, but I'm facing this issue.
During a transition to new equipment, a developer forgot to check-in some code. Work proceeded on the new laptop for several weeks before noticing that the previous work was not checked in. Mutliple check-in have occured.
I have recovered the files from the old laptop, and have them on my current laptop. What is the best way to merge in these changes? Do I create a branch, merge in these changes, and then rejoin the branch?
Is there a "cookbook" out there that details what should happen when faced with various situations?
We are using TFS 2010.
Thanks in advance...
Creating a branch here is probably a little bit heavier-weight than what you need for this one-off situation. If it were me, I would do this:
Set up a workspace on your computer with the appropriate mappings.
Do a Get Specific Version to the version that the other computer was at. The best case scenario is if the user never deleted their workspace on the server. Then you can simply specify their workspace as the version and you'll get the files as they existed on the laptop. (You can specify this as Wworkspacename;owner name.) If the user deleted their workspace, you can get based on the changeset number they were at, or based on the date they were working at.
Copy the recovered files on top of the new TFS workspace.
Run tfpt online from the Team Foundation Server Power Tools. This will examine the local filesystem against the server and determine what changes were made. You may wish to examine the options, notably the /diff flags (which performs MD5s on the file instead of simply examining the readonly bit), and the /deletes and /adds flags, which detect deleted and add files, respectively.
Do a Get Latest on your workspace, resolve any conflicts, and check in.
You can follow this sequence to try out:
Make a merge-branch of your code version based on the time-stamp of where your restored laptop code has left the version control system.
Get your branched code to a location on disk.
Perform a check-out for edit of the entire workspace.
Copy the old restored code over the files in this workspace.
Perform a checkin of the local code into the branch.
Merge your latest code (main trunk) into the branch, merging changes, solving conflicts.
If all build and tests out correctly on the merge branch, merge that branch back into the main.
That should do the job.

Rename a branch and then reuse the name for a new branch?

Currently we have a branch structure like this: Develop --> Release. I want to change it so that it looks like what the TFS Branching Guidance document calls "Basic Branch Plan". It looks like this Develop <-- Main --> Release.
I was going to do this:
Rename Develop to Main (creating Main --> Release)
Creating a branch from this Main reusing the "Develop" name (creating Develop <-- Main --> Release)
Will I have problems with TFS reusing an old branch name for a new branch? Know any gotchas or things to look out for?
Additional Info
I did this in a test instance creating test branches without any files, pending changes, history, etc. (not a good real test) and TFS let me do the rename and branch without difficulty. However, I won't feel comfortable with this unless I can take our production TFS project collection, restore it in the test instance, and test the rename/branch on real data. There is a lot of history and branches there and I don't know what will happen. As noted in the answer, there are other considerations before doing this.
I'm preparing to do similar steps (except I'm moving subfolder locations of both parent and a child while grandchildren stay put.)
When are you planning the rename?
Are there any child branches under Develop branch that you didn't mention?
Do you have any shelvesets against Develop that might be impacted by the rename?
General answer: Proceed with caution. From my reading branch renaming in TFS2010 can cause a few unexpected side effects. TFS will be doing the following steps (under the hood) for your scenario:
Rename Develop to Main ==> Branch Main branch from Develop, then delete Develop branch
Create new "Develop" branch from Main
I recommend reading the following posts:
Renaming Branches in TFS 2010 (ChandruR’s Blog)
"MSDN Blogs > ChandruR's Blog > Renaming branches in TFS 2010
So my recommendations for this case:
Avoid renaming branches - a cleaner solution would be to, at the right point in your release merge all changes to a parent branch and then re-branch to create a new branch hierarchy.
Or for the brave of heart :)
You will need to time the rename of your branch, to a point in your release where you can merge to all related branches. The steps to follow are:
Renaming branches in TFS2010 - But it works on my PC!
“In TFS 2010 behind the scenes a rename is actually a branch and delete process, this meant we ended up with the new branch, but also a deleted branch of the old name. This is not obvious unless you have ‘show deleted items in source control explorer’ enabled…”
"Now implemented as a branch + delete behind the scenes (new name is branched from the old, then the old name is deleted). This allows traceability in History, but allows us to get around the problems with merging renames (see Add, Rename, Add scenario). "
Get all devs to merge (or abandon) all safe changes in child branches of Dev. Also prune any inactive branches before the rename.
Read above articles.
Search to find the page (that I haven't found yet) that describes exactly what will happen in simpler terms based on real experience.
Specifically I'd like to know what happens to shelvesets on the Develop branch after it is renamed to Main. (Next step can answer this.)
You might consider making a "Sandbox" Team Project (or Team Project Collection) then try out your scenario to see if there are major issues.
Pick right timing (see link#1) and go for it.
Check history, do a merge between the renamed branches, check history again.
Allow developers back in.
Good luck, and post back with any new information (including your end results)! -zs

How can I view the history on the trunk from my branch

View History on an file in a branch show only changes since the branch. I need to go back further -- like how created the file in the first place. I've also tried Sidekicks, and it doesn't seem to show history from before the branch either.
Short of hunting down the file in the trunk manually, is there a way to view a file's history from the time it was added to now following the path in the branch?
You can upgrade to TFS 2010 for this support natively. The 2010 upgrade is well worth the time for many reasons, this being one of them.
I've used an addon TFS follow branch history the UI is a bit clunky but will get you what you're looking for. It only shows the branched history for a file but won't recurse to all files in a directory.
