How can I profile a request in Ruby on Rails? - ruby-on-rails

How can I profile a controller action?
One of my views is taking quite some time to render, and I'd like to break it down. I see script/performance/profiler, but that seems to only have access to the global scope.

ruby-prof is the way to go. Here's a howto, How to profile your Rails and Ruby applications with ruby-prof.
If you use it in combination with a visualisation tool such as kcachegrind, you can easily separate the code that is your application code from the framework code.
I gave a talk on these tools at my local Ruby-users group a while back: Making your rails app kick ass with ruby-prof and kcachegrind.

The Ruby on Rails console should show you which partials are taking a while to render. If that's not enough, you could install the new relic gem ( and use that in developer mode which will give you an overview of what's going on.
If you're deploying on Heroku you can add the free version of rpm which will give you the same statistics on your running application.
Ruby has a profiler ( which will show you memory usage, call times, etc., but it might be hard to disseminate your code from the framework code.

I've had some success with
It'll let you profile a single or multiple requests for any of cputime, methods, object allocations or walltime, and integrate nicely via Rack middleware.


Optimize a backend rails app

I have a rails app which serves as a backend for Bootstrap based frontend. My application is fully Rest based. Which tools can I use to find the unused joins or queries from database in code? Also, any tools/gems that can help in finding the code that can be refactored?
There are gems like Bullet or Rack-mini-profiler that work if Rails app is used to render view also. But how do I use gems like those to optimize and tune my queries and code if only way to get a response is from rest client?
Depending on the configuration of Bullet, I believe by default Bullet logs all optimizable queries in (Rails.root/log/bullet.log), I guess the others have similar configurations/logs.
You could setup bullet for your test environment, since if you're shooting for a good coverage you'd most likely be testing all the AR methods in the first place.
Additional enhancers are New Relic and tools like Rubocop for some best practice.
You should check this out as well.

Ruby on rails making an app for smartphone

I want to build an app that use in the backend Ruby on Rails. However my problem comes in the lack of information i found on it. My goals is not just to create a website but an application that interacts with it, like my android facebook app when pressing menu I get button like logout and so on.
I am wondering if their exists tutorial on how to build an application but using rails or should i scrap my entire website and do it in php. I am looking for guide and tutorial. Thanks in advance
You can build an app on any platform and make it interact with your Rails-based server using HTTP requests (like AJAX).
You can send information back and forth using JSON or XML; you would probably need to make a new set of actions for the app to use.
There is no reason to use PHP. ever.
A little unclear from your original question, but if you are looking to create a mobile app using Ruby (and a structure similar to Ruby on Rails) then you may be interested in Rhomobile. It is a cross-platform mobile application framework that uses Ruby for its backend code, and follows a structure similar to (older) Ruby on Rails versions.
From what I understand of your problem, you want to use the robustness of Ruby to develop a native app (not just another app that mirrors a website).
The best thing I know of for this is RubyMotion. The bummer is the cost ($200). But then you would get to accomplish your task.

What's the benefit of using Sinatra instead of RoR if I'm only need a DB and an API

I need to build a web service, for a mobile game, to manage the states of multiplayer games. I need a database and an RESTful API to access it. I'm very familiar with Ruby On Rails and was thinking of using that since I can throw together the DB and API pretty quickly. However, since RoR is a framework for building web pages and I'm not actually building any web pages, it naturally seems like the wrong technology to use even though it would work. As such, I'm considering using Ruby on Sinatra, but I've never used it before and I'll have to kill some time learning it. For you Ruby gurus, is there an advantage to using Sinatra or a disadvantage to using RoR for what I'm trying to accomplish?
Thanks so much in advance for your wisdom!
You know Rails, you don't know Sinatra. Personally I prefer the latter for things like building APIs, but there's nothing stopping you from doing it in Rails, and there's nothing intrinsically wrong with it either. Unless you want to see this as a learning opportunity for getting into Sinatra, I'd say stick with Rails. Here's some links that might be useful btw:
Building APIs With Rails
Building a Platform API on Rails
It probably depends on your API. If you need more than just a bunch of routes then you will have to come up with your own solutions (authentication, ...).
If all you need is some RESTfulness without the added weight, Sinatra is great. All you need to know is what happens in what route and you're fine. See the Sinatra Readme which has all the information to get started.

What rails plugins are good, stable and *really* enhance your code?

Anyone have a list of rails plugins that are both stable and give you enough functionality to be worth the extra effort of supporting?
I am mostly interested in the best, most complete list of plugins so I can use it the next I'm starting a rails app. I don't currently need a particular plugin.
You can use bort as reference
Plugins Installed
Bort comes with a few commonly used
plugins installed and already setup.
RESTful Authentication
RESTful Authentication is already
setup. The routes are setup, along
with the mailers and observers.
Forgotten password comes setup, so you
don’t have to mess around setting it
up with every project.
The AASM plugin comes pre-installed.
RESTful Authentication is also setup
to use user activation.
User Roles
Bort now comes with Role Requirement
by Tim Harper. A default admin role is
predefined along with a default admin
user. See the migrations for the admin
login details.
Open ID Authentication
Bort, as of 0.3, has Open ID
integrated with RESTful
Authentication. Rejoice!
Will Paginate
We use will_paginate in pretty much
every project we use, so Bort comes
with it pre-installed.
Rspec & Rspec-rails
You should be testing your code, so
Bort comes with Rspec and Rspec-rails
already installed so you’re ready to
Exception Notifier
You don’t want your applications to
crash and burn so Exception Notifier
is already installed to let you know
when everything goes to shit.
Asset Packager
Packages up your css/javascript so
you’re not sending 143 files down to
the user at the same time. Reduces
load times and saves you bandwidth.
p/s: agree with #eric, specifics
restful_authentication for sign in, sign out, sign up.
paperclip for file uploads.
rspec and shoulda for testing.
Could you be more specific in what you are looking for? There are so many great plugins for so many different tasks, it's hard to guess the right ones for you.
Try resource_controller.
It seriously dries up your RESTful controllers. And is the only plausible way of implementing polymorphic actions that I've come across.
Loads of other good stuff too. Give it a try.
I can imagine why you are asking that. I used to work in a project with more than 20 plugins in use. Sure, it speeded up the development early on, but later debugging became difficult. Also, updating to a new version of Rails was a lengthy process.
My advice is that don't start using a plugin before have a reasonable understanding of how it works and of the trade-offs involved. For small plugins you should probably read the source code. For larger ones, see what other people are saying about them, when the plugin was updated the last time, etc.
For scanning popular plugins, see the most popular github projects. Quite a few of them are Rails plugins.
For me, Haml is excellent. It's not for everyone but if it clicks with you you'll love it. Set aside 30 min and give it a shot. It reduces the clutter in my views by about 50%.
It's easy to install using Rails 2.1+'s gem dependencies :
# environment.rb
config.gem 'haml'
rake gems:install
Ruby Trends is a good place to check what the most popular plugins/gems/books/practices are. It's like StackOverflow (i.e., voting plugins up/down) but is more fine-grained and has the ability to search/filter.
I my rails time I used with success.

Options for distribution of an offline Ruby on Rails application

I am developing an application in using Ruby on Rails, mostly as an excuse to learn the language.
This is not intended to be a web-based application - and perhaps I have chosen the wrong language, but...
My understanding is, that in order to run an instance of this application on somebody else's computer, they would need to install ruby on rails, and a webserver (or webrick, perhaps), as well as my application code.
I am just curious if there are any other options for distributing my application as a standalone app, or perhaps just a simple way to package up a web browser and ROR together with my app for a simple, one-step install?
I have personally never needed to do this. But, I have ran across this tutorial that I think will be helpful. The tutorial covers how to actually convert a rails app into a standalone exe file.
Note, Slingshot appears to be a dead project (see comments). I'll leave this answer here for historical purposes and the off-chance that it comes back
Joyent's Slingshot might be a good bet.
Joyent Slingshot allows developers to deploy Rails applications like a standard desktop application, which work online and offline (with synchronization), have drag and drop, and interact with all the other desktop applications.
With Joyent Slingshot:
Create a hybrid Web/desktop application
Synchronize online and offline data
Use the same code for online and offline application(s)
Deploy and update your application easily
Drag into and out of application
Here are some further links to help with your evaluation and/or to help you get started:
Introducing Joyent Slingshot
Basic application walkthrough
Slingshot wiki
The way most people ship ruby programs, including Rails webapps, as a standalone exe is via rubyscript2exe. They describe how to package a Rails application at Ruby, Rails, and all the associated libraries will be included in the EXE file.
As others mentioned, Ruby is not necessarily Rails and if you really want an easy way to write a distributable GUI application in Ruby, Shoes is an excellent place to start looking.
Gears on Rails maybe?
You could always consider compiling your Ruby to JVM byte-code (via JRuby) or .NET byte-code (via IronRuby) to distribute to people who have those virtual machines and don't want to install a Ruby runtime.
You might want to check out Shoes for building desktop applications in Ruby. Rails really is tuned for building websites.
You can include Ruby on Rails by freezing it to the version of Rails you want to use in your project. They call this Freezing. The user will not have to install Rails to use your application. You can do this with any library you use in your project. If the project uses a library, just place it under the Vendor folder in your project. Then use a tool similar to what #Josh answered with to package it.
You will need a web server to run the project though. There is no way around this. Ruby on Rails is just like ASP.NET in this regard, in that it is a server side framework. The server runs the code and outputs the HTML to the browser by using the Rails framework.
Unfortunately, you may have picked the wrong framework to do what you want. Instead of Ruby on Rails, you may want to check out Shoes, which is a framework for developing GUI applications using Ruby.
You do not specifically say whether it is supposed to be a GUI application or not. From the other answers, I would guess so.
Therefore, you need to clarify what your goals are. RoR is a specialized framework for web applications. If your goal is to learn RoR, I'd say to get yourself some inexpensive web hosting and make yourself an app. If your goal is to learn Ruby, not necessarily Rails, then Shoes, IronRuby, JRuby, MacRuby and others may be good options to look at.
