LaTeX not compiling properly - latex

I'm using TeXshop, Natbib, Hyperef and two-column layout, and I am getting the following message:
\pdfendlink ended up in different
nesting level than \pdfstartlink
\AtBegShi#Output ...ipout \box \AtBeginShipoutBox
\fi \fi
which prevents LaTeX from compiling. This document compiles without problem when it is 'onecolumn', the problem only starts when it is 'twocolumn'.
I've searched online for solutions, but most of them are from a few years ago, and identify the problem as being caused by a 'long reference'.
Examples of solutions 1, 2
I've narrowed down the source of the problem to be a section that occurs after a table that is two columns wide. The section that follows does not have any references, but when I include it, it stops compiling. I have not included code here as to replicate the problem I need to include my entire document; it only occurs when there is a certain spacing.
Another reference, suggesting that is an obscure bug. I cannot apply their suggestion as I cannot locate the problem reference. I have, just shoved in a lot of spaces and it does compile, however this not really a solution for a working document.

Having the same problem here and it popped-up from nowhere. Interestingly if I comment out the hyperref package it works.

I believe a common cause for this error is a citation that is split across two pages. An easy test for this is to add some \vspace at the top of your document to force different page breaks. This has happened to me a few times, and my final solution typically involves rewriting the text to ensure that the offending citation does not cross the page break.

Make a copy of your LaTeX source and start ripping the content out of it until you have the smallest possible example that still causes this error.
If that alone reveals the problem, post it here as an answer.
If it doesn't, append it to the question.

Work on understanding the solutions. LaTeX is a very technical thing, like programming, and if you want to use it you have to accept the fact that you're going to be stuck using your brain to think through solutions.
The error itself is pretty descriptive. Are your levels of nesting for your /begin{} and /end{} statements all lined up properly? All the macros that you're using are being used correctly? Review the documentation for the packages that you're using.
Like programming, when you're not sure what's going on, recreate the error with the simplest possible code that you can use. If that on its own does not already tell you the error (it frequently does!), then post that simplest possible code with your question so that we at least have some small chance to help. Sadly, due to the complexity of LaTeX, things like package versions may also be quite relevant to the troubleshooting process.


Adding unused types into the directives property of Component has any consequences?

Adding several unused types to the directives property of the Component decorator in Angular2 is the same as adding the correct directives?
I mean, is the compiler smart enough to output the exact same result within the JS file?
I made a tiny test. I added a COMMON_DIRECTIVES and some of my own directives to a component that didn't use all of them. Got both js and used FileMerge to compare. Both are equal. But I will leave this open, maybe someone has more to add.
I have a longer engineering-centric answer here:
tl;dr, as filiph mentioned, we are very conservative. We are looking to address this in a future version of AngularDart, but it will likely be a breaking change.
At the moment, the compiler is conservative about treeshaking these — so adding directives will add their code to the deployed app even if you don't use them. This is because AngularDart can't be 100% sure that you won't be using those components dynamically.

How to obfuscate iOS binary.

Hi, I'm just wondering how you could obfuscate functions in iOS binary?
If you tried to reverse iOS binaries using tools like ida you will see part of the binaries have obfuscated functions like all or partly named sub_xxxxxxxx but the other have human readable functions
Someone said, add those lines to the top of your header without any further explaining:
#define SecurityClass ah7p
#define checkCopyProtection xcyc
What the methods used to secure your App?
Sorry for the dumb question, but I'm new there and I ended up with no answer explained what I need.
There are a couple of ways to obfuscate an iOS binary.
Open Source compiler named llvm-obfuscate ( It has some nice features to obfuscate during compilation. You are replacing your default compiler with that one.
There are for Windows of course VMWare oder Themdia that can post process but that is not the case.
Besides that I just know one more which is Liasoft antispy. It is a very advanced anti analysis toolkit that allows you to encrypt functions and much more during compilation using mixed Objective-C and C++ code. ( )
Not sure if one of these is the right one for you. Except these things you are pretty lost since Objective-C is a compiled language with lots of metadata.
Hope I could help you, this is my first post.
If you only care about obfuscating method names then the easiest way is to write relevant parts of your application in C or C++. For instance, you can rewrite your SecurityClass as a C++ class instead of Objective-C class. This will not make your code reverse-engineering-proof, but it will at least raise the bar a bit. (NOTE: I'm not saying this is the right thing to do from software engineering point of view, though).
If you need to obfuscate code, then you are in a search for a tool that can do this. There are several such tools, both commercial and free. One project for doing exactly this is obfuscator-llvm.

Unity3d: Error building Player: Append is not supported

I receive this error when appending an already-successful build in XCode. What I don't understand is I'm not changing anything when appending, and this error shows up.
I've never used an 'old version of Xcode' as the error implicitly states.
Does anyone know how to get append working on a consistent basis?
This is a very simple project, and I'm using Playhaven and TapForTap SDK's, if that offers any insight.
Turns out, XCode upgraded itself without telling me. :(
I rolled back to the version I was using and all is well.
With no code snippets or error logs, it's very hard to determine what the source of your problem is. There's no way to know if your error is describing the cause of your problem or a symptom of the problem without more information.
I can only offer some suggestions:
My first thought is that you're using a deprecated method in your code somewhere, possibly "Append", which if that is the case, more than likely has an updated counterpart, but you'll have to check documentation regarding that.
If you've used "Append" previously with no errors, then you should look into what exactly you've changed in your new build, and verify that the methods you're using are supported.
If your errors are vague or unhelpful, you can begin the process of elimination and start commenting out blocks of code until it builds successfully, and narrow down the source of the problem significantly.
However, it would be to your benefit to expand your question with more information.

Runtime Error -- Thread 1: Signal SIGABRT -- No Console Output

First off, I realize there are a thousand questions with this subject, but I looked through many of them and could not find a solution.
I'm working on a simple tutorial from I have followed it step by step.
When I run the project, it compiles fine, but about 1 out of every 3 or 4 times the following happens:
As you can see I get no output in the console so I'm at a loss (99% of the other posts on this subject come with some sort of meaningful output). This EXACT same this was happening on the previous tutorial I worked on. I fixed it by deleting all localization files and turning off localization. Localization is not enabled on this project.
The connections for the IBOutlets are all fine. I tried adding an exception breakpoint, it doesn't trip.
I can post more information (source code, threads, etc), but I wanted to get a general feel as to whether or not it would even be valuable for the experts. The fact that there is no output might make it obvious. Let me know.
Thanks for your time.
As pointed out by Evan Mulawski and CodaFi in comments, this is a known bug:
Are you using OS X 10.8.4? If so, there is a bug in that update that affects the simulator. Use Edit Scheme and switch the debugger from LLDB to GDB.

What is the XNA 4.0 equivalent of GraphicsDevice.CheckDepthStencilMatch?

I've been trying to work through a tutorial which I foresee will be very helpful to my current project, but it was target at XNA 3.1. Thus, many sections of code (which the author does not explain too much) are now obsolete. Here's a pastebin of the file. The main thing that sticks out to me is the GraphicsDevice.CheckDepthStencilMatch function. I can't seem to find out much about it. Is it even necessary anymore? As you can see I've commented out some of the sections which I think are no longer required.
Check out XNA 4.0 method: GraphicsAdapter.QueryRenderTargetFormat Method
The description for it:
Queries the adapter for support for the requested render target
I believe this is what you're looking for.
Let me know if you need specific code sample or anything else.
