Creating a Calendar/Planner Application - Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

I am considering developing an application using Ruby on Rails that is a planner of sorts. I would like to give a user the ability to see a list of days, click a particular day, and then add things like: Meals, Expenses, Events, Todos, and Exercises. Really I am doing this for me and my growing family.
I am curious with how best to implement this. I can certainly see that Meals, Expenses, etc. need to belong_to :user but I am curious how to implement the belongs_to :day or something like that. Using the created_at or updated_at wouldn't necessarily allow me to provide views for future dates.
I can see how if I created a Days table and then added days through a time and date field that this would work but seems a little strange to ask people to create the actual days.
Or perhaps instead of that I could just create links to variables that search for #today, #tomorrow, but that would get messy.
I have browsed for gems/plugins but can't find one that works. Ideally a person would be able.
Anyone have any thoughts on how to implement something like this?

There are a number of existing Rails calendars, such as or
However, to answer your specific question about dates: I don't think there's any need to have Day as a model; simply give each event a start date and time, and an end date and time. Remember that Ruby makes it easy to search based on ranges, so "give me all of the events next week" is a cinch if each event has dates and times associated with it.

I'll give it a shot...
Two tables; users and events. A user has many events and an event belongs to a user. Meal, Expenses, etc. are various types of Event. Within events, you can have fields for start and end time of the events. If needed (lets say an events last over multiple days), you could remove the day/time when events occurs into it's own table.
This way, when displaying the calendar for a user, you can find all the events for that date. If none are found, then display nothing.
What do you think?

I would add a model called "Events" and have a properties of the model to represent start date/time, end date/time. I do not think you need a Days model, you can generate your calendar view from the Date class built into ruby.

I have done same kind of project for the Event management in training institute. At there I used event_calender plug in with rails. (enter link description here)
In there we just need to create Event model only. Then we can easily work with that.


Active Record: Users who have not created Events since X date

This is probably quite simple but i'm having a little trouble getting this right.
I have a User model and Event model. Both have the usual created_at attribute. Users can have many events and an event belongs to a user.
What want to do is write something in active record to give me all users that have not created an event since a given date.
I have managed to do it with multiple loops but it's highly inefficient. Is it possible to do this efficiently with one statement or perhaps a named scope?
I have a named scope to count events by users:
scope :user_event_count,
select(", count( AS events_count").
order("events_count DESC")
I'm wondering if similar is possible, but am having trouble working out how to find the last event a user submitted.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Here is a break up about how to achieve this.
Select all users for all events that were created since a given date
Select all users who are not in the above set
subquery ="user_id").where("created_at >= :start_date", {start_date: params[:start_date]}).to_sql;
User.where("id NOT IN (#{subquery})")
Hope this helps.
It sounds like what you want is the users for whom the maximum event creation date is prior to some time.
scope :user_event_count,
select(", max(events.created_at) AS max_event_created_at").
having("max(events.created_at) < :start_date")
If you had a very large number of events it might be more efficient to structure it as a query where there exists an event prior to a particular time and there does not exist an event since that time.

Model design for a calendar

I'm building an application that is based on a calendar and (with basic functionality expected from a calendar).
As the calendar will have such a fundamental part of the application I don't want to rely on any gem but build the calendar myself.
I don't know which route to go: to have a day-model representing each day with a unique record (that events can reference by day_id) OR render the calendar "on the fly" based on a Date class (and events would then reference the date).
In short: What model design would be the most efficient to render a calendar?
You don't need to have a model at all. The following code below will do the trick.
Grab the code from and drop it in a helper, use like so (haml below, so adapt it to meet your own needs.) Note that i'm rendering events in this calendar, but you don't have to.
= calendar #date do |date|
- if #events_by_date[date]
- #events_by_date[date].each do |event|
I will do an article on my website in the near future that goes over this in detail. Good luck!
Unless there is something specific about the days you would like to model, you may be able to just have an events model, with each event having a date field. This approach is simpler and I think preferable. Since there are a practically infinite number of dates, one big advantage of this approach is that you won't need to manage all the logical inconsistencies of keeping a finite subset of dates in your database.
Even if you find a need for a day model, you can do this without tying the model to the database, and thus avoid having a record in your database for every possible date. This might be useful if you want a method that tells you if a day is a work day, or if you want to find a collection of days. For more on how to make a model that doesn't require a database table behind it, see this stackoverflow question: Tableless model in rails 3.1

Working with different date fields. How to approach towards an easier search engine? Rails 3.2

I built a small site where I gather information of some cultural events happening in the area. I want to extend the Event model so it can handle 3 different 'case scenario' of events.
'i.e. Single'. Normal event with start date and finish date.
'i.e. Band on tour'. Same event but happening at different times.
'i.e. Museum'. Monday to Sunday timetable.
I thought that the best approach for the 1 and 2 types will be:
Event model
# holds title, description, price....
has_many :dates
accepts_nested_attributes_for :dates
Date model
# holds start_time(:datetime) and finish_time(:datetime)
belongs_to :events
I am not sure how to approach the 3rd type. Or what is more important, how to build it in a way that makes future interactions easier to code... like building a SEARCH engine.
Building another model called Timetable?
This could hold:
boolean types -> Mon - Tue... -Sun
time type -> Mon_start - Tue_start... - Sun_start - Mon_finish - Tue_finsih... - Sun_finish.
However, this seems pretty complicated to update the search engine(which has a date field/parameter) to iterate through all these 3 types.
Any ideas/experience which may clarify the path to take? Many thanks in advance!
One way that would work well would be to make Date abstract, and then make three more models that extend Date.

How to Manage Time/Date Schedules?

I'm putting together a tool that allows a user to generate reports for a class of students. I'd like to incorporate report "periods" or "schedules" but I'm unsure of how to do so.
Essentially, I want the user to assign an evaluation "schedule" to each class, i.e. from the 5th of one month to the 4th of the next. Thus, reports will (and must) be run for sequential periods. However, I do want the user to be able to adjust the end period of the schedule for a student on an ad hoc basis.
I thought of creating a "schedules" table, but I'm not sure of how to store the start and end dates so the cycle can be repeated. Anyone have any suggestions?
I've used ice_cube (GitHub project) with some success. The module handles recurrences well, it's got its own serializer/deserializer, and it's well-documented.
You could create a report model/table with a start day and end day (such as 4 and 5) and use that to set the date with. This would persist to the database normally, but for a one off report that doesn't need to be stored, you could just create a new report with a different end date.
I.E., you have a reports table for persistent reports (A report for an entire class of students), but don't save your individual reports.

Keeping the history of model associations

I have multiple models that need to have their history kept pretty much indefinitely or at least a very long time. The application I would keep track of daily attendance statistics for people in different organizations, and a couple of other similar associations. I've realized that I can't ever delete users due to the user not showing up in a query for attendance anytime before said user was deleted. The problem I'm having is finding a nice way of keep track of old associations as well as querying on those old associations.
If I have a connecting table between Users and Organizations, I could just add a new row with the new associations between a User and the Organization the user belongs to, and query on the old ones based on the date, but I really don't have any elegant way of doing this, everything just feels ugly. I was just wondering if anyone has dealt with anything like this before, and maybe had a solution they had already implemented. Thanks.
From a modeling point, the relationship sounds like the one between Employee and Employer, namely Employment. This would hold a reference to both Employee and Employer along with some notion of the TimePeriod (ie, startDate and end Date). If you wanted to query 'active' employees then they are all the ones with a startDate <= Now() && endDate >= Now(), 'terminated' employees have endDate < Now(), etc.
I can't tell in your case what the relationship is between Users and Organizations, and what makes the relationship start and end, but a concept similar to Employment, Membership, Enrollment or Contract is likely there. When you say daily attendance, is it not daily over a period of time? The time period is the basis for your queries.
Hope that helps,
Create an is_deleted field so that you can still query those "deleted" users, but modify your code so that they will behave everywhere else as if they are deleted. Then you never need to actually delete the row and lose data.
There are a number of plugins that keep track of revisions to models, including their associations. Take a look at this search for revision-related plugins.
