grails gsp test evaluates to false, but block is still rendered. Why? - grails

I'm baffled with Grails test operator.
This expression:
<g:if test="${!(preferences.displayOption.equals('ANA') || preferences.displayOption.equals('FLOP'))} ">
${!(preferences.displayOption.equals('ANA') || preferences.displayOption.equals('FLOP'))}
How can that be? I'm printing the exact same condition I'm testing for!
even though I'm certain the test condition evaluates to 'false' because it prints false in the very next line, the statements inside the g:if are being rendered.
Anu ideas as to what's going on.

I think the problem is the trailing space after the final } in your test. The string "false " evaluates to true, whereas "false" will appropriately interpreted as false by the if tag.

Try removing the extra space after the closing } in the test attribute. You can view the generated groovy source by adding "?showSource=true" to the url in development mode.
The extra space causes it to create a String "false " which evaluates to true.


How to detect if a field contains a character in Lua

I'm trying to modify an existing lua script that cleans up subtitle data in Aegisub.
I want to add the ability to delete lines that contain the symbol "♪"
Here is the code I want to modify:
-- delete commented or empty lines
function noemptycom(subs,sel)
progress("Deleting commented/empty lines")
for s=#sel,1,-1 do
if line.comment or line.text=="" then
for z,i in ipairs(noecom_sel) do noecom_sel[z]=i-1 end
return noecom_sel
I really have no idea what I'm doing here, but I know a little SQL and LUA apparently uses the IN keyword as well, so I tried modifying the IF line to this
if line.text in (♪) then
Needless to say, it didn't work. Is there a simple way to do this in LUA? I've seen some threads about the string.match() & string.find() functions, but I wouldn't know where to start trying to put that code together. What's the easiest way for someone with zero knowledge of Lua?
in is only used in the generic for loop. Your if line.text in (♪) then is no valid Lua syntax.
Something like
if line.comment or line.text == "" or line.text:find("\u{266A}") then
Should work.
In Lua every string have the string functions as methods attached.
So use gsub() on your string variable in loop like...
('Text with ♪ sign in text'):gsub('(♪)','note')
...thats replace the sign and output is...
Text with note sign in text
...instead of replacing it with 'note' an empty '' deletes it.
gsub() is returning 2 values.
First: The string with or without changes
Second: A number that tells how often the pattern matches
So second return value can be used for conditions or success.
( 0 stands for "pattern not found" )
So lets check above with...
local str,rc=('Text with strange ♪ sign in text'):gsub('(♪)','notation')
if rc~=0 then
print('Replaced ',rc,'times, changed to: ',str)
-- output
-- Replaced 1 times, changed to: Text with strange notation sign in text
And finally only detect, no change made...
local str,rc=('Text with strange ♪ sign in text'):gsub('(♪)','%1')
if rc~=0 then
print('Found ',rc,'times, Text is: ',str)
-- output is...
-- Found 1 times, Text is: Text with strange ♪ sign in text
The %1 holds what '(♪)' found.
So ♪ is replaced with ♪.
And only rc is used as a condition for further handling.

How to show String new lines on gsp grails file?

I've stored a string in the database. When I save and retrieve the string and the result I'm getting is as following:
This is my new object
Testing multiple lines
-- Test 1
-- Test 2
-- Test 3
That is what I get from a println command when I call the save and index methods.
But when I show it on screen. It's being shown like:
This is my object Testing multiple lines -- Test 1 -- Test 2 -- Test 3
Already tried to show it like the following:
But still the same thing.
Do I need to replace \n to or something like that? Is there any easier way to show it properly?
Common problems have a variety of solutions
1> could be you that you replace \n with <br>
so either in your controller/service or if you like in gsp:
2> display the content in a read-only textarea
<g:textArea name="something" readonly="true">
3> Use the <pre> tag
4> Use css white-space
<div class="space">
//css code:
.space {
Also make a note if you have a strict configuration for the storage of such fields that when you submit it via a form, there are additional elements I didn't delve into what it actually was, it may have actually be the return carriages or \r, anyhow explained in comments below. About the good rule to set a setter that trims the element each time it is received. i.e.:
Class Advice {
String advice
static constraints = {
advice(nullable:false, minSize:1, maxSize:255)
* In this scenario with a a maxSize value, ensure you
* set your own setter to trim any hidden \r
* that may be posted back as part of the form request
* by end user. Trust me I got to know the hard way.
void setAdvice(String adv) {
${raw(adviceInstance.advice?.encodeAsHTML().replace("\n", "<br>"))}
This is how i solve the problem.
Firstly make sure the string contains \n to denote line break.
For example :
String test = "This is first line. \n This is second line";
Then in gsp page use:
${raw(test?.replace("\n", "<br>"))}
The output will be as:
This is first line.
This is second line.

Looking for guide line about Razor syntax in mvc

i am learning mvc just going through online tutorial
1) just see <span>#model.Message</span> and #Html.Raw(model.Message)
suppose if "Hello Word" is stored in Message then "Hello Word" should display if i write statement like
<span>#model.Message</span> but i just could not understand what is the special purpose about #Html.Raw(model.Message).
what #Html.Raw() will render ?
please discuss with few more example to understand the difference well.
2) just see the below two snippet
#if (foo) {
<text>Plain Text</text>
#if (foo) {
#:Plain Text is #bar
in which version of html the tag called was introduce. is it equivalent to or what ? what is the purpose of
this tag ?
just tell me about this #:Plain Text is #bar
what is the special meaning of #: ?
if our intention is to mixing text with expression then can't we write like Plain Text is #bar
3) <span>ISBN#(isbnNumber)</span>
what it will print ? if 2000 is stored in isbnNumber variable then it may print <span>ISBN2000</span>. am i right ?
so tell me what is the special meaning of #(variable-name) why bracket along with # symbol ?
4) just see
<span>In Razor, you use the
##foo to display the value
of foo</span>
if foo has value called god then what this ##foo will print ?
5 ) see this and guide me about few more syntax given below point wise
a) #(MyClass.MyMethod<AType>())
Func<dynamic, object> b =
#b("Bold this")
c) <div class="#className foo bar"></div>
6) see this
string SayWithFunction(string message)
return message;
#helper SayWithHelper(string message)
Text: #message
#SayWithFunction("Hello, world!")
#SayWithHelper("Hello, world!")
what they are trying to declare ? function ?
what kind of syntax it is ?
it seems that two function has been declare in two different way ? please explain this points with more sample. thanks
Few More question
Func<dynamic, object> b = #<strong>#item</strong>;
<span>This sentence is #b("In Bold").</span>
what the meaning of above line ? is it anonymous delegate?
when some one will call #b("In Bold") then what will happen ?
var items = new[] { "one", "two", "three" };
tell me something about List() function and from where the item variable come ?
var comics = new[] {
new ComicBook {Title = "Groo", Publisher = "Dark Horse Comics"},
new ComicBook {Title = "Spiderman", Publisher = "Marvel"}
please explain briefly the above code. thanks
1) Any kind of #Variable output makes MVC automatically encode the value. That is to say if foo = "Joe & Dave", then #foo becomes Joe & Dave automatically. To escape this behavior you have #Html.Raw.
2) <text></text> is there to help you when the parser is having trouble. You have to keep in mind Razor goes in and out of HTML/Code using the semantics of the languages. that is to say, it knows it's in HTML using the XML parser, and when it's in C#/VB by its syntax (like braces or Then..End respectively). When you want to stray from this format, you can use <text>. e.g.
#foreach (var item in items) {
Here you're messing with the parser because it no longer conforms to "standard" HTML blocks. The </li> would through razor for a loop, but because it's wrapped in <text></text> it has a more definitive way of knowing where code ends and HTML begins.
3) Yes, the parenthesis are there to help give the parser an explicit definition of what should be executed. Razor makes its best attempt to understand what you're trying to output, but sometimes it's off. The parenthesis solve this. e.g.
If you only had #Foo defined as a string, Razor would inevitably try to look for a bar property because it follows C#'s naming convention (this would be a very valid notation in C#, but not our intent). So, to avoid it from continuing on we can use parenthesis:
A notable exception to this is when there is a single trailing period. e.g.
Hello, #name.
The Razor parser realizes nothing valid (in terms of the language) follows, so it just outputs name and a period thereafter.
4) ## is the escape method for razor when you need to actually print #. So, in your example, you'd see #foo on the page in plain text. This is useful when outputting email addresses directly on the page, e.g.
Now razor won't look for a variable.
5) You're seeing various shortcuts and usages of how you bounce between valid C# code and HTML. Remember that you can go between, and the HTML you're seeing is really just a compiled IHtmlString that is finally output to the buffer.
By default, Razor automatically html-encodes your output values (<div> becomes <div>). #Html.Raw should be used when you explicitly want to output the value as-is without any encoding (very common for outputting JSON strings in the middle of a <script>).
The purpose of <text> and #: is to escape the regular Razor syntax flow and output literal text values. for example:
// i just want to print "Haz It" if some condition is true
#if (Model.HasSomething) { Haz It } // syntax error
#if (Model.HasSomething) { <text>Haz It</text> } // just fine
As of #:, it begins a text literal until the next line-feed (enter), so:
#if (Model.HasSomething) { #:Haz It } // syntax error, no closing '}' encountered
// just fine
#if (Model.HasSomething)
#:Haz It
By default, if your # is inside a quote/double-quotes (<tr id="row#item.Id"), Razor interprets it as a literal and will not try to parse it as expression (for obvious reasons), but sometimes you do want it to, then you simply write <tr id="row#(item.Id").
The purpose of ## is simply to escape '#'. when you want to output '#' and don't want Razor to interpret is as an expression. then in your case ##foo would print '#foo'.
a. #(MyClass.MyMethod<AType>()) would simply output the return value of the method (using ToString() if necessary).
b. Yes, Razor does let you define some kind of inline functions, but usually you better use Html Helpers / Functions / DisplayTemplates (as follows).
c. See above.
As of Razor Helpers, see

How can I customize this if statement?

I want to show "not selected" when if !#user.user_profile.prefecture.blank? was blank.
How can I customize this code?
controller if !#user.profile.prefecture.blank?
You could use the ternary operator, which is slightly verbose:
#user.profile.prefecture.blank? ? "Not selected" :
Or, if prefecture is actually nil/not-nil, get rid of the blank?:
#user.profile.prefecture ? : "Not selected"
Finally, you could get slightly more fancy with try and ||, which most proficient Ruby developers will find quite readable:
#user.profile.prefecture.try(:name) || "Not selected"
Like this
if #user.profile.prefecture.blank?
'not selected'
1- An object is blank if it’s false, empty, or a whitespace string
2- Unless statement code to execute unless condition false
"Not selected" unless !#user.profile.prefecture.blank?
Explain: #user.profile.prefecture.blank? will return true everytime that #user.profile.prefecture it’s false, empty, or a whitespace string for what the negation operator transforms that into false so the unless code section can be executed.
This approach it's very 'Ruby' to me and should be pretty easy to understand.

Request parameter if struts2 if tag

I have another probably basic problem. happy if u can help.
there is a request parameter 'action'. if I write :
<label><s:property value="%{#parameters.action}"/></label>
the value appears (it is 1)
So itry to test now :
<s:if test="%{#parameters.action == '1'}">YES 1</s:if><s:else>NOT 1</s:else>
NOT 1 appears.
I have tries all the syntaxes I found on the net for the test. Nothing changes, NOT 1 still displays
Thank you
This is because:
the value of %{#parameters.action} is an array, not a single value, and
the value will be type-converted to a number (not sure why; need to look in to that)
The correct expression would be:
<s:if test="%{#parameters.action[0] == 1}">YES 1</s:if><s:else>NOT 1</s:else>
The correct expression would be:
<s:if test="#parameters.action[0] == 1">YES 1</s:if><s:else>NOT 1</s:else>
The request parameters is a map of [Strinf, String[]], So you have to access it like above
