mean image filter - image-processing

Starting to learn image filtering and stumped on a question found on website: Applying a 3×3 mean filter twice does not produce quite the same result as applying a 5×5 mean filter once. However, a 5×5 convolution kernel can be constructed which is equivalent. What does this kernel look like?
Would appreciate help so that I can understand the subject better. Thanks.

Marcelo's answer is right. Another way of seeing it (more easy to think it first in one dimension) : we know that the mean filter is equivalent to a convolution with a rectangular window. And we know that the convolution is a linear operation, which is also associative.
Now, applying a mean filter M to a signal X can be written as
Y = M * X
where * denotes convolution. Appying the filter twice would then give
Y = M * (M * X) = (M * M) * X = M2 * X
This says that filtering twice a signal with a mean filter is the same as filtering it once with an equivalent filter given by M2 = M * M. Now, this consists of applying the mean filter to itself, what gives a "smoother" filter (a triangular filter in this case).
The process can be repeated, (see first graph here) and it can be shown that the equivalent filter for many repetitions of a mean filter (N convolutions of the rectangular filter with itself) tends to a gaussian filter. Further, it can be shown that the gaussian filter has that property you didn't found in the rectangular (mean) filter: two passes of a gaussian filter are equivalent to another gaussian filter.

3x3 mean:
[1 1 1]
[1 1 1] * 1/9
[1 1 1]
3x3 mean twice:
[1 2 3 2 1]
[2 4 6 4 2]
[3 6 9 6 3] * 1/81
[2 4 6 4 2]
[1 2 3 2 1]
How? Each cell contributes indirectly via one or more intermediate 3x3 windows. Consider the set of stage 1 windows that contribute to a given stage 2 computation. The number of such 3x3 windows that contain a given source cell determines the contribution by that cell. The middle cell, for instance, is contained in all nine windows, so its contribution is 9 * 1/9 * 1/9. I don't know if I've explained it that well, so I hope it makes sense to you.

Actually I believe that 3x3 twice should give:
[1 2 3 2 1]
[2 4 6 4 2]
[3 6 9 6 3] * 1/81
[2 4 6 4 2]
[1 2 3 2 1]
The reason is because the sum of all values must be equal to 1.


Numerical roundoff error in bilinear alternation leads to infeasibility

We are trying an alteration optimization strategy to solve Lyapunov problems.
We break down our decision variables into two sets, Set 1 and Set 2.
We were perplexed how it was possible that, after getting a solution to Set 1, and plugging in those solved variables into the optimization over Set 2, the transferred variables would not be feasible.
The constraints that fail are those due to the SOS coefficient matching equality constraints.
Here, we print in each row the constraint that failed, and the value of our Initial Guess. We can see that the Initial Guess is off only a very small amount compared to the constraints.
(2 * Symmetric(97,40) + 2 * Symmetric(96,41)) == 9.50028
(2 * Symmetric(97,47) + 2 * Symmetric(96,48)) == 234.465
(2 * Symmetric(97,54) + 2 * Symmetric(96,55)) == -234.463
(2 * Symmetric(97,61) + 2 * Symmetric(96,62)) == 12.7962
(2 * Symmetric(97,68) + 2 * Symmetric(96,69)) == -12.7964
(2 * Symmetric(97,75) + 2 * Symmetric(96,76)) == -51.4061
(2 * Symmetric(97,81) + 2 * Symmetric(96,82)) == 51.406
(2 * Symmetric(97,86) + 2 * Symmetric(96,87)) == 192.794
(2 * Symmetric(97,90) + 2 * Symmetric(96,91)) == -141.924
(2 * Symmetric(97,93) + 2 * Symmetric(96,94)) == -37.6674
InitialGuess V_sos and
Our guess for what's happening is:
When you extract the solution from one optimization using result.GetSolution(var), you lose some precision.
Or, when you set the previous solution using prog.SetInitialGuess(np_array) you lose some precision.
What's the solution here? Should we just keep feeding the solution back in even though it says infeasible?
This is a partial cookbook when I debug SOS problem, especially when working with Lyapunov problems:
Choose the right monomial basis
The main idea is to remove the 0-th order monomial 1 from the monomial basis of the sos polynomial. Here is a quick explanation:
The mathematical problem is
Find λ(x)
−Vdot − λ(x) * (ρ − V) is sos
λ(x) is sos
Namely you want to prove that V≤ρ ⇒ Vdot ≤ 0
So first I would suggest to re-write your dynamics to make sure that 0 is the goal state (you can always shift your state).
Second you can see that since x=0 is the equilibrium point, then both V(0) = 0 and Vdot(0) = 0 (Because x=0 is the global minimal of V(x), hence ∂V/∂x=0 at x=0, indicating Vdot(0) = 0), now your sos polynomial p(x) = −Vdot − λ(x) * (ρ − V) must satisfy p(0) = -λ(0) * ρ. But λ(x) >= 0 and ρ > 0, so we know λ(0) = 0.
If a sos polynomial s(x) satisfies s(0) = 0, then its monomial basis cannot contain the 0-th order monomial (namely 1).
Remember that s(x) is a sos polynomial, namely
s(x) = m(x)ᵀQm(x)
where m(x) contains the monomial basis, and Q is a psd matrix. Now let's decompose the monomial basis m(x) into two parts, the 0-th order monomial 1 and the remaining monomials mbar(x). For example, if m(x) = [x1, x2, 1], then mbar(x) = [x1, x2]. We also decompose the psd matrix Q accordingly
s(x) = [mbar(x)]ᵀ [Q11 Q10] [mbar(x)]
[ 1] [Q10 Q00] [ 1]
Since s(0) = Q00 = 0, we also know that Q10 = 0, so now we can use a smaller psd matrix Q11 rather than Q. Equivalently we write s(x) = mbar(x)ᵀ * Q11 * mbar(x), where mbar(x) is the monomial basis that doesn't contain the 0-th order monomial, QED.
So why removing the 0-th order monomial from the monomial basis and use the smaller psd matrix Q11 is a good idea when your sos polynomial s(x) satisfies s(0) = 0? The reason is that if the monomial basis contains 1, then your psd matrix Q has to be on the boundary of the psd cone, namely your SDP problem doesn't have a strict interior. This could leads to violation of Slater's condition, which also breaks the strong duality. One example is that if your s(x) = x², by including the 0'th order monomial, it is written as
x² = [x] [1 0] [x]
[1] [0 0] [1]
And you see that the Gram matrix [[1 0], [0, 0]] is on the boundary of the psd cone (with one eigen value equal to 0). But if you remove 1 from the monomial basis, then its Gram matrix is just Q11=1, strictly in the interior of the psd cone.
In Drake, after removing 1 from the monomial basis, you can create your sos polynomial λ(x) as
lambda_poly, lambda_gram = prog.NewSosPolynomial(monomial_basis)
whee monomial_basis doesn't contain the 0-th order monomial.
Backoff during bilinear alternation
This is a typical problem in bilinear alternation. The issue is that when you solve a conic optimization problem with an objective function, the optimal solution always occurs at the boundary of the cone, namely it is very close to being infeasible. Then when you fix some variables to this solution at the cone boundary, in the next iteration the problem is very likely infeasible due to numerical roundoff error.
A typical solution is that after solving the optimization problem on variable Set 1 with an objective, now "backoff" a little bit by solving a feasibility problem on variable Set 1. This new solution is often strictly feasible (namely it is inside the strict interior of the cone), now pass this strictly feasible solution Set 1 to the next iteration and search for Set 2.
More concretely, suppose at one iteration you solve the following optimization problem
min c'*x
s.t constraint_on_x
and denote the optimal cost as p. Now solve a new feasibility problem
find x
s.t c'*x <= p + epsilon
where epsilon can be a small positive number. This new solution will be used in the next iteration to search for a different set of variables.
You can check if your solution is on the boundary of the positive semidefinite cone by checking the Eigen value of your psd matrix. Here is the pseudo-code
for binding : prog.positive_semidefinite_constraints():
psd_sol = result.GetSolution(binding.variables())
psd_sol.reshape((binding.evaluator().matrix_rows(), binding.evaluator().matrix_rows()))
print(f"minimal eigenvalue {np.linalg.eig(psd_sol)[0].min()}")
You should see that before doing this "backoff" some of the minimal eigen value is almost 0. After "backoff" the minimal eigen value gets larger.

Vectorization of FOR loop

Is there a way to vectorize this FOR loop I know about gallery ("circul",y) thanks to user carandraug
but this will only shift the cell over to the next adjacent cell I also tried toeplitz but that didn't work).
I'm trying to make the shift adjustable which is done in the example code with circshift and the variable shift_over.
The variable y_new is the output I'm trying to get but without having to use a FOR loop in the example (can this FOR loop be vectorized).
Please note: The numbers that are used in this example are just an example the real array will be voice/audio 30-60 second signals (so the y_new array could be large) and won't be sequential numbers like 1,2,3,4,5.
[rw col]= size(y); %get size to create zero'd array
y_new= zeros(max(rw,col),max(rw,col)); %zero fill new array for speed
shift_over=-2; %cell amount to shift over
for aa=1:length(y)
if aa==1
y_new(aa,:)=y; %starts with original array
y_new(aa,:)=circshift(y,[1,(aa-1)*shift_over]); %
fprintf('\nfinally Done-elapsed time -%4.4fsec- or -%4.4fmins- or -%4.4fhours-\n',toc,toc/60,toc/3600);
y_new =
1 2 3 4 5
3 4 5 1 2
5 1 2 3 4
2 3 4 5 1
4 5 1 2 3
Ps: I'm using Octave 4.2.2 Ubuntu 18.04 64bit.
I'm pretty sure this is a classic XY problem where you want to calculate something and you think it's a good idea to build a redundant n x n matrix where n is the length of your audio file in samples. Perhaps you want to play with autocorrelation but the key point here is that I doubt that building the requested matrix is a good idea but here you go:
Your code:
y = rand (1, 3e3);
shift_over = -2;
clear -x y shift_over
[rw col]= size(y); %get size to create zero'd array
y_new= zeros(max(rw,col),max(rw,col)); %zero fill new array for speed
for aa=1:length(y)
if aa==1
y_new(aa,:)=y; %starts with original array
y_new(aa,:)=circshift(y,[1,(aa-1)*shift_over]); %
my code:
clear -x y shift_over
n = numel (y);
y2 = y (mod ((0:n-1) - shift_over * (0:n-1).', n) + 1);
gives on my system:
Elapsed time is 1.00379 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.155854 seconds.

How to find same edges of two paths?

A path is represented by a vector, containing node id. The edge in the path has direction.
Given two paths, for example : <1,6,11,7,2,5 ...> and <3, 4, 8, 2, 7,3, 1,6...>, here <1,6> is the same edge. Sometimes the edges are successive, some times not. It's better to put a flag between these edges. For example,
(1,2) * (5,7,9) * (6,11,12), are same edge 1->2, 5->7,7->9, 6->11, 11->12, but there is no edges from 2 to 5 or 9 to 6. So put a '*' or other symbol as a flag.
Is there anyone has some ideas? I will be appreciate it.
Assuming each node has only one incoming and one outcoming edge.
Call P1 the first path of length n and P2 the second path of length m. You can turn P2 into a hashmap startEdge -> endEdge (e.g <3,4,5> would become [3->4, 4->5]).
Then for each element of P1, say number i, you compare P1(i+1) to Hashmap(key= P1(i)). If the hashmap doesn't have the key or has it but with a different value, you don't have a common edge, otherwise you do.
(If you have multiple edges for one node, values of hashmap can be Sets of Ints, and you would check whether P1(i+1) is contained within Hashmap(key=P1(i))).
Here's an example solution in Clojure:
(defn same-edges [& paths]
(->> paths
(map (comp set (partial partition 2 1)))
(apply clojure.set/intersection)))
So, for each path (map over all paths), you partition the path into 2-element subpaths (using a step of 1 to get all pairs of adjacent items), then calculate the set of all unique pairs attained from that partition. Then you find the intersection of all those sets.
(same-edges [1 6 11 7 2 5] [3 4 8 2 7 3 1 6])
;=> #{(1 6)}
In other words, the set of shared edges between the two paths represented by the vectors [1 6 11 7 2 5] and [3 4 8 2 7 3 1 6] contains only one item: the pair (1 6).

AR model lattice implementation

I'm trying to go through the procedure of Speech Synthesis via AR model, or LPC synthesis, IIR all-pole filter model, what ever you call it.
The main idea is to get the auto-correlation(AR) coefficient and estimate error, then use the AR coefficients to filter the estimated error, we can get the reconstructed signal.
data = [1 2 1 3 5 1 2 5];
% auto correlation coefficients
a = lpc(data, 4);
% estimated signal
est = filter([0 -a(2:end)],1,data);
% estimated error
e = data - est;
% reconstructed signal
rec = filter(1,a,e);
You will see that rec == data exactly.
Now comes my question.
I'm trying to convert the model into Latices implementation. After looking up the Matlab reference, it turned out that I should use
to convert the transfer function into lattice implementation and
to use the lattice to filter the data.
Simply repeating the procedure above just doesn't work.
So I'm looking for help in the following aspects:
1) Example on using the tr2latc and latcfilt function to perform a complete procedure of building the filter.
2) Example on using a lattice implementation to perform a voice reconstruction.
Well, finally I got the answer.
From a transfer function, we can get the lattice implementation coefficients. Then filter it with latcfilt.
a = [1 3 1 4 4];
[k v] = tf2latc(1,a)
x = [1 2 1 3 4 1 5];
Then you can see that the two filter gives the same result.

Image Convolution with Mirror Boundary Condition

Just a simple question related to image convolution boundary conditions. As every knows, there are several types of image convolution boundaries, among which symmetric condition is widely accepted. My question is: where do we put the “mirror” when performing convolution? More specifically, I give the following example:
Image matrix is [1 2 3], and the kernel is [ 1 1 1 1 1]. Then the mirrored image with regard to this kernel should be [ 3 2 1 2 3 2 3] or [ 2 1 1 2 3 3 2]?
Each edge needs to be mirrored independently. Your second example is the correct one.
