Change SIFR font color after page load - sifr

Simple questions.
Can you change the color of sIFR after the flash has been applied?
I have a bit of a Google, but can't seem to find anything. Only people not being able to set the color initially.

I don't know about sIFR, but on a side note, I'd heavily recommend CSS 3 embedded fonts over the aesthetically displeasing sIFR, which is inaccessible, slow and can't be copied along with selected text.

As Delan mentioned, I would suggest not using sIFR anymore. With the browsers currently in use, you have pretty decent CSS support. Convert your TTF to EOT for older versions of Internet Explorer, using this tool for example:
Then use this CSS. In this case my font is called Techno:
font-family: Techno;
src: url("/Techno.eot") /* EOT file for IE */
font-family: Techno;
src: url("/Techno.ttf") /* TTF file for CSS3 browsers */
This covers recent Safari (3.1+ afaik), Firefox (3.5+) and Opera versions. Mobile Safari doesn't do this, but wait, it doesn't do Flash either :)

Well, after contacting the font companies, it seems I can use cufon (with the purchase if another license, which is the same as sIFR anway). S0. I have decided to go with cufon...


Custom font works on a desktop browser not a mobile device

I want to include a custom font in a website I'm working on. When I went to test it, it was rendering just fine on my Macbook but not my iPhone.
I have been declaring them in my stylsheet like this:
#font-face {
font-family: JosenfinSans;
src: url("./fonts/JosenfinSans-Bold.ttf") format("truetype");
font-weight: bold; }
Is there anything that I have been doing wrong?
Looks like are you loading the font from a local directory on your laptop which is not present on your phone. Suggest you source it from Google Fonts This way it should work for all devices.

iOS8 Safari icon fonts not loading until browser refresh

I have some icon fonts in an #font-face declaration in my styles that do not show in Safari iOS until the user chooses to refresh the page. The project is built on ember, so refreshes will never happen if the user does explicitly do it themselves. I know the icon fonts are loading because they show on refresh, but Safari just disregards them until I do. I have searched for days for a solution but can't find anything that works.
Has anyone run into this issue with a solve?
=== EDIT ====
here is my #font-face declaration for reference:
#font-face {
font-family: 'designcenter';
src:url('../fonts/designcenter.eot?#iefix-s17jdf') format('embedded-opentype'),
url('../fonts/designcenter.woff?-s17jdf') format('woff'),
url('../fonts/designcenter.ttf?-s17jdf') format('truetype'),
url('../fonts/designcenter.svg?-s17jdf#designcenter') format('svg');
So after some experimenting and changing, I found that if I took the value of designcenter out of quotes, either single or otherwise across the project, it seems to consistently work.
So just as a recap, iOS8 Safari cannot handle quotes for font face values. I hope this helps out anyone in the future.

Google web fonts on ipad

I am using some Google web fonts for my website, Arabic fonts, from here
I import these fonts in my css
#import url(;
#import url(;
The fonts work just fine everywhere but not on ipad. I tried to google the issue and I came up with this Stack question that suggests SVG. Any clues on how to get SVG for Google web fonts? Thanks
I solved it, Google fonts don't have SVG format in their defaults of these fonts, I had to download them and get the SVG format, re-include my fonts and it worked well so far on iPad Peek, with test them and get a final feedback
I haven't read all of the terms of use, but they give you access to download the font. I believe you can then take that font to Font Squirrel and it will generate you the font types you need (and CSS #font-face styles) so you can self-host the font yourself.

What can I change the default font in themeroller to?

I'm working with jQuery Mobile and I'm building my theme using ThemeRoller. I see that the default is set to be Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif but instead of giving other options it allows me to write in my own. Is there a way to implement any font that I like or am I only restricted to web safe fonts? I assume that it would allow anything being CSS3 based but once again, I am stumped on how to implement.
You can specify your own font names, but if they're not web-safe fonts you'll have to include #font-face rules separately.

Google Web Fonts don't load in Chrome for iOS

When I use Google Webfonts, they load fine on every browser I care about, EXCEPT Chrome/iOS. This seems odd, as it works fine on Chrome for Mac and Safari for iOS, so I don't think it's an iOS problem or a Google Chrome problem. It seems to be specific to Chrome/iOS.
Any ideas, or ideas on HOW to troubleshoot this, would be great!
I am using Google Web Fonts hosted on Google, with the following:
<link href="" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
In my font (SASS), I am using the following:
font-family: "Leckerli One", cursive
I'm seeing the same issue. Hosting the font files on my own server and rewriting the #font-face rules to match solved the issue for me, both with my local dev server and in prod.
I don't know the cause; my best guess would be some same-origin issue that's enforced differently in UIWebViews (iOS Chrome being a UIWebView due to App Store rules).
You can use the Google Fonts API Loader which will detect the user's browser and send back appropriately formatted CSS.
Sample code is available in the first response on this Stack Overflow question.
This will allow both Safari and Chrome (and other UIWebView-based browsers) to display the font correctly.
Note: if you want to store the fonts locally, as #Dave suggested, this CSS should work.
IOS devices use TTF formats only (or OTF if they follow the developer guidelines below). That font is being served as WOFF, EOT and OTF (assumably not following the guidelines) . There are some services that will give you other versions. Try specifying the font using #font-face and see if that fixes the issue! Fontsquirrel has an #font-face generator to do the heavy lifting.
In regards to the follow up question. There are some developer documentation from Apple on their implementation of TrueType Fonts. It can be found here. Essentially, TTF formats store the font as sfnt resources. The only other font format that can do this is OpenType's offset table sfnt wrapper. Because IOS reads fonts using sfnt wrappers, you will run into issues with fonts that are not stored in this way. (Sorry for all the jargonny talk).
In the CSS you may use
#font-face {
font-family: 'Monda' !important;
font-style: normal !important;
font-weight: 400 !important;
src: local('Monda Regular'), local('Monda-Regular'), url( format('woff') !important;
In case anyone else still sees this issue - a font not loading in Chrome on iOS 9 or older - double check that the font is imported as a css file, and not as a js file. will give you the option to import fonts as js, which won't get picked up on Chrome / iOS 9 or below. Changing my import to css fixed this for me.
For me works add in php page:
<style type="text/css">
#import url('');
#import url(',100i,200,200i,300,300i,400,400i,500,500i,600,600i,700,700i,800,800i,900,900i');
I've got similar problem with UIWebView lately. I made additional changes to both iOS app and web source, nothing helped.
Finally fixed it by simply changing Google Font's link to https.
