Spring Web Service - spring-ws

I want Spring Webservice program in details. I have visited many websites , no website is providing me in proper. I want that program to be detailed and clear explained. It is better if you use any one of the Netbeans of Eclipse Ganymade IDE's

Please look at a very simplified post on how to build web services using Spring-WS[Title: Building a web service with Spring-WS] at


Can I integrate jbpm in .net web application

I am very new to JBPM.
I've a .net MVC based web application to which I need to integrate JBPM.I am not able to find any sample application or tutorial where I can see these details.
If you want to integrate your non-Java application with jBPM, you can use KIE Server. It is a lightweight application with embedded jBPM engine which can be deployed for example on Tomcat. You can then make use of its REST API to run business processes, complete human tasks, etc.
Yes, you can, but keep in mind that integration is limited - you still have to create process models in kie-workbench.
You can use API for starting and completing a process and getting a variety of informations about process state. You can also extend API by your own functionality. We are working on such integration so feel free to ask me any questions, but please be more specific - at least provide information what for JBPM will be used in your system, and what functionalities you want to integrate.

Box.com Service Account access

All box.com's api's read to require OAuth 2.0 using only Authorization Token grant types. I have a back end system that needs to upload a file to a box.com system. However, I do not understand how a back end system is suppose to integrate, when the authorization flow requires user "approval" to get a token.
Anyone ever done this? I am attempting to integrate a java mule app. I attempted to use the components, but they plain do not work at all, they break the entire anypoint studio. Now I am trying to utilize the http component to make the call but I am losing my patience with it.
please help, I am pretty much ready to drop kick this laptop and live in the woods.
Integration with public online API requires a little study, a little coding, and a little testing. I'm not saying it's easy. Take a look here at a Mule component I've recently created that communicates with Toggl, an online timekeeping service.
Your question requires a lot of discussion but it's best answered with example. If Box does not provide a Mule component, you can create one yourself.
The HTTP connector is not going to authenticate or perform any operations at Box for you. The HTTP connector provides the HTTP endpoint (URL entry and browser return). To authenticate your application with Box and call API operations, you'll need to do some work.
This is the high-level recipe for my solution with Toggl service (example)
Update your Anypoint Studio with Mule Connector DevKit software
Create an Anypoint Connector project in Anypoint Studio (Eclipse)
My connector provides multiple methods to process and these are used with different instances of the component (connector) in my use flow.
My TogglDataAPIHandler.java makes various checks to see if the application (Mule) is authenticated before making calls to the Application Programming Interface (API). The API is provided by Box so that developers (people writing code) can communicate with the service outside of the web browser. There's no simple answer here. You will have to do some coding. My component/connector is only an example of one way to do this (communicate programmatically with the API).
Build and install the connector(component) locally so that we can see it in the Mule Design Palette.
Drag as many of our new component (Anypoint connector) as needed into our flow canvas.
Test the flow.
I hope that helps. Take a look at my Github repo and Mule Connector. There's a wealth of information in anyone's code. But, integration with an API requires code. You can also search the Exchange for a Box connector. If you find one, then your life is simpler. You still need to read this thoroughly:

Looking for a secure and robust STS implementation

I am faced with a project that uses custom authentication via a WCF service that returns a set of claims based on some data identifying a user, close to user name and password. Then on top of this, I have a custom STS, derived from Microsoft.IdentityModel.SecurityTokenService, that resides in an ASP.NET web site project. This project looks like it was created with the VS2010 template, and not carefully had-crafted.
My gut feeling, and lots of on-line advice tell me that this web site STS project is very far from production ready. I am now looking for an MVC based STS that I can use in anticipation of being production ready. TinkTecture's IdentityServer looks promising, but it is so much more than simply implementing a custom derivation of SecurityTokenService, I have no idea where to start. If somebody could steer me toward an open project or walk-through that does this, or offer some guidance as to where and how I can start extending or modifying Identity Server, that would be great.
Have you looked at Thinktecture.IdentityServer v3? I'm at the moment using it and very simple to use.
It is still in Beta but RTM will be available soon. It has good documentation and samples too.
Identity Server 4 is also available. It supports cross-platform deployment with .NET Core.
Have you looked at the MSDN article by Michele Leroux Bustamante?
It's a little old and based on WCF, but it has code accompanying it.
Building A Custom Security Token Service
If you want ASP.NET based example, Microsoft published this:
ASP.NET Security Token Service Web Site
There's also this STS project on CodePlex.

JTAPI (Avaya) with MVC

I was wondering if somebody could answer my questions as I have not used JTAPI before.
I am working on a project where the requirement is to click a link on the MVC website and integrate the call to AVAYA phone (i.e. make phone call using handset via the website)
I have also looked at the Microsoft TAPI but looks like there is no integration with Avaya available with TAPI.
Does anybody know how can I use JTAPI with .Net MVC ? I was assuming it would be an API which I can call from my website but it looks more complicated then it sounds.
Please suggest :)
You may use Avaya DMCC. It has an implementation for .NET
But beware the Avaya licensing policy! DMCC may require extra licenses.
To use JTAPI from ASP.NET you have to use Java classes from .NET
Can you use Java libraries in a VB.net program?
I would suggest create an Applet in JTAPI and then integrate in any webapplication whether php,.net I recently did the same thing for my PHP web application.
As #Krishna said with an Applet you could designe your soluciĆ³n, designe that i used to do... Buut now and Day Applets have less support over browsers and they have be come a problem than a solution. The way that i found to solve this issue was use HTML5 with Websocket. In this way i create a Windows Service or daemon (for Linux) to handle JTapi session and create a websocket server Layer, and implement the websocket to create the view int he Asp.net view.
Avaya AES does expose a basic web api providing some basic functionalities which you can call directly from your MVC application, but if you need something more advance, then arguably the best solution would be to build a small Java servlet which you will host on something like Tomcat or JBoss which will expose a SOAP or REST API, which you can call from your MVC app.

Blackberry - Consume .Net Soap Service

I am new to blackberry app development and was wondering if someone could point me in the right direction(and may be a sample application) of how to consume web service in native apps. I'm using Blackberry JDE plugin for Eclipse.
I am able to consume a restful webservice, but now I want to consume a SOAP service. I am new to eclipse , so I would require in detail information.
I followed this none-ksoap2 route and it worked well for me:
This series of articles explains how to utilise the support the BlackBerry Platform has built in for JSR 172, the J2ME Web Services Specification, by creating a java stub class through the use of a utility in the Sun Java Wireless Toolkit for CLDC and the wsdl for your web service.
The articles give a very thorough and detailed explanation of the steps required to achieve the objective, so I would not wish to repeat them here in full, nor paraphrase them at the risk of my debased shorter version being quoted later. I understand the risk of answering in this way, and I realise that my short explanation above will in no way compensate should the original articles disappear from the internet.
Hey thanks for all the help. Figured it out. The problem was wcf service. When I tried with a simple web service(.asmx), it worked like charm and all the stubs were generated correctly. Probably wcf uses Soap 1.2 default and asmx service SOAP 1.1.
I even tried using KSOAP2 for calling wcf service with little success. Again switching back to asmx instead of wcf, solved the issue.
Now I have problem of plenty, which method to use(KSOAP or Stub) :)
I am all for non KSOAP method, but the only thing that is stopping me is I have to generated stub files everytime a introduce a new method.
Anyways +1 for all the help
