custom yaml files not being seen in symfony - symfony1

I created a custom yaml handler, myRunnerConfigHandler, and placed it under
and created a new config_handler and placed it under
Now, under config_handler.yml,I placed my configuration for my new rundown:
class: myRundownConfigHandler
Basically, under each module, I want to have a yaml file under
However no rundown.yml files are being seen. Is there something else I need to do before rundown.ymls are seen?

Naming-issues? myRunnerConfigHandler VS myRundownConfigHandler ? I see you have them both in your example.


Geocortex Workflow Designer Upload File

i was tring to create a workflow with geocortex workflow designer that upload a file in folder.
So to do that, i create a Form that make a file picker and it returns a IList of FileItem.
than i would take the base64 data and write a file, but it show me an error:
Geocortex.Forms.Client.FileItem.Friend Property FileDataBase64 As
String is not accessible in this context beacause it is 'Friend'
the scope of my variable its Flowchart and i can't understand why this error
this error is showned even if i try to access te variable inside the form activity even outside.
thank's every one
It is probably a security related issue.
Make sure that your target directory is writeable by Geocortex workflow. Do a very basic test.
Again do every steps of the process in isolation, in order to pin-point the source of the problem.

How can I reference a script that is in my pages directory?

I'm trying to keep a good practice of keeping context together and in that regard, I like how Razor Pages forces you to place your view models next to its view. I'd like to do this with script files as well.
For example, if script is a bit large and is only used on this particular page, it may not be the cleanest thing to have it in a render section in the cshtml. Instead, I'd want to place it into its own .js file. But to keep the project easy to navigate for team members, I'd like to place that .js file in the same folder next to its view and view model. I'm not sure how to link that file, or if I even can. If I give src a path to the file, it is not found. Assuming that's because wwwroot is the only folder setup to host static files.
You can add an option to the StaticFilesProvider in your Configure method:
app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions()
FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(),"Pages")), RequestPath="/Pages"
See the documentation on Static Files in ASP.NET Core:

Create second property file from first property file using Maven

I have file in src/main/resources folder in project. It contents are
I have to create new file called which shall have below mentioned contents
As you can see , my file contents have been derived from's keys. so, for all keys in, I want to create which above mentioned contents.
I hope I am able to understand my requirement.
I searched over internet but could not find a way to do through Maven.
Please let me know if it is possible to do it through Maven.
Thanks in advance
I achieved this requirement through custom java code and maven exec plugin

overriding front template translations doesn't work

I'm working on prestashop and I'm Trying to override "order detail page" in front (customer's details orders).
This is how I did :
I copied file \controllers\front\OrderDetailController.php into folder \override\controllers\front\OrderDetailController.php
I copied also default template file order-detail.tpl into folder override/customtemplate/order-detail.tpl
And In OrderDetailController.php I have specified template directory like that
$this->setTemplate(_PS_OVERRIDE_DIR_ . '/themes/parfum_evo/order-detail.tpl');
I tried, it works fine except translations. Even watching the documentation, no test solution seems to work.
Could anyone help me? Thank you in advance :'(
The php override sits in the correct place. As for the other, you specified the path the override/customtemplate/order-detail.tpl but then placed it in override/themes/parfum_evo/order-detail.tpl. I take it as customtemplate is farfum_evo really, but you need to add another one named themes, after override, using that structure. I think. Because there is a hook named
Which should take care of this, while I believe setTemplate for controllers will always grab from the main theme folder

grails render tag: can't find file unless it's located in src/templates/scaffolding?

I tried to follow the example under "Shared Templates" here:
But this just plain didn't work. The tag I used was:
<g:render template="/includes/mySearch"></g:render>
I created a directory under the views called "includes" and created a gsp file, with a very basic form in it, named mySearch.gsp.
However, grails reported being unable to find the file: C:\springsource\sts-2.8.1.RELEASE\grails-1.3.7\src\grails\templates\scaffolding_mySearch.gsp
According to the documentation: "In this case you can place them in the root views directory at grails-app/views or any subdirectory below that location and then with the template attribute use a / before the template name to indicate the relative template path."
It would appear that this is exactly what I did, but grails was not looking there? Any advice?
Many thanks,
Template files need to be starting with an underscore. Therefore you need to rename your mySearch.gsp to _mySearch.gsp.
